ILK :: Volume #62

#6125: Really

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In fact they do not dare to move at this time. 实际上他们这些人这个时候也就不敢动了。 Because is really nervous. 因为实在是慌的很。 Also saw this young people as if not to have the what sound. 也看见这个年轻人似乎没有什么动静了。 Does not need to guess that also the know opposite party is trying cultivation. 不用猜也知道对方是在尝试修炼了。 Naturally at heart was also the incomparable shock. 当然心里头也是无比的震惊了。 Wants know this method is not that good cultivation. 知道这个法门并不是那么好修炼的。 Also is not the what people can cultivation be successful. 也不是什么人都能修炼成功的。 So far has not really seen several people able cultivation to succeed. 目前为止还真的没有见过几个人能修炼成功。 He also spent the quite long time to be crosses the threshold. 他也是花了好长的时间才算是入门。 However these does not dare saying that gave to gather time these things. 但是这一次也不敢说把这些东西都给收取走了。 Gathers dozens words that also to be able to achieve. 收取个几十个的话那也是能做得到的。 When the time comes own strength will promote one section. 到时候自己的实力就会提升了一截了。 Where at such good deed looks? 这样的好事上哪找呢? Also is really not that easy matter. 还真不是那么容易的事。 However he sees the opposite party now, the body really had some changes. 但是他现在看到了对方,身躯竟然有了些许的变化的。 This some changes are not considered as that quick. 这个些许的变化并不算是很快。 He must see clearly compared with anybody. 他比任何人都要看得清楚了。 This in cultivation. 这就是在修炼了。 Progress quite was rapid. 进展相当的迅速了。 Whish. 哗了一声。 The body of opposite party as if shakes. 对方的身躯似乎一震。 Lin Fei at heart one startled. 林飞心里头一惊了。 no way, succeeded this one layer / first level cultivation this quickly, that also too terrifying, my one layer / first level spent the millenniums is cultivation crossed the threshold is also the talent, but opposite party on the time of this twinkling, his background thick.” 不会吧,这么快就将这将这个第一层修炼成功了,那也太恐怖了吧,我第一层就是花费了千年的时间才算修炼的入门了也算是天才了,但是对方就这一眨眼的时间,他这底子到底有多厚实啊。” Saw this. 看到了这一幕。 Luo Hua dwelling place of celestial beings cannot believe. 罗华仙都不敢相信了。 This is real. 这是真的。 That feeling was too familiar is too familiar. 那种感觉实在是太熟悉太熟悉了。 In an instant later. 转眼之后。 He heard another sound. 他又听见了另外一个声音了。 Unexpectedly the opposite party cultivated/repaired Second Level. 居然对方修到了第二层 Following was Third Level. 跟着就是第三层了。 Also followed Fourth Level, with Fifth Level. 又跟着到了第四层了,跟着第五层 The breakthrough that my goodness keep, reached the peak in an instant, is really makes he himself feel incomparable shock. 好家伙不停的突破,转眼之间就达到了顶峰了,真的是让他自己都感觉到无比的震撼。 Opposite party cultivation speed also was too rather quick. 对方修炼速度未免也太快了。 Gold/Metal Sword Qi crash-bang with these stays flew. 跟着这些停留的金剑气哗啦一声飞了起来了。 Passed toward the opposite party. 朝着对方过去了。 This past was received by the opposite party, in body. 这一过去就被对方收到了,身体里面了。 Next two next three next four next five next six next seven next eight next nine. 一下两下三下四下五下六下七下八下九下。 Really this gold/metal Sword Qi receiving. 真的是将这个金剑气给收了起来了。 Sees only Sword Qi dancing in the air of entirely scene. 只见现场的剑气通通的飞舞。 Just liking a long line is the same, finally enter in the body of opposite party. 犹如一条长龙一样,最后都进入了对方的身体内了。 The originally aggressive aura all vanishes to disappear in this short time. 原本凶悍的气息在这个短短的时间全都消失不见了。 The person who personally does not see a little has not really been able to believe that this is real. 不是亲眼所见的人还真的有点不敢相信这是真的。 All are so real. 一切都这么真实。 Occurred at present. 就是这么发生在眼前了。 Luo Hua dwelling place of celestial beings cannot believe that this was , can also have such matter unexpectedly. 罗华仙都不敢相信这是真的了,竟然还能有这样的事。 The opposite party really succeeded to cultivation this method. 对方真的将这个法门给修炼成功了。 Also succeeded this scene all gold/metal Sword Qi cultivation. 还将这现场所有的金剑气修炼成功了。 Crash-bang. 哗啦一声。 Luo Hua xian at present presents a golden sword. 罗华仙的眼前出现了一把金色的剑了。 This seems like the golden sword very illusory. 这把金色的剑看上去非常的虚幻。 Also has probably another in this sword. 在这剑里面好像还有另外一把。 However cannot count the end, but Luo Hua immortal can actually know this young senior grasp all this gold/metal Sword Qi that. 但是又数不到尽头,但是罗华仙却能知道这个年轻的前辈将这个金剑气尽数那个掌握起来了。 Really does not look at do not know. 真的是不看不知道 Looks to have a scare. 一看吓一跳。 This little while he is incomparable believed that this. 这会儿他是无比的相信了,这就是真的了。 The opposite party really have such ability, had such method. 对方真的是有这样的能耐,有这样的手段了。 Unexpectedly method cultivation that their Sect is unable to grasp for a short time to peak, in an instant gives to gather this Sword Qi. 居然将他们宗门都一时半会无法掌握的手段修炼到顶峰,转眼之间就将这剑气都给收取。 strength of opposite party was more powerful. 对方的实力更加的强大了。 Especially this move, a thought can all hit these several thousand Sword Qi. 尤其是这一招,一个念头就能将这几千道的剑气全都打了出来了。 Changes to the fearful attack. 化作可怕攻击。 It can be said that aggressive in a complete mess. 可以说是凶悍的一塌糊涂了。 Without the strength person, putting in an appearance time will be struck to kill. 没有实力的人,一个照面的时间就会被击杀了。 Lin Fei also opened the eye. 林飞也张开了眼睛了。 Truly a smile of face. 确确实实一脸的笑容了。 Good good, your methods are really good, in an instant made me receiving this thing.” “不错不错,你们的这个法门真的是挺不错的,转眼之间就让我将这个东西给收了起来了。”
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