ILK :: Volume #62

#6126: Cheap

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Lin Fei naturally is incomparable was happy, after all his time has not really thought can give col­lec­tion Sword Qi of this gold/metal quickly. 林飞当然是无比的高兴了,毕竟他刚才的时候还真的没有想过自己这么快就能将这个金之剑气收集了起来了。 You said that if other he has a little not been able to believe. 你说要是别的话他还有点不敢相信了。 However this words were different, is really draws the attention of everyone. 但是这个的话就不一样了,真的是让人眼前一亮。 This gadget is different from other thing. 这玩意儿跟别的东西不一样。 Really is incomparable was powerful. 真的是无比的强大了。 The thought moves. 念头一动之间。 Can change strongly strikes, or changes to thousand attacks. 就可以化作最强的一击,或者化作千道的攻击。 Even you powerful treasure, could not resist in front of Sword Qi of this gold/metal. 就算是你再强大的宝物,在这金之剑气面前也根本抵挡不住了。 In this five lines of attributes, is Sword Qi of this gold/metal attribute that Lin Fei most could have a liking. 在这个五行属性里面,林飞最看得上的也就是这个金之剑气的属性了。 Luo Hua immortal person also really brought the good thing to oneself. 罗华仙此人还真的是给自己带来了好东西了。 Looked that gaze of opposite party were actually many one point of applause. 看对方的目光倒是多了一分的赞许了。 After Luo Hua xian looked by the look, was flusters at heart very much. 罗华仙被眼神看了之后,心里头更是慌得很了。 do not know had what. 不知道发生了什么 Was always impossible saying that not the good matter must happen. 总不可能说有不好的事情要发生了吧。 In an instant. 转眼之间。 He heard to make he himself feel the incomparable accidental/surprised words. 他就听见了让他自己都感觉到无比意外的话了。 This senior said him to be good unexpectedly, was really the stone that made him be hanging put. 这位前辈居然说他好,真的是让他心里头悬挂的石头都放了下来了。 Senior overpraised, this method also put a long time on our that side, but no one can cultivation succeed, even it can be said that cultivation to the best condition, senior, since can cultivation, you be being predestined friends person of this method, I am 100 was happy, later I will have opportunity cultivation to the top layer.” “前辈过奖了,这个法门在我们那边也是放了很长的一段时间了,但是从来没有人能修炼成功,甚至可以说是修炼到最佳的状态了,前辈既然能修炼,那你就是这个法门的有缘人了,我是一百个的高兴了,以后我也会有机会修炼到顶层了。” Luo Hua xian is quite will speak 罗华仙是相当会说话的 Lin Fei haha laughs, „your saying my very likes hear, you can walk now, inside this, so long as does not run all over the place, you naturally did not have the what matter.” 林飞哈哈哈大笑,“你这话我挺喜欢听的,现在你们可以走了,在这个里头只要不乱跑,那你自然也就没什么事了。” Following. 跟着。 Was the strength of seal flew together. 就是一道封印的力量飞了过来了。 Fell on Luo Hua xian got up on hand. 落在了罗华仙的手头上了。 „Here head will have me three seal strengths, had this three seal strengths, may guarantee you to be safe and sound greatly.” “这里的头有我的三个封印力量,有了这个三个封印力量,大可保你安然无恙。” Luo Hua xian actually felt oneself can live is leaving is good. 罗华仙其实觉得自己能活着离开都算是不错了。 But the opposite party delivered his such generous gift in an instant. 可是转眼之间对方就送了他这么一份厚礼了。 Unexpectedly was the strengths of three seals, although he has not gone to look at the strength of this seal strongly. 居然是三个封印的力量了,虽然他没有去看这个封印的力量到底有多强。 He can actually be able to realize the opposite party, truly delivered him the strengths of three seals, moreover these three strengths incomparable was powerful. 他却能体会得到对方,确确实实送了他三道封印的力量了,而且这三道的力量无比的强大了。 Even he felt the strength can together relaxed striking to kill him. 甚至他觉得就这么一道力量就可以轻轻松松的将他给击杀。 Really is too inconceivable. 真的是太不可思议。 This senior is really a great writer. 这个前辈实在是大手笔的。 Thanks the senior, thanks the senior, this gift I was very satisfied.” “谢谢前辈,谢谢前辈,这份礼物我很满意了。” After 61 thanks, led the person to leave. 三十三一番感谢之后也就带着人离开了。 After leaving the palace, he long relaxing. 离开了宫殿之后,他才长长的松了一口气了。 The do not know what time his back is wet. 不知道什么时候他的后背已经是湿漉漉的了。 Was frightened. 都是被吓出来的。 His think could not have come out. 他还以为出不来了。 Nearby person is also same. 旁边的人也是一样。 Has not really thought that can also breathe arrives at outside air.” “真没想到还能呼吸到外面的空气。” Yes, I also think that my also think died, has not thought thought were many, during others compared with I imagined want terrifying, great writer.” “是啊,我也是这么想的,我还以为自己死定了,没想到想的多了,人家比我想象之中的要恐怖了,大手笔了。” They also looked to Luo Hua immortal. 他们也都看向了罗华仙。 Luo Hua xian was also long breathing a sigh of relief. 罗华仙也是长长的舒了一口气了。 We walk to change a place, later we are few speech to look, danger that naturally can exempt, is not time each time can have such good deed.” “咱们走换一个地方,以后咱们还是少说话多看,自然就能免去的危险了,不是每次的时候都能有这样的好事。” At least this harvest regarding Luo Hua xian is enough big. 最起码对于罗华仙来说这一趟收获已经是够大了。 The strengths of three seals can become trump card. 三个封印的力量就能成为杀手锏了。 In fact is also what is all about, even if behind Luo Hua immortal strength became is especially powerful. 事实上也是这么一回事,就算是罗华仙后面实力变得格外的强大了。 Also without using the strength of this seal, used one time, but such extinguished one time directly killed Saint king level Expert. 也没有动用这封印的力量,也就动用了一次,但就这么一次直接就灭杀了圣王级别高手了。 Make him feel incomparable shock. 让他感觉到无比的震撼了。 Became the family heirloom on the behind remaining two seals. 就后面剩下的两道封印就成了传家宝。 Inheritance from generation to generation. 一代一代的传承下来。 This naturally was something to be talked about later. 这自然是后话了。
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