ILK :: Volume #37

#3691: 1 closes up to have bad news

Lin Fei returned to the death regiment. 林飞返回死亡军团。 Along the road on, refine to melt the day/heaven to decide the stone directly, no matter a White Tiger clan studied what, Lin Fei first refine to melt said again. 沿途路上,直接炼化了天定石,不管白虎一族研究出什么,林飞都先炼化了再说。 Refining up the day/heaven to decide the stone not to imagine is so troublesome! 炼化天定石并没有想象中的那么麻烦! The day/heaven decides the stone to be as if tailor for the infinite gate. 天定石似乎就是为无限之门而量身打造。 Less than several days/heaven , the infinite gate thoroughly had been consolidated! 前后不到数天的时间,无限之门就被彻底稳固了下来! Bang!!! 轰!!! After stability. 在稳定之后。 The strength from infinite place obtains the huge promotion obviously. 来自无限之地的力量明显得到巨大的提升。 Crisp, did not waste me to put that many thoughts!” Lin Fei laughs, „the present my strength has been promoted, to show the strength of might Space-Time to be bigger.” “爽啊,不枉费我花了那么多的心思!”林飞大笑,“现在我的力量得到提升,施展时空之力威力会更大。” Lin Fei shouted Little Devil, helped the analysis monitoring. 林飞喊出小恶魔,帮忙分析监控。 The result that analysis comes out is very good. 分析出来的结果很好。 Master, the strength of your Space-Time has been able to affect true immortal Expert!” Little Devil said, under the strength of your Space-Time, any offensive force, most at least can weaken about 30%!” 主人,你的时空之力已经能影响到真正不朽强者了!”小恶魔道,“在你的时空之力下,任何攻击力量,最起码都能消弱三成左右!” 30%! 三成! This is really a good news. 这真是一个好消息。 Good!” Although weakened 30% strengths, this to any immortal Expert, absolutely is not a small attack. “太好了!”尽管只是消弱了三成力量,这对任何一个不朽强者来说,绝对是一个不小的打击。 30% strengths, can pull closer the both sides distance with ease, even can change the situation. 三成力量,轻松可以拉近双方距离,甚至可以扭转局势。 Hehe, daytime was just about is know, it is estimated that must cry to faint!” “嘿嘿,白天正要是知道了,估计又要哭晕过去了!” After happy, Lin Fei quickly returned to normal. 高兴之后,林飞很快恢复了正常。 My infinite gate stabilizes, was equal to breaking through infinite Divine Body Sixth Level!” Lin Fei secretly thought, „does the breakthrough of do not know this Sixth Level, have the what limit!” “我无限之门稳定下来,也等于突破到了无限神体六层了!”林飞暗道,“不知道这第六层的突破,有没有什么限制!” After Lin Fei stabilizes the infinite gate, naturally also obtained information. 林飞稳定无限之门后,自然也得到了一段信息 This information about infinite Divine Body. 信息是关于无限神体的。 Infinite Divine Body, is really terrifying.” After Lin Fei examines, secretly took a breath. “无限神体,果然是恐怖。”林飞查看之后,不由暗暗吸了一口气。 Originally starts from Sixth Level, Lin Fei duty simple, that opens the infinite dantian in within the body constantly very much. 原来从第六层开始,林飞的任务很简单,那就是在体内不断开辟出无限丹田。 This infinite dantian and before cultivation strength Secret Technique is similar, but generally speaking appears Advanced, both do not have the what comparability. 这无限丹田和之前修炼的力量秘法差不多,但总体来说显得更高级,两者没什么可比性。 Infinite dantian!” Lin Fei narrows the eyes to focus, condense are more, the body is stronger.” “无限丹田!”林飞眯着眼,“凝练越多,身体越强。” On this information has not said the condense method of infinite dantian. 信息上并没有说无限丹田的凝练法门。 If the average person, it is estimated that wanted dumbfounded. 如果是一般人的话,估计要傻眼了。 Does not have the method, how condense! 没法门,如何凝练 A person crosses river to touch the stone. 一个人过河摸石头吗。 That is courting death absolutely. 那绝对是在找死。 Any method, depends only purely is the fumble words, the fate, only then one, that is suddenly/violently body perishes. 任何法门,单靠纯粹是摸索的话,下场只有一个,那就是暴体而亡。 A countless example told everybody, calculated blindly the method had the risk. 无数个例子告诉大家,盲目推算法门有风险。 Master, this Sixth Level information, should had the flaw!” Little Devil said, or is Sixth Level, needs to go to comprehension.” 主人,这第六层信息,应该有缺失了!”小恶魔道,“或者是第六层,需要自己去领悟。” comprehension! 领悟 Lin Fei was speechless! 林飞无语了! This calls good that the person brings death. 这是叫人去送死的好不好。 Can calculate!” “能推算吗!” Does not have the issue, but requires time!” Little Devil said, by my analysis, this infinite Divine Body final several, should is the infinite dantian has the relations.” “没问题,但需要时间!”小恶魔道,“以我分析,这无限神体最后几层,应该都是和无限丹田有关系。” Lin Fei also thinks. 林飞也是这么认为的。 That also waits for what, hurried to calculate analysis!” Lin Fei said. “那还等什么,赶紧推算分析了!”林飞道。 ... Has returned to the death regiment. 一直回到死亡军团。 Lin Fei has not met any trouble. 林飞没遇上任何的麻烦。 A White Tiger clan has not begun, is expecting, only if a White Tiger clan wants to become jokes in four big area. 白虎一族没动手,早在预料当中,除非白虎一族真的想成为四大疆域内的一个笑话。 Now looks like a White Tiger clan not that courage! 现在看来白虎一族没那个胆子! Is hanging a joke, is no one willing. 挂着一个笑话,可不是谁都愿意的。 After returning to the death regiment, Lin Fei not effective, deferred to Little Devil analysis earnestly, wholly absorbed went to the condense infinite dantian. 回到死亡军团后,林飞没怎么管事,埋头按照小恶魔分析,专心致志的去凝练无限丹田。 Death regiment up and down has been used to such an attitude of Great General! 死亡军团上下都习惯了这么一位大将军的作风! On the road of closing up, is not closing up. 不是在闭关的路上,就是在闭关当中。 ... Lin Fei this cultivation, the time is very long. 林飞这一修炼,时间挺长的。 Short millennium passes by. 短短千年时间过去。 Cannot think that this infinite dantian more arrives at behind, the time of requiring is longer, is really one does not have the foundation pit!” “想不到这无限丹田越到后面,需要的时间越长,真是一个无底坑啊!” In secret room. 密室内。 Lin Fei opened both eyes, the corners of the mouth has raised, reveals a forced smile. 林飞睁开了双眼,嘴角一扬,露出一丝苦笑。 Millennium, condense leaves 157 infinite dantians, “千年时间,凝练出157个无限丹田, The average, 100 years 20, this speed is not general was slow! ” 平均下来,100年才20个不到,这速度不是一般的慢了!” Although on the mouth said like this, but the Lin Fei mood is very good. 尽管嘴上这样说,但林飞心情还是很好的。 157 infinite dantians, made Lin Fei break through to Eighth Level smoothly. 157个无限丹田,也让林飞顺利突破到第八层了。 From Eighth Level, Little Devil analysis speed was slow. 从第八层开始,小恶魔分析速度都慢下来了。 According to the computation of Lin Fei, the later infinite dantian, it is estimated that needs 200-300 years to cause one, this has been lucky Little Devil, the normal person, the time must lengthen infinitely. 按照林飞的计算,之后的无限丹田,估计要二三百年才能弄出一个,这还是多亏了小恶魔,正常的人,时间还要无限延长。 Lin Fei was very actually satisfied! 林飞其实很满足了! 157 infinite dantians, make Lin Fei strength rise suddenly. 157个无限丹田,足足让林飞实力暴涨。 These millenniums, besides the condense infinite dantian, Lin Fei ponders over the style, has Little Devil calculation analysis again, but also was pondered over one set of is difficult to deal with/ferocious Spear Technique really! 这千年的时间,除了凝练无限丹田之外,林飞就是琢磨招式,再有小恶魔的推算分析,还真被琢磨出一套厉害枪法 Lin Fei names is «Space-Time Spear/Gun Secret Art». 林飞取名为《时空枪诀》。 A very ordinary name. 一个非常普通的名字。 But this might is no one can resist. 可这威力不是谁都可以抵挡的。 ... Millenniums. 千年的时间。 The influence of death regiment has been increased. 死亡军团的影响力一直在提升。 strange species does not dare to fight from death regiment side. 异种不敢从死亡军团这一面战斗了。 The every single time fight, strange species is rout especially defeats, does not have any odds of success, commanded died more than dozens, came to afterward nobody willing. 每一次战斗,异种都是大败特败,没任何的胜算,统领都死了不下几十位,到后来没人愿意来了。 The death regiment idled all of a sudden. 死亡军团一下子闲下来了。 Lord, you went out finally.” 老爷,你终于出关了。” After Long Tian sees Lord Lin Fei boldly, almost must be moved to tears. 龙天豪见到老爷林飞后,差点都要热泪盈眶了。 How!” Lin Fei is puzzled, is not closes up some time, looks at your like this, but also some think people have bullied you!” “怎么了!”林飞不解,“不就是闭关一段时间吗,看你这样子,还以为有人欺负了你呢!” The Long Tian bold forced smile said, Lord, you went out were good, words that did not go out, we died the regiment to be chaotic!” 龙天豪苦笑道,“老爷,你出关就好了,再不出关的话,我们死亡军团都要乱了!” The time of closing up, Lin Fei has not cared about the death regiment. 闭关的时间,林飞真没关心过死亡军团。 Now one hear of this saying, as if the death regiment has the what matter to be the same! 现在一听这话,似乎死亡军团出了什么事一样! „It is not anxious!” “不急!” Lin Fei smiles, relates Little Devil, thinks the know cause and effect. 林飞笑着,联系小恶魔,想知道前因后果。 Although Lin Fei has not paid attention to the matter of death regiment, but Little Devil has been monitoring the entire death regiment, does not have the what matter to hide the truth from Lin Fei. 尽管林飞没关注死亡军团的事,可小恶魔一直监控着整个死亡军团,没什么事情瞒得住林飞 A moment later, Lin Fei know cause and effect! 片刻之后,林飞知道前因后果了! Interesting.” “有意思。” Lin Fei eyeground cold light flashes. 林飞眼底寒光一闪。 Then, your several were built on stilts!” The Lin Fei pupil feels cold. “这么说来,你们几位都被架空了!”林飞眸子发冷。 Long Tian does not dare rise, UU reads 龙天豪不敢抬头,UU看书 he is an imperial prince, we.”“他是皇子,我们.” Waste!” “废物!” The Lin Fei think death regiment will not have the matter, has not thought that also really has had an accident, since 300 years of before, why does not know, above came an imperial prince. 林飞以为死亡军团不会有事,没想到还真的出事了,自从300年之前,不知为何,上面来了一位皇子。 This imperial prince method very is difficult to deal with/ferocious, although is only the general of first regiment, seems as if comes the informed and experienced gold-plating, has used less than 100 years, has been built on stilts Long Tian and the others with ease. 这皇子手段很厉害,尽管只是第一军团的将军,看上去似乎来历练镀金的,用了不到100年的时间,轻轻松松架空了龙天豪等人。 Now the entire death regiment is almost controlled by this imperial prince. 如今整个死亡军团几乎都被这位皇子掌控。 Four generals also changed players! 四位将军也都换人了! The reason is justifiable. 理由都是名正言顺的。 Does not read the material that Little Devil has given, Lin Fei was unable to believe really, can have this matter under own nose. 不是看了小恶魔给的资料,林飞还真不敢相信,在自己的眼皮底下会出这种事。 Lin Fei has not said Long Tian to be bold again, this matter also has reason. 林飞没再说龙天豪,这件事也是事出有因的。 That imperial prince, has occupied name. 那位皇子,占了名义。 Contrasts Long Tian to be bold they, is more influential. 对比龙天豪他们,更有影响力。 But the Long Tian bold clearly know imperial prince is buying the hearts of the people wait/etc., but is incapable of preventing, 300 years later, all become now this appearance. 龙天明知道皇子在收买人心等等,但无力去阻止,300年时间下来,一切就成现在这副样子。 This matter does not blame you!” Lin Fei said, others are an imperial prince, your status is high, not as good as they, lost were very normal!” “这事不怪你们!”林飞道,“人家是皇子,你们地位再高,也不如他们,输了很正常!”
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