ILK :: Volume #37

#3690: Has the skill to kill me

White Tiger ancestor place. 白虎祖地。 Was banned the mouth about this matter thoroughly. 关于这件事被彻底禁口了。 Once passes on, will have the enormous influence to a prestige of White Tiger clan, one of the formidable four large clans, finally so distressed, the percentage that false immortal Expert makes hundred become a big joke. 一旦传出去,对白虎一族的声誉会有极大的影响,堂堂四大族之一,结果被一个伪不朽强者弄的如此狼狈,百分百成为一个大笑话。 For three days/heaven , the White Tiger ancestor passes is constraining the aggrieved aura. 一连三天的时间,白虎祖地透着压抑憋屈的气息。 Every day saw that stands the young people on White Tiger statue, an elite of White Tiger clan wishes one could to kill the opposite party, may think that exist of White Tiger Old Ancestor sect, can only turn has clenched jaws, the cursing opposite party dies like a dog. 每天看到那位站在白虎雕像上的年青人,白虎一族的精英都恨不得上去弄死对方,可一想到白虎老祖宗的存在,一个个只能变成咬牙切齿了,不停的咒骂对方不得好死。 Lin Fei is most indifferent one, like this sat on the White Tiger statue for three days/heaven. 林飞是最淡然的一个,就这样在白虎雕像上坐了三天。 During this, nobody dares to come up. 这期间没有一个人敢上来。 The entire White Tiger ancestor also becomes quiet. 整个白虎祖地也变得静悄悄的。 They came!” “他们来了!” It seems as if in closed eye meditation Lin Fei, suddenly opened both eyes, the corners of the mouth has raised, reveals to wipe the happy expression. 看上去似乎在闭目养神林飞,忽然之间睁开了双眼,嘴角一扬,露出一抹笑意来。 Daytime! 白天正来了! This time he, another three immortal Expert have not appeared. 这一次只有他一个人,另外三位不朽强者并没有出现。 Your thing, all here!” “你的东西,全都在这里了!” Daytime is throwing several Storage Ring, each Storage Ring is Large-scale Space. 白天正扔出数个储物戒指,每一个储物戒指都是大型空间 In these three days/heaven of time, daytime are almost not having one day/heaven are the good complexions. 这三天时间里,白天正几乎没有一天是好脸色的。 That feared that is another three immortal Expert, had not the small opinion to him, after all, this matter is he takes responsibility to make, this mess must be in his head. 那怕是另外三位不朽强者,对他也有了不小的意见,毕竟,这件事是他自己做主弄出来的,这烂摊子肯定要算在他的头上。 Lin Fei works on Storage Ring, has not inspected, but has given the Little Devil examination, not having the what method to hide the truth from the eye of Little Devil. 林飞抓起储物戒指,没去检查而是交给了小恶魔查看,没有什么手段瞒得过小恶魔的眼睛。 Master, does not have the issue!” Little Devil said, daytime is also very obeying the custom!” 主人,没问题!”小恶魔道,“白天正还挺守规矩的!” Lin Fei received Storage Ring. 林飞收起了储物戒指 „A White Tiger clan has the ability, if changes into me, real do not know lord knows when!” The Lin Fei gratitude said, white Patriarch, you are really the good people!” 白虎一族就是有能耐啊,要是换成我自己的话,真不知道猴年马月才可以!”林飞感激道,“白族长,你们真是好人啊!” I do not want to work as the good person! 我才不想当好人呢! Daytime just wants to kill people. 白天正想杀人了。 If possible, daytime is really not wanting to put out such a wealth, finally must be in his head, can say, pulled out to empty the most net worth all of a sudden. 如果可以的话,白天正真不想拿出这么一笔财富,最后都要算在他的头上,可以说,一下子掏空了大半个身家了。 Thing gave you.” Daytime expressionlessly, your what time leaves the White Tiger ancestor place, here does not welcome you.” “东西给你了。”白天正面无表情,“你什么时候离开白虎祖地,我们这里不欢迎你。” Daytime does not want to see Lin Fei again, he feared that own could not bear on making a move. 白天正不想再看到林飞,他怕自己一个忍不住就出手了。 Sees Lin Fei each time, will feel that this is a shame, as if some people of palm of the hand palms of the hand flings. 每次看到林飞,都会感觉到这是一个耻辱,仿佛有人一巴掌一巴掌的甩来。 Relax, received the thing, I will definitely walk!” Lin Fei said with a smile, after all, I was the same with you, I was an honest and good-natured person, will not play to dismantle the bridge after crossing this matter!” “放心,收了东西,我肯定会走的!”林飞笑道,“毕竟,我和你一样,我是一个老实人,不会玩过河拆桥这种事!” Daytime the corner of the eye moves. 白天正眼角动了动。 But, leaves before in me, I thought that has a matter to need to confess!” Lin Fei said, „your White Tiger clan prestige is not good, I need you to pledge to the day/heaven, if you chase down me, the entire clan dies.” “不过,在我离开之前,我觉得有件事需要交代一下!”林飞道,“你们白虎一族信誉不好,我需要你对天发誓,如果你们来追杀我,整个族死光光。” Daytime Righteous Path, General forest, you did not think that this is very excessive!” 白天正道,“林将军,你不觉得这样很过分吗!” Lin Fei shakes the head, is not excessive, you do not have the credit before, naturally, you can not say, I do not walk!” 林飞摇头,“一点不过分啊,你们没信用在前啊,当然,你可以不说,那我就不走!” Daytime is looking forward to Lin Fei to leave the White Tiger ancestor place immediately. 白天正巴不得林飞马上离开白虎祖地。 I promise you then am!” “我答应你便是!” Daytime after was pledging, look ice-cold, pledge I have sent, can walk!” 白天正发誓之后,神色冰冷,“誓言我发了,可以走了吧!” Lin Fei laughs, does not have the issue, I walk immediately, was right, told you while convenient a matter, your four immortal Expert by oppressive one, I were used the record stone to give to record, if your White Tiger clan thinks that fire, I did not mind to help you, remember, do not plan to do the what trick!” 林飞大笑,“没问题,我马上就走,对了,顺便告诉你一件事,你们四位不朽强者被虐的一幕,我用记录石都给记录了下来,如果你们白虎一族想火一把,那我不介意成全你们,记住,别打算搞什么花招!” Daytime is flying into a rage, bastard, how you dares to do this matter!” 白天正暴跳如雷,“混蛋,你怎么敢做这种事!” The matter of White Tiger ancestor place, daytime was ordering to block, will not pass on, fortunately here was the ancestor place, so long as Lin Fei did not say, outside nobody met know radically. 白虎祖地的事,白天正下令封锁了,绝不会传出去,也辛亏这里是祖地,只要林飞不说,外面根本没人会知道 There thinks, Lin Fei is a mean and shameless fellow, unexpectedly recorded with the record stone. 那里想到,林飞是个卑鄙无耻的家伙,居然用记录石记录了。 The record stone, that is can record all that the scene has, is necessary good thing that goes out. 记录石,那可是能记录现场发生的一切,乃是出门的必备的好东西。 For what not! ” Lin Fei said, could it be only allows you to make 1 st, does not allow me to make 15, does not have this truth, but, white Patriarch, you felt relieved freely, so long as I returned to the death regiment safely, the matter of White Tiger ancestor place I will not expose!” 什么不可以呢!”林飞道,“难道只允许你们做初一,不允许我做15啊,没这个道理啊,不过,白族长,你尽管放心好了,只要我安全回到死亡军团,白虎祖地的事我不会曝光出去!” Daytime the present takes Lin Fei not any means that this fellow is really cunning is the same like the loach, a snap ring point. 白天正现在拿林飞没任何的办法,这家伙真是狡猾的如泥鳅一样,一环扣一环的。 We to your making a move, this matter I will not guarantee!” “我们不会对你出手,这件事我保证!” Lin Fei sneers, embarrassed, your guarantee is useless.” 林飞冷笑,“不好意思,你的保证没用。” ... Daytime truly is not having making a move finally, instead has delivered Lin Fei to leave the White Tiger area. 白天正最后确实没出手,反而一直送林飞离开白虎疆域。 This falls in many person eyes is surprised. 这一幕落在不少人眼中都是大吃一惊。 General Lin Fei of death regiment a daytime of what time and White Tiger clan such was near. 死亡军团的林飞大将军什么时候和白虎一族的白天正走的如此之近了。 Everybody cannot guess correctly absolutely, this is daytime was being worried that in the clan certain disciples play dumb making a move. 大家绝对猜不出,这是白天正担心族中某些弟子犯傻出手 Asking the God to be easy to deliver God to be difficult, daytime is not wanting again to bleed one time, clearly know is profited by Lin Fei, cannot say what. 正所谓,请神容易送神难,白天正可不想再出血一次,明知道林飞占了便宜,也不能多说什么 Gazes after Lin Fei to leave the White Tiger area, daytime ugliness of face darken. 目送林飞离开白虎疆域,白天正脸色阴沉的难看。 Lin Fei, our White Tiger clan and you do not die continuous!” 林飞,我们白虎一族和你不死不休!” This saying is the daytime is positive, every single word or phrase, clenches jaws to say. 这话是白天正,一字一句,咬牙切齿说出来。 Daytime never has not been hating this kind of person. 白天正还从未没恨过这样一个人。 Not only took away the day/heaven to decide the stone from the White Tiger ancestor, but also made his most net worth not have, how not ruthless Lin Fei, cannot making a move. 不光从白虎祖地拿走了天定石,还让他大半个身家都没了,如何不狠林飞,偏偏不能出手 refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases! 投鼠忌器了! Patriarch, we make Lin Fei leave really like this!” 族长,我们真这样让林飞离开!” Three tyrannical walk from Void! 三道强横从虚空走出来! Three immortal Expert! 正是三位不朽强者 Does not ask him to leave, could it be also wants to kill his insuffcient!” Daytime Righteous Path, „ he is skilled in the strength of Space-Time, meets Space teleportation, you thought that who can block the opposite party. “不让他走,难道还想杀死他不成!”白天正道,“他精通时空之力,更会空间传送,你觉得谁能拦得住对方。 Three immortal Expert were silent! 三位不朽强者沉默了! Truly cannot block! 确实拦不住! This point they are not silly. 这一点他们不傻。 But our White Tiger clan, the what time has eaten such big owing!” “可我们白虎一族,什么时候吃过这么大的亏了!” White Tiger immortal Expert unwilling. 白虎不朽强者不甘心啊。 Our time is a lot, some are the time tidies up him slowly!” Daytime Righteous Path, for example six imperial princes, I believe that meets making a move, or is the shadow organization!” “咱们时间很多,有的是时间慢慢收拾他!”白天正道,“比如六皇子,我相信那位一定会出手的,又或者是暗影组织!” But at this time, UU reads 只不过此时,UU看书 daytime does not hope that Lin Fei has an accident. www.uukanshu.com白天正不希望林飞出事。 That matter explodes, a White Tiger clan will become a big joke. 那事情爆出来,白虎一族就会成为一个大笑话。 ... Estimate the daytime is hating my bone to inter the body now!” “估计现在白天正恨我入骨了!” Lin Fei sits in Warship, this is ordinary Warship, speed is not quick, on God Emperor Level about. 林飞坐在战船里,这是一艘普通战船,速度不快,也就神帝层次左右。 Master felt relieved, they have not pursued!” Little Devil said, they are also dreaded, but, bears a grudge Master to be inevitable.” 主人放心,他们并没有追上来!”小恶魔道,“他们也是忌惮的,不过,记恨主人是必然的。” Lin Fei has Little Devil, once some people in view of his making a move, first can make a getaway, does not have what to be good to fear. 林飞小恶魔在,一旦有人针对他出手,第一时间就能逃之夭夭,根本没什么好怕的。 Bears a grudge bears a grudge, at least, my thing obtained!” Lin Fei said with a smile, „, for the day/heaven decided the stone, offended a White Tiger clan, I also think that was worth!” “记恨就记恨,至少,我东西得到了!”林飞笑道,“为了天定石,得罪了白虎一族,我也认为值得!” The day/heaven decides the stone to stabilize the infinite gate. 天定石可以稳定无限之门。 This was enough. 这就足够了。
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