KI :: Volume #11

#1044: Poisonous

Tang Tianer shakes the head: I usually in am ineffective, whose they concrete are I do not know. However even if knows, is impossible to tell you.” 唐甜儿摇了摇头:“我平日里又不管事的,他们具体是谁我也不知道。不过就算知道,也不可能告诉你呀。” Zu An one wants also to be, moves to locate, oneself are impossible to tell the opposite party the truth, therefore has not closely examined again. 祖安一想也是,易地而处,自己也不可能告诉对方真相,于是也没再追问了。 At this time Tang Tianer also said: These days I also heard in the work places some baseless rumors, said that the county defends the Sir and Monster Race colludes, smuggles Origin Stone or prohibited commodity anything. The county defends the Sir to have me is not indefinite, but our Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce has not participated in this matter, but also looks at the young master to know.” 这时唐甜儿也说道:“这些日子我也听到坊间有些风言风语,说郡守大人和妖族勾结,走私元石或者违禁物资什么的。郡守大人有没有我不确定,但我们镇远商会是没有参与此事的,还望公子知晓。” Hasn't participated?” The Zu An facial expression is strange, „do that today's why these people get together in Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce? Moreover also has the officials involved.” “没有参与?”祖安神情古怪,“那今天为何这些人在镇远商会聚会?而且其中还有涉案人员。” Tang Tianer sighs: Chamber of commerce can do in a big way, always needs the friends on some say/way. Coming out to mix is not fighting and killing, but tasteful worldly wisdom. Helps busy of friend, even helps be provided institute of the asylum by the person of Royal Court chasing down, is the common matter.” 唐甜儿叹了一口气:“商会能做这么大,总是需要一些道上的朋友。出来混不是打打杀杀,而是讲究人情世故。帮一下朋友的忙,甚至帮一些被朝廷追杀之人提供一下庇护之所,也是常有的事。” Zu An said with a smile: I am also Imperial Envoy one, you were in front of my to say like this, did not fear governed the crime of your chamber of commerce?” 祖安笑道:“我好歹也是钦差一员,你当着我的面这样说,不怕治你们商会的罪么?” Tang Tianer snort/hum: I believe that you are not that ungrateful person.” 唐甜儿哼了一声:“我相信你不是那种忘恩负义之人。” Zu An thinks that the opposite party just helped himself, is not truly good to get angry does not recognize people. 祖安想到对方刚帮了自己,确实不好翻脸不认人。 Thinks the matter, in the mind appeared immediately just that influential picture, only felt the tip of the nose heat. 一想到刚才的事情,脑海中立马浮现出刚刚那极具冲击力的画面,只觉得鼻头都热热的。 You how?” Tang Tianer sees his look to stare at the lower abdomen strangely, some doubts asked. “你怎么了?”唐甜儿见他眼神古怪盯着自己小腹,有些疑惑地问道。 It‘s nothing.” The Zu An face heat, quickly changes the topic, who just entered that yellow mark black robe person in room is?” “没什么。”祖安老脸一热,急忙岔开话题,“刚刚进屋的那个黄纹黑袍人是谁?” Tang Tianer replied: Is my uncle, but who concrete is, I cannot tell you.” 唐甜儿答道:“是我一个叔叔,不过具体是谁,恕我不能告诉你。” Zu An also understands her, but actually does not believe some words that she spoke a moment ago, may know from that several people of chat contents, Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce was also involved obviously, was Yunzhong County the member of interest group, was not the innocent white lotus flower. 祖安倒也理解她,不过却并不怎么信她刚才说的一些话,从那几人聊天内容可知,镇远商会显然也参与到了其中的,是云中郡这边利益集团的一份子,绝不是什么无辜的白莲花。 Tang Tianer asked curiously: Right, where you obtained the news, said that murderer in Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce?” 唐甜儿好奇地问道:“对了,你是从哪儿得到消息,说那个凶手在镇远商会的啊?” Friend there must come, who as for concrete is, I cannot tell you.” Zu An replied quickly by the similar words. “一个朋友那里得来的,至于具体是谁,也恕我不能告诉你。”祖安很快以同样的话回答道。 Actually you did not say that I also know,” Tang Tianer smiles, mostly is the news that the people of Pegasus chamber of commerce disclosed. These year of Pegasus chambers of commerce have competed with us, is thinking displacing, it may be said that stops at nothing. The young master investigates them perhaps to have the harvest.” “其实你不说我也知道,”唐甜儿抿嘴一笑,“多半是飞马商会的人透露出的消息。这些年飞马商会一直和我们竞争,想着取而代之,可谓是无所不用其极。公子调查一下他们说不定会有收获。” In the Zu An heart moves, daytime time are truly investigating the Pegasus chamber of commerce, checking behind the eighth lunar month building is the Pegasus chamber of commerce, then checks rouge kou time, suddenly met Qiu Honglei, is this coincidence. 祖安心中一动,白天的时候自己确实是在调查飞马商会,查到桂月楼背后是飞马商会,然后去查胭脂蔻的时候,忽然就遇到了秋红泪,这到底是不是巧合呢。 At this moment, the distant place heard the intermittent noisy sounds, two people then look subconsciously, can see dark red one piece by the window. 就在这时,远处传来了阵阵喧嚣之声,两人下意识回头望去,透过窗户都能看到殷红一片。 Young Chan, what's the matter?” Tang Tianer quickly asked. “小婵,怎么回事?”唐甜儿急忙问道。 Outside maidservant replied: Returns to the young lady, probably some chamber of commerce rooms were on fire, the fire intensity is very big, now everyone hurried to put out a fire, many guards as if also ran toward that side.” 外面的丫鬟答道:“回小姐,好像是商会一些房间起火了,火势还很大,现在大家赶去救火了,很多侍卫似乎也往那边跑了过去。” Tang Tianer snort/hum: These days have the heavy snow, have the snow everywhere, which are so easy to catch fire . Moreover the such quick fire intensity increased, obviously some people set on fire intentionally.” 唐甜儿哼了一声:“这几日天降大雪,到处都还有积雪,哪是那么容易着火的,而且这么快火势就变大了,显然是有人故意纵火。” In Zu An heart one startled, oneself chatted here, almost forgot Qiu Honglei still to wait for him outside. 祖安心中一惊,自己在这边聊天,差点忘了秋红泪还在外面等着他。 Obviously is she sees inside sound, knows oneself were being searched, therefore attracts everyone to pay attention in another side arson. 显然是她看到里面的动静,知道自己正在被搜查,于是在另一边纵火吸引大家注意。 Thinks of here, he could not sit still again, quickly sets out saying: many thanks Tang miss today the graciousness of aid, another day settled generous reward......” 想到这里,他再也坐不住了,急忙起身道:“多谢唐姑娘今日援手之恩,他日定当厚报……” Also without saying then to be broken by the opposite party, Tang Tianer by the soft cot, the faint smile is looking at him slantingly: Does not know that what kind of generous reward you do prepare?” 还没说完便被对方打断,唐甜儿斜靠在软榻上,似笑非笑地望着他:“不知你准备怎样的厚报呀?” Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” All day long hits the wild goose, today is sexually harassed by a little miss unexpectedly? 终日打雁,今儿个竟然被一个小姑娘调戏了? He responded also quickly, immediately replied with a smile: „The life-saving efforts naturally needs to pledge yourself to repay.” 他反应也快,马上笑着答道:“救命之恩自然需要以身相许来报答。” Tang Tianer spat one: Bah, who cherishes.” 唐甜儿啐了一口:“呸,谁稀罕。” She works as the social butterfly in free and unfettered building these places year to year, naturally cannot, because this teased shy or the vitality/angry. 她常年在逍遥楼这些地方当交际花,自然不会因为这点调笑害羞或者生气。 What outside sets on fire is your companion?” Tang Tianer is pointing at the burning down direction. “外面放火的是你同伴吧?”唐甜儿指着火烧的方向。 Zu An nods, this also has nothing needs to conceal. 祖安点了点头,这倒也没什么需要隐瞒的。 You must walk anxiously, is it seems like your companion a woman?” Tang Tianer look narrows the eyes, as if smiles somewhat dangerously. “你这么急着要走,看来你那个同伴是个女人?”唐甜儿眼神微眯,似乎笑得有些危险。 Zu An looked at her one eyes: Miss gets to the root of a matter, is it possible that was jealous?” 祖安看了她一眼:“姑娘这么刨根究底,莫非吃醋了?” Bah, I eat what vinegar.” Tang Tianer waves, walks quickly walks quickly, but this time burnt down so many things, next time must make your friend compensate me.” “呸,我吃什么醋。”唐甜儿挥了挥手,“快走快走,不过这次烧毁了这么多东西,下次可得让你朋友赔我。” Zu An opens the window door, just before leaving then said with a smile: When the time comes helps you govern wound several times again.” 祖安打开窗门,临走时回头笑道:“到时候再帮你治伤几次。” Said that complete, figure has vanished during the night sharp. 说完足尖一点,身形已经消失在了黑夜之中。 Tang Tianer was actually treated wound two characters to make that the heart jumps crazily, recalled that initially entered in within the body chaotic skewer by his strange essence qi the situation, somewhat wants to stop but cannot seriously. 唐甜儿却被“治伤”两个字弄得芳心狂跳,回想起当初被他那古怪元气进入体内乱串的情形,当真是有些欲罢不能。 Because previous time treats after the wound, two people relations were bewilderedly closer, if not this, how this time will make the opposite party hide in own bath barrel. 就因为上次治伤过后,两人的关系莫名其妙亲密了许多,若非这样,她这次又怎会让对方躲在自己浴桶之中。 Let alone hid, before is, he went into the room to come to see to arrive at oneself body, changed into any other men, had been torn limb from limb by five horses. 别说躲了,就是之前他跑到房间来看到自己身子了,换成其他任何一个男子,早就被五马分尸了。 Yeah, felt that somewhat owed in a big way.” Tang Tianer is covering cheeks, more wants more to feel ashamed, draws nearby quilt to bury directly is one of them, rolls on the bed, two smooth legs trample in the air. “哎,感觉有些亏大了啊。”唐甜儿捂着脸蛋儿,越想越是羞人,直接拉过一旁的被子将头埋在其中,在床上滚来滚去,两条光溜溜的腿在空气中踹来踹去。 ...... …… And said another side, Qiu Honglei has been waiting outside the fence anxiously. 且说另一边,秋红泪一直在围墙外焦急地等着。 From the beginning fortunately, but, inside heard the heavenshaking sound, moreover there is a flame together to shoot up to the sky. 一开始还好,可过了一阵后,里面传来了震天的响声,而且还有一道火焰冲天而起。 Before in Imperial Palace, she Zu An rescued, sees Blazing Blade that the opposite party has displayed, therefore was quite familiar with this flame. 之前在皇宫之中,她被祖安相救之时,见过对方施展的火焰刀,所以对这火焰极为熟悉。 Erupted such big sound, obviously encountered the big problem. 爆发了这样大的动静,显然是遇到了大麻烦。 Her subconsciousness wants to go to aid, but felt the essence qi fluctuation of intermittent terrifying that flash transmits, at least is the confrontation of Ninth Rank, even Grand Master aura. 她下意识想进去接应,不过感觉到那一瞬间传来的阵阵恐怖的元气波动,至少都是九品的交锋,甚至还有宗师的气息。 Can become Demonic Cult Saintess, she naturally is not a stupid person, analyzed unable to help quickly in the past, instead will add to the chaos. 能当上魔教圣女,她自然不是笨人,很快分析出自己过去也帮不了什么忙,反而会添乱。 Therefore she gets a sudden inspiration, then goes into the goods warehouse in Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce to set on fire. 于是她灵机一动,便跑到镇远商会的货仓之中放火起来。 Can have the warehouse in chamber of commerce total rudder, the values of these goods can be inferred. 能被存在商会总舵里的仓库,那些货的价值可见一斑。 This place definitely guarded with large army, because just Zu An such a noisy, your family place many guards hurried to surround and capture him. 原本这种地方肯定是重兵把守,但刚刚因为祖安这么一闹,府上很多侍卫赶去围捕他去了。 Warehouse here defense was naturally void, in addition Qiu Honglei cultivation base, dealing with these people are easy. 仓库这边防卫自然就空虚了,再加上秋红泪修为,对付这些人手到擒来。 What only trouble is the recent day has the heavy snow, in addition warehouse place made various setting on fire measures, therefore she will make the big effort just now to burn down. 唯一麻烦的是最近天降大雪,再加上仓库这种地方做了各种放火措施,所以她花了好大的力气方才将火烧起来。 Thinks oneself lost so many time, she worried that side Zu An has had an accident, therefore does not dare to leave, goes into several other goods warehouses to set on fire, wants to do to be big to attract that side attention the sound. 想到自己耽误了这么多时间,她担心祖安那边已经出事了,于是不敢离开,跑到其他几个货仓放火,想将动静搞大起来吸引那边的注意。 Sure enough, quick has various guards, to protect institute expert to hear the news to catch up. 果不其然,很快就有各种侍卫、护院高手闻讯赶来。 Qiu Honglei is dealing with these people, actually does not dare easily to leave, was worried that cannot give Zu An that side diffusing pressure. 秋红泪应付着这些人,却不敢轻易离开,担心不能给祖安那边分散压力。 The result drags behind, quick angrily roars to transmit: Evildoer dares!” 结果拖到后面,很快一声怒吼传来:“贼子敢尔!” A gigantic gold brick patted toward her from the space rapid rotation directly. 一块硕大的金砖直接从天上快速旋转往她拍了过来。 She only thought that from head to toe by opposite party internal energy locking, was hidden does not know where toward hides. 她只觉得浑身上下被对方气机锁定,连躲都不知道往哪里躲。 Bites the red lip tightly, summoned that warm yellow lantern float in the top of the head, formed light light screen. 紧咬红唇,召唤出了那盏暖黄色的灯笼悬浮在了头顶,形成了一个淡淡的光幕。 That revolves the gold brick that comes to bump into that light screen rapidly, seemed actually decided in in the air. 那飞速旋转而来的金砖碰上那光幕,却仿佛被定在了空中。 Keeps buzzing, is actually not able to break through the defense of that matter light screen. 不停嗡嗡作响,却始终无法突破那层光幕的防御。 The yellow mark black robe person complexion of not far away changes: Changxin Palace Lantern?” 不远处的黄纹黑袍人脸色一变:“长信宫灯?” His hand move, that gold brick returned to his spacious show robe. 他手一招,那块金砖回到了他宽大的秀袍之中。 Although the opposite party is covered with the veil, but he has recognized the Qiu Honglei identity, does not dare really under Assassin to her, if destroyed Yun Jianyue that young married woman to go crazy he probably unable to withstand. 虽然对方蒙着面纱,但他已经认出了秋红泪的身份,可不敢真对她下杀手,万一打坏了云间月那婆娘发起疯来他可承受不住。 At this moment, facetious laughter transmits: tsk was tsk, the business does for a long time caused skill to lag behind, couldn't cope including a younger generation?” 就在这时,一个戏谑的笑声传来:“,是不是生意做久了导致功夫拉下了啊,连一个晚辈也对付不了?” Finishes speaking, a azure mark black robe old man appeared above not far away roof. 话音刚落,一个青纹黑袍老者出现在了不远处房顶之上。 The yellow mark black robe person criticized an idiot, this fellow is not in the rivers and lakes the person, without experiencing past Yun Jianyue has overawed the rivers and lakes the terrifying. 黄纹黑袍人暗骂了一声蠢货,这家伙不是江湖中人,没经历过当年云间月威震江湖的恐怖。 However he does not want to explain, making the opposite party suffer the hardship to say again: On your group of you.” 不过他也不想解释,让对方吃吃苦头再说:“你行你上啊。” On me on me.” That azure mark old man snort/hum, put out a hand directly a move, the Qiu Honglei body side surroundings ground surges suddenly. “我上就我上。”那青纹老者哼了一声,直接伸手一招,秋红泪身侧周围地面忽然涌动起来。 Thick tree roots emerge as the times require, then the above quick variation has the sharp thorn, changes to the thorn shackles instantaneously. 紧接着一棵棵粗大的树根破土而出,然后上面很快变异出尖刺,瞬间化作荆棘牢笼。 Qiu Honglei one startled, the foot sharp point then wants to leap the past, what a pity a vine entangled her ankle area unknowingly, pulled her again. 秋红泪一惊,足尖一点便想飞跃过去,可惜一条藤蔓不知不觉缠上了她的脚踝,重新将她扯了下去。 Her staggers, falls into the bird cage again, although has given way to traffic with every effort, was still stabbed by the above sharp thorn. 她一个踉跄,再次掉入樊笼之中,尽管已经尽力避让,依然被上面的尖刺刺中了一下。 A fierce ache transmits, Qiu Honglei stuffy snort/hum, Paralysis and dizziness transmission, her complexion changes: Poisonous!” 一股剧烈的疼痛传来,秋红泪闷哼一声,紧接着一股麻痹与头晕感传来,她不禁脸色微变:“有毒!”
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