ILK :: Volume #54

#5349: Having it all

Where three -and-a-half god Expert had what too many ideas, chose to submit to directly. 三个半神强者哪里有什么太多的想法了,直接就选择臣服。 Does not submit to dies, dying resists stubbornly, that is also the dead end. 不臣服就是死,垂死顽抗,那也是死路一条的。 Pours the not as good as choice to submit to simple. 不如选择臣服简单的很。 Most let is to make the Supreme pavilion that they regretted, snatched this Divine Spark. 最让他们后悔的就是来做至尊阁了,抢这个神格了。 They can guess somewhat obtain, this fellow used certainly the method, must not make them feel such terrifying otherwise. 他们多多少少能猜测得到,这个家伙一定是用了手段,要不然的话不会让他们感受到如此的恐怖的。 Lin Fei impolite one by one in their body up and down method! 林飞也不客气一一的在他们身上下了手段! The flower monster is looks clearest. 花妖算是看的最清楚。 This young people, are not right, should says the young senior. 这个年轻人,不对,应该是说年轻的前辈。 should is a strength formidable fellow, came to have in an instant flew suddenly the change that. 应该是一个实力强悍的家伙,来转眼之间就有了突飞的变化。 Even three -and-a-half god level Expert was still taken with ease, became his under the hands / subordinates. 就算是三个半神级别强者也被轻轻松松的拿下了,成了他的手下了。 Makes the flowered monster feel unprecedented shock all of a sudden. 一下子就让花妖感受到前所未有的震撼。 Senior, can I follow in you?” “前辈,我可以追随于你吗?” Colored monster little while also came the god, shivering to ask. 花妖这会儿也是来了神,颤颤抖抖的问了起来。 Such Expert may be the low-rank god, even was the god. 这样的一位强者极有可能是下位神,甚至是中位神了。 The flower monster felt oneself in such a big influential or powerful person while this opportunity list said again. 花妖觉得自己得趁着这个机会榜上这么一条大粗腿再说。 Perhaps now the words of non- list, the what time do not have the opportunity. 现在还不榜的话,说不定什么时候就没机会。 Lin Fei smiled one lightly. 林飞淡淡的笑了一声。 This flower monster is actually very intelligent. 这个花妖倒是挺聪明的。 Your courage is actually very big, but you are the monster, half god, reluctant also has this qualifications!” “你胆子倒是挺不小的,不过你是妖,半神,勉勉强强也是有这资格的!” The men and women work matching is not tired, have such a flower monster, is actually very interesting. 正所谓男女干活搭配不累,有这么一个花妖,倒是还是挺有意思的。 After all what this flower monster know is very many. 毕竟这花妖知道的还是挺不少的。 Lin Fei comes back to urge to go faster, gave to receive the main body of this flowered monster. 林飞又重新回来去去一趟,把这花妖的本尊也给收了起来。 Also know this flower monster name. 同时也知道这花妖的名字。 Spends Xiao Lin! 小林 This name spends Xiao Lin to take to oneself, thought that very simple, naturally is also very ordinary. 这个名字是花小林自己给自己取的,觉得挺简单的,当然也是挺普通的。 Master in front of my know this where also has the Supreme pavilion, comes up also several Supreme pavilions from this road, I can give you lead the way!” 主人知道这前面哪里还有至尊阁,从这条路上去还有好几个至尊阁,我可以给你带路!” Lin Fei smiled lightly. 林飞淡淡的笑了。 Temporarily does not use the Supreme pavilion, my also matter must be done, that three fellows cleaning up, this eternal samsara palace lady were too many, is very troublesome, my not likes!” “暂时不用去至尊阁,我还有一件事情要做,那就是把那三个家伙给清理了,这万古轮回宫人太多了,挺麻烦的,我不喜欢!” Behind these three -and-a-half god Expert, the heart is startled. 后面这三个半神强者,心头一惊。 During their know this young people have not imagined is so good to speak. 他们就知道这个年轻人没有想象之中的那么好说话。 Has not thought that unexpectedly must clean up three Expert that on that gets down. 没想到居然要去清理那上面下来的三个强者 They rejoiced oneself chose to submit, must say otherwise even their three must be solved. 他们更加庆幸自己选择臣服了,要不然的话岂不是说连他们三个都要给解决。 Three same places are not others opponents, let alone one-to-one. 三个一起都不是人家的对手,更何况一对一。 Master, I thought that their three should went to the grasping principles palace!” 主人,我觉得他们三个应该都是去了悟道殿!” Spent Xiao Lin to say in side. 小林在旁边说了起来。 This place is an eternal samsara palace most special place, heard that here can grasp principles, regarding the emperor spoiled children of younger generation, will have the enormous promotion.” “这地方是万古轮回宫最特殊的一处地方,听说在这里头可以悟道,对于年轻一代的天子骄子来说,会有极大的提升。” Such place. 还有这样的地方。 Lin Fei decided that induces with the big Karma technique these three fellows in the what place. 林飞决定用大因果术感应一下这三个家伙到底都在什么地方。 If in the same place that actually simple. 如果在一起的话那倒是简单了。 came to can their to catch everything in one net, avoid runs everywhere. 正好可以将他们一网打尽了,省得到处跑。 After all this eternal samsara palace compared with the Lin Fei imagination wanted many of is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 毕竟这万古轮回宫比林飞想象的要厉害的多了。 If this separated wasted the time actually. 这要是分开的话倒是浪费了时间了。 If by some chance they seize the chance to leave, that Lin Fei wanted to cope with them to be possible somewhat to be difficult again. 万一他们趁机离开,那林飞想要再对付他们可就有些难了。 After all this time limit duty must give to extinguish their three. 毕竟这限时任务就得把他们三个都给灭了。 If by some chance their three were short of one, the duty ends insuffcient directly! 万一他们三个少了一个,任务直接就完不成 The big Karma technique launches. 因果术一展开。 Gold thread lines fill the air in this eternal samsara palace. 一道道金丝线就在这万古轮回宫弥漫开来。 Lin Fei can induce to the position that these gold thread lines follow. 林飞能感应到这些金丝线顺着的位置。 Place that each gold thread line gathers in finally in same position. 每一条金丝线最终汇聚的地方都在同一个位置。 Although partly visible, but Lin Fei is clear. 尽管若隐若现的,但林飞已经非常明白。 Does not have the accidental/surprised words, these three person should in grasping principles palace. 不出意外的话,这三个人应该就是在悟道殿里面。 It seems like this flowered Xiao Lin said does not have the mistake, this eternal samsara palace also really somewhat special places. 看来这个花小林说的没有错,这个万古轮回宫还真的有些特殊的地方。 Has not thought that three proud Son of Heaven got down went to such a place unexpectedly. 没想到三个天之骄子下来居然去了这么一个地方。 Right, they truly in same place, should in this grasping principles palace, your lead the way!” “没错,他们确实在同一个地方,应该就是在这悟道殿了,那你就带路吧!” The know three people gather in together, Lin Fei relaxes. 知道三个人汇聚在一起,林飞更是松了一口气的。 This was also more relaxed, believes that in this eternal samsara palace besides these three people, does not have others again. 这样也就更加的轻松了,相信这万古轮回宫内除了这三个人之外,再也没有其他人。 But at the same time inside a palace. 而与此同时在一处宫殿里头。 white Jianqiu, BlackRock they rushed in the sitting together palace. 白剑秋,黑岩他们都闯进了同座宫殿了。 Three people stood in a stone platform, but went out of a ray place this ray to pass warmly in the distant place, is passing auspiciously, but made them not dare to treat it lightly. 三人都站在了一座石台上了,而在远处走出了一片光芒的地方了这光芒透着温馨,透着祥和,但让他们不敢掉以轻心。 I feel have the powerful aura to come toward us together, did not have the accidental/surprised words, should has a is difficult to deal with/ferocious person to come, moreover looked our three people!” “我感受有一道强大的气息正朝着咱们过来,不出意外的话,应该是有一个厉害的人进来了,而且找的还是咱们三个人!” quietly Zhao Xuan has said suddenly. 一直静静的赵玄忽然开口说道了。 white Jianqiu followed with the BlackRock look changes. 那白剑秋跟黑岩神色都跟着一变了。 No one compared with the ability that they were clear about this Zhao Xuan. 没有人比他们清楚这个赵玄的能耐了。 He brought treasure! 他可是带了一件宝物 Can see clearly the danger, once there is a danger, nature on know. 能洞察到危险,一旦有危险了,自然就知道了。 Zhao Xuan wants to cope with him in the younger generation is not easy. 赵玄在年轻一代里面想要对付他可没那么容易。 Here besides us, could it be also has is difficult to deal with/ferocious, that three old bastard were not the opponents, said that young people!” “这里头除了咱们这些人,难道还有更厉害的,那三个老东西更不是对手了,还是说那个年轻人!” BlackRock had fought with that young people actually, but did not think that the opposite party has such ability. 黑岩倒是跟那年轻人交过手了,但不觉得对方有这样的能耐。 white Jianqiu also follows saying that right, that three old men truly collapse at the first blow, young people actually a little strength, but does not have such big ability, could it be said that some people did come?” 白剑秋也跟着道,“没错,那三个老头确实不堪一击,那年轻人倒是有点实力,不过也没有这样大的能耐,难道说又有人来了?” Their three people come to here naturally to grasp principles. 他们三个人来这里自然是想悟道。 This grasps principles to make them have the opportunity to break through to Level of low-rank god! 这悟道能让他们更有机会突破到下位神的层次 Probably their such half god Realm proud Son of Heaven, there are much. 像是他们这样的半神境界天之骄子,还是有不少的。 To achieve the low-rank god, is not that easy matter, must seek for the respective chance, but the grasping principles palace is one of them. 想要达到下位神,可不是那么容易的事,得寻找各自的机缘了,而悟道殿就是其中之一。 Who my do not know is, but here my know he ran up to comes!” Zhao Xuan coldly say/way. “我不知道是谁,但我知道他跑到这边来了!”赵玄冷冷的道。 This was not the what good news, even/including Zhao Xuan to say, then came strength of person absolutely is very strong. 这可不是什么好消息,连赵玄都能这么说,那么来人的实力绝对是挺强的。 He, since comes, we give him a method and that's the end, at least we are the same place, cannot let other person here Impudent, this grasping principles palace does not need the fourth person!” “那他既然过来,那咱们就给他一点手段就是了,最起码咱们都是同一个地方来的,可不能让其他人在这里放肆了,这悟道殿不需要第四个人!” BlackRock coldly said. 黑岩冷冷的说了起来了。 Even white Jianqiu is still same, does not hope that the fourth person arrived here. 就算是白剑秋也是一样,不希望有第四个人来到这里。 Even if their before is the competitor, but this meeting can make Zhao Xuan feel the pressure, naturally was the strength extremely strong person. 哪怕他们之前彼此之间都是竞争对手,但是这会能有让赵玄感受到压力的,自然是实力极强的人了。 If such person does not work as one, was very difficult to deal with. 这样的人如果不齐心协力的话,根本就很难对付得了。 Truly did not need the fourth person to come!” “确实不需要第四个人来了!” Lin Fei this comes is very quick. 林飞这一路过来还是挺快的。 Spends Xiao Lin to here cognition. 小林对这里的认知还是有的。 Although the middle had some mistakes, but to Lin Fei is not what! 中间虽然出现了一些差错,但对林飞来说都不算什么 Soon after later. 不多久之后。 A palace appeared in the Lin Fei front. 一座宫殿就出现在林飞的面前了。 The grasping principles palace three characters filled with the mysterious aura. 悟道殿三个字充满了玄妙的气息。
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