ILK :: Volume #62

#6122: Do not hide

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Opening of invincible mountain truly came many people. 无敌山的开启确确实实来了不少人了。 These people are one by one strong. 这些人一个比一个强。 Coming. 不停的进来了。 After coming, their enter this five lines of places. 进来之后他们就进入了这个五行之地了。 Because five lines of places were the most obvious place. 因为五行之地算是最明显的一个地方了。 Their one after another choice. 他们纷纷地选择了。 Especially some people strength are similar to this attribute. 尤其是有些人实力跟这属性差不多的。 Chose simply this. 干脆就选择了其中这个。 But the person who in these five lines of attributes comes are quite many. 而这五行属性里面进来的人比较多的。 should is the place of this gold/metal. 应该就是这金之地的。 Wanted know this place most powerful attack method. 知道这地方可是最为强大的攻击手段了。 This came to extinguish many people actually. 这一进来倒是灭了不少人了。 Because their strength were too weak. 因为他们的实力太弱了。 Also underestimated is difficult to deal with/ferocious of here head by far. 也远远低估了这里头的厉害了。 Therefore they died much here. 所以他们这些人不少都死在这里了。 However after dying here, has not thought what. 不过死在这里之后也没有多想什么 After all they were also clear about the harm of here head. 毕竟他们自己也清楚这里头的危害了。 At this time is having several forms to be fastest. 此时正有几道身影最为快速的。 Their movements are also quickest. 他们的动作也是最快的。 Seized everyone's inside. 抢占了所有人的里头了。 Arrived forefront. 到最前面了。 On several people put on valuable armor, has to protect the shield, protected own. 几个人身上都穿了宝甲,更有护盾,保护了自己的。 With usual time one compared with really had very big difference. 跟平时的时候一比确实有了很大的不一样。 You looked at that place are the palaces, did not have the accidental/surprised words, good thing should there.” “你们看那地方就是宫殿了,不出意外的话,好东西应该就在那里头了。” That affirmative, must, I hear in that palace also to put most is difficult to deal with/ferocious gold/metal place metallicity Sword Qi, if can this thing to the absorption, refine when the time comes can become one set of true Top Grade big Killing Move to weapon.” “那肯定的呀,必须的,我听说那宫殿里面还放了最厉害的金之地的金属性的剑气呢,如果能将这东西给吸收的话,到时候炼化到兵器里面就能成为一套真正的顶级的大杀招了。” Their these person looks are slightly one was bright. 他们这几个人神色都是微微的一亮了。 This situation, they have also really heard. 这一情况,他们还真的听说过。 This type of thing they cannot guarantee that really can bump into. 这种东西他们也不敢保证是不是真的能碰得上。 However now seemed like also really can bump into. 但是现在看来似乎还真的能碰得上了。 Made them feel all of a sudden happily. 一下子就让他们感到高兴了。 In an instant later their enter this palace. 转眼之后他们就进入了这个宫殿了。 Although these attacks of palace are fierce. 宫殿的这些攻击虽然猛。 But also made them shoulder got down, after all they also had strength. 但也让他们都扛了下来了,毕竟他们这些人也不是没实力的。 Each one was honorific title of guanyu level Expert. 个个都是武圣级别高手了。 Such strength arrived here is also normal. 这样的实力到这里也是正常的。 Although could not compare past true invincible honorific title of guanyu level strength. 虽然比不上当年的真正的无敌的武圣级别实力 Unusual. 已经非常的强了。 It can be said that few individuals can cope jointly their. 可以说是没有几个人联手能对付他们的。 Only if Saint king level. 除非是圣王级别的。 The Saint king level person will not come these five lines of places absolutely. 圣王级别的人绝对不会来这些五行之地的。 But goes to the place of core. 而是去核心之地了。 Therefore they also felt relieved especially. 所以他们也就格外的放心了。 This came in they not to feel any form. 这一进来他们并没有感觉到任何的身影了。 However their speed is also extremely quick. 但是他们速度也是极快。 Arrived at this innermost directly. 直接就到了这最里面去了。 Arrived at innermost later to see places of gold/metal special metallicity Sword Qi. 一来到最里面之后就看到了一道道金之地的特殊的金属性的剑气 Like this is staying. 就这样停留着的。 peacefully also saw that their look shone. 安安静静的也看到他们眼神都发亮起来了。 Finally was given to see by them. 终于被他们给看见了。 Such good thing. 这么好的东西。 haha, good, good, how did we finally find this good thing this thing to gather?” 哈哈哈,太好了,太好了,咱们终于找到了这好东西了不过这东西要怎么收取呢?” I thought us, so long as moved these thing should outbreak attacks.” “我看咱们只要一动这些东西应该就会发作攻击了。” They see actually very clearly. 他们这些人倒是看得挺清楚的。 At this time if did not go, that was really very bad. 这个时候如果不去的话,那真的是挺糟糕的。 Whose know will have the what matter. 知道会有什么事。 Their this little while do not dare to move, but one was young people his gaze of first brocade clothes falls on actually front. 他们这会儿也不敢动,不过倒是其中一个为首锦衣的年轻人他的目光就落在了前面。 Fell came the sound on front. 落在前面就来了声。 „The front should some people, your excellency can come out, although this method is good, but cannot hide the truth from me, because I regarding aura exist am most sensitive, this was anybody of Innate bringing cannot conceal the truth, even the Saint king level wallpaper was still same.” “前面应该是有人了,阁下可以出来了,虽然这手段挺不错的,但是瞒不过我,因为我对于气息的存在是最为敏感的,这是天生自带的任何人都瞒不了,就算是圣王级别的墙纸也是一样。” His saying. 他这一说。 Nearby several person complexions also changed. 旁边的几个人脸色也是一变了。 They simply have not seen here to have the person. 他们根本没有看到这里有人。 Even front is also empty one piece. 甚至前面也是空荡荡的一片的。 Let alone here also has these metallicity Sword Qi exist. 更何况这里还有这些金属性的剑气存在 These gadget are not cracking a joke. 这些玩意儿可不是开玩笑的。 If really begins, can make you realize that absolutely what is called desperately. 真要是动起手来的话,绝对能让你体会到什么叫做绝望。 In such situation can also some people snatch unexpectedly before them. 这样的情况下居然还能有人抢在他们前头。 Plays the what international big joke. 什么国际大玩笑。 They a little have not really been able to believe. 他们还真的有点不敢相信了。 Young master’s words they believe that may be exist. 公子的话他们还是相信的那么极有可能是存在的。
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