ILK :: Volume #43

#4266: Do not run

The huge body of bone dragon, directly flushed from Sacred Mountain, blocks the sky. 骨龙的庞大身躯,直接从圣山里冲了出来,遮天蔽日。 This comes, the entire Sacred Mountain people frightened flurriedly could not withstand, how could they have seen so huge bone dragon. 这一现身出来,整个圣山的人都吓得慌乱不堪了,他们何曾见过如此庞大的骨龙。 The pressure of that bone dragon presses them unable to take a breather, lay on the ground, mind one blank. 那骨龙的威压就压得他们无法喘息,一个个趴在地上,脑海都一片空白了。 Purely is a skeleton, unexpectedly can fly, can release fearful Dragon Prestige. 纯粹就是一座骨头架子,居然能飞行,更能释放出可怕的龙威 Dragon Prestige that the living bone dragon that does not have any Expert resists releases. 没有任何一个高手抵挡的住骨龙释放出来的龙威 Although this bone does not have the flesh and blood, but that huge skeleton, is actually most formidable fight weapon, the place visited house palace collapses. 尽管这骨头没有血肉之躯,但是那庞大的骨架,却是最为强悍的战斗武器,所过之处房屋宫殿倒塌。 Dust Fei Yang/Flying, most Sacred Mountain blinked became stretch of ruins. 尘土飞扬,大半个圣山眨眼之间就成了一片废墟。 No one has thought under this Sacred Mountain, unexpectedly a skull dragon. 谁也没有想到在这圣山之下,居然还有一头骨龙。 The King Kong / diamond king and specters that runs after the ancient grave looked at each other one, was more terrified. 从古墓里跑出来的金刚王和魔影对视了一眼之后,更是惶恐不安了。 Thought with great difficulty can escape ascended to heaven, unexpectedly presented a bone dragon. 好不容易觉得可以逃出升天了,居然又出现了一条骨龙。 This bone dragon the fearfulness of strength formidable. 这条骨龙的实力强悍的可怕。 The suppression from Bloodline, making them unable to have a thought of fight. 来自血脉上的压制,让他们根本产生不了一丝战斗的念头。 But this time beginning Zulong thousand have hidden in the hidden place fully, that smiling face that but he shows regarding Lin Fei, felt a flurry and anxiety. 而此时的始祖龙千足一直藏在暗处,不过他对于林飞露出的那笑容,感到了一丝的慌乱和不安。 If no before a series of things, the dragon thousand this first ancestors will not care fully. 如果不是有之前一连串的事情,龙千足这位始祖根本不会在乎的。 Presently cares is not good, he always felt that had not the wonderful matter to happen, but quick inflated to oneself in the heart, even on this day foreign visitor Lin Fei is difficult to deal with/ferocious, could it be can he also surrender this bone dragon insuffcient again? 现在不在乎都不行了,他总感觉有不妙的事情发生了,但很快又在心底里给自己打气,就算这天外来客林飞厉害,难道他还能降服这条骨龙不成 Now this bone dragon does not have the flesh and blood, is only left over a skeleton purely, but still is also peerless Expert. 现在这条骨龙没有血肉之躯,纯粹只剩下一座骨头架子,可依然也是一位绝世强者 The place visited almost pushes horizontally. 所过之处几乎是横推。 Even Sacred Mountain still can't do anything to this bone dragon. 就算是圣山奈何不了这条骨龙。 Old man was the suspicion is too certainly heavy.” “老夫一定是疑心太重了。” Lin Fei when saw that this bone dragon appears, truly is some accidental/surprised and being startled, at once smiles. 林飞在看到这条骨龙出现的时候,确实是有些意外和吃惊,旋即就笑了。 Probably such dark lifeform, Lin Fei very long has not seen, has not thought that will present one in this Divine Dragon Secret Realm unexpectedly, although strength Level is not very high, but in any case is also a hurrying along helper. 像是这样的黑暗生物,林飞已经很久没有见过了,没想到在这神龙秘境内居然会出现一条,虽然实力层次并不算很高,但好歹也算是一个赶路的帮手。 Was good hides quite far because of this time dragon thousand full first ancestors, without the know Lin Fei thought that estimated otherwise really wanted dumbfounded. 好在这个时候龙千足始祖躲得比较远,没有知道林飞的念头,要不然估计真要傻眼了。 When the different world, Lin Fei has fought with these dark lifeform a lot, how know controlled these dark lifeform. 在异世界的时候,林飞没少跟这些黑暗生物交过手,更知道了如何掌控这些黑暗生物。 Dark totem.” “黑暗图腾。” Lin Fei both hands tie seal, a mysterious mark flew from his hand directly, hit on the body of bone dragon. 林飞双手结印,一个玄妙的印记直接从他的手上飞了出来,打在了骨龙的身上。 The mark falls after the bone dragon body, easy by this bone dragon shaking, was split up, perhaps by this stimulation, bone dragon direct rushed to Lin Fei to come. 印记落在骨龙身上之后,轻而易举的就被这骨龙给震开了,四分五裂,或许是被这一刺激,骨龙直接奔着林飞来了。 Crash-bang. 哗啦一声。 This bone dragon spouted the black dragon flame unexpectedly. 这条骨龙居然喷出了黑色的龙炎。 The land and even Void, corroded suddenly. 大地乃至虚空,眨眼间就腐蚀一空了。 This did brat make what to the bone dragon? Unexpectedly compelled the bone dragon to display the most powerful dragon flame.” Beginning Zulong thousand held breath fully a cold air/Qi. “这小子到底对骨龙做什么了?居然逼着骨龙施展出了最强大的龙炎。”始祖龙千足倒吸了一口冷气。 Wanted know he dead under this dragon flame in the past, had no way to resist, putting in an appearance time, his fleshly body thoroughly was destroyed. 知道当年他就是死在这个龙炎之下的,根本就没法抵挡,一个照面时间,他的肉身就彻底被摧毁了。 Now beginning Zulong thousand has a vivid memory fully, does not have what to distinguish with a nightmare, will not forget for a lifetime. 现在始祖龙千足记忆犹新,和一个噩梦没什么区别,一辈子都不会忘记。 Dragon flame of bone dragon, this brat was definitely finished, his fleshly body could it be can also be able to block the prestige of this dragon flame again, this is can corrode exist of Void and even land.” “骨龙的龙炎一出,这小子肯定完蛋了,他的肉身难道还能挡得住这龙炎之威,这可是能腐蚀虚空乃至大地的存在。” Lin Fei has not shouldered hardly. 林飞并没有硬扛。 The prestige of dragon flame he is know, if the fleshly body nature of his heyday is fearless, but also falls far short now. 龙炎之威他还是知道的,如果他全盛时期的肉身自然无所畏惧,不过现在还差得远。 Kept off with the Sword Intent defense together in together front, the whole body rapid violent drew back, but this dragon flame was also the bone dragon most powerful method, constantly corrosion these Sword Intent defends worthily. 一道跟着一道的剑意防御挡在了面前,整个人迅速的暴退了出去,而这龙炎也不愧是骨龙最强大手段,不断的腐蚀这些剑意防御。 Put in an appearance destroyed leaf Xiaolong dozens defenses, that speed quick inconceivable, was good because of finally by Lin Fei successful resolution. 一个照面就毁了叶小龙几十道的防御,那速度快的不可思议,好在最后还是被林飞成功的化解了。 Lin Fei has not been idling, in the hand continues ties seal. 林飞并没有闲着,手上继续结印。 A mark follows mark constantly displays, fell on the body of bone dragon. 一个印记跟着一个印记不断的施展出来,落在了骨龙的身上。 At the beginning the bone dragon can also break away, as these knot seal are getting more and more, speed of bone dragon also started slowly. 开始的时候骨龙还能挣开,可是随着这些结印越来越多,骨龙的速度也开始慢了下来。 This brat as if must control this bone dragon, how he can have such method, cannot make him succeed.” “这小子似乎要控制这条骨龙,他怎么能有这样的手段,绝不能让他成功。” Beginning Zulong thousand worried fully, this is Divine Dragon Secret Realm most powerful Killing Move, he is to cope with on this day foreign visitor Lin Fei with this bone dragon. 始祖龙千足着急了,这可是神龙秘境最强大杀招的,他就是要用这条骨龙对付这天外来客林飞的。 If this made Lin Fei control this bone dragon, he cannot escape. 这要是让林飞控制了这条骨龙,那他还不得逃命的。 Beginning Zulong thousand just came fully. 始祖龙千足刚一现身出来。 Crash-bang, Sword Intent flocking of one running water, changes to the attack of meteor shower instantaneously, kept off him outside. 哗啦一声,一片流水的剑意蜂拥而来,瞬间化作流星雨的攻击,将他挡在了外面。 „It is not good, is this move.” “不好,又是这一招。” This intense Sword Intent attack is beginning Zulong thousand most dreaded fully, broken not quite broken, shoulders hardly must suffer a loss, most disgusting style. 这密集的剑意攻击是始祖龙千足最为忌惮的,破又不好破,硬扛又要吃亏,最恶心的招式了。 The first ancestor Longquan foot 18 arms promote the limit. 始祖龙泉足18条手臂推动到极限。 Even so, is unable to break the attack of this Sword Intent suddenly. 即便是这样,还是一时间无法冲开这剑意的攻击。 Compared with the Sword Intent attack of before, this Sword Intent attack, unexpectedly is 5 lines of attacks. 之前剑意攻击,这一次的剑意攻击,居然是五行攻击。 gold/metal wood water of fire clay 5 species crazy attacks beginning Zulong thousand feet. 金木水火土五种属性疯狂攻击的始祖龙千足。 Under five lines of unions, the might rose suddenly all of a sudden, beginning Zulong thousand foot whole body were shocked. 五行结合之下,威力一下子就暴涨了上来,始祖龙千足整个人都惊呆了过去。 Unexpectedly is also having five lines of methods, really damn, then troubled.” “居然还掌握着五行手段,真是见鬼了,这下麻烦了。” Beginning Zulong thousand without delay, turns around to run fully. 始祖龙千足二话不说,转身就跑。 If general Sword Intent, beginning Zulong thousand can resist even fully, but if turns into five lines of Sword Intent, that cannot resist easily, that is must suffer a loss. 如果说一般的剑意的话也就算了,始祖龙千足还是能对抗的,可要是变成五行剑意的话,那可不是轻而易举能抵挡得住的,那是要吃大亏的。 That past day Sword Mountain that old fogy also never had cultivation to become five lines of Sword Intent, but this brat unexpectedly easy displayed. 那当年天剑山的那老家伙也从来没有修炼成五行剑意,可这小子居然轻而易举的就施展了出来。 Having the flash first ancestors that felt oneself were old, unexpectedly was not a baby brat opponent, said that this brat was an old monster, during has not imagined young that. 有那么一瞬间始祖都觉得自己老了,居然不是一个毛头小子的对手了,还是说这小子本来就是一个老怪物,并没有想象之中的那么年轻。 Beginning Zulong thousand cannot think fully, he only wants to escape now said again. 始祖龙千足不敢去想,他现在只想逃命了再说。 Now does not escape, when that brat really controlled the bone dragon by some chance, when the time comes he may not have the opportunity. 现在不逃命,等到那小子万一真控制住了骨龙,到时候他可就没机会了。 Lin Fei marks hit on the bone dragon, these are the dark magic arts, specifically is used to control some bone dragons as well as any dark lifeform. 林飞一道道的印记打在骨龙身上,这些都是黑暗法术,专门用来掌控骨龙的以及任何一些黑暗生物。 Although this bone dragon counter- resisting force somewhat is strong, but cannot support these marks, follows together, speed of bone dragon slowly slow, the strength of struggling was also small, finally successful printed the dark magic on him. 虽然这条骨龙反抗力还是有些强,但架不住这些印记,一道跟着一道,慢慢的骨龙的速度慢了下来,挣扎的力道也小了,最终在他身上成功将黑暗魔法印了上去。 The bone dragon stopped the offensive thoroughly. 骨龙彻底就停下了攻势。 Lin Fei turned over/stood up leaps falls in the top of the head of bone dragon. 林飞翻身一跃就落在了骨龙的头顶上。 Dragon thousand leaves fully anxiously, we chatted again well.” “龙千足别急着走,咱们再好好聊一聊。” Crash-bang. 哗啦一声。 The bone dragon ripped open Void unexpectedly. 骨龙居然撕开了虚空 The escaping beginning Zulong thousand feet had fled Sacred Mountain. 正在逃命的始祖龙千足已经逃离了圣山 The behind sound appears together, then he noticed that Void moves, a bone dragon flushed, the opens the mouth was together dragon Yanpen. 后面一道声音出现,然后他就看到虚空一动,一条骨龙冲了出来,张口就是一道龙炎喷了过来。
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