KI :: Volume #11

#1043: White tiger life standard

Besides the white mark black robe continues to float from the sky monitors the audience, several other black robe people entered the room rapidly. 除了白纹黑袍继续浮在空中监视全场之外,其他几个黑袍人迅速进了屋。 The result has not walked several steps then to hear one to call out in alarm: „!” 结果没走几步便传来一声惊叫:“啊!” At this time that yellow mark black robe person also saw Tang Tianer in the bath barrel, frightened quickly closes the door, hints others not to come. 这时那黄纹黑袍人也看到了唐甜儿正在浴桶之中,吓得急忙关上门,示意其他人别进来。 Who makes you come in!” Tang Tianer Rage Points asked that the whole person closely hugged in bosom, the whole person shrinks under the water surface, only revealed the head to look angrily at the people. “谁让你们进来的!”唐甜儿愤怒值地质问道,整个人紧紧抱在胸前,整个人缩在水面之下,只露出了脑袋怒视着众人。 The yellow mark black robe person smiles bitterly saying: Young lady, today the thief listened secretly many secrets, must look for him. Moreover he runs up to nearby this, if alarmed the young lady is not good, we investigated a confirmation well safely.” 黄纹黑袍人苦笑道:“小姐,今天有一个贼人偷听到了很多机密,必须将他找出来。而且他跑到这附近,要是惊扰到了小姐也不好,我们来排查一遍确认安全也好。” Tang Tianer cold sound said: I had not seen here what thief comes, only saw your several on the contrary.” 唐甜儿冷声说道:“我在这里没看到有什么贼人进来,反倒只看到了你们几个。” The yellow mark black robe person replied: That person excels at the concealment whereabouts extremely, from the beginning we have not even detected, therefore young lady do not general idea/careless.” 黄纹黑袍人答道:“那人极为擅长隐匿行踪,一开始连我们都没察觉到,所以小姐切莫大意。” Several other people already, no matter Tang Tianer, searched in the room rapidly. 其他几人早就不管唐甜儿,迅速在房间中搜查了起来。 The room is not big, by several people of cultivation base, then inspected each place quickly. 房间并不算大,以几人的修为,很快便检查了各个地方。 Shakes the head, obviously had not found anything. 相互之间摇了摇头,显然都没找到什么东西。 At this moment, Tang Tianer body trembles suddenly lightly, a elegant face becomes red incomparable. 就在这时,唐甜儿忽然身子轻颤一下,一张俏脸变得通红无比。 Nearby azure mark old man walked, in a low, muffled voice asked: „Is your face so why red? Is the heartbeat so why quick?” 附近的青纹老者走了过来,瓮声瓮气地问道:“你的脸为什么这么红?心跳为何如此快?” Obviously by their cultivation base, the heartbeat that must hear clearly Tang Tianer is not difficult. 显然以他们的修为,要听清唐甜儿的心跳并不困难。 I am bathing, your several grown men rush, I can not blushing heartbeat!” Tang Tianer was angry immediately. “我在沐浴,你们几个大男人闯进来,我能不脸红心跳么!”唐甜儿顿时恼了。 Whose educated youth mark old man does not believe, instead arrived around the bath barrel, looks toward. 谁知青纹老者并不相信,反而走到了浴桶跟前,往里面望去。 What a pity the water surface is breaking surface a flower petal, cannot see the situation in water. 可惜水面上浮着一层花瓣,看不到水中的情形。 The aristocrat female to increase the body fragrance, will scatter the flower petal when bathing frequently, but scatters so many flower petals, is really extremely filthy rich. 贵族女子为了增加身上香气,经常会在沐浴时撒上花瓣,不过撒这么多的花瓣,实在是太过财大气粗。 „Do you do?” Tang Tianer was anxious, the whole person shrank shrinking downward, the water approached her lip quickly. “你干什么?”唐甜儿急了,整个人又往下缩了缩,水都快靠近她嘴唇了。 In that azure mark old man cape wears the mask, Tang Tianer cannot see clearly the opposite party appearance. 那青纹老者斗篷里戴着面具,唐甜儿也看不清对方样貌。 That azure mark old man had not replied, instead puts out a hand slowly, as if must open out the flower petal on water surface. 那青纹老者并没有回答,反而缓缓伸出了手,似乎要拨开水面上的花瓣。 At this time Tang Tianer cold sound said: That thief who you pursue is male or female?” 这时唐甜儿冷声说道:“你们追的那贼人是男的还是女的?” The azure mark old man is startled, obviously has not expected the opposite party to ask this, the subconsciousness replies: Male.” 青纹老者一怔,显然没料到对方会问这个,下意识答道:“男的。” Tang Tianer cold -ly snorted and said: You should not think that my appearance will hide a man under water under?” 唐甜儿冷哼道:“你该不会以为我这个样子会将一个男人藏在水底下吧?” The azure mark old man somewhat hesitates immediately, indeed does not gather the common sense. 青纹老者顿时有些犹豫,的确不合常理。 At this time Tang Tianer also said: I thought that you want to occupy me to be cheap taking this opportunity, one big lustful intent had not died the age, bah!” 这时唐甜儿又说了:“我看你是想借这个机会占我便宜,都一大把年纪了还色心不死,呸!” Several other people of also vision strange looked to the azure mark old man, this little miss bathed in the bath barrel, on the water surface had the flower petal unable to see her body. 其他几人也目光诡异地望向了青纹老者,这小姑娘在浴桶中沐浴,水面上有花瓣倒还看不见她的身体。 Without these flower petals, by their eyesights, to look at up her whole body. 如果没了这些花瓣,以他们的目力,岂不是将她全身都看光了。 Smelly girl!” The azure mark old man was anxious immediately, he does not want to bear this to be unjustly discredited greatly. “臭丫头!”青纹老者顿时急了,他可不想背上这口大黑锅。 At this time that yellow mark black robe person appeared keeps off before the bath barrel: Everyone, inside has inspected, the urgent matter goes to look for that thief, do not waste the time here.” 这时那黄纹黑袍人出现挡在了浴桶前:“各位,里面已经检查完了,当务之急是去把那贼人找出来,不要在这里浪费时间了。” Here after all is the domain in Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce, this face must, several people quick one after another, the most unwilling azure mark old man was not good to say anything again. 这里毕竟是镇远商会的地盘,这点面子还是要给的,几人很快鱼贯而出,连最不甘青纹老者也不好再说什么。 Disturbed.” That yellow mark black robe person nods to Tang Tianer, then also helps her close specially. “打扰了。”那黄纹黑袍人向唐甜儿点了点头,然后还特意帮她关上了门。 Quick outside broadcasts the sound that people successively leave, that girl named young Chan ran flustered. 很快外面传来人们陆陆续续离开的声音,那个叫小婵的丫头慌慌张张跑了进来。 Young lady, the young lady are you all right?” “小姐,小姐你没事吧?” Tang Tianer stared his one eyes ruthlessly: „Do so many men come in I to be all right?” 唐甜儿狠狠地瞪了他一眼:“这么多男人进来我能没事么?” „?” That young Chan was shocked, speech some are not agile, young lady you by them...... by them......” “啊?”那小婵惊呆了,说话都有些不利索了,“小姐你被他们……被他们……” Tang Tianer said ill-humoredly: Where you want to go, but I bathe was rushed by so many people, somewhat received frightening.” 唐甜儿没好气地说道:“你想哪儿去了,只是我沐浴的时候被这么多人闯进来,有些受到了惊吓。” Was saying was saying her complexion became red: You go out quickly, defend outside, if some people come in again, I sell the jasper work place you.” 说着说着她脸色又变红了:“你快出去,守在外面,要是再有人进来,我把你卖到碧玉坊去。” „, Does not want the young lady.” Young Chan was scared immediately. “啊,不要啊小姐。”小婵顿时吓傻了。 „Hasn't that guarded a gate quickly?” Tang Tianer stared her one eyes, if not for heard this girl to stop outside before diligently, just had such matter, perhaps she really meets properly to punish the opposite party. “那还不快去守门?”唐甜儿瞪了她一眼,若不是之前听到这丫头在外面努力阻拦了,刚刚发生那样的事,她说不定真会好好惩处一下对方。 When young Chan arrives at after out of the door, Tang Tianer will then move moving slightly in the future, lowers the head saying: You can come out.” 待小婵到门外过后,唐甜儿这才稍稍往后挪了挪,低头说道:“你可以出来了。” Crash-bang a water sound, Zu An crops up from the water, is cleaning water stain on face, while said submissively: „The many thanks miss rescues.” 哗啦一声水响,祖安从水中冒出头来,一边擦拭着脸上的水渍,一边拱手道:“多谢姑娘相救。” Tang Tianer the face side one side, the sound is but actually small, if the mosquito recited: You must really thank me, little looks at my two eyes.” 唐甜儿将脸侧倒一旁,声音小若蚊吟:“你要真的谢我,就少看我两眼。” Zu An then responded, was shameless one red, quickly jumped out of the bath barrel, turns around saying: Sorry!” 祖安这才反应过来,不禁老脸一红,急忙跳出浴桶,转过身去说道:“抱歉!” Is saying while revolution cultivation base, he is intimate with the water through Lan Fu naturally, therefore too had not just actually contaminated body juicily, quick clothes hair then dry such as beginning. 一边说着一边运转修为,他通过蓝凫对水天然亲近,所以刚刚其实并没有太多水沾染到身上,很快衣服头发便干燥如初了。 Because of the Lan Fu characteristics, therefore he hides in the water, binocular vision any was not affected completely, should see should not see that all saw. 正因为蓝凫的特性,所以他躲在水中,双眼视物完全不受任何影响,该看到的不该看到的,全看到了。 The opposite party were really white, even was white the tiny particle not to dye. 对方实在是太白了,白得甚至纤毫不染。 What under the lower abdomen displaces is a red design, is a bit like the flame, like a flower, extremely symmetrical fine, does not know that is mark of natural production comes up. 小腹下方取而代之的是一个红色的图案,有点像火焰,又像一朵花,极为对称精美,不知道是天然生成的还是纹上去的。 That really has the impulse, even if he has meditated discourteously does not be regarding discourteously does not think that picture still appears in the mind clearly. 那一幕实在是太有冲击力,哪怕他一直默念着非礼勿视非礼勿想,那画面依然清晰地出现在脑海之中。 Yeah, if she knows perhaps will kill me? 哎,要是她知道了恐怕会杀了我吧? Such matter said everyone to be awkward, he also can only remain silent. 这样的事情说出来大家都尴尬,他也只能保持沉默了。 At this time behind transmitted the sound of sound of water and rustling sound, obviously Tang Tianer in putting on clothes clothes. 这时身后传来哗哗的水声与悉悉索索的声音,显然唐甜儿在穿衣裳。 In order to reduce and solve in heart awkward, he takes out a pill to hand the back: This gives you.” 为了化解心中尴尬,他取出一粒药丸递到背后:“这个给你。” What is this? Also wants to feed me to take the toxicant?” The Tang Tianer resentful voice however conveys, obviously to be being been compelling still eats up „the leopard embryo Book of Changes pill the matter to take to heart initially. “这是什么?又想喂我吃毒药?”唐甜儿悻悻然的声音传来,显然还在为当初被逼吃下“豹胎易经丸”的事情耿耿于怀。 „The previous time is I am not good, truly should not compel the miss to eat up the toxicant, this time is indebted the miss to relinquish difference to rescue, gives you antidote specially.” Zu An said sincerely, the toxicant is false, this antidote is also naturally false, is completely ordinary nutritious medicinal pill. “上次是我不好,确实不该逼姑娘吃下毒药的,这次承蒙姑娘不计前嫌相救,特意将解药给你。”祖安诚恳地说道,毒药是假的,这解药自然也是假的,完全就是枚普通的滋补丹药而已。 However to let the opposite party felt relieved, this antidote must give. 不过为了让对方放心,这解药还是要给的。 Antidote?” Tang Tianer the waistband of tie cross skirt, while the faint smile is staring at that medicinal pill, this fellow has not known that I had been clear that leopard embryo Book of Changes pill is false. “解药?”唐甜儿一边系拢裙子的腰带,一边似笑非笑地盯着那枚丹药,这家伙还不知道我已经清楚那豹胎易经丸是假的了吧。 Also wants to deceive me! 还想骗我! However she has not pierced the opposite party eventually, walked took conveniently the stopper medicinal pill in the past to the bosom in: Calculates you conscientious.” 不过她终究没有戳穿对方,走过去将丹药拿了随手塞到怀中:“算你有良心。” Zu An relaxes, has turned round, saw only her to wear a loose white lined jacket skirt, reason that because just bathed, the flesh was fair and healthy-looking, the wet hair threw over at will in the shoulder, the whole person likes the fresh and beautiful ordinary simple and beautiful person seriously. 祖安松了一口气,回过身来,只见她穿了一件宽松的白色袄裙,因为刚刚沐浴的缘故,肌肤白里透红,湿漉漉的头发随意披在肩头,整个人当真是有如出水芙蓉一般清丽可人。 Also look, had not just looked enough.” Tang Tianer muttered one, the subconsciousness tightened the front piece. “还看,刚刚还没看够啊。”唐甜儿咕哝一声,下意识紧了紧衣襟。 Zu An light cough, quickly changes the topic: Right, just looked that the person in Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce is very respectable you, your what status?” 祖安一声,急忙岔开话题:“对了,刚刚看镇远商会的人挺尊敬你的,你到底什么身份啊?” He does not believe that an auction host in free building can have this treatment. 他绝不相信一个逍遥楼的拍卖会主持人能有这待遇。 Tang Tianer replied: Because Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce is my family opens.” 唐甜儿答道:“因为镇远商会是我家开的啊。” Zu An: „???” 祖安:“???” Although he has had many guesses, but has not thought can be this answer. 虽然他有过很多猜测,但万万没想过会是这种答案。 „Does your family open?” “你家开的?” Un.” “嗯。” Separated Zu An just now to digest this astonishing news long time, after all just also heard here person to shout her Eldest Young Lady probably, moreover that yellow mark black robe person was not fake to her respect. 隔了良久祖安方才消化掉这惊人的消息,毕竟刚刚好像也听到这边的人喊她大小姐,而且那黄纹黑袍人对她的尊敬不是假的。 „Do you also run free and unfettered Host building Dang?” This is the Zu An most puzzled place. “那你还跑去逍遥楼当主持人?”这是祖安最不解的地方。 Tang Tianer snort/hum, turned around, the skirt swayed flies upwards, sat on the chair very much natural: This miss does not love the matter in Butler clan, likes various places going to the role to act different people, experiences hundred taste lives, is very fierce?” 唐甜儿哼了一声,一个转身,裙摆飞扬,很潇洒地坐到了椅子上:“本姑娘不爱管家族里的事情,就喜欢到各处去角色扮演各种不同的人,体验百味人生,是不是很厉害?” „, Very fierce.” Zu An is actually thinking at heart has Eldest Young Lady to be improper, does not go to other places to become the little brother, this is not sick. “呃,是挺厉害的。”祖安心里却想着有大小姐不当,非去其他地方去当小弟,这不是有病么。 You. Why will you come to here?” One side Tang Tianer took up to prepare the good fruit to eat, simultaneously pushed pushing toward Zu An that side the fruit tray, just listened to them to chat, what secret as if did you listen secretly?” “你呢。你为何会来这里?”唐甜儿拿起一旁准备好的水果吃了起来,同时将果盘往祖安那边推了推,“刚刚听他们聊起,似乎你偷听了什么秘密?” Zu An naturally does not have any the mood of now eating the thing, hesitant one said: I am investigating a case, just obtained the information saying that the murderer possibly in Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce, then comes to have a look, has not thought that hit them to get together, the murderer was really one of them, was only expert are too many, I also can only evade the point temporarily.” 祖安现在自然没有什么吃东西的心情,犹豫了一下还是说道:“我在调查一个案件,刚得到情报说凶手可能在镇远商会,便过来看看,没想到撞到了他们聚会,凶手果然在其中,只是高手太多,我也只能暂避锋芒。” Tang Tianer smiles: They are truly fierce, you can really escape the life from their hands are rare.” 唐甜儿笑了笑:“他们确实很厉害的,你能从他们手中逃得性命实在是难得。” Zu An is startled: „Do you know their status?” 祖安一怔:“你知道他们的身份?”
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