ILK :: Volume #62

#6132: Difficult to rush

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The first pass/test had such battle efficiency. 第一关就拥有了如此的战斗力了。 Therefore also has the what type protector regarding behind, Lin Fei is very look forward to. 所以对于后面到底还有什么样的守护者,林飞还是挺期待的。 Preparation well looks at behind the second pass/test to be the what type. 准备好好的去看一看了后面第二关会是什么样。 The second pass/test with before time does not have what to distinguish. 第二关还是跟之前的时候没什么区别。 A black place. 还是一个黑色的地方。 Also is a protector. 也是一个守护者的。 However with before that truly a little not Tai Yi type. 但是跟之前的那个确确实实有点不太一样了。 Appears was fiercer, this achieved so-called Saint king 9th Layer Realm. 显得的更加的猛了,这一个就达到了所谓的圣王九重境界了。 With before that compared with truly many of is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 之前的那个比确实厉害的多了。 Crash-bang. 哗啦一下。 Lin Fei surrounding Void crashed the past instantaneously. 林飞的周围虚空瞬间就崩塌了过去。 The countless strength attacked directly. 无数的力量直接就冲击了过来了。 Followed the cold light to arrive together directly at present. 跟着一道冷光直接就来到了眼前了。 The opposite party unexpectedly are use blade Expert. 对方居然是一个用刀高手呢。 This blade cut Void directly horizontally. 这一刀直接就横斩了虚空了。 Fell on the body of Lin Fei directly. 直接就落在了林飞的身上了。 The time of such One Revolution eye, he encountered Saint king 9th Layer Expert struck, is really incomparable overbearing limitless was aggressive. 就这么一转眼的时间,他就遭遇了圣王九重高手的一击了,真的是无比的霸道无极的生猛了。 Never expected that your strength such formidable, truly very lets person accidental/surprised unexpectedly.” “没想到你的实力居然这么强悍,确实挺让人意外的。” Such. 就这么一下。 Let Lin Fei know, wanted to beat this fellow to be possible not to be so easy. 就让林飞知道了,想要击败这家伙可没那么容易了。 After all Saint king 9th Layer was different from the common Saint king. 毕竟圣王九重跟一般的圣王并不一样了。 Let alone was here. 更何况是在这里了。 Really this invincible mountain was different. 果然这个无敌山就是不一样了。 Unexpectedly such a special trial way! 居然还有这么一个特殊的试炼方式! Top Grade strength that such a place has not decided that could not come. 这么一个地方没有定的顶级实力,根本就进不来了。 Even if you are Saint king level, it is estimated that does not have that good ability. 就算是你是圣王级别的,估计也没有那么好的能耐。 Can rush obtains here. 能闯得到这里。 The second pass/test can look comes out. 第二关就能看得出来了。 You are also good, hopes that you can defeat my enter Third Level, but so far also no one enter Third Level, hopes that you do not disappoint me.” “你也挺不错的,希望你能击败我进入三层,但是目前为止还没有人进入三层,希望你不让我失望。” This fellow was a blade came, everywhere blade light followed together. 这个家伙又是一刀过来了,漫天的刀光一道跟着一道的。 Made Lin Fei unable radically passing of Teleport. 根本就让林飞无法移动的过去了。 Formed a middle big gap, this fellow is also very intelligent. 形成了中间的一大鸿沟了,这个家伙也是挺聪明的。 The use blade method formed the hindrance, wanted to probably break through this Blade Technique to say again. 用刀法形成了阻碍的,想要过去就必须得突破了这刀法再说。 This Blade Technique might appeared unusual formidable. 刀法的威力就显得非常的强悍了。 The short time he can realize gap. 短短的时间他就能体会出来这其中的差距了。 This fellow truly is very aggressive, no wonder said that the following person cannot rush. 这个家伙确实是挺生猛的,怪不得说后面的人根本就闯不过去了。 Even Lin Fei can still very look to be truly difficult to rush, particularly this hindrance is really aggressive. 就算是林飞自己也能看得出来确实挺难闯的,尤其是这个阻碍真的是生猛的很呢。 I very has the confidence to pass through this pass/test actually, only hopes that you can withstand.” “不过我这人倒是挺有信心能闯过这一关的,只希望你能顶得住。” Lin Fei erupted full power directly. 林飞直接就是爆发了全力了。 His full power of this eruption rumbled these cold light directly broken. 他这一爆发的全力直接就将这些冷光都轰碎了。 speed of opposite party is extremely also quick, the scene formed the deadlock region. 对方的速度也极快,现场就形成了僵持的区域的。 Was good will be away from because of Lin Fei pulls closer finally. 好在林飞将距离终于拉近了。 Suddenly. 忽然之间。 Put the invincible domain, such a put. 就放出来无敌领域了,就这么一放。 Let the advantage that Lin Fei had, penetrated the opposite party with this fist. 就让林飞占据的优势了,跟这一拳就击穿了对方了。 But this protector is also getting down of accidental/surprised. 而这个守护者也是意外的下来。 Your unexpectedly cultivation the invincible domain, who you are.” “你竟然修炼了无敌领域了,你到底是谁。” Of bang. 轰的一声。 The opposite party became fragment(s), but Lin Fei can also finally slow. 对方就成了碎片了,而林飞也终于可以缓了下来了。 Fight of such short time, his consumption also especially was big, even invincible domain, unexpectedly consumption like running water equally with usual time was different. 就这么短短的时间的交手,他的消耗也是格外的大了,就算是刚才的无敌领域,居然消耗如流水一样跟平时的时候不一样了。 In other words strength of opposite party is stronger. 也就是说对方的实力越强。 The invincible domain launches, the strength of consumption was also bigger. 无敌领域展开,消耗的力量也就越大了。 Also rejoiced own time from the beginning has not displayed. 同时也庆幸自己一开始的时候并没有施展出来。 Must strength of opposite party so really not be otherwise easy, getting down that but this Lin Fei has not worried. 要不然的话对方的实力这么强还真的没那么容易呢,不过这一次林飞并没有着急的下去。 strength of this pass/test was Saint king 9th Layer, then next one layer / first level, perhaps should was the so-called Saint king peak level battle efficiency, this estimate was more formidabe.” “这关的实力就是圣王九重了,那么下一层,也许应该就是所谓的圣王巅峰级别的战斗力了,这个估计更难对付了。” The eye of Lin Fei narrowed the eyes slightly. 林飞的眼睛微微一眯了。 How ponders over following should to walk again. 再琢磨着接下来应该怎么走呢。 Since arrived here to arrive at the second pass/test. 既然来到了这里又到了第二关了。 Immediately was the third pass/test. 马上就是第三关了。 The first two passes/tests do not have the what thing reward, but he thought that perhaps this place will cross third closed/pass should to have the reward. 前两关并没有什么东西奖励,不过他觉得这个地方过了第三关应该也许就会有奖励了。 Being undesirable that has happened more than three times. 事不过三。 How this pass/test wanted to pass that somewhat to be dangerous. 这关想要怎么过去那就有些悬了。 He decided to wait one to say here all day again. 他决定在这里待上一整天再说。 Without certain request, he registers here. 只要没有一定的要求,他就在这里签到一下。 By strong of own strength improvement, although Saint king peak level Expert he can be victorious. 让自己的实力提升的更强,虽然圣王巅峰这种级别高手他能打得过。 However too consumption strength, after all his present strength on consumption were many, the matter that therefore he can handle now slowly restored. 但是太消耗力量了,毕竟他现在力量就消耗的不少了,所以他现在能做的事情就是慢慢的恢复了。
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