ILK :: Volume #37

#3656: Big shot!

Ten thousand Yuan pond, the terrifying suction covers on the strange species army! 万元池一出,恐怖的吸力笼罩在异种大军身上! Whish!! 哗哗哗!! strange species that battled, does not have any resistance ability, was all received. 正在交战的异种,没任何的抵抗能力,悉数被收了进来。 strange species was swept. 大片大片的异种被扫荡一空。 Has not resisted ability! 没有抵抗能力 The strange species army center presented a stretch of no war zone. 异种大军中央出现了一片真空地带。 ...... …… General forest this treasure is quite overbearing!” “林将军这件宝物好霸道!” Holding breath cold air/Qi that white night City Lord looks. 白夜城主看的倒吸冷气。 strange species is difficult to deal with/ferocious, he has experienced. 异种厉害,他是见识过的。 But these strange species under this treasure, such as the mighty current were curled at this time equally goes, no matter the strength height, swept the past. 可此时这些异种在这件宝物之下,如洪流一样被卷进去,不管实力高低,一路扫荡过去。 Full of admiration that white night City Lord admires, making a move is uncommon. 白夜城主佩服的五体投地,一出手就不凡。 Death regiment fought worthily in the army of forefront!” “死亡军团不愧战斗在最前线的军队!” Perhaps our white night city time, really can block the attack of strange species!” “咱们白夜城这次,说不定真能挡住异种的进攻!” ... White night High level of city cheers. 白夜城的高层都欢呼起来。 No one likes strange species, how the strange species army battle efficiency to be formidable. 谁都不喜欢异种,奈何异种大军战斗力强大。 Kills!” “杀!” ignorant/veiled on the scene directs wonderfully personally, when opposite party treasure offers a sacrifice, such as the sweeping fallen leaf same sweeps the strange species army, this makes him realize, this general truly some abilities! 蒙奇亲自在场指挥,当对方的宝物祭出来,如扫荡落叶一样扫荡异种大军,这让他意识到,这位将军确实有些能耐! That is all. 仅此而已。 Their strange species army what Expert has not killed. 他们异种大军什么强者没杀过。 Mongolian ordered to encircle kills that general, so long as this general died, white night the city morale by the influence, can break through white night the city greatly inevitably easily, seized this city. 蒙奇下令围杀那位将军,只要这位将军一死,白夜城士气大受影响下,必然能轻易攻破白夜城,占领这座城池。 In the strange species army, kills several hundred forms. 异种大军中,杀出数百道身影。 speed is extremely quick! 速度极快! If the flowing light is the same! 如流光一样! Does not divide the position, does not cooperate hand in hand, is a wheel attacks completely. 不分位置,不携手合作,完全是一场轮攻。 strange species continuously likes this fighting method. 异种一直喜欢这种打法。 100 insufficient, that 1000, even is 10,000. 100个不够,那就1000个,甚至是一万个。 Has saying that this fighting method is very easy the result. 不得不说,这种打法很容易出成绩。 strange species that especially these begin, type is different, excels at various method attacks, it can be said that attack very sharp. 尤其这些动手的异种,种类不一样,擅长各种手段攻击,可以说是攻击十分的犀利。 Lin Fei is stimulating to movement ten thousand Yuan pond, feels has been refining difference, the energy of consumption was bigger, is good because of having the infinite strength is supplying, relaxed. 林飞催动着万元池,感受着重新炼制过的不同,消耗的能量更大了,好在有无限力量供应着,轻轻松松的。 strange species was received in ten thousand Yuan pond, in Formation erupts formidable Fighting Move, strikes to kill strange species completely, through Formation, deputes life Crystal Stone again. 异种被收入万元池中,内中阵法爆发出强大的杀招,将异种全部击杀,再通过阵法,提纯出生命晶石 Stimulates to movement ten thousand Yuan pond, my infinite strength will have about 50% to be used up!” Lin Fei secretly thought, average person cannot use, it is estimated that dozens breath time will unable to support!” “催动万元池,我的无限力量有五成左右会被用掉!”林飞暗道,“一般人真用不起,估计几十个息时间就会撑不住!” Bang bang bang!! 砰砰砰!! strange species that comes to assassinate, in the close Lin Fei surrounding several feet places, changed to the powder powder entirely. 前来刺杀的异种,在接近林飞周围十几丈的地方,统统化作了齑粉。 Comes many to kill many! 来多少杀多少! Insta-kill, completely is Insta-kill! 秒杀,全部是秒杀 Opposite that ignorant/veiled commands wonderfully, you do not plan personally making a move!” Lin Fei said with a smile. “对面那位蒙奇统领,你不打算亲自出手吗!”林飞笑道。 Looks that advances uninterruptedly strange species that was extinguished kills, the Mongolian wonderful complexion also becomes the difference. 看着前赴后继被灭杀的异种,蒙奇脸色也变得异样起来。 This fellow strength is very strong! 这家伙实力很强啊! Whom never has to be able so with ease to resist the strange species fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out, no, is the Advanced fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out. 从来没有谁能如此轻松抵挡住异种的车轮战,不,是高级车轮战。 Who you are!” Mongolian wonderful gaze shoots, death regiment, without your such No. 1 character!” “你是谁!”蒙奇目光射来,“死亡军团,没有你这么一号人物!” Lin Fei laughs, before does not have, but starting today, your strange species meets remember I, because this general is called Lin Fei!” 林飞大笑,“之前是没有,不过从今天开始,你们异种记住我,因为本将军叫做林飞!” Lin Fei! 林飞 ignorant/veiled truly did not know wonderfully. 蒙奇确实不认识。 May be this, veiled Qiyue must cut to kill the opposite party. 可越是这样,蒙奇越是要将对方斩杀。 God Emperor Expert does not dare to say Impudent before the strange species army, let alone is a you newly-arrived general. 神帝强者都不敢说在异种大军面前放肆,何况是你一个新来乍到的将军。 Lin Fei, my remember you!” 林飞,我记住你了!” ignorant/veiled cold snort/hum, six Expert flicker to kill. 蒙奇冷哼一声,身后六个高手瞬杀过来。 Six directions, six aura unexpectedly are the God Emperor aura. 六个方向,六道气息居然都是神帝气息。 General forest was careful, this is Liu He strange species!” White night the City Lord loud reminder said. “林将军小心,这是六合异种!”白夜城主大声提醒道。 Under this is ignorant/veiled commands wonderfully, the most formidable six people, have to cut to kill God Emperor Expert strength, their white night city several God Emperor Expert, like this were cut to kill. 这可是蒙奇统领之下,最强大的六个人,拥有斩杀神帝强者实力,他们白夜城数位神帝强者,就是这样被斩杀的。 Liu He strange species!” 六合异种!” Lin Fei has not cared. 林飞真没在意。 Six strange species, when must approach Lin Fei, six aura are in one, incarnation terrifying exist, half foot treads into immortal Level, a fist directly soars. 六个异种,在要接近林飞的时候,六道气息合为一体,化身一个恐怖存在,半只脚踏入不朽层次,一拳直奔而来。 This fist shook Void, the Lin Fei whole body that causes exudes a bombing sound. 这一拳撼动了虚空,使的林飞周身发出一片轰炸声。 Mongolian wonderful quietly looks, facing my under the hands / subordinates Liu He strange species, but also dares to be so negligent, did not die is difficult!” 蒙奇静静的看着,“面对我手下六合异种,还敢如此大意,不死都难了!” Regarding Liu He strange species, veiled strange is very confident, they are strange species inside alternative, the probability of birth are not high, may happen, is equal to half immortal Expert. 对于六合异种,蒙奇十分有信心,他们乃是异种里面的另类,诞生的几率不高,可一旦出现,就等于半个不朽强者 Mongolian is God Emperor Level, displays under Secret Technique, reluctantly can contend with Liu He strange species. 蒙奇自己是神帝层次,施展秘法之下,也只是勉强能和六合异种抗衡。 Now lets Liu He strange species making a move, completely is the crush opposite party. 现在让六合异种出手,完全是碾压对方。 Liu He strange species, really is difficult to deal with/ferocious, grew in experience below!” After the explosive sound, the form walks together, is carrying with the hand Liu He strange species only, this time they, painful is struggling, what a pity, cannot threaten me!” 六合异种,果然厉害,在下长见识了!”爆炸声后,一道身影走出来,单手提着六合异种,此时的他们,痛苦的挣扎着,“可惜,还是不能威胁到我!” what, Liu He strange species lost!” 什么,六合异种输了!” ignorant/veiled has a big shock wonderfully, that is next to his strongest battle efficiency, in the common situation little sends out. 蒙奇大惊失色,那可是仅次于他的最强战斗力,一般的情况下很少去出动。 Now unexpectedly loses! 现在居然输了! Lin Fei flings, Liu He strange species was inhaled in ten thousand Yuan pond. 林飞一甩,六合异种被吸入万元池中。 what Expert, although shouted.” Lin Fei said with a smile, heard that your strange species experts as common as the clouds, Liu He strange species was insufficient!” “还有什么高手,尽管喊出来。”林飞笑道,“听说你们异种高手如云,一个六合异种还不够!” ignorant/veiled almost takes a blood to spurt wonderfully. 蒙奇几乎要一口鲜血喷出来。 Kills!” “杀!” Liu He strange species was taken away by treasure, veiled strange lost six senior generals, how this lets him to swallow below this tone. 六合异种宝物收走,蒙奇损失了六位大将,这让他如何能咽的下这口气。 killing intent shoots up to the sky. 身上的杀意冲天而起。 ignorant/veiled changes to the main body condition wonderfully, only then under the main body pile body, veiled strange strength can in the peak. 蒙奇化作本体状态,只有在本体桩体下,蒙奇的实力才能在巅峰。 Under human form condition, battle efficiency 80%! 人形状态下,战斗力八成! Under the main body condition, that is ten tenths battle efficiency. 本体状态下,那就是十成战斗力。 Under the main body, veiled strange changed to a giant meat group, blocks the sky, hit to fly ten thousand Yuan pond, the big mouth opened, must swallowing down unexpectedly. 本体之下,蒙奇化作了一个巨大的肉团,遮天蔽日,一头撞飞了万元池,大口一开,竟然要将吞下去。 Six samsara!” “六道轮回!” Lin Fei light snort/hum, makes six samsara. 林飞轻哼一声,打出六道轮回。 The surrounding area in several tens of thousands miles, changes to a piece of hell, the Endless chill in the air covers. 方圆数万里之内,化作一片森罗地狱,无尽的寒意笼罩而来。 Suffers injustice, only has the dreary cold aura. 不见天日,只有森寒气息。 Rumbling!!! 轰轰轰!!! Under the guidance of Little Devil, Lin Fei displays six samsara moves again, the true six world, might extremely formidable, is the true immortal striking power. 小恶魔的指导下,林飞再施展六道轮回这一招,真正的六个世界,威力极为强悍,乃是真正的不朽攻击力。 Six samsara jumped to break to pieces two world! 六道轮回才蹦碎了两个世界! The Mongolian wonderful huge body, almost exploded clean, from the main body restored to the human form condition, on the face to be full of color/look with amazement. 蒙奇庞大的身躯,几乎被炸的一干二净,从本体中恢复到人形状态,脸上充满了骇然之色。 You are immortal Expert!” “你是不朽强者!” Said these characters time, Mongolian wonderful whole body is shivering. 说这几个字的时候,蒙奇整个人都在颤抖。 This think can cut to kill the opposite party, there thinks that the opposite party can be immortal Expert, merely one move, making his Origin Energy damage severely, strength falls suddenly. 以为能将对方斩杀,那里想到对方会是一个不朽强者,仅仅一招,让他元气大伤,实力暴跌。 Immortal Expert appears on this Battlefield unexpectedly, this bullies the child completely. 一位不朽强者居然出现在这种战场上,这完全是欺负小孩子嘛。 You said right!” “你说对了!” The remaining six samsara, change to three fetter strengths, entangles, in has deceived on strange, sent to ten thousand Yuan pond. 剩下的六道轮回,化作三道束缚力量,缠在了蒙奇身上,就被送入到万元池中。 Receives!” “收!” Lost veiled strange commanding, the strange species army collapsed quickly! 失去了蒙奇的统领,异种大军很快就崩溃了! Lin Fei making a move, ten thousand Yuan pond Hengsao, has not taken away strange species again entirely. 林飞没再出手,万元池横扫而过,将异种统统收走。 .... …. We like this won!” “我们就这样赢了!” White night City Lord stares big both eyes, look at each other in blank dismay, this victory as if comes was too quick! 白夜城主瞪大双眼,面面相觑,这胜利似乎来的太快了! City Lord, we won!” 城主,我们是赢了!” ignorant/veiled commanded one move to be tidied up wonderfully!” “蒙奇统领一招就被收拾掉了!” „... This General forest probably is immortal Expert!” “还有…这位林将军好像是不朽强者!” The people scared! 众人吓坏了!
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