ILK :: Volume #62

#6133: Matching

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Lin Fei also really waited for day of here. 林飞还真的在这里等了一天的时间。 This first-grade. 这一等。 He discovered actually here does not have what to request. 他倒是发现这里并没有什么要求。 In other words can make him slowly restore strength. 也就是说可以让他慢慢的恢复实力 Right now makes him relax actually finally. 这下子倒是让他终于松了一口气。 He felt, if cannot this influence restore here. 他觉得如果不能在这里这个势力恢复过去的话。 Also is really very uncomfortable. 还真的是挺难受的。 However now the vision can restore that to be different. 但是现在视力能恢复了那就不一样。 Also can register on the way. 顺道还可以签到一下。 This was the matter that he most was interested. 这是他最感兴趣的事情了。 Such, he realized that what is called differently. 这么一下,他就体会到什么叫做不一样。 Registers successfully in the invincible tower, ob­tains invincible Fist Technique!” “在无敌塔之内签到成功,获得无敌拳法!” Today's registration, makes Lin Fei own look follow actually brightly slightly one. 今天的签到,倒是让林飞自己的眼神都跟着微微一亮。 He registered Fist Technique unexpectedly, his present Fist Technique is some ordinary level. 他竟然签到了一门拳法了,他现在的拳法都是一些普通级别的。 The might that naturally erupts was also extremely strong. 当然爆发出来的威力也是极强了。 before time, Lin Fei seeks these Fist Technique. 之前的时候,林飞去寻那些拳法 However these Fist Technique in his opinion did not have the pure attack well. 但是这些拳法在他看来都还没有纯粹的攻击来得好。 Also did not have the what thoughts to make, general being have a liking. 也就没有什么心思去弄了,一般的看不上。 Top Grade and cannot meet. 顶级的又遇不上。 However the present words were many an invincible Fist Technique that to be different. 但是现在的话多了一门无敌拳法那就不一样。 Invincible Fist Technique bloomed in his mind in an instant. 无敌拳法转眼之间就在他的脑海里绽放了出来。 Good High Rank Fist Technique, unexpectedly is nothing's indication, it can be said that invincible Fist Technique, launches, did not have other means besides firmly resist, but consumed also similarly is big, as if also wanted much in a big way compared with this invincible domain.” “好高级拳法呀,竟然是没有任何的征兆,可以说是无敌拳法,一展开,除了硬抗之外就没有别的办法了,不过消耗也同样是大,比起这个无敌领域似乎还要大了不少。” Such short time. 就这么短短的时间。 Lin Fei this invincible Fist Technique examining. 林飞就将这个无敌拳法给查看了一番。 After these examines, he himself is also one especially. 这一番查看下来之后,他自己心里头也是格外的一阵。 Unexpectedly such Fist Technique. 居然还有这样的拳法 Even during this Fist Technique imagines compared with him must overbearing. 甚至这个拳法比他想象之中要更加的霸道。 Must formidable. 要更加的强悍 Fierce that in a complete mess. 猛的一塌糊涂的那种了。 He also has nothing hesitant directly on cultivation this invincible Fist Technique. 他也没有任何的犹豫直接就修炼了这个无敌拳法了。 After this invincible Fist Technique cultivation comes out, as hits, the whole body air/Qi field becomes difference especially. 这无敌拳法修炼出来之后,随着打出来,整个人的气场都变得格外的不一样。 He even felt, if in the coordinate invincible domain, own battle efficiency can also promote again. 他甚至感觉如果在配合无敌领域的话,那自己的战斗力还可以再提升。 Right now he felt relieved. 这下子他就放心了。 This third pass/test, should has not had the what issue. 过这个第三关,应该是没什么问题了。 He does not worry. 他不着急。 The decision tries to register what here again. 决定在这里再试一试签到什么 Also in a day, his registration will not have made him at present one bright, on the contrary was seems general. 又过了一天,他的签到并没有让他眼前一亮,反倒是显得一般了。 Decisive on enter to below one layer / first level, his know this place might go to inside place to register the thing. 果断的就进入到下一层了,他知道这个地方也许要到最里头的地方才能签到出好东西了。 In an instant he arrived at this third pass/test. 转眼他就来到了这第三关了。 The third pass/test with before time is also same, was such a protector, the vision of this protector was also one bright. 第三关跟之前的时候也是一样,还是这么一个守护者了,这个守护者的眼光也是一亮。 So many years passed by, unexpectedly really some people can rush to third closed/pass, you are truly different, so long as you can beat me, then can obtain the reward of this Third Level, hopes that you can try hard cheering / keep it up.” “这么多年过去了,居然真的有人能闯到第三关了,你确实挺不一样的,只要你能击败了我,那么就能得到这第三层的奖励了,希望你能努力加油。” Crash-bang, this form moved directly. 哗啦一下,这道身影直接就动了。 Changed to black fog, such as coming of running water same fiercely attacking. 化作了一片黑雾,如流水一样的猛攻的过来了。 In all directions is. 四面八方全都是。 Appeared incomparable formidable compared with before first pass's second pass/test strength. 比起之前的第一关第二关这一个的实力就显得无比的强悍了。 Really is to make people feel that shocked, but Lin Fei is not blows, launched invincible Fist Technique directly. 真的是让人感觉到震惊了,不过林飞也不是吹的,直接就展开了无敌拳法了。 Must use the most maneating method with such fellow, with is the invincible domain. 跟这样的家伙就得用最为凶悍的手段了,跟着就是无敌领域的。 The invincible domain launches, the running water common black fog became slow. 无敌领域展开,流水一般的黑雾就变得慢了下来了。 Following. 跟着。 Is countless invincible Fist Technique, rumbled. 就是不计其数的无敌拳法,轰了过来了。 Rumble loud noise, is really overbearing. 轰隆隆的巨响,真的是霸道的很。 The time of such flash, Lin Fei consumed 1/3 strengths at least. 就这么一瞬间的时间,林飞最起码消耗了三分之一的力量了。 Really was incomparable terrifying, fell with the form of this protector. 真的是无比的恐怖了,跟着这个守护者的身影就跌了出来了。 „Your unexpectedly invincible domain, your also invincible Fist Technique, you are the what person!” “你你竟然会无敌领域,你还会无敌拳法,你到底是什么人!” Of bang. 轰的一声。 The opposite party also followed to break to pieces. 对方也跟着碎开了。 It seems like such matching made this Fist Technique follow to promote with the invincible domain might, unexpectedly putting in an appearance time striking to kill the protector of this third pass/test. 看来这样的搭配让这拳法跟无敌领域的威力都跟着提升了,竟然一个照面时间就将这第三关的守护者给击杀了。
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