KI :: Volume #11

#1047: I control my own life, not Heaven

Nearby manor and passes in great surprise, the previous second also sees the companion by Grand Master cultivation base, is bullying the little friend, occupied completely the winning side. 一旁的庄和通大惊,前一秒还看到同伴以宗师修为,在欺负小朋友,占尽了上风。 How a blink, did the situation reverse suddenly? 怎么一眨眼,形势就陡然逆转了呢? Moreover white is mark also as if in danger evidently? 而且看样子白纹似乎还有生命危险? He also pondered without enough time, flies the brick to keep off toward the Zu An back to pound directly together. 他也来不及思考,直接飞起一块板砖挡往祖安后背砸去。 He cannot look at the companion dead helplessly here. 他总不能眼睁睁看着同伴死在这里。 Feels the gold brick that is coming to get bigger and bigger, Zu An clenches teeth, won with the back met one, then a hand move, summoned Blue Luan in manor Hetong the top of the head directly. 感受着呼啸而来越变越大的金砖,祖安一咬牙,用后背赢生生接了一记,然后手一招,直接在庄和通头顶召唤出青鸾 This gold brick might strange big, was pounded one next two also to withstand, continuously pounded he does not die also wants the severe wound. 这金砖威力奇大,被砸一下两下还能承受,一直被砸他不死也要重伤。 Therefore must by the extreme time heavy losses opposite party, this be able to cope with Jane/simple Taiding with single-hearted devotion. 所以必须以在极端的时间重创对方,这才能专心对付简泰定。 Otherwise makes two people return collaborates pantingly, oneself on danger. 不然让两人回过气来联手,自己就危险了。 manor Hetong is just about to control the gold brick to continue to pursue, suddenly the whole body fine hair raises up, that flash he had the death fear. 庄和通正要控制金砖继续追击,忽然浑身汗毛竖起,那一瞬间他有了死亡的恐惧。 Quickly summoned the gold brick, simultaneously pulled out various magical artifact that pressed the bottom kept off in the top of the head. 急忙召唤回金砖,同时又掏出了压箱底的各种法器挡在头顶。 At this time innumerable sharp sword qi dropped from the clouds, seriously was arrows falling like the rain. 这时无数锋锐的剑气从天而降,当真是箭如雨下。 His these against movement technique almost only insisted several time of breath were then shot through thoroughly, many sword qi pass through his whole body. 他那些防身法器几乎只坚持了几个呼吸的时间便被彻底射穿,不少剑气贯穿他全身。 !” manor Hetong the whole body braves the blood everywhere, this little while skill that gold brick successfully turns back in order to help friendly forces luckily finally, keeps off before the body, kept off remaining these sword qi. “噗!”庄和通浑身到处冒血,幸好这会儿功夫那块金砖终于成功回援,挡在身前,将剩下的那些剑气纷纷挡了下来。 The bonus is so, he is still seriously injured. 饶是如此,他依然还是身受重伤。 Swayed falls down directly, the one side form flew together fast, drew him behind. 摇摇晃晃直接倒在了地上,一旁一道身影快速飞来,将他拉到了后面。 The Zu An split vision sweeps, recognizing the opposite party is Tang Tianer, slightly hesitant, to manor Hetong take action, has not instead killed again full power to Jane/simple Taiding. 祖安余光一扫,认出了对方是唐甜儿,稍稍犹豫了一下,就并没有再对庄和通出手,反而全力杀向了简泰定。 Jane/simple Taiding clenched teeth, the whole body exuded a white light, the whole person snow and ice winding, was almost instantaneous skill around the body then presented thick glare ice. 简泰定一咬牙,浑身泛起一道白光,紧接着整个人冰雪缠绕,几乎是瞬间功夫自己周身便出现了一层厚厚的冰壳。 Usually is he uses this move to become the ice sculpture the enemy frozen, never expected that actually can only become the ice sculpture to defend oneself today frozen, in heart aggrievedly and can be imagined panic-stricken. 平日里都是他用这一招将敌人冻成冰雕,没想到今天却只能将自己冻成冰雕来防御,心中的憋屈与惊恐可想而知。 Rage Points of come from Jane/simple Taiding + 777 + 777 + 777...... 来自简泰定的愤怒值…… A Zu An brow wrinkle, this fellow shrank in the tortoiseshell, but also somewhat was really troublesome. 祖安眉头一皱,这家伙缩到了乌龟壳里,还真有些麻烦。 However he does not dare to the opposite party the opportunity of respite, on Tai'e Sword to ignite the flame of phoenix, then a wrist/skill revolution, the Tai'e Sword extreme twist, just like the drill bit to worm one's way into toward the present glare ice generally. 不过他不敢给对方喘息之机,泰阿剑上燃起了凤凰之炎,然后手腕一转,泰阿剑急速旋转,犹如钻头一般往眼前的冰壳钻了进去。 Under several heavy BUFF in addition holds, firm such as frost of profound iron also started to split, Tai'e Sword cuns (2.5 cm) insert slowly-. 在几重BUFF的加持之下,原本坚如玄铁的寒冰也开始裂开,泰阿剑一寸寸缓缓插-了进去。 Jane/simple Taiding the pupil play shrank, he has not thought sect gate practiced could not block the sword of opposite party to the strong defense unexpectedly! 简泰定瞳孔剧缩,他没想到宗门习来的至强防御竟然拦不住对方的剑! Must know that the common Fire Attribute cultivator flame bumps into such frost almost flash to be put out, fundamental being hard wound and slightest. 要知道寻常火系修行者的火焰碰到这样的寒冰几乎一瞬间就会熄灭,根本难以伤及分毫。 But the opposite party this time sword of actually in little enters toward, although the speed is very slow, but always has breaks through the ice layer the time. 可对方此时的剑却在一点点往里进,虽然速度很慢,但总有突破完冰层的时候啊。 His flame anything positive result! 他这火焰到底什么名堂! At this time he does not have the slight escape route, can only transport/fortune essence qi to keep reinforcing the own defense, whom looks at to consume anyone. 此时他也没有丝毫退路可言,只能运起元气不停地加固着自己的防御,看谁耗得过谁。 Pitifully just that sword too was only heavy to the injury that other party became, the meat opened even the bone to see, several bones cut off by sword qi, even the internal organs suffered the heavy losses. 只可惜刚刚那一剑给他造成的伤势实在太重了,肉翻开连骨头都看得到,好几根骨头都被剑气斩断,连内脏都受到了重创。 His present clothes robe had been soaked by the blood, because goes all out to stimulate to movement the origin power reason, his wound still keeps braving the blood outward. 他现在的衣袍已经被鲜血所浸湿,因为拼命催动元力的缘故,他的伤口依然不停地往外冒着血。 Trades to make ordinary cultivator, such heavy injury had passed away. 换作普通修行者,这么重的伤势早已一命呜呼。 He as Grand Master, the intensity and resilience of body naturally also unusual. 他身为宗师,身体的强度和恢复能力自然也非同一般。 However cultivator recovery speed limited, moreover must convalesce in secret room seclusion, flowered last more than half a year, could restore such injury. 但是修行者恢复速度是有限度的,而且必须是在密室闭关静养,花上大半年,也许能够恢复这样的伤势。 But he is fighting now, moreover to fight out, the speed that in this situation his injury restores could not even have kept up with the speed that non-stop bleeding. 可如今他正在战斗,而且是在拼命抵抗,这种情况下他伤势恢复的速度甚至还赶不上不停流血的速度。 He thought that in the head transmits an intermittent dizziness, he first time fear that felt the death. 他觉得脑袋中传来一阵阵眩晕,他第一次感觉到死亡的恐惧。 My solemn new Yunzhong County Duke, the big commanding officer in governor's headquarters, the hand grasps the northwest military power, turns the hand in Yunzhong County for the cloud turning over the palm for the great person of rain, must die unexpectedly, in doesn't know in the clever person hand of foundation? 我堂堂的新一任云中郡公,都督府的大都督,手握西北兵权,在云中郡翻手为云覆手为雨的大人物,竟然要死在一个不知根底的贼人手中? Moreover the opposite party even Grand Master is not! 而且对方甚至连宗师都不是! Thinks that here he is ashamed is vacant, is where this world has problems? 想到这里他又是羞愧又是茫然,是不是这个世界哪里出了问题? The instinct that but seeks livehood makes him condense surviving essence qi to defend diligently, but saw that fiery red sword is sharp getting more and more near, he despaired eventually. 可是求生的本能让他努力地凝聚着残存的元气防御着,可是看到那火红的剑尖越来越近,他终究还是绝望了。 He wants to open the mouth to negotiate with the opposite party, tells the opposite party the own status, makes the opposite party be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt using the own power, simultaneously can spare nothing to buy a life. 他想开口和对方谈判,告诉对方自己的身份,利用自己的权力让对方投鼠忌器,同时可以不惜任何代价买自己一条命。 What a pity is he is getting more and more weak at this time, even did not have the least bit strength to open the mouth. 可惜的是此时他越来越虚弱,甚至没有半点力气开口了。 Once because the opens the mouth, that air/Qi released, the own defense can disintegrate, the long sword of opposite party can pierce the heart instantaneously, what significance such begs for mercy also has? 因为一旦开口,那股气就泄了,自己的防御会土崩瓦解,对方的长剑会瞬间刺穿自己心脏,那样求饶又还有什么意义? At this time Zu An is just about to puncture in one vigorous effort the sword, suddenly the ice crystal shot from side together, hit above the Tai'e Sword sword blade. 此时祖安正要一鼓作气将剑刺进去,忽然一道冰晶从旁射了过来,打在了泰阿剑剑身之上。 The rapidness of speed, he responded radically without enough time. 速度之快,他根本来不及反应。 Ding! 叮! Sound of the sharp collision, mixes with treasure sword dragon to recite, in the field others covered the ear, only thought that the vitality seethes fiercely. 一声尖锐的碰撞之声,夹杂着宝剑的龙吟,场中其他人纷纷捂住了耳朵,只觉得气血翻腾得厉害。 Jane/simple Taiding around the body hard frost outer covering was also made the thorough smashing by this high-frequency sound. 简泰定周身坚硬的寒冰外壳也被这高频的声音弄得彻底粉碎。 But Zu An that bears the brunt almost acts bashful does not stop the long sword, whole person suddenly/violently to retreat returns. 而首当其冲的祖安更是差点拿捏不住手中长剑,整个人暴退而回。 Only thought that within the body essence qi surges, put out a blood just now to feel better, because of the reason of not abandoned sword, the fingers/tiger mouth place was just shaken the dripping with blood. 只觉得体内元气激荡,哇的一声吐出一口鲜血方才好受了些,因为刚刚不弃剑的缘故,虎口处更是被震得鲜血淋漓。 Ah Zu!” Qiu Honglei quickly arrives at side Zu An, high and low examines his injury, simultaneously grips his hand, transports therapy to him within the body essence qi continuously. 阿祖!”秋红泪急忙来到祖安身旁,上下查看他的伤势,同时握住他的手,将体内元气源源不断地输送过来给他疗伤。 Might as well.” Zu An comforted her two, by his body intensity and resiliency, although received the heavy wound, but does not have the life danger. “无妨。”祖安安慰了她两句,以他的身体强度和恢复力,虽然受了不轻的伤,但是并没有性命危险。 He turns the head to look at this time to nearby roof, saw only there to present a white clothing Daoist robe female. 他此时转头望向一旁的屋顶,只见那里出现了一个白衣道袍女子。 The female phoenix eyebrow light eye, the beautiful white skin red lips, figure yao yao, the lotus foot lightly, being situated in the eaves is state-of-art. 女子凤眉轻目,雪肤朱唇,身形窈窈,莲足轻点,立于屋檐尖端。 The Daoist robe is floating, as if the place from common custom walks, does not have smoke and fire aura, will let into have a liking for one also to feel the crime. 道袍飘飘,仿佛是从世俗之外的地方走来,不带一丝烟火气息,让入看上一眼也会感到罪过。 Clear such as the cheeks of jade cannot pick up a wee bit slight defects, but eye pupil some profound chilly, one type does not get angry from the imposing meaning of prestige. 晶莹如玉的脸颊挑不出一丁点瑕疵,只不过眼眸有些过于幽深清冷,有一种不怒自威的凛然之意。 Who is this woman?” Zu An some with amazement, because of the essence qi fluctuation of opposite party body sending out, seem like Great Grandmaster! “这女人是谁?”祖安有些骇然,因为对方身上散发的元气波动,似乎是大宗师 Sees that female, Jane/simple Taiding somewhat was obviously excited: Senior Sister!” 看到那女子,简泰定明显有些激动:“师姐!” Senior Sister?” The Zu An facial expression is strange, was this woman unexpectedly the Senior Sister of Jane/simple Taiding? “师姐?”祖安神情古怪,这女人竟然是简泰定的师姐? Today must end. 今天恐怕要完啊。 Grand Master added several Ninth Rank expert he to spell to go all-out, came Great Grandmaster again, that also hit. 一个宗师加几个九品高手他就已经拼尽全力了,再来一个大宗师,那还打个屁啊。 Be quiet! Disgraceful!” Female cold snort/hum of taoist nun appearance, has not placed in Jane/simple Taiding the eye obviously. “住嘴!丢人现眼!”那道姑模样的女子冷哼一声,显然没有将简泰定放在眼中。 Jane/simple Taiding lowers the head, in the eye flashes through color of the hatred, but actually does not dare to have the slight rebuttal. 简泰定低下了头,眼中闪过一丝怨毒之色,不过却不敢有丝毫反驳。 Zu An at this time actually very strange feelings, because this taoist nun gives him at present a very familiar feeling. 祖安此时却有一种非常奇怪的感觉,因为眼前这道姑给他一种非常熟悉的感觉。 It is not her looks looks familiar, but is her body that makings, there is unexplained familiar as well as warm feelings. 并非是她长得眼熟,而是她身上那股气质,有一种说不清道不明的熟悉以及亲切感。 Really damn, why will have such feeling? 真是见鬼了,为什么会有这样的感觉? At this time Jane/simple Taiding opened the mouth: Senior Sister, this person stole our secret intelligence, but also the exhausted Senior Sister helps me solve him.” 这时简泰定又开口了:“师姐,这人窃取了我们的机密情报,还劳烦师姐帮我解决掉他。” That outstandingly beautiful taoist nun said lightly: Your solemn Grand Master, exceeding rank counter kill, is almost let my take action now, feels all right?” 那绝色道姑淡淡地说道:“你堂堂一个宗师,差点被人越级反杀,现在还来让我出手,也是好意思?” Jane/simple Taiding the face heat, quickly said: I know that I lost master gate the face, but this matter is important, once divulges, loss that master gate suffering will also be unbearable, but also asked the Senior Sister to take the larger situation into account.” 简泰定老脸一热,急忙说道:“我知道我丢了师门的脸,不过此事事关重大,一旦泄露,师门也会遭受难以承受的损失,还请师姐以大局为重。” The Zu An heart jumps, behind did the don't tell me Jane/simple Taiding have a huge influence? 祖安心头一跳,难道简泰定背后还有一个庞大的势力? That outstandingly beautiful taoist nun silent a while, then looked to Zu An: Boy, I only have one move, the life and death all depending on the divine intervention.” 那绝色道姑沉默了一会儿,然后看向了祖安:“小子,我只出一招,生死全凭天意。” She finishes speaking, Zu An then felt that by powerful internal energy locking, the whole body fine hair was raised up. 她话音刚落,祖安便感觉到被一股强大的气机锁定,不禁浑身汗毛竖起。 Great Grandmaster is what concept, although she only has one move, but this move of necessity destroys the day to extinguish. 大宗师是什么概念,她虽说只出一招,但这一招必然毁天灭地。 However he actually does not fear, raises the sword to laugh horizontally before the body: I control my own life, not Heaven, the old taoist nun, you wants to kill me to be tender.” 不过他却丝毫不惧,提剑横于身前哈哈大笑起来:“我命由我不由天,老道姑,你想杀我还嫩了点。” The opposite party are fierce is also Great Grandmaster, but oneself the upfront and Earth Immortal have done a person, how many have in addition also experienced and Sovereign same level even must a higher character, how also to be fooled by Great Grandmaster? 对方再厉害也不过是个大宗师,自己可是正面和地仙干过架的人,再加上还见识过几个和皇帝同级甚至还要更高的人物,又岂会被一个大宗师就唬到? Moreover he said intentionally like this, the original intention also wants to enrage the opposite party, has a look at her details. 而且他故意这样说,本意也是想激怒对方,看看她的底细。 Sure enough, even if the serene female heard old taoist nun three characters also somewhat broken again against. 果不其然,哪怕再云淡风轻的女子听到“老道姑”三个字也有些破防了。 „Did good extremely arrogant boy, the must know medicine meet the like things side image formation, in the nihility about the nature, who in the world dares to say I control my own life, not Heaven? Does not know the immensity of heaven and earth simply!” “好一个狂妄的小子,须知药逢气类方成象,道在虚无合自然,世上谁又敢说我命由我不由天?简直不知天高地厚!” come from swallow Xuehen Rage Points + 122 + 122 + 122...... 来自燕雪痕的愤怒值…… The Zu An brow slightly wrinkle, swallow Xuehen, had not listened to this name before, after going back, asks that similar Jianren, he mingles among the Embroidered Building database to know for a long time. 祖安眉头微皱,燕雪痕,之前从没听过这个名字啊,回去后问问肖建仁,他长期混迹绣楼资料库应该知道。 Saw that taoist nun to want take action, Qiu Honglei quickly opened the hand to block in the Zu An facial expression: Swallow view lord, you are the senior of noble character and high prestige, how can also to younger generation take action!” 见那道姑要出手了,秋红泪急忙张开手拦在了祖安神情:“燕观主,你是德高望重的前辈,又怎能对晚辈出手呢!”
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