ILK :: Volume #54

#5350: I take responsibility

Lin Fei has been able to feel their here head clearly. 林飞已经能清清楚楚的感觉到他们就在这里头。 They as if do not have the what movement, does not need to guess also know, their should is waiting for itself to come. 他们似乎没有什么动作,不用猜也知道,他们应该是在坐等自己过来。 After all they get down from above, not simple, detected that oneself pursues, that will definitely have the method. 毕竟他们都是从上面下来的,都是不简单,察觉到自己一路追过来,那肯定会有手段的。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz. 嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖。 Three Daoist shades first clash, they want performance well, to make a good impression. 身后的三道人影最先冲进去,他们都想好好的表现一把,留下一个好的印象。 Later the day can cross, them coped with their three well at this time, although does not have the what odds of success, but can definitely three pairs one. 以后日子能过得好一点,这个时候他们三个人对付他们三个,虽然没什么胜算,但是完全可以三对一啊。 They think is very intelligent, can divert is to divert. 他们还是想的挺聪明的,能牵制一下就是牵制一下。 Their three crash in the grasping principles palace, Great Array appears, is stranded their three people in inside. 他们三个一冲进悟道殿里面,一座大阵就浮现出来,就把他们三人困在里头。 The fierce combat appears, rumble, erupts the Saint prestige, attacks on their bodies! 刀光剑影浮现,轰隆隆的,爆发出圣威,攻在他们的身上! Suddenly. 一时间。 Three old men are busy with dealing with. 三个老头忙于应付。 Zhao Xuan their also coldly sees the three old men in Formation, appears a little accidental/surprised, has not thought that unexpectedly is these three fellows. 赵玄他们也冷冷的看着阵法内的三个老头,显得有点意外,没想到居然是这三个家伙。 BlackRock cold snort/hum, has not thought that is your three first comes, that prepares well suffers a hardship, waits to give to extinguish you again.” 黑岩冷哼了一声,“没想到是你们三个最先进来,那就准备好好的吃点苦头吧,等一下再把你们给灭。” Here words fall, the form walks together. 这边的话一落下,一道身影就走进来。 That Lin Fei. 正是那林飞 My know you are prepared early, worthily is the person who above gets down!” “我就知道你们早有准备,不愧是上面下来的人!” Lin Fei this comes, Zhao Xuan their gaze falls on the body of Lin Fei. 林飞这一进来,赵玄他们三人目光就落在林飞的身上。 They feel dangerous aura. 他们都感受到一股危险的气息。 This dangerous aura very intense, feels like critical situation to be the same. 这股危险的气息非常的强烈,就感觉像是如临大敌一样。 Such feeling actually could not feel in before them completely. 这样的感觉在之前的他们却完完全全感觉不到。 This young people really very terrifying. 这个年轻人真的很恐怖 Has not thought is you, really deeply concealed, has your such Expert in this one layer / first level, but also really very accidental/surprised, but you thought that your one person can cope with our three!” “没想到是你,果然是深藏不露,在这一层有你这样的高手,还真的挺意外的,不过你觉得你一个人能对付得了我们三个!” Zhao Xuan coldly looks. 赵玄冷冷的看过来。 Among three people a following the lead appearance. 三个人当中一副马首是瞻的样子。 I give you two to choose, submits to me, either striking to kill by me, I thought that you will be the smart person, should will make the correct choice.” “我给你们两个选择,一臣服于我,要么就是被我给击杀,我觉得你们都是聪明人,应该会做出正确的选择的。” Lin Fei also looks to these three people. 林飞也看向这三人。 These three people of strength are truly strong, if can submit to itself, completed a task. 这三人的实力确实都挺强的,如果能臣服自己的话,也算是完成了一个任务。 Whiz! 嗖一声! The sword glow comes together, originally is white Jianqiu begins, the sword light passes through like the river together equally directly. 一道剑芒就过来,原来是白剑求动手,一道剑光如长河一样直接贯穿而来。 „To make me submit to you, is the what thing, absolutely does not have the qualifications, first met my sword to say again!” “想让我臣服你,算是什么东西,根本就没有资格,先接我一剑再说!” Lin Fei lifts the hand, held this sword. 林飞一抬手,就抓住了这一剑。 This sword falls in the hand of Lin Fei, that point is unable continues to get down again. 这一剑落在林飞的手上,那锋芒根本就无法再继续下来。 This! Was too weak a point!” “就这!还是太弱了一点!” The Lin Fei strength moves, instantaneously is together coming of entire fist glow bombardment. 林飞的力量一动,瞬间就是一道全拳芒轰击的过来。 In front of white Jianqiu appeared Great Array, got down this fist on shouldering, but this Great Array whish an embrittlement, with direct bang on white Jianqiu the body. 那白剑秋面前浮现一座大阵了,就扛下了这一拳,不过这大阵哗的一声脆裂,跟着直接轰在了白剑秋的身上。 Rumbles to fly him, is pounding on the pillar. 就将他轰飞出去,砸着来柱子上。 It seems like you do not prepare to submit, I began directly, gave to extinguish you, came to was relaxed!” “看来你们是不准备臣服,那我直接就动手得了,把你们给灭了,正好还轻轻松松的!” Lin Fei smiled one, first step stepped. 林飞笑了一声,一步就跨了出来了。 Bang loud noise, this piece of Void crashed instantaneously. 轰隆一声巨响,这片虚空瞬间就崩塌了。 No matter Zhao Xuanhao, is BlackRock, even is that white Jianqiu is in the attack range of Void avalanche. 不管是赵玄好,还是黑岩,甚至是那白剑秋都处于虚空崩塌的攻击范围之内。 Such method is the super big might, their three people started strength of half god instantaneously. 这样的手段已经是超级大的威力,他们三人瞬间就发动了半神的实力 The god of journeys light covers together, is resisting the attacks of these Void strengths. 一道道神光笼罩出来,抵挡着这些虚空力量的攻击。 Even if they promoted the Divine Strength strength, but their Divine Strength are not considered as many, everyone is also dozens, naturally this is also strong. 哪怕他们推动了神力的力量,但他们的神力并不算是很多,每个人也就是几十道而已,当然这也算是强。 Has achieved 100 as for Zhao Xuan. 至于赵玄已经达到了一百道。 But resists in the front of this Void avalanche very laborious. 可是在这虚空崩塌的面前抵挡的非常的辛苦。 Forehead pea-sized sweat also follow. 额头一颗颗豆大的汗水也跟着下来。 How to have such strong ability. 怎么会有这么强的能力 Lin Fei walks. 林飞走进来。 That five fingers like the mountain, such as dark clouds pressed directly, is one rumble loud noise. 那五指如山,如一片乌云直接就压了下来,又是一阵轰隆隆的巨响 This Lin Fei used half god level strength directly. 这一次林飞直接就动用了半神级别的力量。 in addition holds to be one of them. 加持在其中。 This holds. 这一掌下来。 Bang bang bang bang! 砰砰砰砰! Three people spit the blood on the mouth instantaneously, cannot withstand. 三个人瞬间就口吐鲜血,根本就承受不住。 Fissures spread from them, instantaneous whole body changed to the blood person, creakying that cannot stand. 一道道的裂痕就从他们身上蔓延出来,瞬间整个人就化作了血人,根本就站立不住的摇摇欲坠了。 I have said that gives opportunity that you chose, what a pity your do not know treasures, even above gets down, I can still give to strike in the same old way to kill you entirely!” “我说过,给了你们选择的机会了,可惜你们不知道珍惜,就算是上面下来的,我照样也能把你们通通给击杀!” Lin Fei light smiles. 林飞淡淡的一笑。 Also is an ordinary not wonderful palm, is the Divine Strength in addition holds to be one of them. 又是平凡无奇的一掌,又是神力加持在其中。 May regarding Zhao Xuan their three people, feel the aura of death instantaneously. 可对于赵玄他们三人来说,瞬间就感受到了死亡的气息的。 This palm, if cannot shoulder to die without doubt, they realize the fearfulness of this young people finally. 这一掌,要是扛不住的话必死无疑,他们终于意识到这个年轻人的可怕。 In this one layer / first level absolutely is terrifying big devil. 在这一层绝对是恐怖的大魔王 How to have such big powerful exist. 怎么会有这么样的大的强大的存在 Is they do not know. 是他们所不知道的。 Three people of complexions became especially were pale, one after another mailed out trump card treasure, covered from Heaven and Earth with the god of journeys light together, fell on them. 三人脸色都变得格外的苍白了,纷纷寄出了杀手锏宝物,跟着一道道神光从天地之间笼罩了下来,落在了他们身上。 Your brat should not be self-satisfied, strength like you are not worth mentioning in front of our sect, we sooner or later striking to kill you!” “你小子别得意,像你这样的实力在我们宗派面前根本不值得一提,我们早晚会将你给击杀!” Comes next time again time, must be you dies!” “下一次再过来的时候,必是你死的时候!” They had chosen to retreat at this time, the words that does not retreat must by living killing. 他们这个时候已经选择撤退,再不撤退的话就要被活生生的打死。 The corners of the mouth of Lin Fei raise. 林飞的嘴角一扬。 I had said that must striking to kill you, that must certainly strike to kill you, even to run away from me, you do not have that strength!” “我说过要把你们给击杀了,那肯定要把你们击杀,就算是想从我面前逃走,你们也没有那个实力!” Lin Fei laughs. 林飞大笑。 Waves, directly on bang in these gods on light/only. 一挥手,直接就轰在这些神光上。 These gods on light/only have certain defense effect, but actually cannot withstand like the ants in front of Lin Fei equally decayed. 这些神光上有一定的防御作用,但在林飞面前却如蝼蚁一样腐朽不堪。 Rumble loud noise, three gods of journeys were only defeated instantaneously. 轰隆隆的巨响,三道神光瞬间就被击破。 Simultaneously this strength also rumbles on them. 同时这力量也轰在他们身上。 Bang bang bang bang bang. 砰砰砰砰砰。 Three loud noise, these three in Second Level are the proud Son of Heaven fellows, wrote off. 三声巨响,这三个在第二层算是天之骄子的家伙,就被抹杀了一空。 This is their strength is too weak. 这是他们的实力太弱。 Lin Fei this is also not full power making a move, in any case he also cultivation has 3000 Divine Strength now, compared with their these dozens 100, do not know powerful many times. 林飞这还不是全力出手,好歹他也现在修炼出三千道的神力,比起他们这些几十道一百道的,不知道强大了多少倍。 Dares to kill the person in our day Jianmen!” “敢杀我们天剑门的人!” The sword light raids from Heaven and Earth, locked on the body of Lin Fei, is flooding the sound of angry roaring. 剑光从天地之间袭来,锁定在林飞的身上了,更充斥着怒吼的声音了。 My the person of Zhao you also dares to kill, your heinous crime!” “我赵家的人你也敢杀,你罪该万死!” Also the sound comes together, with is in charge together, is in charge Zhongzhengzhan to angrily roar together in the form, roared invincibly. 又是一道声音过来,跟着就是一道掌印,掌印之中正站在一道身影怒吼一声,咆哮无敌。 My goodness, strength of these people reached the peak of half god. 好家伙,这些人的实力都达到了半神的巅峰。 Lin Fei can feel clearly. 林飞清清楚楚就能感觉得到。 Is highest in this one layer / first level strength also reaches the peak of half god. 在这一层实力最高也就是达到半神的巅峰。 Even if you achieved Level of low-rank god, not in this one layer / first level. 就算是你达到了下位神的层次,也不会在这一层 This place I take responsibility, you absolutely do not have the qualifications!” “这地方我做主,你们根本就没有资格!” A fist! 一拳! All gods were only in charge to disappear instantaneously. 所有的神光掌印瞬间消失一空了。
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