ILK :: Volume #62

#6136: Sixth closed/pass me to come

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The strength of destiny truly is very special 命运的力量确实是非常特殊的 The strength of destiny the Lin Fei also know present grasping was just most special one. 林飞知道自己现在掌握的命运的力量只不过是最特殊的一种了。 Probably such strength wants to achieve the deep Level words, then on difficult many. 像是这样的力量想要达到深层次的话,那就难的多了。 Only if you grasped true Source Strength. 除非你掌握真正的本源力量了。 This point said simple also simple, but the actual operation is very difficult, but also is really not the what people can resist 这一点说简单简单,但是实际操作起来还是挺难的,还真不是什么人都能抵挡得住的 Wanted to find a relation words that not to have the what issue. 想要找到一点联系的话那就没什么问题了。 The function of most foundation is very accurate, such nine boxes place the place of not far away. 最基础的作用还是挺准的,这么九个盒子放在不远处的地方。 Seeming like each box is exactly the same, even also held the strength of seal, however under the guidance of destiny. 看上去每个盒子都一模一样,甚至还加持了封印的力量,但是在命运的引导下。 Lin Fei can choose to be most suitable he. 林飞就能挑选出最适合他的了。 This point is one convenient. 这一点算是一个便利的。 With the hauling of destiny strength, his thoughts fell on the last box. 随着命运力量的牵引,他的心思就落到了最后一个盒子身上了。 Last box seemingly same was ordinary. 最后一个盒子看上去同样的普通了。 Lin Fei at heart actually somewhat a little accidental/surprised. 林飞心里头却多多少少有点意外了。 His think can be middle these boxes. 以为会是中间的这些盒子呢。 Has not thought that unexpectedly can be last. 没想到居然会是最后一个。 With long hurried strides arrived at the front of last box. 大步流星的来到了最后一个盒子的面前。 Arrives at the front of this box, the strength of this seal started to dissipate directly slowly. 来到这个盒子的面前,这封印的力量直接就开始慢慢的消散了。 Crash-bang a box opens. 哗啦一下盒子就打开. Lin Fei put out a hand to grasp presented a jade symbol. 林飞伸手一抓就出现了一块玉符。 In this jade symbol is what information is not very clear. 这块玉符里面到底是什么信息并不是很清楚。 Has not related. 一点都没关系。 He has been ready. 他心里头已经做好了准备了。 Met to refine this conveniently. 随手就将这个遇见炼化了。 After he refining up instantaneously on know, here exist what information. 在他炼化之后瞬间就知道了,这里头到底都存在什么信息了。 whole body many a little accidental/surprised. 整个人多少有点意外 My luck is really never expected that good, here unexpectedly is limitless Fist Technique Third Level.” “没想到我的运气还真挺不错的,这里头居然是无极拳法三层。” Really makes him feel very accidental/surprised. 实实在在的让他感觉到挺意外的。 Simultaneously also understands at heart a matter, the strength of destiny was really easy-to-use. 同时心里头也就更明白了一件事情了,命运的力量果然是好使了。 Own cultivation invincible domain, grasped invincible Fist Technique, then selected this invincible Fist Technique is also normal. 自己修炼了无敌领域,又掌握了无敌拳法,那么挑到这个无敌拳法也就是正常不过了。 Started to study diligently this Third Level without delay. 二话不说就开始钻研起这第三层了。 Had front two exist, then his cultivation this one layer / first level words especially were easy. 有了前面两层的存在,那么他修炼一层的话就格外的容易了。 Simultaneously is also very admires to such operation at heart, this absolutely was a pit. 同时心里头也是对这样的操作挺佩服的,这绝对是一个坑了。 Is a super big hole. 是一个超级大坑。 The ordinary person attains this Third Level invincible Fist Technique, that can only say that the sound was sorry, wants not possibly to grasp at all, you can only simplify. 一般的人拿到这第三层的无敌拳法,那只能说声抱歉了,想要掌握根本不可能的了,你只能化繁为简。 Like this can also have certain method somewhat. 这样的话还多多少少能掌握一定的手段了。 In Lin Fei here words, this did not have what to relate. 林飞这里的话,这个就没有什么关系了。 After without long time, he instantaneously this thing grasping. 没多长的时间之后,他瞬间就将这个东西给掌握了。 His Fist Technique also achieved Third Level. 他的拳法也达到了第三层 After achieving Third Level, he obviously can a little feel this thing is not unusual. 达到了第三层之后,他明显就能感觉得出来这个东西有点不寻常了。 Unlike other Fist Technique. 跟别的拳法不一样。 The Second Level time in addition held certain mark. 二层的时候加持了一定的印记了。 However this Third Level words can break through defend certainly. 但是这第三层的话就可以突破一定的防御了。 In other words after erupting Fist Technique, can disregard opposite party's certain defense instantaneously. 也就是说爆发出拳法之后,瞬间就可以无视掉对方一定的防御。 In addition his Fist Technique originally on is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 再加上他的拳法本来就厉害了。 The defense of opposite party appeared incomparable suffering a loss at this time. 对方的防御在这个时候就显得无比的吃亏了。 This absolutely was one big move. 这绝对是一个大招了。 before time was more powerful. 之前的时候更加的强大了。 Such Fist Technique big move, if full power to go, extinguishing kills the Saint kings is not the what difficult matter. 这样的拳法大招,如果全力以赴的话,灭杀圣王都不是什么难事呢。 No wonder this invincible tower is so difficult to rush. 怪不得这个无敌塔这么难闯呢。 Does not have the what person to rush obtains the following several passes/tests. 也没有什么人能闯得到后面几关。 Was too difficultly was too difficult, oneself were the luck quite good. 实在是太难太难了,自己算是运气比较好的了。 Content that cultivation this closed/pass. 修炼了这一关的内容。 Following. 跟着。 The front presented a giant stone, this giant stone very ordinary. 前方就出现了一块巨石了,这块巨石非常的普通。 Lin Fei firmly know this is together the Test stone. 林飞知道这就是一块考验的石头。 Was a fist hands over went out, has not erupted, but gave the bang to be broken this stone by the invincible Fist Technique Third Level might instantaneously. 就是一拳递了出去了,并没有怎么爆发,但是凭借无敌拳法三层的威力瞬间就将这石头给轰碎了。 In the stone has the strength of one layer / first level defense very obviously, but this flash was wiped 7788 that disappears. 石头上有一层防御的力量非常的明显,但是这一瞬间就被抹消的七七八八。 This stone changed to fragment(s). 这块石头就化作了碎片了。 Lin Fei was also pass through on know. 林飞也就知道自己算是过关了。 Sixth closed/pass me to come.” “第六关我来了。”
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