ILK :: Volume #62

#6135: Choice

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The fourth pass/test was protector as always. 第四关还是一如既往的守护者了。 However this protector does not have to begin time actually from the beginning. 不过这一次的守护者倒是没有一开始就动手。 I smelled the invincible domain aura on you, the invincible Fist Technique aura, you were is difficult to deal with/ferocious inheritance, wait for you inheritance have also really waited to be very long like this!” “我在你身上嗅到了无敌领域的气息了,还有无敌拳法的气息了,你还真的是一个厉害的传承者,等你这样的传承者已经等了很久了!” The protector and do not know of special details third pass/test. 第三关的守护者并不知道具体情况。 Words that however this closes on know. 但是这一关的话就知道 Lin Fei on know should was the third pass/test protector collapsed this information passing on. 林飞知道应该是第三关守护者崩溃的时候把这个信息给传了过来。 How therefore this fourth protector also on know is a matter. 所以这个第四个守护者也就知道是怎么一回事。 Inheritance can also certainly say. 传承者当然也可以这么说。 Naturally Lin Fei can also not acknowledge. 当然林飞也可以不这么承认。 However actually he is suspended in midair came one. 不过他倒是不上不下的来了一句。 I am the third pass/test that participates in the entry, I have made a connection, do not know your fourth closes what type strength, quite makes me enjoy oneself to the full!” “我就是来参加通关的第三关,我已经打通了,不知道你这第四关有什么样的实力,好让我尽兴一下!” The Lin Fei what thing has not raised. 林飞什么东西都没有提。 The protectors smiled one. 守护者笑了一声。 Dashed directly. 直接就飞奔了过来。 A countless form started instantaneously outrageously strikes. 无数道的身影瞬间就发动了悍然的一击。 So long as you can shoulder this to strike, you can under smooth enter close, because you have such qualifications.” “只要你能扛得住这一击,那你就能顺利的进入下一关了,因为你已经有了这样的资格了。” This attack on quite formidable, broke through Saint king peak Level directly. 这一下的攻击就相当强悍了,直接就突破到了圣王巅峰的层次了。 Attacked in these inside contained individual powerful willpower in inside. 在这些攻击里面蕴含了个人的强大的意志在里头。 Launched the powerful attack to his mind. 对他的心灵发动了强大的攻击了。 Such a strikes. 就这么一击。 Braved the attack in him directly. 直接在他心里头冒出来了攻击了。 The Lin Fei heart shakes. 林飞心头一震。 The impregnable bastion countless mark, started to collapse instantaneously. 铜墙铁壁无数的印记,瞬间就开始崩溃了。 The mind attack has not used to him. 心灵攻击对他来说根本就没有用了。 Your method a little fell behind, I also grasped one move, very is difficult to deal with/ferocious method came to you can also try.” “你的手段有点落伍了,我这人还掌握了一招,挺厉害的手段正好你也可以试一试。” Lin Fei started the so-called mind to strike. 林飞就发动了所谓的心灵一击了。 This was the before old method, but this fellow obviously was compared formidable, at least can erupt the Saint king peak level battle efficiency. 这是之前的老手段了,但是这家伙明显就是比较强悍的了,最起码能爆发出圣王巅峰级别的战斗力了。 It can be said that invincible Saint king! 可以说是无敌圣王! Lin Fei used mind Projection directly this move. 林飞直接就用上了心灵投影了这一招。 Now displays to become formidable again. 现在再施展出来就变得更加的强悍了。 He added on the invincible general strength in this mind Projection, direct fist on bang in the heart's core of this protector. 在这个心灵投影里面他加上了无敌一般的力量,直接一拳就轰在了这个守护者的心灵深处的。 Such a fist, let this mind spread all over directly fissures. 就这么一拳,直接就让这个心灵遍布了一道道的裂痕。 Also do not know drew back many steps. 不知道退了多少步。 The body of half collapsed directly, but not this fellow thorough striking powder. 半边的身躯直接就崩溃了,但是并没有将这家伙彻底的击散。 Can shoulder, you can be proud, was extreme formidable.” “能扛得住,你可以自己自豪,也算是极为的强悍了。” You are good, can have such method unexpectedly, Congratulations you, can the enter fifth pass/test!” “你挺不错的,竟然还能有这样的手段,恭喜你,可以进入第五关了!” The voice of opposite party changed to the light smoke instantaneously. 对方的声音瞬间就化作青烟了。 Lin Fei catches one's breath, such a method made him consume massive strengths a moment ago. 林飞缓了口气,就刚才这么一个手段就让他耗费了大量的力量。 Has to acknowledge that mind Projection is truly sufficient. 不得不承认心灵投影确实是够用的。 This consumption especially big 这个消耗就格外的大 Does not feel better. 不是那么好受的。 Also rested after here one all day . 又在这里休息了一整天之后。 Lin Fei arrived at this fifth to close, after the fifth pass/test, has not seen the what protector actually. 林飞才来到了这第五关了,第五关之后倒是并没有见到什么守护者。 Lin Fei many a little accidental/surprised, but also think came to mistakenly the place! 林飞多少有点意外,还以为自己来错了地方了! Every to this one layer / first level was also half disciple, can choose Secret Technique, so long as you succeeded this Secret Technique study within a certain amount of time, then you can enter sixth close, departure that must you also be able to regret otherwise!” “凡到这一层的也算是半个的弟子了,可以挑选一门绝学了,只要你在一定的时间内将这门绝学学成功了,那么你就可以进入第六关了,要不然的话你也就能遗憾的离开了!” A sound appeared in the ear of Lin Fei. 一个声音出现在林飞的耳中了。 Was a little similar to the voice of protector. 跟守护者的声音有点相似了。 My goodness. 好家伙。 Such operation can also have unexpectedly. 这样的操作居然也能有。 Following. 跟着。 Presented round stage in his front, on each round stage presents a box. 在他的前方出现了一个个的圆台,每个圆台上都出现一个盒子。 In the box had the what thing. 盒子里面装了什么东西。 That naturally does not need to guess. 那自然不必猜了。 should was some method methods. 应该就是一些法门手段了。 Unexpectedly must study this Divine Ability method, learn/master can the enter this sixth pass/test, it seems like that this wants the Test individual sensibility strength? 居然要学这个神通手段,学会了才能进入这第六关,看来这是要考验个人的感悟力吗? Lin Fei smiled. 林飞笑了一下。 Stride walks, Teleport of gaze on these boxes. 大步的走来,目光在这些盒子上移动 Altogether nine boxes, each box has the strength of seal. 一共有九个盒子,每个盒子都有封印的力量。 How to choose this little to be actually difficult to elect. 如何挑选这个倒是有点难选。 Lin Fei used the strength of destiny directly. 林飞直接就用上了命运的力量了。 Which box the destiny can guide him to choose. 命运可以引导他挑选哪一个盒子。 Usually does not use. 平时不怎么用。 However essential time must have. 但是关键的时候得有。
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