ILK :: Volume #62

#6130: Black tower

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Here is flooding an invincible strength everywhere. 这里到处都是充斥着一股无敌的力量了。 This strength is not very obvious. 这股力量并不是很明显。 Actually can feel this strength is exist here. 却能感觉得出来这个力量就是存在在这里了。 However achieved the Saint king level person unable to withstand. 不过达到圣王级别的人根本就顶不住了。 Also everyone can only mix in these five lines of regions no wonder. 也怪不得大家只能在这五行区域混了。 Five lines of regions, said during the words that have not imagined was so dangerous. 五行区域,说起来的话还没有想象之中的那么危险了。 A little strength person can cross slightly very well in that side. 稍微有点实力的人还是在那边能过得挺好的。 But here words were different. 但这里的话就不一样了。 This came is incurred greatly, even it can be said that gift on first meeting. 这一进来就是一个大招了,甚至可以说是见面礼的。 Who comes to estimate that must curse at people. 不论是谁进来估计都要骂人。 Even Lin Fei are still same, just came in was also slow under. 就算是林飞自己也是一样,刚进来的时候也是慢了下。 After a while slow came, was truly easy to hit opposite party one to be caught off guard. 过了一会儿才缓了过来了,确实是容易打了对方一个措手不及。 Really very can calculate. 真是挺会算的嘛。 However such method also that flash. 不过这样的手段也就那么一瞬间。 In an instant he restored. 转眼之间他就恢复了过来了。 Not that so-called was bad. 并没有那么所谓的糟糕了。 This lived to see many skeletons actually. 这一住进来倒是看到了不少的尸骨。 These skeleton exist time also seemed long. 这些尸骨存在的时间似乎也挺久了。 Naturally also some are simple. 当然也有些是简单的。 How he can also look somewhat is a matter. 他也能多多少少看得出来是怎么一回事。 Does not need to guess also know. 不用猜也知道 should was some people of coming is extinguished to kill here directly. 应该是一些进来的人直接就被灭杀到这里了。 Is is a little not good. 就是有一点不好。 That was here thing seems to be picked to be clean. 那就是这里的东西似乎都被人捡到一干二净了。 Not exist, really made people very speechless. 一个都不存在了,真的是让人挺无语的。 Lin Fei has no interest what in this thing. 林飞对这东西也并没有什么兴趣。 Now the biggest interest goes to here to have a look here to be the what appearance. 现在最大的兴趣就是去这里头看看这里头会是什么样子的。 Suddenly! 忽然! Presented one to make him feel that in front Heaven and Earth very accidental/surprised thing, that was a tower. 在前面天地之间出现了一个让他感觉到非常意外的东西了,那就是一座塔了。 This black tower also do not know what time exist. 这座黑色的塔也不知道什么时候存在的。 Actually was full of the Vast boundless feeling. 却充满了浩瀚无边的感觉了。 Everyone can understand this feeling. 不论是谁都能体会得到这种感觉。 In that flash. 在那么一瞬间。 He understood. 他就明白了过来了。 Perhaps that place has the place of so-called most core. 也许那个地方就有所谓的最核心的地方。 Also only then seems like fearful exist that the place of this most core can make yourself feel. 也就只有像是这样最核心的地方才能有着让你自己都感觉到的可怕的存在的。 Lin Fei has not hesitated, rushed to this place to come directly. 林飞也没有迟疑,直接就奔着这个地方来了。 He must but actually looking well. 他倒要好好的找一找。 This place also has the what thing. 这地方到底还有什么东西。 After arriving here . 到这里之后。 Also saw several black forms around this. 在这周围倒也看到了几个黑色的身影了。 All is some corpses. 全都是一些尸体。 Also the do not know what time dies here. 不知道什么时候死在这里的。 Evidently should exist some time long time. 看样子应该存在的时间有些久了。 He actually not too big caring, but was his gaze drops down here above of head. 他倒是没怎么太大的在意,而是他的目光一直落在这里头的上面了。 He thought that own should can see clearly. 他觉得自己应该能看得清楚的。 should was this tower. 应该就是这座塔了。 This tower should is most special one. 这座塔应该算是最为特殊的一个。 Must look well. 得好好的看一看了。 Has not gone, Lin Fei can also feel obtained here fearfulness. 还没有进去,林飞也能感觉得出这里的可怕。 Here fearful was makes your not unimaginable one fearful absolutely. 这里的可怕绝对是让你无法想象的一个可怕了。 Even can say. 甚至可以说。 This place leads to the place in legend. 这个地方就是通往传说之中的地方了。 Does not have the accidental/surprised words, here should is the place of most core, they come here should for enter here, here has the best thing.” “不出意外的话,这里应该算是最核心的地方,他们这些人来这里应该都是为了进入这里的,这里头才有最好的东西呢。” Such short time. 就这么短短的时间。 How his know should did. 他就知道自己应该怎么做了。 Even can say. 甚至可以说。 That was this place. 那就是这个地方了。 Can go from here. 可以从这里进去了。 Lin Fei gaze falls on above has not moved. 林飞目光落在上头并没有动。 Passed some little time time, he this gaze receiving. 过了好一会的时间,他就把这个目光给收了回来了。 He decided that went to here to look well. 他决定去这里头好好的看一看了。 Has a look here is the what appearance. 看看这里头到底是什么样子的。 Crash-bang. 哗啦一下。 He arrived here, was delivered with him in an instant. 他就来到了这里了,跟着转眼之间他就被送了进去了。 The entire time does not calculate that is very long, but his know here should was the place of so-called most core. 整个时间并不算是很长,但是他知道这里头应该就是所谓最核心的地方了。 When his comes in also really to feel here difference. 等到他这一进来还真的感觉到这里的不一样。 Welcome arrives at the invincible world, here was the most powerful invincible world, so long as you can break through the breakthrough that kept, then you can obtain the thing that you wanted, here named invincible tower, only then has rushed to most High level, you can obtain the thing that you most wanted, breakthrough, youngster!” “欢迎来到无敌的世界,这里就是最强大的无敌世界了,只要你能突破不停的突破,那么你就能得到你想要的东西了,这里名为无敌塔,只有闯过了最高层,你才能得到你最想要的东西了,突破吧,少年!” Hears this saying Ye Xuan very not to know whether to laugh or cry. 听到这话叶玄自己都挺哭笑不得的。 Unexpectedly can also have such operation, whom also did not have. 居然还能有这样的操作,也是没谁了。 But a little let his a little interest actually. 但有一点倒是让他有点兴趣了。 Here can challenge. 这里可以挑战了。 He must have a look at this place how about it but actually. 他倒要看看这个地方到底怎么样
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