ILK :: Volume #37

#3688: Crazy behavior

White Qishan stubbornly is staring at Lin Fei! 白祁山死死的盯着林飞 Always nobody dares so not to give him the face! 从来没人敢如此不给他面子! These Emperor's Clan imperial princes come, who is impolite, for fear that offended him. 那些皇族的皇子过来,谁不是客客气气的,生怕得罪了他。 white Qishan has not made Lin Fei leave very much shows due respect for the feelings. 白祁山没有让林飞离开都很给面子了。 The day/heaven decides stone can it be that you to want, at this matter, white Qishan is impossible to comply with the opposite party, he ate Lin Fei not to dare in White Tiger area to act recklessly! 天定石岂是你想要就要的,在这件事上,白祁山是不可能答应对方的,他吃定了林飞不敢在白虎疆域乱来 Especially here White Tiger city. 尤其这里还是白虎城。 True Expert converges! 真正的高手云集! Any false immortal Expert does not have the good end here. 任何伪不朽强者在这里都没好下场。 I can understand into, white Patriarch is threatening me!” Lin Fei welcomed gaze of white Qishan, “我可以理解成为,白族长是在威胁我吗!”林飞迎上白祁山的目光, The corners of the mouth raise, but also has the happy expression slightly. 嘴角一扬,还微微带起笑意。 When white Qishan Patriarch naturally cannot speak this words. 白祁山当族长自然不会说这种话。 General forest, I am only good intention urge you, as for threat?” white Qishan shakes the head, „our White Tiger clan, never threatens the person.” “林将军,我只是好心劝你,至于威胁?”白祁山摇头,“我们白虎一族,从来不威胁人的。” Lin Fei laughs, that line, said goodbye!” 林飞大笑,“那行,告辞!” white Qishan think Lin Fei will also lower the head, has not expected the opposite party to abandon a few words to turn around to walk, this actually very accidental/surprised. 白祁山还以为林飞会低头,没有料到对方会扔下一句话转身就走,这倒是挺意外的。 Does not want came to!” White Qishan secretly thought, he did not fear that Lin Fei speaks at a venture. “不要正好!”白祁山暗道,他不怕林飞乱说话。 Nobody believes! 没人会相信! If other thing, white Qishan truly, but decides the stone not to be good on this day. 如果别的东西,白祁山确实会给,可这天定石不行。 In the past had been flickered by ancient permanent God Emperor, white Qishan regretted was very long, now is impossible to violate similar one to be wrong again. 当年被古恒神帝忽悠了去,白祁山后悔了很久,如今不可能再犯同样一个错误了。 ..... ….. Left the White Tiger city. 出了白虎城。 Outside is the entire White Tiger ancestor place. 外面便是整个白虎祖地。 Master, does!” 主人,搞起来!” The Little Devil words reverberate in the Lin Fei ear. 小恶魔的话在林飞耳边回荡。 Lin Fei many can guess correctly some reasons, decides at stone matter in the day/heaven, a White Tiger clan has suffered a loss, if were not white traceless opened Bloodline, activated White Tiger immortal God Mark, matter that also does not have now. 林飞多少能猜出一些原因,在天定石这件事上,白虎一族吃过亏了,如果不是白无痕开启了血脉,激活白虎不朽神纹,也就没现在的事了。 That well does with them!” “那就和他们好好搞一搞!” Lin Fei is truly hot in a big way. 林飞确实挺火大的。 A White Tiger clan this is dismantles the bridge after crossing. 白虎一族这是过河拆桥啊。 If not for Little Devil told him a good news, perhaps Lin Fei really must waste time. 若不是小恶魔告诉他一个好消息,林飞说不定真要白忙一场。 But now is different! 可现在不一样了! Yo, this is not General forest, how must leave!” Daytime is leading the person to walk, on the face is having the happy expression, looks at your complexion, seems not very good!” “哟,这不是林将军吗,怎么要离开了吗!”白天正带着人走来,脸上带着笑意,“看你的脸色,似乎很不好啊!” Daytime intentionally comes mocking Lin Fei. 白天正是故意来讽刺林飞的。 Suffered a loss in ancestor Secret Realm, was already suppressing a lot of fires. 在祖地秘境吃了亏,早就憋着一肚子火。 Heard that the day/heaven decides the stone, daytime finally was being the mood good many, but this insufficient, did not vent anger well, rather too cheap opposite party. 听说天定石的事后,白天正总算是心情好了不少,但这不够,不好好出口气,未免太便宜对方了。 You know do not know, you come is not very the time!” The Lin Fei eye narrows the eyes. “你知不知道,你来的很不是时候啊!”林飞眼睛眯起。 Daytime is not fearing quite the same as, says with a smile, how, is it possible that General forest also dares to my making a move insuffcient, not to be I says you, in this ancestor place, gives you 100 courage not to dare, outside others shouted that you an Great General, however in this ancestor place, your what is not!” 白天正浑然不惧,笑道,“怎么,莫非林将军还敢对我出手不成,不是我说你,在这祖地,给你100个胆子都不敢,在外面人家喊你一声大将军,但是在这祖地,你什么都不是!” You made a mistake!” “那你错了!” Whish!!! 哗!!! The strength of Space-Time sweeps across. 时空之力席卷而出。 Lin Fei puts out a hand to grasp, daytime the complexion changes, on neck suddenly one tight, was seized by a big hand, whole body was raised. 林飞伸手一抓,白天正脸色一变,脖子上忽然一紧,被一只大手掐住,整个人被提起来。 Lets loose me!” “放开我!” Daytime is struggling to roar. 白天正挣扎咆哮。 „It is not anxious!” Lin Fei laughs, charges into that not far away the huge White Tiger statue, floating stepped in the White Tiger statue, single-handed such proposed the daytime to be positive. “不急!”林飞大笑一声,冲向那不远处的巨大的白虎雕像,飘然踩在了白虎雕像头上,单手就这么提着白天正。 White Qishan, get lost/rolls, we chat well!” “白祁山,滚出来,咱们好好聊聊!” Bang!!! 轰!!! Sound instantaneous reverberation of Lin Fei in the entire White Tiger ancestor place. 林飞的声音瞬间回荡在整个白虎祖地。 Forms fly. 一道道身影飞出来。 When sees to arrive in White Tiger statue head Lin Fei, these White Tiger Expert violent angers, that was stays behind their White Tiger clan to Expert. 当见到站在白虎雕像头上的林飞,这些白虎强者一个个都暴怒了,那可是他们白虎一族至强者留下的。 Lin Fei this is blaspheming White Tiger Belief. 林飞这是在亵渎白虎信仰 The bastards, get lost/roll! ” 混蛋,滚下来!” Lin Fei, you court death!” 林飞,你找死!” Also dares to stress the day/heaven to be positive, you were dislike the life to be too long!” “还敢抓了天正,你这是嫌命太长了!” Forms have encircled. 一道道身影围了上来。 Lin Fei carries with the hand the daytime to be positive only, in the hand makes an effort slightly, daytime was discovering own vitality is passing, screamed, stops quickly, you cannot like this to me!” 林飞单手提着白天正,手上微微用力,白天正发现自己生命力在流逝,不由尖叫,“快停下来,你不能这样对我!” Clash/To White Tiger Expert, notes the daytime change, clenches jaws, both eyes suddenly/violently fire, killing intent is cold, wishes one could to dismember a body Lin Fei immediately. 冲上来的白虎强者,也注意到白天正的变化,更是咬牙切齿,双目暴火,杀意冷冽,恨不得立刻将林飞大卸八块。 Lin Fei, you dare to injure a day/heaven Zheng Yi hair, you give up any idea of the good end today!” 林飞,你敢伤害天正一根头发,你今天休想有好下场!” Immortal Expert walks from Void! 一位不朽强者虚空走出来! The Lin Fei light say/way, do not say that threat words, my likes was most not threatened!” 林飞淡淡的道,“不要说威胁的话,我这个人最不喜欢被人威胁了!” Whish!! 哗哗哗!! Daytime aura weak many! 白天正气息弱了不少! The life strength passes was quicker! 生命力量流逝的更快了! Old Ancestor saves a life!” Daytime has been flustering thoroughly, under Expert surrounding, but also dares to display the Space-Time strength to oneself, this is must cut to kill itself. 老祖救命啊!”白天正彻底慌了,在强者包围下,还敢对自己施展时空力量,这是要斩杀自己啊。 Lunatics! 疯子! Expert of White Tiger clan, is angry again. 白虎一族的强者,再一次大怒。 This time, nobody dares to open the mouth. 这一次,没人敢开口了。 Lin Fei, you plan and our White Tiger clan are really an enemy!” White Qishan complexion ugly walks, discovered oneself had underestimated this person, dares to begin in the White Tiger ancestor. 林飞,你真打算和我们白虎一族为敌吗!”白祁山脸色难看的走出来,发现自己低估了此人,真敢在白虎祖地动手。 Here the White Tiger ancestor dares to act recklessly, white Qishan has also taken the courage of Lin Fei. 在这里白虎祖地就敢乱来,白祁山也是服了林飞的胆子。 Spoke well!” Lin Fei said with a smile, this, but the direct descendant disciple, must pass away, that was not good!” “好好说话!”林飞笑道,“这位可是嫡系弟子,真要老死了,那可不好啊!” White Qishan took a deep breath, you think how about it!” 白祁山深呼吸一口气,“你想怎么样!” If lets daytime die in the White Tiger ancestor place, will become a shame of White Tiger clan, the shame of a lifetime not being able to forget. 如果让白天正死在白虎祖地,将会成为白虎一族的一个耻辱,一辈子都忘记不了的耻辱。 White Qishan can only stand firm Lin Fei said again. 白祁山只能将林飞稳住再说。 simple, you understand very much!” Lin Fei said, thing brings, I make albino regain the freedom, if you do not give, I did not mind draws in a person to be buried along with the dead, after all, has albino to be buried along with the dead, but can also to you a White Tiger clan shame, I think that gains one greatly.” “很简单,你懂的!”林飞道,“东西拿来,我就让白公子恢复自由,你们若是不给的话,那我不介意了拉上一个人陪葬,毕竟,有白公子陪葬,还能给你们白虎一族一个耻辱,我觉得大赚一笔。” white Qishan understands that Lin Fei this was insane. 白祁山明白林飞这是疯了。 Holds under duress coming out that a White Tiger clan matter makes, this was a White Tiger clan does not die continuous. 挟持白虎一族这种事都做的出来,这是和白虎一族不死不休了。 To this behavior, white Qishan can only say, Lin Fei died! 对这种行为,白祁山只能说,林飞死定了! Does not have the issue.” white Qishan said that but the heart is sneering, so long as daytime is regaining the freedom, then your Lin Fei gave up any idea of that leaves the White Tiger ancestor place. “没问题。”白祁山道,但心头在冷笑,只要白天正恢复自由,那么你林飞休想离开白虎祖地。 The White Tiger ancestor is no one can Impudent. 白虎祖地不是谁都可以放肆的。 Lin Fei said with a smile, „ actually white Patriarch this, hello/you good, I was from the beginning good, everybody was together good, will not present this wound friendly matter! UU reads 林飞笑道,“其实白族长一开始就这样,你好,我好,大家一起好啊,也不会出现这种伤和气的事!UU看书” White Qishan from Storage Ring, takes out a black small box. 白祁山从储物戒指里,取出一个黑色小盒子。 Thing, in this!” white Qishan delivers the box, to fluttering. “东西,就在这里面!”白祁山将盒子一送,冲着飘过来。 A Lin Fei fist rumbles suddenly, the strength hits on the box, the hard box is split up, the fist size, the ordinary stone, appears in the field of vision together all over the body. 林飞忽然一拳轰出,力量打在盒子上,坚硬的盒子四分五裂,一块拳头大小,通体普通的石头,出现在视野里。 white Qishan hits to explode that moment in the box, the corner of the eye moved slightly. 白祁山在盒子打爆那一刻,眼角微微动了一下。 Lin Fei puts out a hand to grasp, the stone falls in the hand, in an instant was received. 林飞伸手一抓,石头就落在手上,转眼之间就被收起来。 White Patriarch, the small trick do not play, matter that does not have the meaning!” Lin Fei said with a smile, was good because of thing was right, I will also keep the commitment!” “白族长,小花招就不要玩了,多没意思的事!”林飞笑道,“好在东西是对的,那我也会遵守承诺!” Lin Fei flings conveniently, daytime was being thrown, such as the sandbag is the same, very distressed. 林飞随手一甩,白天正就被扔出去,如沙包一样,十分的狼狈。 Is throwing at that moment, enough four true understanding immortal Expert in the daytime irritates locks on Lin Fei, in this time together making a move, Heaven and Earth sudden change. 在白天正扔出去那一刻,足足四道真正不朽强者气死锁定在林飞身上,在这一时间一同出手,天地骤变。
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