ILK :: Volume #37

#3655: Warming-up exercise

ignorant/veiled has withdrawn the army wonderfully. 蒙奇撤回了大军。 The short round attack, lost yesterday is more serious , a matter that it can be said that hit the face. 短短一轮进攻,损失比昨天更为惨重,可以说是非常打脸的一件事。 The Mongolian wonderful face got dark. 蒙奇一张脸都黑了下来。 Determined that they hit your body certain spots, makes your battle efficiency be affected, even is the body has the problem!” “确定他们只是击打你们身体某些部位,就让你们战斗力受到影响,甚至是身体都出现问题!” Is listening to the report of under the hands / subordinates, veiled strange almost suspected oneself misunderstood! 听着手下的汇报,蒙奇几乎怀疑自己听错了! The what time, the death regiment had this ability! 什么时候,死亡军团有这个能力了! If really grasps this means that their strange species army had already collapsed completely, so will not be most at least rampant. 真要是掌握这种办法的话,他们异种大军早就一败涂地了,最起码也不会如此嚣张了。 Yes, many people said!” “是的,很多人都这么说了!” Their offensive odd, may we be greatly affected very much!” “他们的攻势很奇怪,可偏偏我们受到了极大的影响!” Could not hit!” “根本打不下去了!” Was brings death purely!” “纯粹就是去送死了!” Such fight, strange species Captain wait/etc. is not that likes. 这样的战斗,异种队长等等都不是那么喜欢 ignorant/veiled has believed wonderfully the under the hands / subordinates words, „the tomorrow's continues probe, I want know, is this coincidence!” 蒙奇相信了手下的话,“明天继续试探,我要知道,这是不是一个巧合!” On temporarily, veiled strange can only do this. 暂时上,蒙奇只能这样做了。 Once determines that wanted making a move in any event. 一旦确定下来,那无论如何都要出手了。 This death regiment was that regiment!” Mongolian strange say/way, is our old matches!” “这个死亡军团是那个军团!”蒙奇道,“是我们的老对手吗!” „It is not, is the newly arrived general!” “不是,是新来的将军!” ignorant/veiled wonderfully and is startled, newly arrived unexpectedly such is difficult to deal with/ferocious? 蒙奇又是一怔,新来的居然这么厉害 ...... …… Commanding of Lin Fei do not know strange species kept thinking about him. 林飞不知道异种的统领惦记上他了。 General forest, these material, I can the earliest possible time arrange the person to send, white night the city does not have, that side Emperor's Clan will also send!” “林将军,这些材料,我会第一时间安排人送来的,白夜城没有,皇族那边也会送来的!” Heard that General Lin Fei needs the thing, white night City Lord agreed without delay. 听说林飞将军需要东西,白夜城主二话不说就同意了。 Two fights, particularly today, completely are the roller compactions. 两场战斗,尤其是今天,完全是碾压。 Hundred source empires, how long has not welcomed this type to win! 百源帝国,多久没迎来这种胜利了! savage fearful strange species like this retreated, white night City Lord is a 10,000 worship, trivial thing, calculated on what. 凶残的可怕的异种就这样退去了,白夜城主一万个崇拜,区区东西而已,又算的上什么 many thanks!” 多谢了!” Refines ten thousand Yuan pond, needed many material, Lin Fei naturally is held responsible hundred source empires to demand. 重新炼制万元池,需要不少材料,林飞自然是问百源帝国索要了。 Is good because, white night City Lord is very happy. 好在,白夜城主很痛快。 ...... …… In following day. 接下来的日子里。 The Mongolian odd number time sends out the army, the words of quantity, multiplications. 蒙奇数次派出大军,数量的话,一次次的倍增。 Finally is the same! 结果都一样! The battle efficiency full house of death regiment, roller compactions they, collapsed completely. 死亡军团的战斗力爆棚,一次次的碾压他们,一败涂地。 ignorant/veiled simply stopped the attack wonderfully. 蒙奇干脆停止了进攻。 The issue determined! 问题确定了! Lin Fei of this fifth regiment, as if grasped one type in view of the strange species method. 这位第五军团的林飞,似乎掌握了一种针对异种的手段。 After determining, veiled strange shocked heavy. 确定下来后,蒙奇自己都被震撼的不轻。 How he can study to remove the acupuncture needle to the strange species method!” If not veiled strange times probes, almost cannot believe real. “他怎么能研究出针对异种的手段!”如果不是蒙奇一次次去试探,几乎不敢相信是真的。 Since strange species this huge population, has become famous by the formidable battle efficiency, those and they oppose, basically does not have the what good end. 一直以来,异种这个庞大的种群,以强悍的战斗力出名,凡是和他们作对的,基本上都没什么好下场。 The crush, conquers! 碾压,征服! But this time, meets this matter, simply is the huge threat to strange species. 可这一次,遇上这种事,简直是对异种的巨大威胁。 Must extinguish that general of fifth regiment!” “必须灭了第五军团的那位将军!” Mongolian wonderful secretly thought, „, if only he studies, that is easy to do, if ten thousand days of empire studies, to our strange species is a nightmare!” 蒙奇暗道,“如果只是他个人研究出来的,那就好办,若是万天帝国研究出来,对我们异种就是一场噩梦!” ignorant/veiled believes the former wonderfully. 蒙奇相信前者。 Ten thousand days of empire should return do not know. 万天帝国应该不知道 This is an opportunity! 这是一次机会! ignorant/veiled believes wonderfully, so long as cut to kill this general, for him that was the big hero, when the time comes can on first step absolutely in the present position. 蒙奇相信只要斩杀了这位将军,对他来说那就是大功臣,到时候绝对能在现在的位置上更上一步 Wants know strange species, the competition is also very intense. 知道异种内部,竞争也是非常激烈的。 Everyone wants to work as a side command! 谁都想当一方统帅! But, the command does not sit, needs to save the military exploit, war that only has keeping, under they can save the military exploit. 但,统帅不是那么坐的,需要积攒军功,唯有不停的战争,他们才能积攒下军功。 But at present is an opportunity. 而眼下就是一次机会。 Keeps attacking to me!” Mongolian ordered, besieged the entire white night city, forcing them to come out!” “给我不停进攻!”蒙奇下令,“围攻整个白夜城,逼迫他们出来!” Mongolian strange must make white night the city fall into the horridness of Endless, forcing that general to come, when the time comes has cut the opposite party directly, so long as the opposite party comes out, must die without doubt! 蒙奇要让白夜城陷入无尽的惶恐,逼迫那位将军现身,到时候直接斩了对方,只要对方出来,必死无疑! The generals in ten thousand days of empires, strength was usually ordinary. 万天帝国的将军,素来实力一般。 Such general, Meng Qiming cut to kill more than 78. 这样的将军,孟启明斩杀了不下78位之多。 ...... …… Lin Fei in the secret room in white night city, is refining ten thousand Yuan pond. 林飞正在白夜城的密室中,重新炼制万元池。 White night the city repels the attack of strange species continuously, method of General Lin Fei, falls into the emperor ear, heard that needs some material, takes without delay. 白夜城连续击退异种的进攻,林飞将军的手段,也落入皇帝耳中,听说需要一些材料,二话不说就拿出来。 In very short time, Lin Fei collected has refined material of ten thousand Yuan pond. 很短的时间内,林飞凑齐了炼制万元池的材料 Has under the direction of Little Devil, started to refine ten thousand Yuan pond. 小恶魔的指挥下,开始了重新炼制万元池。 For example joins Formation. 比如重新加入阵法 Some Little Devil, Lin Fei do not have what any pressure in any case, the operation of first step first step, short 78 days, have refined ten thousand Yuan pond again. 反正有小恶魔在,林飞什么任何的压力,一步一步的操作下来,短短78天的时间,将万元池重新炼制了一遍。 The effect is obviously different. 效果明显不一样了。 This can depute the vitality, condense left life Crystal Stone again!” “这样就可以提纯出生命力,再凝练出生命晶石了吗!” Lin Fei examined a Brand-new ten thousand Yuan pond. 林飞查看了一下全新的万元池。 Contrasts with before, seems more perfect, particularly plunders ability, overbearing. 之前对比起来,似乎更为完美,尤其是掠夺能力,更为的霸道。 If the former grades eight points. 如果前者打分八分的话。 Then the present ten thousand Yuan pond, can get ten points. 那么现在的万元池,可以打上一个十分。 Perfect! 完美! Master can go to look for strange species to experiment!” Little Devil said that „, if has not guessed that wrong, strange species commanded should to start has fiercely attacked, forcing Master to exit, thus cut to kill you!” 主人可以出去找异种试验一下!”小恶魔道,“如果没猜错的话,异种的统领应该要发动猛攻了,逼迫主人出去,从而将你斩杀!” Lin Fei smiles, actually, I also want to experience, strange species how commands strength!” 林飞笑起来,“其实,我也想见识一下,异种的统领实力到底如何!” ...... …… General forest, they started the general attack!” “林将军,他们发动了总攻了!” White night City Lord came hurriedly. 白夜城主匆忙来了。 strange species advanced greatly attacks was too quick! 异种大进攻来的太快了! White night Formation of city, the consumption is enormous, this consumption soon cannot follow the rhythm, then the only consequence is the white night city is broken through. 白夜城的阵法,消耗极大,这种消耗快要跟不上节奏,那么唯一的后果就是白夜城被攻破。 All right, this general already waited for them to start always attacks!” “没事,本将军早就等着他们发动总进攻了!” Lin Fei comes out with a smile. 林飞笑着出来。 On the city wall, at this time in all directions is strange species, a dense piece, little said several million strange species above, even close 10 million quantity. 上了城墙,此时四面八方都是异种,黑压压的一片,少说数百万异种以上,甚至接近千万的数量。 Anybody looked has been able creepy feeling. 任何人看了都会头皮发麻。 strange species advanced greatly attacks truly sharply!” Lin Fei said, no wonder general city wall survive does not live!” 异种大进攻确实犀利!”林飞道,“怪不得一般城墙都坚持不住!” All-around attack, such strength also only then strange species can achieve. 全方位的进攻,这样的实力也只有异种才能做到了。 Demon deep pool, leads troops to go to battle.” “魔渊,带兵出战。” Compliant!” “遵命!” Demon deep pool Great Commander raises the blade, led troops, entered in the strange species army directly. 魔渊大统领提刀,带兵冲了出去,直接杀入异种大军中。 Lin Fei has moved the body, for a long time did not have making a move, was the time exits to warm up!” 林飞活动了一下身体,“好久没出手了,也是时候出去热身一下了!” General forest, you cannot exit, outside was too dangerous!” White night the City Lord complexion changes. “林将军,你不能出去啊,外面太危险了!”白夜城主脸色一变。 They could not injure my slightest!” Lin Fei said that White City main, so long as defends the city to be good, outside matter, gave me to be OK!” “他们伤不了我分毫的!”林飞道,“白城主只要守着城池就好,外面的事情,交给我就可以了!” Lin Fei went out of the city, arrives in outside sky. 林飞走出了城池,来到外面天空上。 Facing dense strange species, an invisible danger covers. 面对黑压压的异种,一股无形的危险笼罩开来。 Whish! 哗! A stream of chill in the air but instantaneously. 一道寒意瞬间而至。 strange species has killed, speed is extremely quick, if not the wind that making a move brings, is almost unable to realize. 一头异种杀了过来,速度极快,如果不是出手带起的风,几乎无法察觉的到。 But this strange species appearance, just approached nearby Lin Fei, was disappeared by the Space-Time strength, changes to the dust. 可这异种一出现,刚靠近林飞附近,就被时空力量所泯灭,化作尘埃。 strange species this method is truly different!” Lin Fei secretly thought. 异种这手段确实不一样!”林飞暗道 Whiz whiz whiz!! 嗖嗖嗖!! strange species as if stared at Lin Fei, advanced uninterruptedly, it can be said that was dense and numerous, making one is unable to resist. 异种似乎盯上了林飞,前赴后继,可以说是密密麻麻,令人无法招架。 May unable to approach Lin Fei finally. 可最后都无法靠近林飞 Goes!” “去!” Lin Fei offers a sacrifice to ten thousand Yuan pond, makes me experience, a Brand-new ten thousand Yuan pond can be the what appearance.” 林飞祭出万元池,“让我见识一下,全新的万元池会是什么样子的。”
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