ILK :: Volume #62

#6129: Changes the place

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Since here has Saint king Expert to be killed by the bang all of a sudden . 自从这里有圣王强者被一下子轰杀之后。 Everyone does not dare to be negligent. 大家再也不敢大意。 Even. 甚至。 To many does not dare to come to here, coming to here to suffer loss absolutely. 对于许多人来说都不敢来这里了,来这里绝对是要吃苦头。 They also think unusual opening, poured not as good as not to come to here. 他们也就想得非常的开,倒不如不来这里了。 After all here five lines of regions are not such a place. 毕竟这里五行区域又不是这么一个地方。 Their naturally know what kind of choice place. 他们自然知道如何的选择地方了。 This place also becomes difference. 这个地方也就变得更加的不一样。 First. 一来。 Was makes him relax on the contrary slightly. 反倒是让他稍微松了一口气了。 At least does not need to be worried that the person came, oneself can register the good thing actually safely. 最起码不用担心人来了,自己倒是可以安安心心地签到好东西了。 The common thing he also really looks does not glance. 一般的东西他还真的看不上眼了。 Here registers a good thing the words, that was different. 在这里签到一个好东西的话,那就不一样了。 Solid can the loosen be many. 实实在在的能松不少。 One Revolution eye time. 一转眼时间。 Here registers the less than half month. 就在这里签到小半个月的时间了。 This less than half month truly makes him feel that the unusual harvest was rich. 这个小半个月的时间确确实实让他感觉到非常的收获丰厚了。 This place thing is very many, he had achieved Saint king level strength. 这个地方东西还是挺多的,他本来已经达到了圣王级别实力了。 With here a registration, achieved peak level of Saint king directly. 随着在这里一签到,直接就达到了圣王的巅峰级别了。 before time. 之前的时候。 He is the Saint king. 他已经是圣王。 Joins to this invincible domain again, in addition this so-called gold/metal Sword Qi, became incomparable terrifying immediately. 再加入到这个无敌领域,再加上这个所谓的金之剑气,立马就变得无比的恐怖了。 Also is no one can resist. 也不是谁都能抵挡得住的。 The come person was extinguished directly kills. 来的人直接就被灭杀。 It can be imagined. 可想而知了。 His present strength compared with before time must formidable. 他现在实力比起之前的时候要更加的强悍了。 This formidable he is quite is satisfied. 这个强悍他还是相当满意的。 Also including was signing three days, he discovered that wanted to register the good thing oneself here somewhat to be as if difficult. 又连着签了三天的时间,他发现在自己这里想要签到好的东西似乎有些难了。 His know this place cannot be dull. 他就知道这个地方不能再呆了。 Can leave here. 可以离开这里了。 He also left this region decisively. 他也就果断的离开了这个区域了。 Here one comes out to make him feel many aura actually nearby this. 这边一出来倒是让他感觉到好些气息在这附近。 These aura seem like the exist time really is not short. 这些气息似乎存在的时间还真的不短了。 Does not need to guess that also know these fellow should defend specially here. 不用猜也知道这些家伙应该就是专门守在这里的。 He also pays attention to what on too lazy. 他也就懒得去理会什么 In fact. 事实上。 Truly some people defend here, since that Saint king was extinguished kills, pouring is no one dares easy coming. 确实是有人守在这里的,自从那位圣王被灭杀之后,倒也不是谁都敢轻而易举的过来。 The courage has, but they worried that this did not pay attention to be struck to kill. 胆子是有,但是他们就担心这一不留神进来了被击杀了。 When the time comes really cried not to have the place to cry continually. 到时候真的是连哭都没地方哭了。 Therefore they are staring from afar. 所以他们还是远远的盯着好呢。 Now the form whiz goes out after together . 现在一道身影嗖的一声出去之后。 They responded came, some people have really left. 他们才反应的过来了,真的是已经有人离开了。 However this person, they have not seen clearly from beginning to end are the long what appearances, but a little can actually let their know. 不过这人,他们从头到尾都没有看清楚是长什么样子,但有一点却可以让他们知道 That was strength unusual formidable of this person. 那就是此人的实力非常的强悍了。 Their even even/including chose/point felt that did not have to leave directly. 他们甚至连点感觉都没有直接就离开了。 Partly visible. 若隐若现的。 They can induce obtain strength unusual formidable of opposite party. 他们能感应得到一点对方的实力还是非常的强悍的。 Must whiz not leave otherwise. 要不然的话不会这么嗖的一声就离开了。 Even if away from them also to be able to realize opposite party vigorous strength far away. 哪怕隔着老远他们也能体会得到对方浑厚的实力的。 Such strength is really no one can resist. 这样的实力真的不是谁都能抵挡得住。 The words that one does not pay attention probably really must by thorough killing. 一不留神的话说不定真的是要被彻底的打死了。 Said some not necessarily people to believe. 说出来都未必会有人相信了。 In fact is what is all about, that person was such strong. 事实上就是这么一回事,那人就是这么强了。 However they poured also relaxed slightly, because of this person finally not, then they can inside i.e . 不过他们倒也稍微松了口气了,因为这个人终于不在了,那么也就是说他们可以到里头去了。 Other place they have no interest what, but the words of this place they have very big interest. 别的地方他们没什么兴趣,但是这个地方的话他们还是有很大的兴趣的。 If can go to have a look, that was better. 如果能进去看看的话,那就更好了。 Originally they also a little worried that after as they go, also on thorough reassurance. 本来他们还有点担心的,但是随着他们进去之后也就彻底的放心了。 Here no one, that person left finally in other words finally. 这里头终于没人了,也就是说那个人终于终于的离开了。 Truly makes them relax! 确确实实让他们松口气! In they also are really worried about also some people. 他们还真担心里面还有人。 This time Lin Fei had left this five lines of regions. 此时的林飞已经离开了这个五行区域的。 Rushed most inside. 奔着最里头去了。 He felt, since came, that must go to inside place. 他觉得既然来了,那就得去最里头的地方。 Only then inside place can find to let his own likes thing. 只有去了最里头的地方才能找到让他自己喜欢的东西呢。 Naturally what are more is the registration. 当然更多的是签到。 Outside could not have signed the what thing. 外面已经签不到什么东西了。 Also can only arrive at this core the place. 也就只能到这核心的地方了。 Arrived at most inside here across the remaining four regions finally. 穿过剩下的四个区域终于来到了最里头这里了。 This comes in he to feel that rampant aura swept away directly. 这一进来他就感觉到一股嚣张的气息直接就横扫来过了。 Such. 就这么一下。 strength does not achieve the Saint king level person unable to shoulder. 实力不达到圣王级别的人根本就扛不住。 Unravelled directly, really worthily is the invincible mountain. 直接就是灰飞烟灭了,果然不愧是无敌山的。 Even! 甚至! He thought that during this invincible mountain has not imagined simple that. 他觉得这个无敌山并没有想象之中的那么简单了。 Even it can be said that very terrifying. 甚至可以说是非常恐怖的了。
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