ILK :: Volume #62

#6138: Invincible body fragment(s)

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1st step came up a moment ago time. 就刚才第一步上来的时候。 Lin Fei can feel. 林飞就能感觉到。 This place compared with imagination during wants bad many. 这个地方远比想象之中的要糟糕的多。 Even can say this place compared with the imagination must terrifying. 甚至可以说这个地方比想象的要更加的恐怖 Therefore how he operated on know should. 所以他心里头就知道自己应该怎么操作了。 That registered, looked that he can register the what thing here. 那就是签到了,看他能在这里签到什么东西。 The thing that perhaps here registers probably be better than outside place. 也许在这里签到的东西要比外面的地方要更好呢。 His incomparable look forward to. 他无比的期待的。 In invincible staff to success ob­tains invincible domain High Rank.” “在无敌之路签到成功获得无敌领域高级。” If in obtained many things several times. 如果说上上几次就得到了不少的东西了。 Then this time, was makes Lin Fei rouse all of a sudden. 那么这一次,更是让林飞一下子就振奋了过去。 Oneself registered invincible domain High Rank unexpectedly. 自己居然签到了无敌领域高级了。 His before time has achieved so-called extremely. 之前的时候已经达到了所谓的中极。 In an instant achieved High Rank, makes him feel immediately differently. 转眼之间就达到了高级了,立马就让他感觉到不一样。 He has not worried. 他并没有着急。 Also is first step cross. 又是一步的跨了出去。 Has a look at this 3rd step to be the what appearance. 看看这第三步会是什么样子的。 His time already thick estimation slightly past. 他刚才的时候已经粗粗的估略了过去。 Comes up should almost to have nine ten Nine Steps from here about. 从这里上去应该差不多有九十九步左右。 Oneself as for can walk many that to be unknown. 自己至于能走多少步那就不得而知了。 Wants these nine ten Nine Steps should is not easy, therefore he prepares first step first step came. 想要走完这九十九步应该没那么容易,所以他准备一步一步的来了。 3rd step seems aggressive were many, with 4th step 5th step 6th step, Ye Xuan starts slowly walked upward. 第三步就显得凶悍的多了,跟着第四步第五步第六步,叶玄开始慢慢的往上走了。 Front ten steps times is quite easy. 前面十步的时候都比较容易。 Arrived tenth first step time, the prestige can promote to be many all of a sudden. 到了第十一步的时候,威能一下子就提升了不少了。 With before time was different, whole body stands in the storm probably is vacillating. 之前的时候不一样了,整个人好像站在风浪之中左右摇摆着。 Is what called the mighty waves to be turbulent? He realized finally oneself is this feels. 什么叫做波涛汹涌?他终于体会到了自己就是这样的感觉了。 As if was sea a tide in Ye Guzhou's comes to be able oneself to overturn. 似乎就是大海上的一叶孤舟的一个浪潮过来就能把自己打翻过去了。 Tiny frail, seems incisive. 渺小脆弱,显得淋漓尽致。 Is good is solid because of the Lin Fei background enough, therefore had not thought that even if he has the ability to be able how about it to be able again to shoulder. 好在林飞的底子够结实的,所以也就没有多想了,就算是他再有能耐又能怎么样自己还是能扛得住的。 Also does not dare to walk quickly. 也不敢走快。 Next day registers not to have the what good thing, third day the registration does not have the what good thing, fourth day is also same. 第二天签到没什么好东西,第三天签到也没什么好东西,第四天也是一样。 Lin Fei does not worry, his also know not possible every day to have the thing. 林飞也不着急,他也知道不可能每天都出好东西的。 In invincible staff to success ob­tains invincible body fragment(s).” “在无敌之路签到成功获得无敌之躯碎片。” Today's registration makes Lin Fei feel differently. 今天的签到就让林飞感觉到不一样。 whole body a little accidental/surprised. 整个人都有点意外了。 no way, I registered invincible body fragment(s) unexpectedly, coming out that this gadget can also register, was always impossible saying that this was that lord thing beforehand body fragment(s).” 不会吧,我居然签到了无敌之躯碎片,这玩意儿也能签到的出来的,总不可能说这就是那位大人物以前的身躯碎片了吧。” Lin Fei saw this invincible body fragment(s). 林飞就看见了这个无敌之躯的碎片 Truly is scrap fragment(s). 确实是一小块的碎片 As for which part on do not know, dark. 至于哪个部分就不知道了,黑乎乎的。 Actually was full of the vigorous limitless Berserk strength. 却充满了浑厚无边无际的狂暴的力量了。 Like this appears in Lin Fei at present. 就这样出现在林飞的眼前。 This fragment(s) powerful big strength, moreover this seemed like the most ancient one body, as if appeared my own present cultivation the strength of body must be more powerful , did could it be really have the so-called invincible body?” “这个碎片好强大的力量啊,而且这似乎是最为古老的一种身躯了,比我自己现在修炼的身躯的力量似乎显得要更加的强大了,难道真的有所谓的无敌之躯?” Beforehand time. 以前的时候。 Lin Fei went to the cultivation excessively invincible road. 林飞就曾经去修炼过无敌之路。 However the invincible road is very difficult, is some Elementary. 但是无敌之路还是挺难的,都是一些初级的。 After seeing this invincible body, he discovered that was a little different. 看到这个无敌之躯之后,他就发现有点不一样了。 fragment(s) spread all over of this invincible body came Rune. 这个无敌之躯的碎片遍布来一个个的符文了。 Ancient of these Rune quite, interweave a piece. 这些符文相当的古老,交织成一片。 Appears the difference of quite. 显得相当的不一样。 No wonder can exist be so long, even a matter did not have. 怪不得能存在这么久,甚至一点事情都没有了。 The intention moves, he took to refine this invincible body fragment(s) thoroughly. 心念一动之间,他就将这个无敌之躯碎片彻底带给炼化了。 In this thing enter body, changed to huge Void Shadow instantaneously, as if must control is same. 这玩意一进入身体里面,瞬间就化作了一道庞大的虚影了,似乎要掌控一切一样。 Will Lin Fei make such Void Shadow control? 林飞又怎么会让这么一个虚影掌控呢? Direct fist this thoroughly disintegrating. 直接一拳就将这彻底给瓦解了过去了。 Must be honest in my domain, has not changed into oneself to use.” “在我的地盘就得老老实实的,还不化为己用。” Instantaneously! 瞬间! Absorbing passed all strengths. 将所有的力量给吸收了过去了。 Tempers whole body up and down. 锤炼全身上下 Naturally all these also happened in an instant. 当然这一切也不过是在转眼之间就发生了。
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