ILK :: Volume #62

#6137: Last pass/test

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The fifth pass/test it can be said that depends on this destiny the strength. 第五关可以说是靠着这个命运的力量。 Let him go out finally closed/pass, but this sixth pass/test how about it, Lin Fei cannot guarantee at heart. 让他终于又走出了一关了,但是这第六关到底怎么样,林飞心里头也不敢保证。 Can oneself overcome an obstacle. 自己能不能闯关。 Arrives at this sixth pass/test also really to present a black clothes form. 一来到这第六关还真的出现一个黑衣身影。 This black clothes form smiles to him. 这个黑衣身影冲着他笑了笑。 For a long time for a long time no one arrived at this sixth to close, you were these for several thousand years the first person.” “好久好久没有人来到这第六关了,你算是这数千年来的第一个人。” Several thousand years first. 数千年才第一个。 That looks like this invincible tower also really to perplex countless Supreme Talent. 那看来这个无敌塔还真的难住无数天骄 This is most simple. 这还是最简单的。 I can obtain invincible Fist Technique in your induction, in addition the invincible domain, had such strength you really to have the qualifications to arrive at this first step, but my pass/test did not seem like the front several passes/tests!” “我能在你的身上感应得到无敌拳法,再加上无敌领域了,有这样的实力你确实有资格走到这一步了,不过我这一关不像是前面几关了!” Actually did not say. 其实不说。 Lin Fei also know, wanted to arrive at following several is difficult such as to ascend heaven. 林飞知道,想要走到后面几层更是难如登天了。 Oneself can arrive at this to close is also unusual is not easy. 自己能走到这一关也算是非常的不容易。 Even again difficult, I still prepared to try!” “就算是再难,我也准备去试一试了!” Lin Fei was especially firm. 林飞格外的坚定了。 Since came that to try. 既然来了那怎么也得去试一试。 Let alone this harvest is very big. 更何况这一次的收获还是很大的。 Not only obtained the invincible domain also to obtain invincible Fist Technique, making his strength have very big promotion. 不光得到了无敌领域还得到了无敌拳法,让他的实力有了很大的提升。 Although he has not met what is difficult to deal with/ferocious Expert to the present. 尽管到现在他也没有遇上过什么厉害高手 Even if there are still collapses at the first blow. 就算是有也都是不堪一击的。 Some of his know unexpectedly people left behind such is difficult to deal with/ferocious domain. 知道竟然有人留下了这么厉害的领域。 Such is difficult to deal with/ferocious Fist Technique, then difference. 还有这么厉害拳法,那么更加的不一样。 Young people are the young people are different, now such as you hope, hopes that you can seize the opportunity.” “年轻人就是年轻人就是不一样,现在就如你所愿了,希望你能抓住机会。” Crash-bang. 哗啦一声。 Lin Fei front field of vision suddenly changes. 林飞面前视野豁然一变。 A mountain appeared at present, this mountain near fearfulness, but can see a tall ladder. 一座大山就出现在眼前了,这座大山近的可怕,但是能看到一座天梯。 Winds, but on. 就这么一路蜿蜒而上了。 Even also presented the fog to be the same in that end. 甚至在那尽头还出现了云雾一般。 Originally the think this sixth pass/test also follows black clothed man to fight. 本来以为这第六关也是跟着黑衣人对打的。 At present makes him consciousness, many that oneself seemingly think. 眼下一幕让他意识过来,自己貌似想的多了。 This closes absolutely is not so. 这一关绝对不是如此。 But went straight. 而是一路直走了。 Said simple, but has not imagined is so easy. 说起来简单,但也没有想象的那么容易呢。 „Is this place that I must overcome an obstacle?” “这就是我要闯关的地方吗?” Lin Fei gaze looked to this tall ladder. 林飞目光看向了这条天梯了。 First seems like seems ordinary. 第一眼看上去的时候显得普普通通的。 However later his know wants this tall ladder. 但是随后他就知道想要走完这条天梯。 Without is so absolutely easy. 绝对没那么容易。 Even can say difficultly. 甚至可以说非常的艰难。 You said right, this was the tall ladder that you must rush , was also this closed/pass finally, so long as came to the end, then you had the qualifications to obtain inherited truly, but the present invincible domain also can only say with limitless Fist Technique general.” “你说的没错,这就是你要闯的天梯了,也算是这最后一关了,只要走到了尽头,那么你就有资格得到真正的传承了,而现在的无敌领域跟无极拳法也就只能说一般了。” This black clothed man vanishes suddenly does not see. 这个黑衣人忽然之间就消失不见。 Only is left over a Lin Fei person. 只剩下林飞一个人。 Lin Fei was also a seasoned person, was experienced. 林飞也算是过来人了,也算是见多识广。 The invincible domain also has invincible Fist Technique to be the same continually, that is what the true inheritance? 连无敌领域还有无敌拳法都算一般,那什么才是真正的传承呢? Has not really been able to determine. 还真的是不敢确定了。 Therefore decided how tries this tall ladder to walk. 于是决定去试一试这座天梯到底怎么走。 1st step steps in this day ladder, felt instantaneously the entire tall ladder as if lived was the same, was the same just like a giant. 第一步踩在这天梯上,瞬间感觉整条天梯都似乎活了一样,宛如一尊巨人一样。 In his field of vision. 他的视野里面。 The end presented a giant. 尽头出现了一尊巨人。 Illusory. 虚无缥缈。 Does not see clearly the facial features unable to see clearly the appearance, because he was too big was really incomparable, as his lifted the hand entire tall ladder countless pressure instantaneously on the steamroll. 看不清楚面容看不清样子,因为他实在是太高大无比了,随着他这一抬手整座天梯无数的压力瞬间就碾压了过来了。 Impact on the body of Lin Fei. 就冲击在林飞的身上。 If the tide is the same, follows one time one time, made people unable unable to withstand radically. 如浪潮一样,一次跟着一次,根本就让人无法承受得住了。 Is really threatening. 真的是来势汹汹的。 Lin Fei depends on this powerful body to welcome the blade directly, but on. 林飞直接就靠着这强大的身躯迎刃而上了。 Attacked directly on own body. 直接就冲击在自己的身上了。 Such. 就这么一下。 Makes him realize this impact is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 就让他体会到这个冲击的厉害 No wonder this first step is so difficult to walk, after coming to a stop, he went out of 2nd step, he also know wanted to arrive at the place estimate to be difficult at this time finally. 怪不得这一步这么难走呢,站稳之后他就走出了第二步了,他这个时候也知道自己想要走到最终点的地方估计难了。 However! 不过! He also secret things, that registers. 他还有一个秘密的东西呢,那就是签到。 Can look register some things of being opportunistic. 看看能不能签到一些取巧的东西。 If so, perhaps oneself can also walk to obtain this most end. 如果是这样的话,也许自己还能走得到这最尽头。 Attained so-called inherits truly. 拿到所谓真正的传承了。 This absolutely is invincible general exist. 这绝对是一尊无敌一般的存在
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