ILK :: Volume #43

#4267: Beginning Zulong thousand feet long came one.

Beginning Zulong thousand this looked fully whole body frightened, the speech somewhat shivered. 始祖龙千足这一看整个人都吓出了一身冷汗,说话都有些颤抖了起来。 You, you activated Void Shuttle ability of bone dragon unexpectedly.” “你,你竟然激活了骨龙的虚空穿梭能力。” Beginning Zulong thousand are to see the oversized world fully, nature know Dragon Clan most is difficult to deal with/ferocious was the Space method. 始祖龙千足是见过大世面的,自然知道龙族厉害的就是空间手段了。 But after this bone dragon died, has not stimulated this ability again, has not thought at present this day foreign visitor Lin Fei unexpectedly easy activated Shuttle Void ability of bone dragon. 只不过这条骨龙死了之后,再也没有激发过这个能力,可没想到眼下这个天外来客林飞居然轻而易举的就激活了骨龙的穿梭虚空能力 Although is the short distance, but is such a short distance, made beginning Zulong thousand feel the tremendous pressure fully. 虽然是短距离的,可就是这样一个短距离,却让始祖龙千足感到了巨大的压力。 After a coiled dragon flame spurts got down, big piece of Void is corroded. 一团龙炎喷了下来之后,一大片的虚空都被腐蚀了。 At this time even if the dragon thousand run fully again quickly, but still not as good as bone dragon. 此时就算龙千足跑得再快,可依然还是不如骨龙。 Dragon flame of the one after another bone dragon in the sky spurts. 骨龙在天空上一口一口的龙炎喷下来。 Almost wanted the beginning Zulong thousand full lives. 几乎要了始祖龙千足的性命。 After Divine Dragon Tail Swipe, directly thousand fully sweeping to fly beginning Zulong. 神龙摆尾之后直接就将始祖龙千足给扫飞出去。 The beginning Zulong thousand lumping weights heavy pounded on this mountain, the entire body sank. 始祖龙千足重重地砸在了这座大山上,整个身躯都凹了下去。 The bone dragon giant tail flings across the sky. 骨龙巨大的尾巴又是横空一甩。 Huge strength, rumble loud noise, direct steamroll on the beginning Zulong thousand full bodies. 庞大的力量,轰隆隆的巨响,直接碾压在始祖龙千足的身上。 Originally beginning Zulong thousand full fleshly body not how about it, not perfect conjunction, under this strikes makes him spit the blood crazily. 本来始祖龙千足的肉身就不怎么样了,并没有完美的契合,在这一击之下让他狂吐鲜血。 Is slow is being slow, do not begin again.” “慢着慢着,不要再动手了。” Saw with own eyes that the bone dragon as if must spurt dragon flame to be the same, right now beginning Zulong thousand cannot sit still fully. 眼见骨龙似乎要喷龙炎一样,这下子始祖龙千足更是坐不住了。 If this comes up, even he controls dragon thousand full fleshly body unable to shoulder, the most body wanted crippled. 这要是一口上来的话,就算他掌控龙千足的肉身也扛不住啊,大半个身躯都要废掉了。 Now planned to talk well, weren't you ran a moment ago quickly? You run, Divine Dragon Secret Realm is not in any case small, I made you run one to say again.” “现在打算好好谈话了,刚才你不是跑得很快吗?你跑啊,反正神龙秘境也不算小,我让你跑一圈再说。” Lin Fei stands in the top of the head of bone dragon, condescending looks at the beginning Zulong thousand feet. 林飞站在骨龙的头顶上,居高临下的看着始祖龙千足。 At this time they have been far away from Sacred Mountain. 此时他们已经远离了圣山 Beginning Zulong thousand is coughing fully, a blood spurted. 始祖龙千足干咳着一口,一口鲜血喷了出来。 „The Brother Lin younger brother had the words to say well, killed the old man not to have what to use to you, to pour not as good as to keep the old man, you thought know what, the old men told you, even these greatly secret old men know.” The first ancestor mesosaurus thousand smiled bitterly fully. 林兄弟有话好好说,杀了老夫对你也没什么用,倒不如留着老夫,你想知道什么,老夫都跟你说,甚至连那些大秘密老夫都知道。”始祖中龙千足苦笑了一声。 Lin Fei has not killed the beginning Zulong thousand feet directly, naturally wants some know aging past events from his mouth. 林飞并没有直接杀死始祖龙千足,自然想从他口中知道一些陈年往事了。 Searches this Divine Dragon Secret Realm again. 再探一探这个神龙秘境 Lin Fei does not feel this Divine Dragon Secret Realm that simple. 林飞可不觉得这个神龙秘境就那么简单 This inside has the first ancestor ancient grave, has Divine Dragon to appear, although is only a skeleton, but this far not just Divine Dragon Secret Realm all secrets. 这里面有始祖古墓,更有神龙出现,虽然只是一个骨头架子,但这远不止神龙秘境的所有秘密。 Therefore he feels the beginning Zulong thousand feet, other certain know big secret. 所以他觉得始祖龙千足,一定知道别的大秘密。 Therefore keeps a first ancestor life, opposite party present strength has stepped into builds the base, but his builds the base not to calculate that the true stability, is unable long time to fight, must Lin Fei unable otherwise the light such relaxed crashing beginning Zulong thousand feet. 所以才会留着始祖一条性命,对方如今的实力已经踏入筑基,可是他这个筑基并不算真正的稳定,无法长时间战斗,要不然的话林飞也不能轻这么轻松的压垮始祖龙千足。 This must thank such a generous gift that beginning Zulong thousand delivers fully. 这还得感谢始祖龙千足送的这么一份厚礼。 The dark lifeform of skull dragon perhaps in this Divine Dragon Secret Realm, other thing Lin Fei did not have idea unexpectedly, but this dark lifeform also really has the means. 在这神龙秘境内居然还有一头骨龙的黑暗生物,别的东西或许林飞没辙,可这黑暗生物还真的是有办法。 After having this bone, in a big way became one to boost, at least is hurrying along, on the one hand, was the people can not hold a candle absolutely. 有了这条骨头之后就成了一大的助力了,最起码在赶路一方面,绝对是众人望尘莫及的。 Even if makes beginning Zulong thousand run fully three, can still pursue in the same old way with ease, this is the bone dragon, from Space ability that Dragon Clan most excels. 就算是让着始祖龙千足跑上个三圈,照样也能轻松的追上来,这就是骨龙,来自龙族最擅长的空间能力了。 You first said that this Divine Dragon Secret Realm also has the what big secret, I did not think your first ancestor ancient grave is a secret, the secret about Divine Dragon Secret Realm, is you lets out intentionally, is good to make our these people come, you were also arrange for a long time.” “那你先说说这神龙秘境到底还有什么大秘密,我可不觉得你这始祖古墓就是一个秘密,关于神龙秘境的秘密,全都是你故意放出去的,好引我们这些人过来,你也算是布置得久了。” The beginning Zulong thousand full arrangement truly are very good. 始祖龙千足的布置确实是非常不错的。 Very early time stared at Monster King dragon thousand full fleshly body, but did not have the means that but now borrowed them the day foreign visitor to achieve wishes finally, only what a pity met Lin Fei, all became the bubble. 很早的时候就盯上了妖王龙千足的肉身了,只不过一直没办法而已,而如今借了他们天外来客终于如愿以偿了,只可惜遇上了林飞,一切都成了泡影。 The present situation, beginning Zulong thousand does not dare to have any concealment fully again 眼下的情况,始祖龙千足也不敢再有任何的隐瞒了 Whose know this bone dragon can him a dragon flame, he this body receive Serious Damage now, it is estimated that 2-3 dragon inflammations unravelled thoroughly. 知道这条骨龙会不会给他一口龙炎,就他现在这副身体又受了重伤,估计2-3口龙炎就彻底灰飞烟灭了。 This time wants to escape does not have the opportunity. 这次想逃都没机会了。 Previous he can also draw support from the Seven Color glazed pagoda time, but this that was hopeless thoroughly. 上一次他还能借助七彩琉璃塔,可这一次那是彻底没戏了。 Actually in Divine Dragon Secret Realm absolutely does not have the what Divine Dragon blood, in Divine Dragon Secret Realm most important can lead to Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm.” “其实神龙秘境内根本就没有什么神龙血,神龙秘境内最为重要的就是能通往昆仑秘境。” To Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm. 通往昆仑秘境 Some Lin Fei also really accidental/surprised, this obviously is Divine Dragon Secret Realm, how to have the relations with Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm? 林飞还真的有些意外,这明明就是神龙秘境嘛,怎么又和昆仑秘境扯上关系了? Because past time this Divine Dragon Secret Realm was also Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm part, but was separated by the Expert war afterward, arranged Formation, but here was the Cultivation sacred place, in Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm cultivation one year of words, can be as good as here for 5 years.” “因为当年的时候这神龙秘境也是昆仑秘境的一部分,只不过后来被强者大战分离了出去,更布置了阵法,而这里更是修行的圣地,在昆仑秘境修炼一年的话,在这里可以抵得上五年的时间。” After coming, Lin Fei felt that this Divine Dragon Secret Realm is not very ordinary. 从进来之后,林飞就感觉这神龙秘境很不一般。 If cultivation definitely is here twice the result with half the effort, has not thought such that also really such as imagine. 如果在这里修炼肯定是事半功倍的,可没想到还真的如自己想象的那样。 In Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm can cultivation one year, here can be as good as for 5 years, truly could become a sacred place saying. 在昆仑秘境修炼一年的时间,这里能抵得上五年,确实当得上圣地一说。 Has not killed beginning Zulong thousand fully is a little significance, at least this fellow really know some secrets. 没有干掉始祖龙千足还是有点意义的,最起码这家伙果然知道些秘密。 continues said that light also insufficient.” 继续说,光这个还不够。” Lin Fei thought that this inside story should will be splendid. 林飞觉得这里面的故事应该还会非常精彩的。 Beginning Zulong thousand can still be able to feel bone dragon that murderous aura steaming aura fully, if his know today did not say that a general idea, surely does not have the what good result. 始祖龙千足依然能感受得到骨龙那杀气腾腾的气息,他知道今天要是不说个大概的话,肯定没什么好结果。 Divine Dragon Secret Realm to Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm is a secret, past here was the Cultivation sacred place, what was most important was this Divine Dragon Secret Realm has true Teleportation Portal to conduct long-distance range teleportation, arrived so-called cultivated true virtue.” “神龙秘境通往昆仑秘境不过是其中的一个秘密,在当年这里是修行圣地,不过最为重要的是这神龙秘境有一座真正的传送门可以进行远距离传送,抵达所谓的修真界。” Beginning Zulong thousand full deep breath one breath. 始祖龙千足深呼吸了一口气。 He wants to have a look at this day foreign visitor Lin Fei to change countenance, is he actually unusual accidental/surprised, because the opposite party has no expression change. 他想看看这个天外来客林飞会不会动容,可是他却非常的意外,因为对方根本没有任何表情变化。 Do not look at Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm that several Supreme, strength deeply not “别看昆仑秘境那几位至尊,实力都深不 …… …… …… …… This news truly does not have what is quite surprised to Lin Fei, has not really cared regarding this killing matter. 这消息对林飞来说确实是没什么好惊讶的,对于这种打打杀杀的事情还真的是不怎么在意。 Long-distance range teleportation, looks like in Lin Fei is also the dispensable thing. 远距离传送阵,在林飞看来也就是可有可无的东西。 You were so here long, could it be has not opened this long-distance range teleportation to go to cultivate true virtue.” Lin Fei is very curious. “那你在这里这么久了,难道就没有开启这远距离传送阵前往修真界吗。”林飞很好奇。
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