KI :: Volume #11

#1046: Good quick sword!

white mark and yellow mark look at each other one, saw the shock in opposite party eyes, has not expected the opposite party to start so to be unexpectedly resolute. 白纹和黄纹对视一眼,都看出了对方眼中的震惊,万万没料到对方下手竟然如此果决。 „Do you know that what consequence like this makes?” The white mark man voice ice is cold. “你知不知道这样做有什么后果?”白纹男子声音冰寒刺骨。 Consequence was you can chat with me now calmly.” Zu An shrugged with a smile. “后果就是你们现在能心平气和和我聊天了。”祖安笑着摊了摊手。 White mark black robe: „......” 白纹黑袍:“……” Yellow mark black robe: „......” 黄纹黑袍:“……” Rage Points of come from Jane/simple Taiding + 244 + 244 + 244...... 来自简泰定的愤怒值…… come from manor Hetong Rage Points + 133 + 133 + 133...... 来自庄和通的愤怒值…… In does the world really have the so rampant person? 世上竟然有如此嚣张之人? Zu An was happy immediately, because originally these fellow each and everyone wear the mask to bind in the black robe, but how also has a headache to know that their status, all expose finally now. 祖安顿时乐了,本来因为这些家伙一个个戴着面具裹在黑袍中,还头疼如何知道他们的身份呢,结果现在全曝光了。 Without thinking of the white mark black robe person was Jane/simple Taiding, as for this manor Hetong, should be the person in Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce. 没想到白纹黑袍人就是简泰定啊,至于这个庄和通,应该就是镇远商会的人了。 Courts death!” Jane/simple Taiding could not bear eventually, figure flashed already flew the Zu An body before the midair, in the hand were many a long sword, obviously just experienced his false, did not dare to oppose the enemy negligently empty-handed. “找死!”简泰定终究忍不住,身形一闪已从半空中飞到祖安身前,手中多了一把长剑,显然刚刚见识了他的虚伪,也不敢大意空手对敌。 Zu An will be similar to a jade profound big wave of beach mud to throw the Qiu Honglei under foot: Helps me watch him.” 祖安将如同一滩烂泥的玉玄涛扔到秋红泪脚下:“帮我看住他。” Then summoned Tai'e to puncture toward the opposite party. 然后召唤出泰阿往对方刺了过去。 Two people frequent each other to fight instantaneously more than ten moves, Zu An discovered no matter how each time the own sword changes, the opposite party as if can know in advance ahead of time generally dodges, then counter-attacks rapidly. 两人瞬间你来我往交手十几招,祖安发现每次不管自己的剑如何变招,对方仿佛能提前预知一般闪避过去,然后再迅速反击。 If not his movement technique is exquisite, perhaps already move. 若非他身法精妙,恐怕早已中招了。 This is don't tell me the Grand Master divine soul ability? 难道就是宗师神魂的能力么? Zu An knows Grand Master except to be able, in the sky hovers beside, when cultivation divine soul, fight basically will have the foreknowledge future ability, will therefore want the stabbing opposite party is quite difficult. 祖安知道宗师除了可以在天空翱翔之外,还修炼神魂,战斗时基本上都有预知未来的能力,所以要刺中对方是相当困难的。 At this time the shock of Jane/simple Taiding was not under Zu An, he can be clear that has not arrived at Grand Master the sensation to cultivation base of opposite party, past time bumped into Grand Master following cultivator, he basically can steamroll win. 此时简泰定的震惊丝毫不在祖安之下,他能清楚感知到对方的修为没到宗师,以往的时候碰到宗师以下的修行者,他基本都能碾压式获胜。 Even sometimes does not need take action, can the town/subdues result in the opposite party unable to speak depending on the pressure. 有时候甚至不需要出手,光凭威压都能镇得对方说不出话来。 Finally to this person, he does not have the least bit to keep the hand at present, even also puts forth killing move several times, was avoided with extremely mysterious movement technique by the opposite party. 结果对上眼前这人,他并没有半点留手,甚至还使出好几次杀招,都被对方用极为玄奥的身法避开。 Evildoer/Monstrous talent where this fellow comes? 这家伙是哪里来的妖孽? Felt that opposite party movement technique is exquisite, Jane/simple Taiding deliberately considered that your cultivation base is inferior to me, therefore adopted the tactic of meeting the tough head-on with toughness. 感觉到对方身法精妙,简泰定寻思你修为不如我,于是采取了硬碰硬的战术。 Who knows that engages in hand-to-hand combat with the opposite party with great difficulty, oneself transfer the strength of the world to move mountains to well up, is thinking all of a sudden its heavy losses, who knows that these wild strengths as if by black hole suction generally, vanished quickly without a trace. 谁知道好不容易和对方短兵相接,自己调动天地之力排山倒海涌过去,本想着一下子将其重创,谁知道那些狂暴的力量仿佛被一个黑洞给吸走了一般,很快消失得无影无踪。 But the counter-attack of opposite party, became compares all of a sudden was more powerful before, that wild strength obviously was he just summoned to come. 而对方的反击,一下子变得比之前强大了很多,那狂暴的力量明显是他刚刚召唤而来的。 „Can this fellow absorb my skill to come the by other say/way also body?” Jane/simple Taiding that was struck to make the vitality surges, controls one's breathing the aura with great difficulty evenly. “这家伙能吸取我的功力来以彼之道还施彼身?”简泰定被那一击弄得气血翻腾,好不容易才将气息调息均匀。 Snort, I thought that you can attract many!” He does not dare with the opposite party near body combat, to fly again in the air. “哼,我看你能吸多少!”他不敢再和对方近身作战,重新飞到了空中。 Both hands lift slowly, in the hand the sword floats before the body buzzes, fearful pressure scatter in all directions. 双手缓缓抬起,手中剑浮在身前嗡嗡作响,一股股慑人的威压四散开来。 Nearby manor Hetong criticizes one, this was must our chamber of commerce destroying. 一旁的庄和通暗骂一声,这是要将我们的商会给毁了啊。 His hurried revolution internal energy, is protecting behind building and chamber of commerce people. 他急忙运转气机,保护着身后的建筑以及商会众人。 At this time the air becomes severely cold incomparable, the stopped heavy snow as if appeared at this time in the air, but also along with cold wind of howling. 此时空气变得严寒无比,原本早已停下的大雪此时似乎又出现在了空中,还伴随着呼啸的寒风。 Almost is blinks skill, these cold winds and snowflakes about in the same place, formed two giant snowstorms, attacked toward Zu An one on the left and other on the right. 几乎是眨眼功夫,那些寒风和雪花合在一起,形成了两股巨大的暴风雪,一左一右往祖安攻了过去。 The place visited, the roof lifts tile simultaneous/uniform flying, several people of joint holding big trees were twisted the fragment directly, even the green slat ground of chamber of commerce was also blown. 所过之处,屋顶掀开瓦片齐飞,数人合抱的大树直接被绞成碎片,连商会的青石板地面也被刮了起来。 Nearby manor and passes controls the gold brick to block the complementary waves that the snowstorm scatters in all directions, do not cause a bigger damage to the chamber of commerce, while some doubts, this move of might is indeed huge, generally uses in the battlefield copes with army in groups. 一旁的庄和通一边控制着金砖挡住暴风雪四散的余波,不要给商会造成更大的伤害,一边有些疑惑,这一招威力的确巨大,一般是用在战场上对付成群的军队。 The snowstorm place visited, elite thousand people of army will be destroyed directly. 暴风雪所过之处,一支精锐的千人军阵都会被直接毁灭。 But now goal, only then a person, moreover thief movement technique is wise, dodging is also quick, this move is not necessarily able the hit opposite party. 可是如今目标只有一人,而且那贼人身法高明无比,闪避又快,这一招未必能命中对方啊。 However his quick pupil shrinks, saw that in that snowstorm surface goes toward Zu An, actually a corner attacked toward Qiu Honglei actually. 不过他很快瞳孔一缩,看到那暴风雪表面上往祖安而去,实际却一拐弯往秋红泪攻了过去。 He understood the plan of Jane/simple Taiding immediately, since the goal is good at hiding, that attacks it to rescue, making him have no way to hide. 他立马明白了简泰定的打算,既然目标擅长躲,那就攻其必救,让他没法躲。 This move was extremely really mean. 这一招实在太过卑鄙了些。 Bullied the weak did not say, but also worked as the hostage with the opposite party. 以大欺小不说,还拿对方当人质。 But manor Hetong is also clear, this move quite useful, is almost the non-solution open intrigue. 但庄和通同样清楚,这一招相当有用,几乎是无解的阳谋。 Really causes a good and evil Qiu Honglei by some chance, doesn't fear the Yun Jianyue retaliation? 只是万一真把秋红泪弄出个好歹来,也不怕云间月报复? At this time Zu An actually had no time to consider so many, saw the opposite party snowstorm the goal is Qiu Honglei, his mood has not fluctuated slightly. 这时候祖安却无暇考虑那么多,看到对方暴风雪的目标是秋红泪,他并没有丝毫情绪波动。 The hostile parties must win the opposite party, naturally can stop at nothing, even if the enemy, commended secretly this move is quite wise. 敌对双方要赢对方,自然会无所不用其极,哪怕身为敌人,也暗暗称赞这一招极为高明。 At this time Qiu Honglei also responded, quickly held up the Changxin Palace Lantern self-help, but she and Jane/simple Taiding cultivation base disparity was too big, the naked eye could not defend obviously. 此时秋红泪也反应过来,急忙举起了长信宫灯自救,只不过她和简泰定修为差距太大,肉眼可见地防不住。 Zu An figure flashes, has kept off before her body, then the double hand-held sword, takes the sword as the pivot, a flame ascension of phoenix appearance, charges into the snowstorm that threatened to come. 祖安身形一闪,已经挡在了她身前,然后双手持剑,以剑为支点,一支凤凰模样的火焰升腾而起,冲向了那气势汹汹而来的暴风雪。 Snowstorm and flame phoenix bang hit one, the surrounding these guards were shaken immediately unstaily, remains the dealer and passes somewhat cannot withstand, keeps withdrawing in the future its point. 暴风雪和火焰凤凰轰的撞到了一起,周围的那些侍卫顿时被震得东倒西歪,连庄和通也有些承受不住,不停地往后退避其锋芒。 A surrounding area several feet house collapses under that fierce shock-wave immediately loudly. 方圆十几丈的房屋在那剧烈的冲击波下顿时轰然倒塌。 If not manor Hetong protects with hardship, the entire Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce will fear about half to destroy under this will strike. 若非庄和通苦苦守护,整个镇远商会恐怕有近半会毁在这一击之下。 At this time Zu An of storm center is difficult, he after all is not Grand Master, but Jane/simple Taiding also not that type just stepped into Grand Master realm young, his big is killing move can it be that so also easy to meet? 此时风暴最中心的祖安更是艰难,他毕竟不是宗师,而简泰定也绝非那种刚踏入宗师境界的雏儿,他的大杀招又岂是那么容易接的? Quick that flame phoenix getting smaller, only shrank a around the body three chi (0.33 m) distance finally. 很快那火焰凤凰越来越小,最后只缩到了周身三尺的距离。 Ice cold sword qi that in that snowstorm contains the naked eye had left behind the innumerable injuries in his body obviously. 那暴风雪之中蕴含的凌冽剑气已经肉眼可见地在他身上留下了无数伤害。 But he has not retreated half-step, died to resist obstinately in front of Qiu Honglei. 只不过他始终没有退却半步,死死挡在了秋红泪面前。 Ah Zu!” The Qiu Honglei eye flood tears, she wants to come up the help, but had responded immediately come from oneself is very difficult to meddle such fight. 阿祖!”秋红泪眼泛泪光,她想上去帮忙,不过马上反应过来自己很难插手这样的战斗。 Therefore the foot, pulled jade profound big wave to jump another side sharp. 于是足尖一点,扯着玉玄涛跳到了另一边。 So long as avoided, Ah Zu does not need to meet opposite party killing move hardly. 只要自己躲开了,阿祖就不必硬接对方这一记杀招了。 Zu An also relaxes, will withdraw, at this moment, in the snowstorm appears suddenly wipes the cold light. Saw only Jane/simple Taiding to grasp the long sword from inside lasing. 祖安也松了一口气,正要撤走,就在这时,暴风雪中忽然出现一抹寒光。只见简泰定手持长剑从里面激射而出。 Because was covered the line of sight by the snowstorm, when sees clearly the opposite party, wants to hide already without enough time. 因为被暴风雪遮挡了视线,待看清对方之时,想躲已经来不及了。 Tittered one, the long sword of opposite party has passed through that flame to insert Zu An bosom directly. 噗嗤一声,对方的长剑已经直接穿过那火焰插进了祖安胸前 Ah Zu!” Qiu Honglei sees that eye of zi to crack, what a pity she just rushed to the distant place, rescues radically without enough time. 阿祖!”秋红泪见状目眦欲裂,可惜她刚跑到远处,根本来不及救援。 Jane/simple Taiding cold snort/hum: Brat, cultivating the behavior should not be too crazy!” 简泰定冷哼一声:“臭小子,做人不要太狂!” Told only half that he stares suddenly, because notices in not slightly panic the appearance to the square features, but visits him tranquilly . Moreover the corners of the mouth also rise slightly, seems like appearance that what scheme works. 说到一半他忽然一愣,因为注意到对方脸上并没有丝毫惊慌失措的样子,只是平静地看着他,而且嘴角还微微上扬,似乎是什么计谋得逞的样子。 At this time his divine soul warned crazily, in his mind appeared an opposite party sword to stab the own picture. 这时他的神魂疯狂示警,他脑海中浮现出对方一剑刺中自己的画面。 He quickly retrocedes, what a pity the long sword was firmly held by the hand of opposite party, cannot pull out. 他急忙后退,可惜长剑却被对方的手紧紧抓住,根本抽不出来。 This person received such heavy wound, how an influence no appearance?” Jane/simple Taiding startled greatly, at this time he could have ignored so many, the abandoned sword will withdraw, who knows that in the mind transmitted a severe pain suddenly, he as if noticed that a strange big bird crashed in oneself mind. “这人受了这么重的伤,怎么一点影响都没有的样子?”简泰定不由大骇,此时他已经顾不得那么多,正要弃剑后撤,谁知道脑海中忽然传来一阵剧痛,他仿佛看到一个古怪的大鸟冲进了自己脑海。 „!” Jane/simple Taiding called out pitifully, although was insufficient to be made consciousness to collapse by the opposite party, but there is a flash that in his whole person head a blank. “啊!”简泰定惨叫一声,虽然不至于被对方弄得神志崩溃,但有那么一瞬间,他整个人脑袋中一片空白。 He knows for sure to, quickly moved figure toward side. 他情知要遭,急忙往旁边挪动了一下身形 Where Zu An will let up such good opportunity, the direct sword light flashes. 祖安哪会放过这么好的机会,直接剑光一闪。 ! 噗! A Jane/simple Taiding body white method seal glittered, obviously triggers magical artifact that anything maintained life. 简泰定身上一道白色的法印闪烁了一下,显然是触发了什么保命的法器 Where what a pity cannot withstand Zu An to be ready strikes! 可惜哪里承受得住祖安蓄势待发的一击! A resounding, magical artifact disruption of body. 咔嚓一声脆响,身上法器碎裂。 Big group blood fog exploded in Jane/simple Taiding bosom, the severe pain made him sober finally, quickly displayed always studies the instantaneous violent to draw back dozens zhang (3.33 m). 紧接着一大团血雾在简泰定胸前爆开,剧痛让他终于清醒过来,急忙施展平生所学瞬间暴退了数十丈。 Is for the first time quicker than on the bed him! 比他第一次在床上都还要快! A he huge scar from shoulder slanting as cross as waist border, without maintaining life magical artifact, he had perhaps cleft in two. 他一条巨大的伤痕从肩头斜跨到腰际,若是没有保命法器,他恐怕早已被劈成了两半。 Zu An has not stood still, figure flashes to chase down again. 祖安没有丝毫停歇,身形一闪再次追杀过来。 Gets sick while him, wants him to assign/life! 趁他病,要他命! He was clear that after all are not Grand Master, although meets the tough head-on with toughness oneself not empty, but opposite party divine soul has become, can know in advance ahead of time the danger adds on again can fly for a long time in the space, oneself want to injure to him is very difficult. 他清楚自己毕竟不是宗师,虽然硬碰硬自己丝毫不虚,但是对方神魂已成,能提前预知危险再加上可以长期飞在天上,自己想伤到他十分困难。 Therefore just he pretended carelessness intentionally, chooses trades the fighting method of wound by the wound. 于是刚刚他故意卖了个破绽,选择以伤换伤的打法。 He passed through Grandmist Primordial Beginning Scripture tempering several times of bodies already hard incomparable, in addition the strong resiliency, therefore the similar injury affected on him not in a big way, was big on the trouble to Jane/simple Taiding! 他经过鸿蒙元始经淬炼数次的身体早已坚硬无比,再加上强大的恢复力,所以同样的伤势对他影响并没有多大,可是对简泰定来说就麻烦大了! ---- ---- Thank the book friend 58657930, dragon Xiao thin bamboo and young master leaf wicked, to excel by far the outstanding heroes , the book friend 59493808, being drunk fresh immortals and Attorney white 123 hundred degrees celsius, this world so many and book friend 59724312, azure books and mountains, urges the expert and Qi static, noon I to dance, book friend 58455677, book friend 59638347, book friend 59331845, I the person and whole world who waited for you, romantic sad story, to be the unprincipled person not to have the thief 15, book friend 59687073, non- mortal, liu623603, the book friend 59583337, sparse winds to comb the rain, to smile to sigh the red fatality of this world and book friend 59474979...... a series. 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