ILK :: Volume #54

#5348: Time limit task function

The second function of this opening very lets Lin Fei look forward to. 这个开启的第二功能还是挺让林飞期待的。 Very early time, during Lin Fei on know, this System has not definitely imagined simple that. 很早的时候,林飞知道,这个系统肯定没有想象之中的那么简单 Currently all have imagination such, especially after fleshly body achieves 100 th is heavy, really had the change of progressing by leaps and bounds. 现在一切都有想象的那样,特别是肉身达到第一百重之后,真的是有了突飞猛进的变化了。 Naturally this is only breaks through to 100 heavily, now Lin Fei fleshly body the one breath had achieved 100 zero 9th Layer. 当然这只是突破到一百重而已,如今林飞肉身已经一口气达到了一百零九重 100 zero 9th Layer fleshly body from time to time can condense locate Divine Strength, although speed is not considered as quick, but can also the naked eye obvious. 一百零九重肉身时不时就能凝练处出一道道的神力,虽然速度并不算是很快,但也是可以肉眼可见的。 One compared with really had very big difference from before. 之前一比真的是有了很大的区别。 Previous time, Lin Fei holds very big look forward to feeling to this leveling system, but had not activated, but now seemed like stirs up truly. 先前的时候,林飞就对这个升级系统抱有很大的期待感,只不过一直没有重新激活而已,而现在看来才算是真正的激了。 System second function opening is the time limit duty!” 系统第二功能开启属于限时任务!” This time limit duty very lets person accidental/surprised actually. 这个限时任务倒是挺让人意外的。 Has not thought that this second function has the relations with the duty unexpectedly, although a little small surprised, but also is in the expectation of Lin Fei. 没想到这第二功能居然是跟任务有关系的,虽然有点小小的惊讶,但也算是在林飞的预料当中。 Has not waited to say with him some what time, as if this System the know Lin Fei institute is at heart same. 还没等跟他说些什么的时候,似乎这个系统早就知道林飞心里头所想一样。 In the mind appeared like a backdrop same list. 脑海里就出现了如天幕一样的一个榜单。 In this list is some time limit duties, these duties from 1-Star to 9-Star. 这个榜单上都是些限时任务,这些任务从一星九星不等。 Time also from several days to several months again to several years again to dozens years. 时间也从数天到数个月再到数年再到数十年。 Perhaps if this, will not have brought to the Lin Fei what attention merely, the thing that but behind this duty rewards makes Lin Fei actually small surprised. 如果仅仅这样的话也就罢了,或许还不会引起林飞什么注意,但是这个任务后面奖励的东西倒是让林飞小小的惊讶了一下。 Really is the thing of this reward compared with the imagination during wants rich many. 实在是这奖励的东西比想象之中的要丰厚的多。 Time limit duty: In 100 years, infinite Divine Body breaks through in 200 heavy rewards position god fragment(s) three!” “限时任务:一百年内,无限神体突破二百重奖励中位神碎片三个!” Time limit duty: In 50 years train a disciple to become the low-rank god, in the reward position god fragment(s)!” “限时任务:五十年内培养一个弟子成为下位神,奖励中位神碎片一个!” Time limit duty: In 300 years train ten disciples, become low-rank god Expert, reward infinite chaos Divine Body!” “限时任务:三百年内培养出十个弟子,成为下位神高手,奖励无限混沌神体!” These duties really have very rich reward. 这些任务确实都有很丰厚的奖励。 Especially this infinite chaos Divine Body, is to make the eye of Lin Fei slightly one bright. 特别是这无限混沌神体,更是让林飞的眼睛微微一亮。 He thought that this Divine Body should above infinite Divine Body, really this is the true System true colors. 他觉得这个神体应该是在无限神体之上,果然这才是真正系统的真面目。 before System can only say that is the appearance of most simple most foundation. 之前系统只能说是最简单最基础的样子。 At present Lin Fei also really has the thoughts to read these time limit duties very much. 眼下林飞还真的很有心思去翻看这些限时任务。 Thinks here was the eternal samsara palace, Lin Fei also receives the thoughts. 一想到这里是万古轮回宫,林飞也就收起了心思。 He continues toward inside. 他得继续往里面去。 Looked that can fish some Divine Spark to come back, if can have enough Divine Spark, feared that can complete some tasks. 看能不能多捞一些神格回来,如果能有足够的神格,怕是就能完成其中的一些任务。 Therefore Lin Fei did not want to miss any opportunity. 所以林飞不希望错过任何的机会了。 The System second function has opened now in any case, to Lin Fei, so long as chooses appropriately, that naturally can obtain the rich reward. 反正现在系统第二功能已经开启了,对林飞来说只要挑选得当的话,那自然就能得到丰厚的奖励啊。 Ding, the time limit briefing, the eternal samsara palace is having a duty whether can receive?” “叮,限时任务提示,万古轮回宫正有一个任务是否可以接取?” Also without and other Lin Fei went out of this Supreme pavilion, heard another sound actually, that is the System prompt sound. 还没等林飞走出这座至尊阁,倒是听见了另外一个声音,那就是系统的提示声。 Presented a duty with his mind. 跟着他的脑海里就出现了一个任务。 Time limit duty: Strikes to kill in the eternal samsara palace all people, the duty completes to reward broken Divine Pill one, first step to ascend heaven!” “限时任务:击杀万古轮回宫内所有的人,任务完成奖励破神丹一枚,一步登天!” Lin Fei was happy. 林飞不由乐了。 This reward also is really very rich. 这奖励还真的是挺丰厚。 Especially saw after this broken Divine Pill use , is sigh with emotion. 特别是看到这破神丹的用处之后更是感慨起来。 These half god level Expert, who does not think to break through to become God Level Expert. 那些半神级别强者,谁不是想为了突破成为神级强者 The result expenditure long time years are still not able the achievement, but broken Divine Pill can let their first step to ascend heaven now. 结果花费漫长的时间岁月依然无法成就,可现在一枚破神丹就能让他们一步登天 Right, took broken Divine Pill first step to ascend heaven to become a low-rank god. 没错,服用了破神丹就可以一步登天成为一位下位神。 Naturally this Realm is permanent solid[ studies leisurely] decides, forever did not promote. 当然这个境界是永久固[悠悠读书]定,永远都提升不了。 Even if like this regarding these half god level Expert, is caring of quite. 哪怕是这样子对于那些半神级别强者来说,也是相当的在乎的。 Naturally this thing does not have the attraction to Lin Fei. 当然这东西对林飞来说并没有吸引力。 But is quite is attractive to average person that. 可是对一般人那是相当有吸引力。 Even half god level Expert still comes. 就算是半神级别强者也是闻风而来。 Such a reward is also good. 这样的一个奖励还算是挺不错的。 Naturally wanted the person this eternal samsara palace killing, that was with the Second Level influence is an enemy, the pressure was very big. 当然想要将这万古轮回宫的人给杀死了,那就是要跟第二层的势力为敌了,压力还是挺不小的。 Is good has not requested to receive because of this duty, but such a duty came, Lin Fei has certainly the thoughts. 好在这个任务并没有要求一定要接取,但是这么一个任务来了,林飞当然有心思。 After thinking, Lin Fei gave this duty following. 想了想之后,林飞就把这个任务给接下来了。 Ding, successfully receives the duty, in the time limit eternal samsara palace, time limit duty failure, reduces 20 heavy infinite Divine Body!” “叮,成功接取任务,限时万古轮回宫内,限时任务失败,砍掉二十重无限神体!” This made the brow of Lin Fei wrinkle slightly. 这个就让林飞的眉头微微皱了起来了。 He had not really realized that this time limit duty also has the penalty policy unexpectedly, this System also really some pit fathers. 他还真的没意识到这限时任务居然还有惩罚机制的,这个系统还真的有些坑爹。 This, know said that early earlier, now unexpectedly cannot complete the task, must reduce 20 heavily, I with great difficulty to 100 zero 9th Layer!” “这样也可以呀,早知道早点说嘛,现在居然完成不了任务,就要砍掉二十重,我好不容易才到一百零九重啊!” Has felt 100 zero 9th Layer, after brought fleshly body is powerful, makes him return to eight ten 9th Layer again absolutely is a huge blow. 感受过一百零九重,带来的肉身强大之后,再让他回到八十九重绝对是一个巨大的打击。 The complexion also sank slightly! 脸色也是微微沉了! No matter how said that must the fellow in eternal samsara palace dealing with. 不管怎么说,现在就要将万古轮回宫内的家伙给对付了。 At present must cope also only then that three people. 目前要对付的也就只有那三个人了。 One is white Jianqiu, one is BlackRock. 一个是白剑秋,一个是黑岩。 These two strength are truly strong, but also not as good as afterward, come that Zhao Xuan. 这两个实力确实挺强的,但是也不如后来,来的那个赵玄。 He is strongest. 他才是最强的。 Copes with the front two not too tremendous pressures, as for this Zhao Xuan actually some cards in hand, somewhat some skills that can come from Second Level. 对付前面两个并没有太大的压力,至于这个赵玄倒是有些底牌了,能从第二层过来的多多少少有些本事的。 Now Lin Fei fleshly body has achieved 100 zero 9th Layer, had the Divine Power method, strength formidable. 现在林飞肉身已经达到一百零九重,更有了神威法相,力量强悍的很。 To cope with them truly easily, this duty is actually not difficult, very easy. 想要对付他们确实容易的很,这个任务其实并不难,也是非常的容易。 At present at present these three -and-a-half gods must first solve actually said again. 眼下眼前这三个半神倒是得先解决了再说。 Lin Fei gaze One Revolution fell on the bodies of these three -and-a-half gods directly. 林飞目光一转直接就落在了这三个半神的身上。 These three -and-a-half god Expert have been injured, but with Lin Fei air/Qi field strengthen, the dangerous aura is stronger. 这三个半神强者本身已经受伤了,但随着林飞身上的气场变强,危险气息更强。 Makes them not dare to have the what sound. 就让他们更是不敢有什么动静啊。 For fear that does not pay attention to be struck to kill. 生怕一个不留神就被击杀。 This look came to make their three feel nervous at heart, body cannot help but shivered. 这一个眼神过来就让他们三个心里发慌了,身躯都不由自主的颤抖起来。 Fellow Daoist forgives!” 道友饶命!” So long as does not kill me, my what matter listens your, my willing turns in you!” “只要不杀我,我什么事情都听你的,我愿意投靠于你!” I am also same, only strove for not killing me, kept means of livelihood to me!” “我也是一样,只求不杀我,给我留条活路!” The Lin Fei look also becomes especially fearful. 林飞的眼神也变得格外的可怕。 A look makes them realize that struggles is nothing's use, must die result without doubt. 一个眼神就让他们体会到挣扎是没有任何的用处,必死无疑的结果。 Your three are very actually tactful, my also think you must struggle, now gives you two to choose, or submitted to either now striking to kill you, naturally you also had beginning opportunity a time!” “你们三个倒是挺知趣的,我还以为你们要挣扎一下,现在给你们两个选择,要么臣服要么现在就把你们给击杀了,当然你们还有一次动手的机会!” Lin Fei said lightly. 林飞淡淡说道。 Three -and-a-half god level Expert one after another shook the head. 三个半神级别强者纷纷摇头了。 They absolutely do not have the courage to wrestle one now again, even if there is thought at heart, but on Lin Fei gave their oppression too is too strong, if really began really unable to shoulder. 他们现在根本就没有胆子再来搏一把了,哪怕心里头有念头,但是林飞身上给他们的压迫太强太强了,真要是动手的话真的是扛不住了。 Our willing submits to!” “我们愿意臣服!”
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