ILK :: Volume #43

#4265: Very long has not used the dark magic arts

Dragon thousand fully after displaying Dragon God 13 change, strength truly achieved certain dramatic rise. 龙千足在施展龙神十三变之后,实力确实达到了一定的飙升。 But actually is this, the dragon thousand still cannot break open this Sword Intent to defend fully easily. 可其实便是这样,龙千足依然没有能轻而易举破开这层剑意防御。 That running water same Sword Intent one layer / first level follows one layer / first level, even if broke open one layer / first level, immediately new one layer / first level kept off in front, continuous not, simply did not have the end. 那流水一样的剑意一层跟着一层,哪怕破开了一层,马上就有一新的一层挡在了面前,绵绵不尽,根本没有尽头。 This is one lets the person very sad matter. 这才是一个让人非常悲伤的事情。 The dragon thousand feet to display Dragon God 13 change, truly planned the dragon thousand clan fleshly body very long time, but cannot support the dragon thousand feet to be cautious. 龙千足为了施展龙神十三变,确实是谋划了龙千族这具肉身很久的时间了,但架不住龙千足小心翼翼。 Was good thousand obtained this fleshly body because of beginning Zulong fully. 好在始祖龙千足还是得到了这个肉身 May think that encountered setback for the 1 st time, after displaying Dragon God 13 change cannot break through on this day the Sword Intent defense of foreign visitor Lin Fei unexpectedly. 可想到第一次就遭遇了滑铁卢,在施展龙神十三变之后居然还是没能攻破这天外来客林飞剑意防御。 A Sword Intent defense Mount Tai of opposite party consolidates like the mountain probably equally. 对方的剑意防御就好像一座泰山一样稳固如山。 This makes the beginning Zulong thousand clans more hit is more flurried, could it be couldn't really suppress this fellow? 这让始祖龙千族越打越慌乱,难道自己真的压制不住这家伙了吗? Can could it be really use that most powerful one move? 难道真的要动用那最强大的一招了吗? That is true trump card, used to be possible not to have. 那可是真正的杀手锏,用过了可就没了。 Originally is attaining dragon thousand full fleshly body to control this body, the dragon thousand full moods are very good, but at present his mood is actually very bad. 本来在拿到龙千足的肉身控制了这具身体,龙千足心情是非常好的,可眼下他的心情却是非常糟糕的。 The fellow who on this day kills, does not brave early, braved at this time. 这天杀的家伙,早不冒出来,偏偏在这个时候冒出来。 In the past his planning made a mistake completely. 当年他的算计完全就是出错了。 Your Dragon God 13 change cultivation is not proficient, this small piece of Sword Intent, you cannot break unexpectedly, that can only say that your luck is not good.” “你的龙神十三变修炼的还不到家,这小小的一片剑意,你居然都破不开,那只能说你运气不好了。” Lin Fei light saying. 林飞淡淡的说道。 could it be didn't you really want the Dragon God blood? That is among Heaven and Earth the rare good thing, after taking, can make your fleshly body achieve new Realm instantaneously, even can also make you step into Supreme to build Level of base easily, the old man can also tell you a more astonishing secret, could it be you really did not think know.” 难道你真的不想要龙神血了吗?那可是天地之间少有的好东西,服用之后瞬间就能让你的肉身达到新的境界,甚至还能让你轻而易举踏入至尊筑基的层次,老夫还能告诉你一个更惊人的秘密,难道你真的不想知道了吗。” The bombardments of dragon thousand foot constantly the Sword Intent defense, is trying to make the opposite party lose concentration with the words, an opportunity of good ob­tains attack. 龙千足不断的轰击着剑意防御,更试图用话让对方分神,好获得一线攻击的机会。 Lin Fei that is the what person, the trivial treasure even Dragon God blood is not true God blood, he naturally cannot move. 林飞那是什么人,区区宝物就算是龙神血又不是真正的神血,他自然不会去动心。 Feared that the bright snow blood in the front, Lin Fei will not really change countenance. 怕是真的有神雪血在面前,林飞也不会动容。 I look or consider as finished, I have no interest in that thing, I am interested to you, chats some passing things, why to kill here? You looked everyone runs was similar.” “我看还是算了吧,我对那东西没啥兴趣,我只是对你这个人有兴趣,聊聊一些过往的事情,何必在这里打打杀杀?你看大家都跑的差不多了。” Lin Fei very optional saying, to the attacks of dragon thousand foot constantly. 林飞很是随意的说道,任由龙千足不断的攻击着。 The dragon thousand more hits fully more worries. 龙千足越打越着急。 18 arms every strikes is heavy, if thousand honored, but cannot break this Sword Intent to defend. 18条手臂每一击都是重若千钧,可就是破不开这剑意防御。 After the dragon thousand fiercely attacks fully again, whole body pulled open a remnant shadow instantaneously, fell on stone coffin above. 龙千足再次猛攻之后,整个人瞬间就拉开了一道残影,落在了石棺的上面。 Your non- old man feels better, the old man does not make you feel better, everyone was finished together.” “你不老夫好过,老夫也不让你好过,大家一起完蛋好了。” stone coffin opens! 石棺翻开! Dragon thousand foot whole body jumped. 龙千足整个人就跳了下去。 Rumble loud noise is following close on the appearance. 轰隆隆的巨响紧跟着出现。 Lin Fei has not expected dragon thousand fully unexpectedly such cunning, unexpectedly ran back in stone coffin. 林飞也没有料到龙千足居然这么狡猾,居然跑回到石棺里面去了。 Outside Seven Color glazed pagoda does not want. 连外面的七彩琉璃塔都不要了。 „It is not good to walk quickly.” “不好快走。” loud noise. 一声巨响 The bottom blasts out. 地底炸开。 A huge skeleton drilled from the place bottom, cracking that the ground non-stop, formed a giant sinkhole. 一具庞大的骨架从地底钻了出来,地面不停的崩裂,形成了一个巨大的天坑。 This is a Divine Dragon skeleton, huge incomparable, achieves kilometer long. 这是一条神龙骨架,庞大无比,足足达到千米之长。 The entire first ancestor ancient grave crashed instantaneously. 整个始祖古墓瞬间就崩塌了。 Crash-bang. 哗啦一声。 The Divine Dragon skeleton comes to that Vast boundless Dragon Prestige remaining to look at each other in blank dismay, the whole body strength is unable to resist, was pressed there cannot move. 神龙骨架一现身那浩瀚无边的龙威就让剩下的人一个个面面相觑,浑身的力量根本就无法去抵抗了,一个个被压在那里动弹不得。 Lin Fei recognizes this is the bone dragon, never expected that in Divine Dragon Secret Realm also has exist of bone dragon unexpectedly 林飞一眼就认得出来这就是骨龙,没想到神龙秘境里面居然还有骨龙的存在 The one who lets some Lin Fei accidental/surprised is, this bone dragon should is not truly powerful Divine Dragon, because of its skeleton or the white, does not present the golden color or the dark golden color. 林飞有些意外的是,这条骨龙应该并不是真正强大的神龙,因为它的骨骼还是白色,并不是呈现金色或者暗金色。 Wants know Lin Fei to see the bone dragon, has fought with the bone dragon, strength of this bone dragon is also at present same. 知道林飞可是见过骨龙,更和骨龙交过手的,眼前这条骨龙的实力也就一般般了。 But even this is very powerful, at least this time Lin Fei felt certain pressure. 可即便是这样还是非常强大的,最起码这个时候的林飞还是感到了一定的压力。 This was so far can make Lin Fei feel the thing of pressure only. 这是目前为止唯一能让林飞感到压力的东西了。 Lin Fei, aren't you very powerful? You with this bone dragon well played a hobby, originally the old man preparation brought to regard together trump card, what a pity met you, then the old man can only use ahead of time, good luck.” 林飞,你不是很强大吗?那你就和这骨龙好好的玩一玩好了,本来老夫准备拿来当成一道杀手锏的,可惜遇上了你,那么老夫只能提前动用了,祝你好运。” Under the first ancestor ancient grave has the Divine Dragon skeleton, this point Lin Fei could not have detected actually. 始祖古墓下面有神龙骨架,这一点林飞倒是一点没有察觉得到。 Many little made beginning Zulong thousand plan fully. 多少少让始祖龙千足算计了一下。 formidable first ancestor also such prospect, if I have not guessed wrong, even if you let the whereabouts of my know Divine Dragon blood, it is estimated that must to this bone.” 堂堂始祖也就这么点出息了,如果我没猜错的话,就算你让我知道神龙血的下落,估计也要对上这头骨头。” Where Ye Xuan and leaf Zixuan has seen such huge bone dragon, will also move, Dragon Prestige soars to the heavens, basically presses them unable to move. 叶玄和叶紫萱哪里见过这么庞大的骨龙了,还会动,龙威冲天,压得他们基本上动弹不得。 Lin Fei, Sword Intent protected two people to fly toward outside. 林飞了过来,剑意护住两人就往外面飞。 The bone dragon huge body sweeps is move of Divine Dragon Tail Swipe. 骨龙庞大的身躯一扫就是一招神龙摆尾 Place visited. 所过之处。 Everywhere is the ruins. 到处都是废墟。 Bone dragon strikes thousand wants powerful many compared with the dragon by far fully. 骨龙的一击远远比龙千足要强大的不少。 Was full of the prestige of ruling by force. 充满了霸道之威。 speed of this bone dragon is extremely quick, exceeds the dragon thousand feet. 这个骨龙的速度极快,超越龙千足。 Lin Fei speed did not calculate slowly, but by this Dragon's Tail in sweeping, crash-bang crash-bang the Sword Intent defense of big piece collapsed falls on his body directly. 林飞速度也不算慢了,可还是被这龙尾给扫中了,哗啦哗啦大片的剑意防御崩溃直接就落在了他的身上。 The Lin Fei 1 st time by bone dragon sweeping fleshly body. 还是林飞第一次被骨龙给扫到了肉身 Such, he felt merely own fleshly body as if must collapse was the same. 仅仅这么一下,他就感觉自己肉身似乎要崩溃了一样。 Underestimated this bone dragon, strength exceeded unexpectedly built base Level.” “还是低估了这条骨龙,居然实力超越了筑基层次。” Dragon beginning Zulong thousand in hidden place has not left fully. 在暗处的龙始祖龙千足并没有离开。 He must look that till Lin Fei was killed by the bone dragon. 他要看着林飞被骨龙杀死为止。 This is all right, fleshly body unexpectedly such formidable of this fellow.” “这都没事,这家伙的肉身居然这么强悍。” Beginning Zulong thousand foot suck in a breath of cold air, initially he by this bone dragon sweep in time, may not have that good luck, broke on fleshly body directly, finally runs into the Seven Color glazed pagoda to live. 始祖龙千足倒吸一口冷气,当初他被这骨龙扫中的时候,可没有那么好运气,直接就肉身破碎了,最后逃进七彩琉璃塔里面才得以活下来。 Saw that Lin Fei shouldered struck later fleshly body to be well, was really the person compared with the popularity deceased person. 看到林飞扛了一击之后肉身无恙,真是人比人气死人。 Even if the Monster King body, struck facing the bone dragon must be finished, let alone was Human Race Expert. 哪怕是妖王的身躯,面对骨龙一击也要完蛋,何况是一个人族高手 But beginning Zulong thousand guessed fully wrong. 可是始祖龙千足还是猜错了。 In a complete mess of unusual formidable. 非常强悍的一塌糊涂。 Old man does not believe that his fleshly body can be so strong.” “老夫就不相信他这肉身可以一直那么坚强。” The bone dragon as if stared at Lin Fei one group , the attack of constantly came, about that giant tail stand is sweeping away. 骨龙似乎盯上了林飞一行人,不断的攻击而来,那条巨大的尾架左右横扫着。 In an instant time, the entire first ancestor ancient grave became stretch of ruins. 转眼间的时间,整个始祖古墓就成了一片废墟。 All mechanism/organization traps, are unable to fortunately survive under the attack of this bone dragon. 所有的机关陷阱,在这骨龙的攻击下都无法幸存下来。 Lin Fei pushes gently, Ye Xuan with leaf Zixuan on going out that such as two streams light/only fly same, light falling in distant place. 林飞轻轻一推,叶玄跟叶紫萱就如两道流光一样飞的出去,轻飘飘的落在了远处。 First ancestor, I must thank you, here kept such a bone dragon, moreover activated it with Secret Technique, it seems like your should obtained many good things, although this bone dragon is seemingly huge, but is used to hurry along quite to be good.” “始祖,我还得感谢你,在这里留了这么一条骨龙,而且还用秘法将它激活了,看来你应该得到了不少好东西,虽然这骨龙看上去庞大无比,但是用来赶路还是相当不错的。” Lin Fei did not draw back instead to welcome the bone dragon. 林飞不退反而迎上了骨龙。 For a long time did not use this dark magic arts, do not know also became insuffcient.” “好久不用这个黑暗法术了,也不知道还成不成。” The Lin Fei corners of the mouth raised slightly smile. 林飞嘴角微微一扬笑了。 This smiling face seems like quite in the beginning Zulong thousand full eyes is not wonderful. 这笑容在始祖龙千足的眼中看来似乎相当的不妙了。
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