IOTBUAGDWMSR :: Volume #16

#1578: Waits for my big brother to criticize!

Roar!” “吼!” Soul dragon sovereign roared, in the eye was full of the anger, this goods too wrong behavior...... 魂龙皇咆哮了一声,眼中充满了怒意,这货太不当人了…… The opposite party say on table, naturally treats as on it the food the table...... 对方说的上桌,自然是把它当做食材上桌…… Chen Shu saw the soul dragon sovereign mentality to have the change, made the contract go forward to make war directly spirit. 陈书见魂龙皇的心态有了变化,直接令契约灵上前开战。 Suddenly, both sides battle again in together, 一时间,双方再度交战在一起, Soul dragon sovereign is not the Chen Shu opponent, in addition is afraid, does not have the contending strength, 魂龙皇本就不是陈书的对手,再加上心生畏惧,已经是没有一点抗衡之力, In an instant, 只是转眼间, On it on full is the injury, the strength of space and time is nibbling its soul body unceasingly, gradually made it move toward the road of death. 它身上就满是伤势,时空的力量不断蚕食着它的魂躯,逐渐让它走向了死亡之路。 But at this moment, the soul dragon sovereign spread out again, rave: 而此刻,魂龙皇再度拉开了距离,狂吼一声: You could not kill me!” “你杀不了我的!” Also puts obstinate argumentative this?” “还搁这嘴硬呢?” Chen Shu selected the eyebrow, said: What didn't you have a look at yourself to make into?” 陈书挑了挑眉,道:“你不看看自己被打成什么样了?” If I am you, now travelled on the preparation.” “如果我是你,现在就准备跑路了。” The soul dragon sovereign vision ominous offense, said: Other beast sovereigns soon must come!” 魂龙皇的目光凶戾,道:“其余兽皇即将要来了!” That makes them come.” “那就让它们来吧。” Chen Shu shrugs, by the opposite party not frightening, but lets the contract spirit is the pursuit goes forward. 陈书耸了耸肩,没有被对方给吓到,而是让契约灵又是追击上前。 Soul dragon sovereign is wailing the say/way: 魂龙皇哀嚎着道: „, My body has the root hair of dark deep tree sovereign!” “是真的,我身上有暗冥树皇的根须!” Then, its huge mouth, put out a black tree root, above is filling a mysterious strength. 说罢,它的巨口一张,吐出了一根黑色的树根,其上弥漫着一股神秘的力量。 Also really has?” “还真有?” Chen Shu selected the eyebrow, had actually accidentally/surprisingly. 陈书挑了挑眉,倒是有了一点意外。 Nine greatly ominous falling from the sky, making us suspect that is a day of knight does.” “九只大凶的陨落,让我们怀疑是天骑士做的。” Soul dragon sovereign sees the appearance of opposite party, explained hastily: 魂龙皇见对方的模样,连忙解释道: To prevent us was killed, the dark deep tree sovereign gave each beast sovereign root hair, once in a while it will send the signal, without the response, they knows that I had an accident!” “为了防止我们被袭杀,暗冥树皇给了每个兽皇根须,每隔一段时间它就会传递信号,若是没有回应,它们会知道我出事了!” From the beginning claimed greatly ominously they fell from the sky 17, 一开始大凶声称它们陨落了十七只, But the new times beast sovereign actually only killed eight high-grades to be greatly ominous, naturally thought the opposite party in the nonsense, 而新时代兽皇却只杀了八只高等级大凶,自然以为对方是在胡言乱语, But finally goes to the starry sky, unexpectedly really not that nine greatly ominous, 但最终前往星空的,竟然真的没有那九只大凶, Either they really fell from the sky, either was abandoned, 要么它们是真的陨落了,要么就是被抛弃了, But former's possibility is bigger. 但前者的可能性更大。 In addition presented the matter of day of knight, naturally makes the new times beast sovereign instinct think that was the immeasurably deep day knight extinguishes killed nine greatly ominously. 加上又出现了天骑士的事情,自然让新时代兽皇本能以为是深不可测的天骑士灭杀了九只大凶。 The move of dark deep tree sovereign is only against day knight, finally who knows that actually waited for Chen Shu...... 暗冥树皇的这一招本来只是防天骑士的,结果谁知道却等来了陈书…… „.” “哦。” Chen Shu nods, then made the contract make a move spirit again crazily. 陈书只是点了点头,接着就令契约灵再度疯狂出手。 What I said is real!” “我说的是真的!” I had not said that does not believe.” “我没有说不相信啊。” „......” “……” Soul dragon sovereign sees this, in the eye filled finally startled, exclaimed: 魂龙皇见此,眼中终于是充满了惊慌,吼道: If they all arrive, you may on the danger!” “若是等它们全部降临,你可就危险了!” Thanks the care, I can run momentarily.” “谢谢关心,我随时都可以跑。” Chen Shu shows a faint smile, said: You reminded me actually, I must solve you earlier.” 陈书微微一笑,道:“不过你倒是提醒我了,我得早点解决你。” The words, he put out three bottles of beast sovereign medicines directly, throws toward the front. 话罢,他直接拿出了三瓶兽皇药,朝着前方投掷而出。 Six months, although he has not looked for the right opportunity, but also made many preparations, 半年的时间,他虽然没有寻找到合适的机会,但也是做了不少的准备, The most important beast sovereign medicine, naturally disposed a point. 最重要的兽皇药,自然是又配置了一点。 Soul dragon Huanghuang turns over, but sees the beast sovereign medicine, still has not resisted swallows it, instantaneously becomes weaker. 魂龙皇慌归慌,但一看见兽皇药,依然是没有抗拒的将其吞服,瞬间变得更加虚弱。 „Do you really want to kill me?” “你真要杀我?” At this moment, its sound trembles, in the eye had wiped alarmed and afraid. 此刻,它的声音发颤,眼中有了一抹惊惧。 Nonsense.” “废话。” Chen Shu both hands hold the chest, said: „To destroy the restroom of my Huaxia school unexpectedly, the crime not amnesty!” 陈书双手抱胸,道:“竟然想毁我华夏学府的厕所,罪不可赦!” „......” “……” Soul dragon sovereign wear a look of alarmed and afraid, goes all out to delay the time...... 魂龙皇面带惊惧,拼命拖延着时间…… ...... …… But in the time that both sides fight, 而就在双方大战的时刻, The new times beast sovereign at this moment is really detected that was not right, 此刻的新时代兽皇果然是察觉到了不对劲, The root hair that the dark deep tree sovereign gives is equivalent to communication of the world, soul dragon sovereign communication of did not have the signal, naturally is extremely in the suspiciousness. 暗冥树皇给出的根须就相当于一个全球的通讯器,魂龙皇身上的通讯器没有了信号,自然是太过于可疑。 Suddenly, the major beast sovereigns gathered at one at the maximum speed. 一时间,各大兽皇以最快的速度聚集在了一起。 „Did day knight make a move?” “天骑士出手了吗?” In the eye of day rabbit had wrote off intent, after a half year, they finally found the trail of opposite party? 天兔的眼中有了一抹杀意,时隔半年,它们终于是找到了对方的踪迹? „It is not clear.” “不清楚。” The dark deep tree sovereign humming sound said: But the soul dragon Huangda probability had an accident, no response.” 暗冥树皇嗡嗡道:“但魂龙皇大概率是出事了,没有一点回应。” First has a look!” “先去看看!” Many beast sovereign simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform acts, directly soars the divine land mainland in distant place to go, 众多兽皇齐齐行动,直奔远处的神州大陆而去, Quick, 很快, They went to the divine land mainland, but is looking at all usual all around, the beast sovereigns gave to be startled. 它们来到了神州大陆,但望着一切如常的四周,兽皇们都给怔住了。 In the mainland does not have aura of war, crawls in regional ominous beasts is also usual, does not have any difference, 大陆上没有一点大战的气息,匍匐在各地的凶兽也是如常,没有任何异样, What is only different, soul dragon sovereign disappeared! 唯一不一样的是,魂龙皇消失了! What situation......” “什么情况……” In the merpeople beast sovereign heart shakes, for a while has not made clear the condition. 人鱼兽皇心中一震,一时没有搞清楚状态。 Is it possible that was soul dragon sovereign leaves?” “莫非是魂龙皇自己离开了?” Is impossible.” “不可能。” The day rabbit shakes the head saying: Departure that it will not say nothing, had the accident/surprise inevitably.” 天兔摇头道:“它不会一声不响的离开,必然是有了意外。” I detected that was not right.” “我察觉到了一点不对劲。” The dark deep tree sovereign takes root in own body in the divine land mainland, starts to spy on the situation in entire mainland, 暗冥树皇将自己的身躯扎根于神州大陆,开始窥探整个大陆的情况, It possibly fell into some special domain.” “它可能是陷入了某种特殊的领域之中。” Nine quiet pythons open the mouth saying: Careful.” 九幽巨蟒开口道:“各位小心一点。” Suddenly, each beast sovereign all released own detection skill, starts to seek for the soul dragon sovereign trail. 一时间,各个兽皇皆是释放了自己的侦查技能,开始寻找魂龙皇的踪迹。 Although concealment of space and time domain is extremely strong, but so many beast sovereigns seek full power, is naturally impossible to go into hiding is too long, 时空领域的隐匿性虽然极强,但这么多只兽皇全力寻找,自然是不可能隐匿太久, Less than the time of quarter of an hour, 不到一刻钟的时间, The dark deep tree sovereign had detected, its root hair took root in various places of sky, finally locked the space and time domain general position. 暗冥树皇就有了察觉,它的根须扎根在天空的各处,最终锁定了时空领域的大概位置。 Toward the position bombardment of my root hair!” “朝着我根须的位置轰击!” The words, the major beast sovereigns nod, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform acts, the bang to the position that the dark deep tree sovereign assigned. 话罢,各大兽皇点了点头,齐齐出手,轰向了暗冥树皇指定的位置。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, their skills like touching an invisible barrier, then broadcast the sound that the space burst. 刹那间,它们的技能如同触碰到了一道无形的屏障,接着就传来了空间破裂的声音。 With the breakage of space and time domain, they saw soul dragon sovereign finally, 随着时空领域的破裂,它们终于是看见了魂龙皇, This time soul dragon sovereign condition is a little not slightly good, 只是此时的魂龙皇状态稍微有一点不好, Its body break, gloomy, originally the remaining years of life of strength of exuberant soul in like wind, 它的身躯断裂,黯淡无光,本来旺盛的灵魂之力如同风中残烛, But at this moment, its all around is filling iron grey fog, above is filling terrifying the strength of space and time. 而此刻,它的四周弥漫着一层灰白色的云雾,其上弥漫着恐怖的时空之力。 As the look of distant place rabbit moves, the iron grey fog explodes instantaneously, 随着远处兔子的神色一动,灰白色的云雾瞬间爆炸开来, „It is not good!” “不好!” Other beast sovereigns see this, will prevent, finally was still late one step, 其余兽皇见此,正要阻止,结果依然是晚了一步, Sees only killing of rabbit to incur Extremely space and time destruction, Wears down a soul dragon sovereign residual vitality instantaneously completely, 只见兔子的杀招【极・时空毁灭】,瞬间就将魂龙皇残留的一点生命力消磨殆尽, The next second, the rabbit takes away the soul dragon sovereign body completely, 下一秒,兔子就将魂龙皇的身躯全部收走, Meanwhile, in the Chen Shu mind broadcasts the sound that the achievement option completed. 与此同时,陈书的脑海中传来了成就选项完成的声音。 His look shakes, looking of happy expression approached the major beast sovereigns wear a look, said: 他的神色一震,面带笑意的望向了各大兽皇,道: Worthily is the soul attribute beast sovereign, but also is somewhat thorny, finally made you see.” “不愧是灵魂属性的兽皇,还真有点棘手,最终还是让你们看到了。” Such being the case, I did not hide the identity, you waited for my big brother day knight to criticize......” “既然如此,我也不隐瞒身份了,你们就等着我的大哥天骑士来清算吧……”
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