ILK :: Volume #37

#3687: Dismantling the bridge after crossing

The white Qishan secret holding breath cold air/Qi that in Void this, looks. 这一幕,看的虚空中的白祁山暗暗倒吸冷气。 Unexpectedly forgot this Lin Fei not only to grasp the strength of Space-Time, but can also achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, had the Space Teleport method!” “居然忘了这林飞不光掌握了时空之力,还能融会贯通,掌握空间移动手段!” If the fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out, white Qishan does not favor Lin Fei. 如果车轮战的话,白祁山不看好林飞 At present is different! 眼下不一样了! Grasps the strength of Space-Time, meets Space teleportation, feared that is all people unites in not necessarily can together rush over. 掌握时空之力,又会空间传送,怕是所有人联合在一起都未必冲过去 This is takes by strategy! 这是智取啊! white Qishan suddenly does not have what to say. 白祁山一时间没什么好说的了。 White 13, really looked to person. 白13,真是找对人了。 If this changes into any person, gave up any idea of that can block all people. 这要是换成任何一个人,休想能拦得住所有人。 ... Daytime met dumbfounded honestly in the past. 白天正直接傻眼过去。 The strongest forest consecrated like this to be shifted. 最强的林供奉就这样被转移走了。 Must such play. 要不要这么玩啊。 Also must try!” On the Lin Fei mouth was saying, movement has not stopped, black big swirl constantly expands, has covered all people instantaneously, after next breath, all people disappear! “还要不要试试!”林飞嘴上说着,动作没停,黑色大漩涡不断扩大,瞬间覆盖了所有人,下一个呼吸后,所有人不见了! Lin Fei crosses the hands behind the back to stand. 林飞负手而立。 This Space shift is also good.” Lin Fei said with a smile, in this ancestor Secret Realm, nobody could shoulder radically.” “这空间转移也是好啊。”林飞笑道,“在这祖地秘境内,根本没人扛得住。” From defends the pass/test, has prepared a series. 从下来守关的时候,做好了一系列的准备。 strength not as good as his words, that directly defeats! 实力不如他的话,那就直接击败! Once strength and he up and down, that does not shift. 一旦实力和他不相上下,那就转移出去。 This goes, enough changes the time to Lin Fei. 这一来一去,足够给林飞换来时间。 These people were insufficient to ponder!” “这些人都不足为虑了!” Lin Fei smiles, this white traceless in the Saint Beast pond was steady, anybody could not come up! 林飞笑着,这白无痕圣兽池是稳了,任何人都上不去了! . .. Then, just like also Lin Fei guessed such. 接下来,还正如林飞猜测那样。 Some constantly people catch up! 不断有人赶过来! Was left by the Lin Fei exile. 统统都被林飞放逐离开。 Lin Fei not to the opportunity that they collaborate, on the mountain road is empty throughout, besides Lin Fei, did not have other people again. 林飞也不给他们联手的机会,山道上始终是空荡荡的,除了林飞自己之外,再没有其它人了。 This defends to close is many time. 这一守关就是好些时间。 In this period, has repelled a White Tiger disciple. 期间,击退了一波波的白虎弟子。 White Tiger son of the influential who Lin Fei any pressure, had not been sent into exile actually, the pressure was big, almost must collapse, meets such plays the behavior of hoodlum. 林飞没任何的压力,倒是被放逐出去的白虎公子哥,压力都大了,几乎要崩溃了,怎么遇上这么耍流氓的行为。 Until finally, these people joins up finally, launches the powerful impact, how Lin Fei Space-Time to add on the Space method, depended the support of infinite place, resisting lived, finally sent into exile to leave them once more. 直到最后,这些人终于联合起来,发起强势冲击,奈何林飞时空加上空间手段了得,仗着无限之地的支持,一次次的抵挡住,最后将他们再次放逐离开。 Thorough was steady!” “彻底稳了!” .... …. This!” “就这样吧!” White Qishan said lightly, then Patriarch was white traceless!” 白祁山淡淡说了一句,“这下一任族长就是白无痕了!” The Elder group is also smiling bitterly. 长老团也都在苦笑。 The matter turns into this, but also is really the contrary everybody's expectation. 事情变成这样,还真的是出乎大家的预料。 White traceless that no one favors, relaxed such high-rank, many Elder regretted that has not supported white traceless. 谁都不看好的白无痕,就这样轻松的上位了,不少长老都后悔没去支持白无痕 Rumbling!!” “轰轰轰!!” Several days later, the Saint Beast pond, a huge illusory form flushed. 在数日之后,圣兽池,一道巨大虚幻身影冲出来。 Air/Qi of reverberation ominous offense in the entire ancestor place! 凶戾之气回荡在整个祖地! Unexpectedly activated!” “居然激活了!” The white Qishan great happiness, first rushes to the Saint Beast pond. 白祁山大喜,第一时间赶到圣兽池。 I succeeded!” “我成功了!” White traceless stands in the Saint Beast pond, in the foreheads, presents together the trace, that White Tiger immortal mark, this is the activation add-on holds, anybody is unable to pretend to be! 无痕站在圣兽池上,眉宇之间,出现一道纹路,那正是白虎不朽纹,这是激活后加持上去的,任何人都无法冒充! Patriarch, I, I succeeded!” White traceless weeps. 族长,我,我成功了!”白无痕喜极而泣。 White Qishan before could not have had a liking for white traceless, activates along with Bloodline, the White Tiger immortal mark appears, white traceless exist completely is different. 白祁山之前还看不上白无痕,随着血脉激活,白虎不朽纹出现,白无痕存在就完全不一样了。 A future of White Tiger clan! 白虎一族的未来啊! Was laborious!” “辛苦了!” White Qishan relaxed thoroughly, almost a hope of White Tiger clan did not have. 白祁山彻底松了一口气,差点白虎一族的希望没有了。 .... …. Lin Fei has not come up! 林飞没有上去! That is a private affair of White Tiger clan. 那是白虎一族的私事。 The sound from Saint Beast pond appears, 圣兽池上空的动静出现, Lin Fei was well aware. 林飞就心知肚明了。 White traceless succeeded! 无痕成功了! Actually, time from the beginning, Little Devil has reminded, in all Young Master White Tiger, this white traceless Bloodline is highest, but was hidden. 其实,一开始的时候,小恶魔就提醒过了,所有白虎公子中,这位白无痕血脉是最高的,只不过是被隐藏了起来。 In Saint Beast pond within/inner, absorbs the essence that all previous dynasties have left behind, stimulates Bloodline thoroughly, that is also the normal matter. 圣兽池内,吸收了历代留下的精华,彻底激发血脉,那也是正常的事。 Then was the day/heaven decides stone!” “接下来就是天定石了!” Lin Fei narrows the eyes to focus, do not disappoint me!” 林飞眯着眼,“你可别让我失望啊!” ... Activated the White Tiger immortal mark the news to be blocked about white traceless! 关于白无痕激活白虎不朽纹的消息被封锁住了! White Qishan had Secret Technique hidden to go to immortal God Mark. 白祁山更有秘法隐去了不朽神纹 General forest, this time thank you!” “林将军,这次谢谢你了!” White traceless has not come, actually white Qishan this came. 无痕没来,倒是白祁山这位来了。 Speech place not in ancestor Secret Realm, but outside ancestor place Secret Realm, in a common White Tiger city. 说话的地方不在祖地秘境内,而是在祖地方秘境外面,一处不起眼的白虎城中。 In this White Tiger city, is living an elite disciple of White Tiger clan, is a White Tiger clan safest place, anybody does not rush. 这种白虎城中,生活着白虎一族的精英弟子,同时也是白虎一族最安全的地方,任何人都闯不进来。 This is his chance, I conveniently have pushed one!” Lin Fei said with a smile. “这是他自己的机缘,我只是顺手推了一把而已!”林飞笑道。 white Qishan very satisfied Lin Fei words. 白祁山挺满意林飞的话。 At least, without any from think is. 至少,没有任何的自以为是。 Heard that traceless complied to decide the stone to give General forest day/heaven.” white Qishan said. “听说无痕答应了将天定石给林将军。”白祁山道。 Lin Fei nod, really has this incident, I decide the stone to be very interested to the day/heaven, this is also my willing making a move reason, white Patriarch, always does not want to renege on a promise!” 林飞点头,“确实是有这一事,我对天定石很有兴趣,这也是我愿意出手的原因,白族长,总不会想反悔吧!” White Qishan really has the idea! 白祁山确实有想法! After white traceless activated White Tiger immortal God Mark, the white Qishan arrangement person protects, simultaneously sends in Secret Realm cultivation, naturally, white Qishan has also clarified matter between white traceless and Lin Fei. 在白无痕激活了白虎不朽神纹后,白祁山安排人保护起来,同时送入秘境修炼,当然,白祁山也弄清楚了白无痕林飞之间的事。 If other thing, white Qishan cannot blink, said that gives what to what! 如果是别的东西,白祁山不会眨眼,说给什么就给什么 But this time is different! 可这一次不一样! That is the day/heaven decides the stone! 那是天定石! General forest, your should know, the day/heaven decides the stone is very important to our White Tiger clan!” white Qishan said that „, therefore, I hope that General forest trades a condition, so long as you open, my White Tiger clan will satisfy you!” “林将军,你应该知道,天定石对我们白虎一族也很重要!”白祁山道,“所以,我希望林将军换一个条件,只要你开出来,我白虎一族都会满足你!” This is not the what good news! 这可不是什么好消息啊! The Lin Fei complexion sinks slightly, white Patriarch, you thought that I can have a liking for other things!” 林飞脸色微微一沉,“白族长,你觉得我能看上其他东西吗!” white Qishan does not want to decide the stone to the day/heaven, can therefore speak with Lin Fei, a death regiment Great General, white Qishan has not placed in the eye truly. 白祁山不想给天定石,所以才会和林飞说话,一个死亡军团大将军,白祁山并未真正放在眼中。 Because he is true immortal Expert! 因为他是一位真正不朽强者 General forest, so long as your willing complies, from now on, our White Tiger clan, can help you do a matter!” white Qishan said, this is the average person cannot obtain for a lifetime, hopes that you consider!” “林将军,只要你愿意答应,今后,我们白虎一族,可以帮你做一件事!”白祁山道,“这可是一般人一辈子都得不到的,希望你好好考虑一下!” Lin Fei does not need a White Tiger clan to make what. 林飞不需要白虎一族做什么 Now he is wants the day/heaven to decide the stone. 现在他就是想要天定石。 If I insist on not agreeing!” Lin Fei cold said. “那要是我执意不同意呢!”林飞声道 white Qishan think Lin Fei will also agree, UU reads 白祁山还以为林飞会同意,UU看书 has not thought so unyieldingly, actually quite accidental/surprised. www.uukanshu.com没想到会如此的硬气,倒是相当意外 General forest, has words your should to understand, the one who understands the times is outstanding.” white Qishan said, I can see you, has given fully your face.” “林将军,有句话你应该懂的,识时务者为俊杰。”白祁山道,“我能来见你,已经给足了你的面子。” Lin Fei sneers saying that „said that white Patriarch does not give!” 林飞冷笑道,“这么说,白族长是不给了!” White Qishan does not fear Lin Fei to act recklessly, the light say/way, other, the only day/heaven decide the stone not, is such simple.” 白祁山不怕林飞乱来,淡淡的道,“其他都可以,唯独天定石不可以,就是这么简单。” Lin Fei stands, I am very disappointed to your White Tiger clan, the day/heaven decided the stone I to decide, I hope that white Patriarch can take, like this to you, to everybody, was a good deed!” 林飞站起来,“我对你们白虎一族很失望,天定石我是要定了,我希望白族长可以拿出来,这样对你,对大家,都是一件好事!” white Qishan laughs, General forest, the condition I opened, is you yourself did not agree that is it possible that you also want to cause trouble in a White Tiger clan!” 白祁山大笑,“林将军,条件我开了,是你自己不同意罢了,莫非,你还想在白虎一族闹事!” Bang!!! 轰!!! White Qishan has let loose pressure, you want know, you are only false immortal Expert, but I, is truly immortal Expert, so long as my a few words, your day will not feel better!” 白祁山放开了身上威压,“你要知道,你只是一个伪不朽强者,而我,则是真正不朽强者,只要我一句话,你日子会非常不好过!”
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