ILK :: Volume #37

#3654: The alternative promotes strength

The news that white night city first wave of defending, passed to hundred source areas ruler ears similarly. 白夜城第一波守住的消息,同样传到了百源疆域的帝皇耳中。 Emperor's Clan up and down naturally is very happy. 皇族上下自然是非常高兴。 The elder brother is powerful! 老大哥给力啊! Since strange species has attacked, their hundred source empires are repulsed, basically cannot block the attack of strange species, gets down, pays the enormous price, this price trades with the corpse. 自从异种进攻以来,他们百源帝国一路败退,基本上是挡不住异种的进攻,一路下来,付出极大的代价,这代价都是用尸体换来的。 At present, death regiment came up, has repelled immediately the attack of strange species, has not compared this better news. 眼下,死亡军团一上来,立刻就击退了异种的进攻,没有比这更好的消息。 Enjoys! 嘉赏! Must enjoy! 必须嘉赏! Only by doing so, blockade strange species that the death regiment can go all out. 只有这样,死亡军团才能卖力的阻击异种 ...... …… General forest, strange species started attacks!” “林将军,异种又发动进攻了!” White night the City Lord worry said, looks at the stance, is more violent than before!” 白夜城主忧心道,“看架势,比之前更为猛烈!” Lin Fei naturally saw, on the face has not shown the dignified look. 林飞自然看到了,脸上也没露出凝重神色。 Might as well!” Lin Fei had in view of the strange species weakness, the death regiment fifth regiment, although only then 100,000 soldier, but can rout them with ease, „the White City Lord, looks by all means and that's the end, the specialized matter, must give specialized us!” “无妨!”林飞有了针对异种弱点,死亡军团第五军团虽说只有十万士兵,但能轻松的击溃他们,“白城主,只管看着就是了,专业的事,就要交给专业的我们!” This saying makes white night City Lord be startled, seemingly said very reasonable. 这话让白夜城主一怔,貌似说的很有道理啊。 On experienced, that definitely was the death regiment, they were the operational first lines, was similar to strange species fight Experience, was not they compares favorably with completely. 论久经沙场,那肯定是死亡军团,他们是作战第一线,和异种的战斗经验仿佛,完全不是他们比得上的。 That troubled General forest!” White night City Lord naturally hopes to repel strange species earlier. “那就麻烦林将军了!”白夜城主自然希望早点打退异种 ...... …… Kills to me!” Demon deep pool Great Commander leads personally. “给我杀!”魔渊大统领亲自带队。 The fifth regiment changes to the pointed knife to break in the strange species army once more. 第五军团化作尖刀再次冲入异种大军中。 Compared with yesterday, strange species army quantity doubled, the pressure is not naturally small. 和昨天相比,异种大军数量增加了一倍之多,压力自然是不小。 But the fifth regiment obtains the instruction of General forest, the change attack strategy, this makes them without doubt doubtful, but this thought pressed quickly. 而第五军团更得到林将军的指示,改变进攻策略,这让他们无疑半信半疑,但这种念头很快压下去了。 Their attack effects were successful! 他们的进攻效果成功了! General too is difficult to deal with/ferocious, strange species has defeated quickly!” “将军太厉害了,异种败得更快了!” Under the short weapons connect with, strange species instantaneous collapse. 短兵交接之下,异种瞬间崩溃。 Although is only a small weakness, but at this time has become the strange species nightmare, the battle efficiency falls suddenly, was been tyrannical by the soldiers of death regiment. 尽管只是一个小小的弱点,可此时成了异种的噩梦,战斗力暴跌,被死亡军团的士兵一路狂虐。 It may be said that retreats in defeat again and again. 可谓是节节败退。 To be how quicker than yesterday!” “怎么比昨天更快了!” White night City Lord stared in a big way both eyes, difficult believing of face. 白夜城主瞪大了双眼,一脸的难以置信。 This is these strange species! 这还是那些异种吗! If there is not experienced, almost must suspect that these strange species pretend. 如果不是见识过,差点都要怀疑这些异种是不是假冒的。 This strength! 实力 Is completely different! 完全不一样啊! On the Lin Fei face is hanging the light smiling face, „a small weakness was enlarged infinitely, Little Devil ability is really terrifying.” 林飞脸上挂着淡淡的笑容,“一个小弱点被无限放大,小恶魔能力真是恐怖。” Actually calculated to Little Devil analysis the weakness that does have the function, Lin Fei are doubtful. 其实对小恶魔分析推算出来的弱点,到底有没有作用,林飞自己都是半信半疑的。 Present, Lin Fei was convinced. 眼前的一幕,林飞服气了。 Little Devil Powerful is aggressive! 小恶魔威武霸气! ....... ……. The soldier of death regiment, exceptionally was also excited and excited at this time. 死亡军团的士兵,此时也是异常的兴奋和激动。 A small change, has become their crush strange species. 一个小小的改变,成了他们碾压异种 Was too crisp!” “太爽了!” Originally strange species is so good to kill!” “原来异种这么好杀的!” General Powerful!” “将军威武!” Past time, the soldiers and strange species of death regiment fought, that was fight labor of , the mortality rate is extremely high, may at this moment, they discover original strange species has not imagined was so formidable. 以往的时候,死亡军团的士兵和异种交手,那是战斗的十分辛苦,死亡率极高,可此时此刻,他们才发现原来异种也没想象中的那么强大。 Kills!” “杀!” Kills off them!” “杀光他们!” Death regiment pointed knife formation, constantly killed to kill, left behind a piece of corpse, the rivers of blood. 死亡军团所化的尖刀队形,不断杀出杀进,留下一片的尸体,血流成河。 ...... …… lord, we defeated!” 大人,我们又败了!” Mongolian strange hear the report, whole body was changing color, runs personally. 蒙奇听着汇报,整个人都变色了,亲自跑出来。 Increases troops one time, may defeat finally is quicker than yesterday, this keeps confident hoodwinking strange from believing. 增兵一倍,可结果败得比昨天更快,这让信心满满的蒙奇无法相信。 Defeated really!” “真的败了!” Sees by strange species under the hands / subordinates of crush, deceiving strange is unable to believe that real, the battle efficiency of death regiment truly was good, may as if never such formidable. 看到一路被碾压的异种手下,蒙奇无法相信是真的,死亡军团的战斗力确实是不错,可似乎从来没这么强大过。 May present, sweep away completely. 可眼前的一幕,完全是横扫。 Once fights, strange species becomes collapses at the first blow, probably is frail collapses at the first blow to be the same. 一旦交手,异种就变得不堪一击,好像是脆弱的不堪一击一样。 Has the issue, certainly has issue!” After ignorant/veiled observes wonderfully, has the issue definite, withdraws troops!” “有问题,一定有问题!”蒙奇观察之后,更确定有问题,“收兵!” strange species is fierce, may die like this in vain, Mongolian wonderfully naturally not willing. 异种凶猛,可这样白白死去,蒙奇自然是不愿意的。 ..... ….. The fight won once again. 战斗又一次打赢了。 Commanding of Lin Fei also think strange species meets making a move, may finally disappointing, the opposite party chose to withdraw troops. 林飞以为异种的统领会出手,可结果还是让人失望,对方选择收兵了。 Can become commands, truly not simple!” Lin Fei secretly thought, estimate saw what, may be looks, your strange species army losing battle has decided!” “能成为统领,确实不简单啊!”林飞暗道,“估计是看出了什么,可就算是看出来,你们异种大军败局已定了!” Lin Fei has believed Little Devil ability thoroughly. 林飞彻底相信了小恶魔能力 The present is the small weakness, will not do well can discover the big weakness in the future. 现在是小弱点,弄不好将来就可以发现大弱点。 The strange species fierce attack, did not have what to threaten actually. 异种凶猛的进攻,其实真没什么威胁了。 Lin Fei is clearer, these time is one time brushes the prestige the time, won the number of times more, the under the hands / subordinates soldier will be dead set on. 林飞更清楚,这一次就是一次刷威望的时候,赢得次数越多,手下的士兵更会死心塌地的。 Master, I just calculated a small thing!” Little Devil passes on the sound said, these strange species vitalities are formidable, if captures alive to capture them, can definitely withdraw their vitality, thus condense manufactures life Crystal Stone!” 主人,我刚刚推算出一个小玩意!”小恶魔传音道,“这些异种生命力强大,如果活捉俘虏他们,完全可以提取出他们的生命力,从而凝练制作出生命晶石!” Life Crystal Stone!” Lin Fei narrows the eye slightly, could it be can promote the vitality!” “生命晶石!”林飞微微眯眼,“难道可以提升生命力!” Now Lin Fei vitality is extremely long. 现在林飞生命力极长。 The thing of promotion life, on has not cared temporarily. 提升生命的东西,暂时上还不怎么在乎的。 Master such understands yes!” Little Devil said that „, but, Master said an function, in addition, the massive life strengths, can display some formidable life taboo styles, can definitely work as draws on the use greatly!” 主人这么理解是可以的!”小恶魔道,“不过,主人说的只是其中一种作用罢了,除此之外,大量的生命力量,可以施展出一些强大的生命禁忌招式,完全可以当大招来使用!” Lin Fei at present one bright, this with working as primary energy is the same!” 林飞眼前一亮,“这不是和当初能量点一样!” Initially walked, has been lucky the energy point. 当初一路走来,多亏了能量点。 Little Devil this saying, responded immediately. 小恶魔这一说,马上就反应过来。 Can say!” Little Devil said that „the formidable move, but, with the life strength displaying, in this time very suitable Master use!” “可以这么说!”小恶魔道,“但,用生命力量施展的强大招数,在这个时候非常适合主人使用!” Although grasped the infinite gate, strength placed immortal Level, it may be said that is first-class exist of ten thousand days of empires, may meet these true immortal Expert, the odds of success is not very big. 尽管掌握了无限之门,实力保持在不朽层次,可谓是万天帝国的一流存在,可遇上了那些真正的不朽强者,胜算并不是很大。 If grasps formidable life big Fighting Move that some vitalities can display, Lin Fei is glad to see. 如果真的掌握一些生命力能施展的强大生命大杀招,林飞非常乐意见到的。 This big Fighting Move, I do not have the place to look!” “这种大杀招,我可没地方找啊!” Lin Fei just took office to become the general of death regiment fifth regiment now, wants to seek these big Fighting Move, as if some difficulties. 林飞现在刚上任当上死亡军团第五军团的将军,想要去寻这些大杀招,似乎有些难度了。 Did not say other, the light present day decides the stone, Lin Fei do not know goes to the what place to look. 不说别的,光现在的天定石,林飞不知道什么地方找。 Master, you have forgotten me!” Now the Little Devil favorite say/way, Master needs to do is captive massive strange species, refining up their vitality, for example, with ten thousand Yuan pond, can refine the depuration, but, needs to refine in this before!” 主人,你忘了我啊!”小恶魔得意道,“主人现在需要做的就是俘虏大量的异种,炼化出他们的生命力,比如,用万元池,就可以炼化提纯,不过,在这之前需要重新炼制一番!” How Lin Fei has been pondering over promotes strength, now the Little Devil words without doubt is a good news. 林飞一直在琢磨怎么提升实力,现在小恶魔的话无疑是一个好消息。 Infinite Cultivation Technique on does not consider temporarily. 无限功法暂时上不作考虑。 Available massive life strength displays big Fighting Move, completely. 可用大量生命力量来施展大杀招,完全可以啊。 This truly is a choice, but Lin Fei did not have recalls to come, these strange species, again had the reminder of Little Devil, Lin Fei forgets also to be able such to operate. 这确实是一个选择,只不过林飞一直没想起来,要不是这些异种,再有小恶魔的提醒,林飞真忘了还能这么操作。 That also waits for what, hurried to refine ten thousand Yuan pond to say first again!” “那还等什么啊,赶紧先重新炼制了万元池再说!” This treasure, Lin Fei also think can refrigerate, has not thought that so is about to apply. 这件宝物,林飞以为能冷藏了,没想到那么快派上用场了。
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