ILK :: Volume #37

#3689: We complied!

Immortal Expert making a move of White Tiger clan! 白虎一族的不朽强者出手了! Four immortal Expert, display to jointly attack Formation instantaneously, summoned a variegated big tiger, was that White Tiger Saint Beast, the color/look of Seven Color, the shining entire White Tiger ancestor place! 四位不朽强者,瞬间施展合击阵法,召唤出了一头斑斓大虎,正是那白虎圣兽,七彩之色,照耀整个白虎祖地! At this moment, the White Tiger disciples crawl on the ground. 这一刻,白虎弟子都匍匐在地上。 On the face is frantic color/look. 脸上全都是狂热之色。 The variegated big tiger to a Lin Fei roar, this roar landslide cracks in the earth, the livelihood does not have merely up. 斑斓大虎仅仅冲着林飞一吼,这一吼山崩地裂,日月无光。 The strength locks on Lin Fei precisely, does not expand a point outward, small point. 力量精确锁定在林飞身上,不向外扩大一分,也小一分。 Daytime is not giving Lin Fei any revolt opportunity, the direct town killed said again, did not kill Lin Fei, this tone could not swallow, dares in White Tiger clan Impudent, the fate to be this! 白天正根本不给林飞任何的反抗机会,直接镇杀了再说,不杀林飞,这口气咽不下,敢在白虎一族放肆,下场就是这样! Afterward deal with simple, the matter of a few words. 事后处理简单了,一句话的事。 Your majesty will not say what. 陛下也不会多说什么 Compared with a White Tiger clan, Lin Fei what not. 白虎一族比较起来,林飞什么都不是了。 This is must kill quickly then me!” Lin Fei has to acknowledge, this is the lord thing. “这是要将我杀死而后快啊!”林飞不得不承认,这才是大人物啊。 clearly know are only false immortal strength, summoned Saint Beast to strike to kill itself directly, truly did not keep any means of livelihood to him. 明知道自己只是一个伪不朽实力,直接召唤出圣兽来击杀自己,确实是不给他留任何的活路。 When a roar appearance, Lin Fei heard voice. 当吼声一出现,林飞听到了喀喀喀的声音。 This is the body is attacked. 这是身体受到了冲击。 „A White Tiger clan is ruthless enough!” 白虎一族够狠的!” The Lin Fei temperament has also come up, wants to kill him, is not easy. 林飞脾气也上来了,想杀他,可没那么容易。 Gets up!” “起!” Lin Fei low and deep, the entire White Tiger ancestor shivered. 林飞低沉一声,整个白虎祖地颤抖了一下。 Roar!!! 吼!!! Lin Fei puts out a hand to direct, an invisible strength covers before the body, has carried on all -around defense, in the meantime, in his, same variegated White Tiger appears. 林飞伸手一引,一道无形力量笼罩在身前,进行了全方位的防御,同时,在他的身后,同样一头斑斓白虎出现。 This tiger, is bigger, is stronger! 这虎,更大,更强! Under a roar. 一吼之下。 Has ripped open the attacks of four immortal Expert easily. 轻易撕开了四位不朽强者的攻击。 Power and influence constantly spreads. 威势不断扩散出去。 Bang bang bang!!! 砰砰砰!!! Forms were shaken to fly, after pouring gets down, spits blood to keep, the people one after another changes countenance, was staring at that day spatial on variegated big tiger. 一道道身影被震飞出去,倒下去之后,吐血不停,众人纷纷变色,盯着那天空上的斑斓大虎。 Old Ancestor sect!” 老祖宗吗!” A that variegated big tiger appearance, all people feel the crush the aura, strength strong good, can support reluctantly, but these strength are bad, lies on the ground, cannot move. 那斑斓大虎一出现,所有人都感受到碾压的气息,实力强的还好,可以勉强撑住,可那些实力差的,一个个都趴在地上,动弹不得。 You. How you can Secret Technique of our White Tiger clan!” “你.你怎么会我们白虎一族的秘法!” Daytime instantaneous complexion big change, damn appearance. 白天正瞬间脸色大变,一副见鬼了的样子。 This is remains a White Tiger clan to the Expert Old Ancestor sect. 这可是白虎一族至强者老祖宗留下来的。 In this statue, there is a strength of Old Ancestor sect to remain, simultaneously as assuming the protection strength of White Tiger ancestor place. 在这雕像内,有老祖宗的力量留下来,同时作为坐镇白虎祖地的守护力量。 Now unexpectedly is controlled! 现在居然被人掌控了! Daytime is killing cannot believe this real. 白天正打死都不敢相信这一幕是真的。 Lin Fei smiles lightly, is not summons the Old Ancestor sect, has what to be startled!” 林飞淡淡一笑,“不就是召唤老祖宗吗,有什么有吃惊的!” Roar roar roar!! 吼吼吼!! The variegated big tiger kills. 斑斓大虎杀出来。 The roar such as the day/heaven, the earth-shattering, people hear a rumor the changes countenance. 吼声如天,天崩地裂,众人闻风变色。 White Tiger that daytime and other immortal Expert summoned, three could not breathe, by clean that this White Tiger ate, made them receive serious injuries. 白天正等四位不朽强者召唤出来的白虎,三个呼吸不到,被这头白虎吃的一干二净,也让他们受到了重创 Cuts!” “斩!” White Tiger changes, changes to an empty shade. 白虎摇身一变,化作一尊虚影。 Empty shade, all people breathed were rapid, that feared that was the daytime is also being same, could not move, as if Space-Time was been same by the anchorage. 虚影一出,所有人呼吸都急促了,那怕是白天正也是一样,根本动弹不得,仿佛时空被定住了一样。 What is most fearful, daytime was discovering oneself are unable to control Secret Technique! 最可怕的是,白天正发现自己无法操控秘法了! In other words, is unable to prevent White Tiger Old Ancestor sect making a move. 换而言之,无法阻止白虎老祖出手 Daytime met honestly with amazement. 白天正直接骇然了。 The White Tiger empty shade put out a hand to grasp, has made four attacks, each attacked Ten Thousands Transformation, compelling four immortal Expert full power to resist, may still unable to block. 白虎虚影伸手一抓,打出了四道攻击,每一道攻击千变万化,逼得四位不朽强者全力去抵挡,可依然无法挡住。 Was rumbled to fly, after falling to the ground, the corners of the mouth bleed, face an appearance of amazement. 一个个被轰飞出去,落地之后,嘴角流血,一脸的骇然样子。 White Patriarch, this taste is good! ” Lin Fei said with a smile, „, but, looked at your appearance, was crisply was definitely askew, a White Tiger clan, was rough skin and thick flesh.” 族长,这滋味不错吧!”林飞笑道,“不过,看你的样子,肯定是爽歪歪了,白虎一族,就是皮粗肉厚的。” The White Tiger empty shade walks once more. 白虎虚影再次走来。 Also is the similar style, their severe wound, they who made is in an extremely difficult situation. 又是同样的招式,再一次将他们重伤了,弄的他们狼狈不堪。 Who your you are!” Daytime just feared. “你你到底是谁!”白天正恐惧了。 Lin Fei crosses the hands behind the back to stand, who I am, I was the Great Generals of death regiment, could it be, I was also not Old Ancestor sect insuffcient of your White Tiger clan!” 林飞负手而立,“我是谁,我是死亡军团的大将军啊,难道,我还不是你们白虎一族的老祖不成!” If usual time, these four immortal Expert affirmation violent angers. 若是平时的时候,这四位不朽强者肯定暴怒。 But this time, they bore. 可这一次,他们忍住了。 Was present Lin Fei was too fearful, White Tiger clan most Top Grade Secret Technique can know, this make them be puzzling. 实在是眼前的林飞太可怕了,白虎一族最顶级秘法都能知道,这让他们百思不得其解。 Suddenly, the Lin Fei body has covered one layer / first level in a veil of mystery. 一时间,林飞身上蒙上了一层神秘的面纱。 Daytime the short of breath launches a psychological attack, a blood spurts, look dispirited. 白天正气急攻心,一口鲜血喷出来,神色都萎靡了下来。 General Lin Fei, you have won, you can have the day/heaven to decide the stone to leave!” Daytime was regretting to offend Lin Fei. 林飞将军,你赢了,你可以带着天定石离开了!”白天正后悔得罪林飞了。 White Tiger clan most is difficult to deal with/ferocious Secret Technique was grasped. 白虎一族最厉害秘法被人掌握。 This wanted their life. 这是要了他们的命啊。 A patron god of Bai clan, now has become others strongest war-god, this is a matter that hits the face. 白族一族的守护神,现在成了别人最强的战神,这是多么打脸的一件事啊。 Daytime is wishing one could to oneself 100 palms of the hand, these time was really penny-wise and pound foolish, lifts a rock to drop it on one's own feet, did not have the place to say. 白天正恨不得给自己100个巴掌,这一次真是因小失大,搬起石头砸自己的脚,还没地方说去。 Walks, you think!” “走,你认为呢!” The White Tiger empty shade that stopped, the town kills once again, the time, four immortal Expert worried, resists again and again, is still not the match. 本来停下来的白虎虚影,又一次镇杀过来,顿时间,四位不朽强者着急了,连连去抵挡,依然不是对手。 „A patron god of this White Tiger clan is truly powerful.” Lin Fei looks by oppressive four immortal Expert, makes the one dreams type really probably, no wonder others do not dare to rush to a White Tiger clan!” “这白虎一族的守护神确实给力。”林飞看着被虐的四位不朽强者,真的好像是做梦一样,“怪不得人家不敢闯白虎一族了!” This grade of strength, coming many immortal Expert to die without doubt. 这等实力,来多少不朽强者都是必死无疑。 Master, my cow!” Little Devil took undeserved credit. 主人,我牛吧!”小恶魔邀功来了。 Your is difficult to deal with/ferocious, this Secret Technique can be pushed really by you!” Lin Fei also took Little Devil. “你真厉害,这秘法都能被你推出来!”林飞也是服了小恶魔 The Little Devil favorite say/way, minor matter, who has let in this White Tiger statue, there are the Secret Technique clue that the predecessor leaves behind, I gently calculated that came out, Master, this White Tiger statue by you, as soon as controls, in several hundred years, did not have the what deterrent force, improved must receive, do not play excessively!” 小恶魔得意道,“小事一桩了,谁让这白虎雕像内,有前人留下的秘法线索,我只是轻轻一推算就出来了,主人,这白虎雕像被你一操控,几百年内,可没什么威慑力了,见好要收,别玩过头了!” I am frightening them!” Lin Fei said with a smile, immortal Expert, did not frighten, how can remember I!” “我只是在吓唬他们!”林飞笑道,“不朽强者,不吓唬一下,怎么能记得住我这个人呢!” Offended offended, Lin Fei did not have what to be good to fear. 得罪都得罪了,林飞什么好怕的。 So long as fused the day/heaven to decide the stone, infinite Divine Body can promote, strength also with promotion. 只要融合了天定石,无限神体就可以晋升了,实力也会跟着提升。 From now on will unable to want a White Tiger clan, these immortal Expert could it be also really dare to kill itself, but in any case the Great General of death regiment. 今后只要不来白虎一族,这些不朽强者难道还真敢来杀自己啊,好歹自己可是死亡军团的大将军。 General forest, stops quickly!” “林将军,快停下来!” UU reads “UU看书 this matter, we do not investigate! ” www.uukanshu.com这件事,我们不追究了!” Our willing apologizes!” “我们愿意赔礼道歉!” By White Tiger Old Ancestor sect chase hitting, without any resistance method, daytime and other immortal Expert is having to lower the head, in the short time, leaves behind an injury, the time is long, can injure and to Origin Energy. 白虎老祖宗追着打,没有任何抵抗手段,白天正等四位不朽强者不得不低头了,短短时间内,留下一身的伤势,时间一长,也会伤及到元气啊。 Cannot hit, that lowers the head then forget about it! 打不过,那就低头算了! Who enabled Lin Fei to have the initiative now. 谁让现在林飞掌握了主动权。 Apologizes, this my likes!” Under the Lin Fei heart moves, a detailed list flutters to their front, this is the thing that I want, sufficiently collected, I leave, you have three days/heaven of time to prepare!” “赔礼道歉,这个我喜欢!”林飞心下一动,一张清单飘到他们的面前,“这是我要的东西,凑足了,我就走人,你们有三天时间来准备!” The White Tiger Old Ancestor sect returns Lin Fei behind to stand, partly visible. 白虎老祖宗重新回到林飞身后站着,若隐若现。 We complied!” Daytime helpless just complies. “我们答应了!”白天正无奈答应。
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