ILK :: Volume #62

#6124: Method

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Such. 就这么一下。 Luo Hua immortal they realized that what is called true terrifying. 罗华仙他们就体会到什么叫做真正的恐怖了。 At present this person absolutely was true terrifying exist. 眼前这个人绝对是真正恐怖存在了。 If not his terrifying, how to look for own trouble. 如果不是他恐怖的话,怎么会找来自己的麻烦。 This point he is very clear. 这一点他还是非常的清楚的。 Therefore the matter that he must handle at this time was also unusual simple. 所以他这个时候要做的事情也就是非常的简单了。 In any event cannot make the opposite party begin again. 无论如何不能让对方再动手了。 Your excellency waits, to wait, I am not look for your trouble, we passed by here, I said the said apology for sorry, my also willing gave you this means.” “阁下等一等,等一等,我并不是来找你的麻烦的,我们只是路过在这里,我为刚才的对不起说声道歉,我也愿意将这个办法交给你。” Three Luo Hua dwelling places of celestial beings want to oneself a palm of the hand. 三罗华仙都想给自己一个巴掌。 Jokes aside. 说真的。 He really regretted thoroughly, know has such aggressive exist words early. 他真的是彻底的后悔了,早知道有这么一个凶悍的存在的话。 Then time from the beginning he does not say. 那么一开始的时候他就不说了。 Treated as has not happened is the same. 就当做没有发生过一样了。 Can be able to imagine. 就能想象得到。 Unexpectedly some such powerful terrifying exist here. 居然有这么一个强大的恐怖存在在这里。 Moreover strength is immeasurably deep. 而且实力深不可测呢。 Even has not begun, he felt the opposite party, once begins. 甚至还没动手,他觉得对方一旦动手的话。 Relaxed can striking to kill them here. 轻轻松松的就能将他们给击杀在这里。 This matter said that also not necessarily will have several people to believe. 这种事情说出去也未必会有几个人相信的。 Own in any case is also honorific title of guanyu level strength. 自己好歹也是武圣级别实力的。 Then the opposite party might be Saint king level big Expert. 那么对方极有可能是一个圣王级别的大高手了。 Like this powerful exist, truly divides a minute of bell can give to tidy up him. 这样的强大的存在,确确实实分分钟钟的能将他给收拾了。 Lin Fei light say/way, my likes smart person, only then the smart person can live for a long time, now you can tell me the method that this gathers, so long as talked clearly, makes my smooth received this thing, then I will also therefore deliver you happily Sword Qi of 1-2 this gold/metal, makes you not run a fruitless errand.” 林飞淡淡的道,“我就喜欢聪明人,只有聪明人才能活得更久,现在你可以把这收取的法门告诉我了,只要说清楚了,让我顺顺利利的将这东西收了,那么所以我高兴还会送你1-2这种金之剑气,也让你不白跑一趟。” Luo Hua immortal where dares to want this thing, it is estimated when the time comes must come to want the poor life 罗华仙哪里敢要这东西呢,估计到时候自己要来就要小命 Also did not have. 也就没了。 Senior, was polite, I give you this method now, but I cannot guarantee that this method is to incorrect, before this is also time spreads, our these is time to also come the attempt tries.” “前辈,客气了,我现在就把这个法门交给你,但是我也不敢保证这个法门是对不对的,这也是以前的时候流传下来的,我们这一次也是过来尝试试一试的。” Luo Hua xian is also the comparison can calculate. 罗华仙还算是比较会算的。 If his also know at this time this matter not talking clearly. 他也知道这个时候如果不把这事情给说清楚了。 Perhaps when the time comes unlucky is own. 说不定到时候倒霉的就是自己的。 This matter first talked clearly ahead of time. 这件事得先提前说清楚了。 Lin Fei light say/way, if really could not gather, I naturally cannot blame you, but premise method was right, so long as were right, that what said.” 林飞淡淡的道,“真要是收取不了的话,我自然不会怪你,但前提这个法门是对的,只要是对了,那什么都好说了。” The opposite party select nod again and again, I said me saying that I now this method giving you.” 对方连连点点头,“我说我说,我现在就把这法门给交给你。” Following. 跟着。 A book threw. 一个本子就扔了过来了。 After this book throws came, above truly is exist of method. 这个本子扔了过来之后,上面确确实实是一个法门的存在了。 Has not thought that this fellow also carried this method unexpectedly along. 没想到这家伙居然还把这法门给随身携带了。 Does not need to guess also know, this fellow should also in recent some time in got up this thing on hand. 不用猜也知道,这家伙应该也是在最近的一段时间才把这东西给拿在了手头上了。 Did not have to put with enough time. 还没来得及重新放回去。 Finally! 结果! Fell on Lin Fei got up on hand. 就落在了林飞的手头上了。 Uncle Lin Fei did not worry that the opposite party uses the what trick. 林飞大爷不担心对方耍什么花招呢。 If this uses the what trick, oneself extinguished him is also not the easy matter. 这要是耍什么花招的话,自己灭了他还不是轻轻松松的事啊。 All in the middle of own grasping. 一切都在自己的掌握当中呢。 This method actually very simple, even makes Lin Fei at present slightly one bright. 这个法门倒是挺简单的,甚至让林飞眼前微微一亮。 This Heavenly Blade gate really has the big method also to have such method unexpectedly. 这个天刀门确实是有大手段居然还能掌握这样的手段。 No wonder dares to come to here to take risk. 怪不得敢来这里冒冒险。 Unexpectedly is the additional body practices specially holds. 居然是加身躯修练成特殊的容纳器。 Words as the matter stands can these Sword Qi thoroughly receiving. 这样一来的话就能将这些剑气彻底给收了起来了。 Previous time had how on know these Sword Qi. 先前的时候就知道这些剑气到底有多么的强了。 Here altogether has 9999. 这里一共有九千九百九十九道。 As if remains specially here is the same, even also misses can change to 10,000 together. 似乎专门留在这里一样,甚至还差一道就可以化作一万 Lin Fei know this final one, that is not possible. 林飞知道这最后的一个,那是不可能出现的。 Now like this is very powerful exist. 现在这样子已经是非常强大的存在了。 The matter that now Lin Fei must do was tries to be able cultivation to succeed. 现在林飞要做的事就是尝试一下能不能修炼成功了。 His body originally on incomparable was powerful, became a special vessel, should is not considered as that the what issue 他的身躯本来就无比的强大了,成了一个特殊的容器,应该也不算是什么问题 Also started to operate at heart. 也就开始心里头操作了起来了。
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