ILK :: Volume #62

#6127: The Saint king also hangs

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Lin Fei can truly not have the what thoughts to extinguish them. 林飞可以确确实实没有什么心思灭了他们。 Who made others give such a big gift to come. 谁让人家都送了这么大的一份礼物过来了。 Had such a gift, he naturally did not have the what thoughts. 有了这么一份礼物,他自然没什么心思了。 Let go them directly bled off. 直接就把他们放走了放走了。 Oneself can hold appreciatively this so-called gold/metal Sword Qi safely. 自己就可以安心的把玩着这个所谓的金之剑气 Truly was unusual terrifying. 确实是非常的恐怖了。 The strength of set can change to 9999 attacks, naturally can also change to the whole to arrive attacked, naturally this is overall to attacking with ease can extinguish kills Saint king level. 集合的力量可以化作九千九百九十九道的攻击,当然也可以化作整体来到攻击了,当然这是整体的到攻击轻轻松松的就可以灭杀圣王级别的。 Even was Saint Emperor level Expert, not necessarily was so easy to resist. 甚至是圣帝级别强者了,也未必那么容易抵挡得住。 His entire form ambushed. 他整个身影又潜伏了下来了。 However these 9990 Sword Qi arrange directly in this palace outside. 不过这九千九百九道的剑气直接就布置在这个宫殿的外头了。 Words as the matter stands no one can come. 这样一来的话就没有任何人能进来了。 So long as anybody a contact can bump into Sword Qi of this gold/metal, when the time comes can erupt fearful. 任何人只要一接触就能碰上这个金之剑气了,到时候就能爆发出可怕的威芒了。 before time. 之前的时候。 Sword Qi of these gold/metal are unmanned control naturally different. 这些金之剑气是无人控制的自然就不一样。 Now after being built up , the might that erupts was stronger. 现在被炼化之后爆发出来的威力就更强了。 Even can say that a Lin Fei thought can make these things erupt a more super might. 甚至可以说林飞的一个念头就能让这些东西爆发出更加超级威力。 After Luo Hua immortal they leave, many people went to this place to seek for treasure. 罗华仙他们离开之后,还有不少人都来到了这个地方寻找宝物 And Saint king Expert, this Saint king Expert appeared unusual simple, was ordinary, diminutive appeared also ugly. 其中就有一个圣王高手了,这个圣王高手显得非常的简单了,非常的普通了,矮小又显得非常的丑陋了。 Was such a person rushed unexpectedly directly, saw this palace. 就是这么一个人居然直接就闯了进来了,看到了这座宫殿了。 Also smiled at heart. 心里头也是笑了。 haha finally found the main palace, then naturally has the opportunity to gather Sword Qi of gold/metal, heard that this thing has preserved, is no one can col­lec­tion obtain, but I spent for enough 800 years dug do not know many tomb, finally found a method, can this thing gathering absolutely, that was a cultivation method that great sacred place kept.” 哈哈哈终于找到了主宫殿了,那么自然有机会收取金之剑气的,听说这玩意一直留存着呢,不是谁都能收集得到,但是我花了足足八百年的时间刨了不知道多少的坟墓了,终于找到了一篇法门了,绝对能将这东西给收取起来了,那是伟大圣地留下来的一个修炼法门了。” After this short person snort/hum, dashed to the entrance directly. 这个矮个子哼了一声之后直接就飞奔到门口了。 Just arrived at the entrance time, myriad attacks directly on dashing came, rumble loud noise. 刚到门口的时候,万千的攻击直接就飞奔的过来了,轰隆隆的巨响 whole body pounded to turn outside. 整个人就砸翻在外头了。 The body became tattered and torn. 身躯都成了千疮百孔。 Could not resist. 根本就抵挡不住了。 Although he was also Saint king level strength, splendid light of whole body formed was like Ming Yue. 虽然他也是圣王级别实力了,周身的华光形成了和明月一样。 But is still not able to resist this fearful. 可依然还是无法抵挡得住这可怕的威芒了。 In the pupil flashed through incomparably frightened and anxious. 眸子里闪过了无比的恐惧和不安了。 Was swindled! Was swindled! Here had been given takes thoroughly.” “上当了!上当了!这里已经被人给彻底地拿下了。” However such thought did not have in an instant. 不过这样的念头转眼之间就没了。 Died. 死了。 Such so big method, makes here be close to here person. 这样的如此大的手段,也让这里接近这里的人。 The heart attracted an cold air/Qi secretly. 更是暗自心头吸了口冷气了。 They just started who has not recognized this person is, but in an instant, they recognize this are. 他们刚开始的时候并没有认出这人是谁,但是转眼之间之后他们就认出来这是谁。 This is Saint king level Expert. 这是圣王级别高手 Unexpectedly putting in an appearance time striking to kill by the method of this entrance. 居然一个照面的时间就被这门口的手段给击杀了。 Looked their scalp tingles. 看的他们头皮发麻了。 Cannot! 不能去了! Cannot! 不能去了! even/including Shengwang cannot rush, that lost one's life. 连圣王都闯不进去了,那都送命了。 They did not have the what idea instantaneously. 他们这些人瞬间就没有了什么想法了。 Turned around to depart. 转身就离去了。 Some many were far. 有多远就多远了。 Such sound has not spread, they are also the smart people. 如此的动静并没有传开,他们也都是聪明人。 Also know, if at this time spread, that did not have the what good fruit. 也都知道,这个时候要是传开的话,那就没什么好果子。 At the worst pit one is one. 大不了坑一个是一个。 Then actually cheating one after another 接下来倒是陆陆续续的坑人 At the beginning looked at not to care. 开始的时候看了一下倒也没怎么在意了。 Has not thought that this Saint king luck is so bad. 只是没想到这个圣王运气这么差。 The what place does not go, unexpectedly at this time came to be extinguished directly killed, is really quite was sad. 什么地方不去,居然这个时候过来直接就被灭杀了,真的是相当的悲催了。 This also no wonder Lin Fei. 这也怪不得林飞 If he does not come, oneself will not look for his trouble, but you came that to be different. 他要是不过来的话,那自己也不会找他的麻烦,但是你过来了那就不一样了。 The luck is bad! 运气差!
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