ILK :: Volume #62

#6134: Also comes the advantage

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From protector here of first pass's second pass's third pass/test. 从第一关第二关第三关的守护者这里。 A matter that Lin Fei can watch. 林飞就可以看出来的一件事情的。 That, is very likely is that special powerful exist. 那位,极有可能就是那位特殊的强大的存在 Grasped this invincible domain in oneself. 在自己掌握了这个无敌领域。 In addition this invincible Fist Technique, obtains the hand from his here. 再加上这个无敌拳法,就是从他这里得到手的。 Therefore these protectors will have such change. 所以这些守护者才会有这样的变化。 The third pass/test so ruled by force, behind these passes/tests, Lin Fei also look forward to especially. 第三关就如此的霸道了,后面这几关,林飞也就格外的期待了。 Getting down that also has not worried. 也就没有着急的下去。 At this time he obtained the first reward of this third pass/test finally. 这个时候他终于得到了这第三关的第一个奖励了。 In the place of not far away. 在不远处的地方。 Finally came out a platform. 终于出来了一个台子。 This platform is a stone platform. 这个台子是一个石台。 Circular. 圆形的。 exist time, as for how long time that on do not know. 存在的时间,至于有多长的时间那就不知道了。 Is putting a box on above of this round stage. 在这圆台的上面放着一个盒子。 This box whole body spread all over seals. 这个盒子周身遍布一道道的封印。 These marks such as dragon Rufeng, is circling. 这些印记如龙如凤,不停的盘旋着。 Even if had a liking for Lin Fei on know seal unusual. 哪怕看上了一眼林飞知道封印非常的强。 The special method can this seal turning on. 只有特殊的手段才能将这个封印给打开。 The words that the average people force were also basically hopeless. 一般人强行来的话基本上也就没戏了。 Perhaps this box opens the function that destroyed automatically. 说不定这个盒子就自动的开启了自我摧毁的功能。 Lin Fei walks, these seal started to reduce and solve. 林飞一走过去,这些封印一道道的就开始化解了。 If dragon Rufeng one thing, clean of dissipation. 如龙如凤一样的东西,消散的一干二净。 After ~snap~ . 咔嚓一声之后。 This box separated directly, after separating, does not have the what sound, Lin Fei also reassurance especially. 这个盒子直接就弹开了,弹开之后并没有什么动静,林飞也是格外的放心。 exist such, naturally cannot move some methods. 都这么样的存在了,自然不会动一些手段。 He also finally saw box inside thing. 他也终于见到了盒子里面的东西。 This was the strength that one group can summon. 这是一团可以召唤的力量了。 This group of strengths do not calculate very obviously, but after Lin Fei looked at one, felt immediately this was the what thing. 这团力量并不算是非常的明显,但是林飞看了一眼之后,立马就感觉到这是什么东西了。 Attracted an cold air/Qi at heart secretly. 心里头暗暗的吸了口冷气了。 My goodness, the domain strength of this probably invincible domain, remained unexpectedly got down, so long as in other words I refine to melt this, that naturally can make my invincible domain formidable.” “好家伙,这这好像是无敌领域的领域力量了,居然留了下来了,也就是说我只要将这个炼化了,那自然就能让我的无敌领域变得更加的强悍了。” Lin Fei naturally know this was the what thing. 林飞当然知道这是什么东西了。 That is the invincible domain, grasped this thing without delay. 那就是无敌领域的,二话不说就将这东西抓了出来了。 After grasping came out, will build up instantaneously. 抓了出来之后瞬间就将之炼化。 In an instant. 转眼之间。 His invincible domain Elementary turned into Intermediate. 他的无敌领域初级就变成中级了。 If the running water is equally quick. 如流水一样快。 Even makes Lin Fei feel like making the one dreams type. 甚至让林飞自己都感觉像是在做梦一样。 Oneself unexpectedly unconscious promoted from Elementary this invincible domain to Intermediate. 自己竟然不知不觉的将这个无敌领域从初级提升到中级了。 The range also starts to increase. 范围也开始变大。 Time little distance from the beginning, by after the present, suddenly became a very high distance. 从一开始的时候一点点的距离,到了现在之后一下子就成了很高的一个距离了。 In this distance, limited strength of opposite party also from 90% to turn into about 60-70% all of a sudden. 在这个距离之内,限制对方的实力也从90%一下子就变成了60-70%左右。 Naturally consumed in a big way one were also more than with before. 当然消耗也是跟之前一比大了不少了。 Naturally Lin Fei does not care to this very much. 当然林飞对这个并不是很在意。 An light/only such thing satisfies him. 光这么一个东西就让他挺满意的。 Also luckily my time from the beginning registers was this invincible domain, must now want to find my invincible domain Intermediate is not easy otherwise, feared that was unable to withstand directly, unravelled directly.” “也幸亏我一开始的时候签到的就是这个无敌领域了,要不然的话现在想要找到我这个无敌领域中级可没那么容易,怕是直接都无法承受下来,直接就灰飞烟灭了。” Lin Fei sighed with emotion at heart secretly under. 林飞心里头暗暗地感慨了下了。 Had such a domain to promote, after under one layer / first level, should coped with the fourth pass/test should easy many. 有了这样的一个领域提升,到了下一层之后自己应该对付第四关的应该容易的多了。 He does not worry. 他也不着急。 First boiled one to say in the evening again. 先熬了一个晚上再说。 By tomorrow can also the continues registration. 到了明天还可以继续签到呢。 This closes does not register actually some what a pity. 这一关不签到一下倒是有些可惜 Time one minute/share one second of past, in an instant midnight. 时间一分一秒的过去,转眼就过了午夜了。 Registers successful ob­tains invincible Fist Technique Second Level in the invincible tower!” “在无敌塔内签到成功获得无敌拳法二层!” before time forest on cultivation invincible Fist Technique. 之前的时候林被就修炼了无敌拳法的。 But has not thought this invincible Fist Technique also has Second Level unexpectedly, moreover this Second Level invincible Fist Technique had the invincible mark. 只不过并没有想过这无敌拳法居然还有第二层,而且这第二层的无敌拳法就有了无敌的印记了。 With before time one was more different. 之前的时候一比就不一样了。 It can be said that very invisible achromatic color. 可以说是非常的无形无色了。 In coordination this invincible domain Intermediate. 配合上这无敌领域中级 Better formidable. 更佳的强悍了。 Also relaxed at heart, can directly soar fourth closed/pass. 心里头也就松了口气了,可以直奔着的第四关过去了。 Three person should that before comes in have not beaten this protector, therefore the advantage made him first pick. 之前进来的三个人应该就是没有击败这守护者了,所以好处就让他给先捡走了。
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