ILK :: Volume #62

#6131: Third

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Since arrived here. 既然来到了这里了。 Then Lin Fei must look well this he had what to be different. 那么林飞就要好好看一看这个他到底有什么不一样了。 After this sound vanishes does not see, he finally saw the difference of this one layer / first level. 这道声音消失不见之后,他终于看到了这一层的不一样的。 This one layer / first level empty piece, however presented the big shadow in the position of center unexpectedly. 一层空荡荡的一片,但是在最中心的位置居然出现了大黑影。 This shadow what time exist also do not know. 这道黑影什么时候存在不知道 However Lin Fei can actually obviously realize. 但是林飞却能明显地体会到。 know form should is time from the beginning here. 知道身影应该是一开始的时候就在这里了。 But he has not noticed, therefore his know must make what at this time. 只不过他并没有注意到而已,所以这个时候他知道自己要做什么了。 Perhaps must defeat this thing, but has not waited for his coming up careful examination time. 也许就要击败这个东西了,不过还没等他上去仔细查看的时候。 Sees this thing, rushed to him to come directly. 就见这个东西,直接就奔着他过来了。 speed is very quick. 速度还挺快的。 Even also made the sound to come. 甚至还发出声音来了。 I am the protector who this closes, so long as you beat me, then you can under enter close, meets to incur, youngster!” “我就是这一关的守护者的,你只要将我击败了,那么你就能进入下一关了,接招吧,少年!” Sound as always ice-cold. 声音一如既往的冰冷了。 However inexplicable listened to make Lin Fei a little want to smile. 但是莫名的听着就让林飞有点想笑了。 This fellow is very unexpectedly interesting. 这家伙居然挺有意思的。 Crash-bang. 哗啦一下。 The cold light appeared in together at present, the opposite party has the is difficult to deal with/ferocious Space method unexpectedly. 一道冷光就出现在眼前了,对方居然有着非常厉害空间手段了。 These arrived at present, Lin Fei also followed a hand to hand over. 就这一下就来到了眼前了,林飞也跟着一只手就递出去了。 Connection. 彼此之间一个交汇。 Sent out instantaneously collided intensely. 瞬间就发出了激烈的碰撞了。 This collision. 这一碰撞。 Made Lin Fei also feel accidental/surprised. 就让林飞自己也感觉到意外了。 This fellow also is really very aggressive, these erupted the Saint king level might unexpectedly unexpectedly. 这家伙还真的是挺生猛的嘛,就这一下竟然居然爆发出了圣王级别的威力了。 Moreover the strength of opposite party very fierce, is really same like the mighty current. 而且对方的力量非常的猛,真的是如洪流一样的。 Unlike others completely. 跟其他人完全不一样。 Others or with other method, but this words that is really aggressive. 别人或者说是用别的手段,但是这位的话那就真的是生猛的很了。 Such a made one realize the difference. 就这么一下就让人体会到彼此之间的差别了。 Crash-bang. 哗啦一下。 The form of opposite party appears in Lin Fei directly behind. 对方的身影直接就出现在林飞的身后了。 Such. 就这么一下。 Also was a fist. 又是一拳了。 Lin Fei also came the interest. 林飞也来了兴趣了。 This comes in I not to meet what is difficult to deal with/ferocious Expert, you were only one, very made me feel aggressive.” “这一路进来我还没遇上过什么厉害高手呢,你算是唯一的一个了,挺让我感觉到生猛。” After Lin Fei truly comes, has not met several is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 林飞确确实实进来之后就没有遇上过几个厉害的。 The present words were different. 现在的话不一样了。 His present words realized that what is called true is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 他现在的话就体会到什么叫做真正的厉害了。 This fellow was quite fierce. 这个家伙就比较猛了。 Frequent each other! 你来我往! The sound also is really very big. 动静还真的是挺大的。 Has not stopped. 根本就没有停下来过。 The eruptions of two people continued the quite long time. 两个人的爆发持续了好长的时间了。 Your really very is difficult to deal with/ferocious, different also had the experience with others.” “你确实挺厉害的,跟其他人不一样也算是有了见识了。” Lin Fei strength has not shown for from beginning to end formidable. 林飞从头到尾实力都并没有展现出过为的强悍 However his know this present protector was truly overbearing. 但是他知道这个眼前的守护者确实是非常的霸道了。 No wonder will become the protector of this first pass/test. 怪不得会成为这第一关的守护者。 The first pass/test, or feared that has the Saint king seven 8th Layer battle efficiencies. 第一关的时候,或者怕是有圣王七八重的战斗力的。 The opposite party had the Space method. 对方掌握了空间的手段了。 When you begin Teleport that non-stop. 在你动手的时候不停的移动 The advantage became especially is also big. 优势也变得格外的大了。 However such strength in his opinion can deal with. 不过这样的实力在他看来还是可以应付一下的。 Gave you a moment ago the warming-up exercise, now starts aggressive.” “刚才只是给你热身运动,现在就开始生猛的了。” Lin Fei erupted own strength directly. 林飞直接就爆发出来自己的实力了。 However he has not touched oneself limitless domain. 不过他并没有触动自己的无极领域。 After such method must place is good. 这样的手段得放在后头才行。 So long as he at this time can rout that this fellow on simple. 他这个时候只要能把这家伙击溃那就简单了。 Really! 果然! As after Lin Fei strength erupts, this protector becomes incomparable was difficult. 随着林飞实力爆发出来之后,这个守护者就变得无比的艰难了。 His Space Teleport in Lin Fei at present, it seems like does not have the what appearance, even can say relaxed intercepted. 他的空间移动林飞的眼前,看来并没有什么样子,甚至可以说轻轻松松的就拦截了下来了。 Of bang. 轰的一声。 This protector pushed continually more than ten steps, getting down that just now comes to a stop. 这个守护者连推了十几步,方才站稳的下来了。 The body has covered entirely fissures. 身上已经布满一道道的裂痕了。 Finally some people can rush this had closed, you time were this third, your successful enter second pass/test.” “终于有人能闯过这一关了,你算是这一次的第三个了,你成功的进入第二关了。” Crash-bang. 哗啦一声。 He thorough changed to fragment(s), but his final words let Lin Fei at heart are also accidental/surprised below. 他就彻底的化作了碎片,但是他最后的话却让林飞心里头自己也是意外的下了。 Oneself unexpectedly are third. 自己居然是第三个。 Then this closes also is really the card is very strict. 那么这一关还真的是卡的挺严的。
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