ILK :: Volume #62

#6123: Hands over honestly

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This Luo Hua xian proceeding of gaze continues looked. 这个罗华仙的目光继续的往前看了。 He truly feels here some people of exist. 他确确实实感觉到这里有人存在的。 Moreover the opposite party exist trace truly is the quite letting person feels is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 而且对方存在的痕迹确实是相当的让人感觉到厉害 If personally does not see, but also really a little cannot believe, unexpectedly can have such person to hide here. 如果不是亲眼所见的话,还真的有点不敢相信,居然能有这样的人藏在这里。 Really was too accidental/surprised. 真的是太意外了。 They were also the fee/spent completely untold hardships added on certain method to come here again, but some people snatch now unexpectedly to them before. 他们也是费尽了千辛万苦再加上一定的手段才来到这里,可是现在居然有人抢在了到他们前头。 Really was too accidental/surprised. 真的是太意外了。 A little made one unable to believe. 有点让人不敢相信了。 They are not worrying actually anxiously making a move. 他们这些人倒是不急着急着出手 in any case they are also honorific title of guanyu level strength. 好歹他们也是武圣级别实力的。 Even Saint king they can still fight here. 就算是圣王在这里他们也是可以斗斗的。 Don't forget. 别忘了。 Their background are very thick. 他们的底蕴还是很厚实的。 Also stares in Lin Fei of hidden place at heart slightly. 在暗处的林飞心里头也是微微一愣的。 From the start has not thought that here can also have such a fellow to be able unexpectedly to perceive own form. 压根就没有想过,这里头居然还能有这么一个家伙能觉察到自己的身影呢。 After wanting know he to come here, to register. 知道他来到这里之后,就是为了签到。 The thing of registration is also good, therefore nature too lazy came out to fight with them. 签到的东西也是挺好的,所以自然懒得出来跟他们斗来斗去了。 Without that significance. 没那个意义。 Now but some people can detect unexpectedly, moreover strength of this person seems like is also honorific title of guanyu level. 可是现在居然有人察觉得到了,而且这个人的实力看上去也就是武圣级别的了。 This time honorific title of guanyu level, looks like in the eye of Lin Fei is not considered as from the start what, because Lin Fei has broken through to Saint king level Realm. 此时的武圣级别,在林飞的眼中看来压根就不算是什么了,因为林飞已经突破到圣王级别境界了。 This invincible mountain is really a very aggressive place. 这无敌山真的是非常生猛的一个地方。 The reward of registration is also rich. 签到的奖励也是丰厚的很。 If really thanked an immortal doorknob such place making. 真要是感谢仙道门把这么一个地方给弄了出来了。 The Lin Fei form also flashed before. 林飞的身影也就闪现了出来。 Appears in their at present. 出现在他们的眼前。 Good even people like me can think that unexpectedly obtains your truly very is difficult to deal with/ferocious, could it be you did not worry that my making a move copes with you, when the time comes you cannot leave here, dying here is also very normal.” “不错居然连我这样的人都能觉得到你确实挺厉害的,难道你就不担心我出手对付你们,到时候你们就离不开这里,死在这里也是挺正常的。” The Lin Fei form comes out, some of their truly accidental/surprised. 林飞的身影一出来,他们这些人确确实实有些意外的。 Their unusual accidental/surprised. 他们非常的意外 Recognizes is not clear about this man. 认不清楚这男人。 Because the age of opposite party was really young, was too young. 因为对方的年纪真的是太年轻了,太年轻了。 Let some of their accidental/surprised young. 年轻的让他们自己都有些意外了。 The what time emitted such a fellow to come. 什么时候冒出这么一个家伙来了。 Moreover hides here. 而且还是藏身在这里。 Luo Hua xian is also same, he did not know at present such a fellow. 罗华仙也是一样,他根本就不认识眼前这么一个家伙了。 But the strength as if a little immeasurably deep feeling of this person. 可偏偏这个人的实力似乎有点深不可测的感觉了。 As if to the words on opposite party, as if also yes right, if really began, they who others said wanted to stay here. 似乎在对上对方的话,人家说的似乎也是没错,真要是动手的话,他们这些人想要留在这里。 That somewhat cannot achieve. 那就有些做不到的。 I think that your excellency should will not cope with us to be right, we also come to here to seek a treasure, but I, am a little sensitive to aura thing, must therefore be ahead of time know compared with anybody, let alone I am the Heavenly Blade gate person, I think that your excellency should always knows.” “我想阁下应该不会这么对付我们才对,我们也只是来这里寻个宝而已,而我呢,对于气息这东西有点敏感,所以比任何人都要提前知道,更何况我还是天刀门的人啊,我想阁下应该总认识吧。” Luo Hua xian also has own energy. 罗华仙也是有自己的底气的。 Own in any case is also the Heavenly Blade gate person, let alone are Supreme Talent. 自己好歹也是天刀门的人,更何况自己还是一个天骄 No matter such strength puts the what place, is quite has proudly. 这样的实力不管是放到什么地方,也算是相当的有自豪的。 He has the energy. 他还是有底气的。 Opposite party should not optional began. 对方应该不会随意的就动手了。 Lin Fei naturally know this Sect. 林飞当然知道这个宗门 Also is quite is powerful. 也算是相当强大的。 This Sect is a little different from other Sect. 这个宗门跟别的宗门有点不一样。 Others are seek for treasure, other thing also really makes them a little look does not glance. 人家都是去寻找宝物,别的东西还真的让他们有点看不上眼了。 Originally is the Heavenly Blade gate person. 原来是天刀门的人。 Since is the Heavenly Blade gate person, that made people relieved, how your should know gathered this Sword Qi, so long as your told me the method, I naturally did not feel embarrassed you, under must wait for my making a move otherwise, your these people naturally could not shoulder.” “既然是天刀门的人,那就更让人放心了,你应该知道怎么收取这剑气,只要你这把法门告诉我,那我自然也就不为难你了,要不然的话等下我这一出手,你们这些人自然就扛不住了。” Lin Fei first step stepped. 林飞一步就跨了出来了。 The invincible domain launched directly. 无敌领域直接就展开了。 On rolling on them. 就辗压在他们身上了。 Steamroll. 碾压。 Their one after another on retreat. 他们纷纷的就后退了。 Even if Luo Hua xian is also same, drew back several continually. 哪怕是罗华仙也是一样,连退了好几步了。 In the heart shakes. 心中更是一震。 Because he discovered own strength inexplicable fell two. 因为他发现自己的实力莫名的掉了两层。 Really was makes him feel the incomparable heart startled. 真的是让他感觉到无比的心惊了。 At present this person could it be really so powerful? 眼前这个人难道真如此的强大吗? Unexpectedly cultivation mysterious powerful domain. 竟然修炼了神秘强大的领域。 Made him not have two strength instantaneously. 瞬间就让他没了两层的实力 If this begins, must extinguish him kills here. 这要是动起手来的话,岂不是要将他灭杀在这里。
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