IGE :: Volume #7

#634: Luo Residence accident

When Luo Yi's footsteps tread Bright City, the last wisp of setting sun was gloomy gradually. 当罗毅的脚步踏出光明城的时候,最后一缕夕阳已经逐渐暗淡。 Alone walks on the avenue of going home, in the evening the micro cool cool breeze has blown his face, his consciousness gradual sobriety. 独自走在回家的大街上,傍晚微凉的清风吹过他的面庞,他的意识逐渐的清醒。 All that today meets simply likely is a dream, is unbelievable. 今天遇到的一切简直像是一场梦,令人难以相信。 Luo Yi is thinking like this. 罗毅心里这样想着。 He looked down to buckle the wrister on wrist department, a hand was stroking gently, was feeling the sense of reality of wrister, he believes firmly that this was not a dream, was a huge good deed arrives really in own head. 他低头看了看扣在腕部上的护腕,一只手轻轻地抚摸着,感受着护腕的质感,他才确信,这不是一场梦,真的是一场天大的好事降临在自己的头上。 Luo Yi felt that his head started to faint probably, he has flung shaking, grew the one breath, in the heart somewhat impatient wish rushes home suddenly, shared this good news with the family member. 罗毅感觉自己的脑袋好像又开始晕了,他甩了甩了头,长出一口气,心中突然有些迫不及待的想要赶回家,与家人分享这个好消息。 In the micro cool night wind, he is stepping the lively step, gradually vanishes in the dim light of night 微凉的夜风中,他迈着轻快的步伐,逐渐消失在夜色中 ...... …… The shining white such as the bright moonlight of jade plate hangs in the curtain of night, the surroundings have several sparse stars fragmentary dispersions. 莹白如玉盘的明月高悬在夜幕中,周围有几颗稀疏的星辰零星的散布。 The glistening white moonlight such as the fine gauze is covering entire Snow Capital generally. 皎皎的月光如轻纱一般笼罩着整个雪京 A West district street. 城西的一条街道。 Under the dim moonlight, in the ground is sparkling light leading colored light Ze. 朦胧的月光下,地面上闪耀着淡淡的青金色光泽。 That mysterious leading colored light Ze came from the flagstone in ground, the material quality of flagstone unexpectedly is very precious tribulation hot inscription on stone tablet and bronze, in other place tribulation hot inscriptions on stone tablet and bronze, only then the greatly expensive family can afford greatly richly, but in this Snow Capital, was used spreads the flagging, Snow Capital to be in so the situation unexpectedly vividly unexpectedly! 那神秘的青金色光泽来自地面上的石板,石板的材质竟然是十分珍贵的劫火金石,在其他地方这种劫火金石只有大富大贵之家才能买得起,而在这雪京之中,竟然被用来铺成石板路,雪京的繁华竟然已经到了如此地步! The secret yuan qi fluctuation flows in the tribulation hot inscription on stone tablet and bronze flagstone, increased a mysticalness. 隐秘的元气波动在劫火金石石板中流动,更是增加了一丝神秘。 Luo Yi's form the street that paves from tribulation hot inscription on stone tablet and bronze rapid to a street end dwelling rushes. 罗毅的身影从劫火金石铺就的街道东段飞速向街道尽头的一处宅院奔去。 The entrance of dwelling is hanging two palace lanterns, the misty light illuminated the inscribed horizontal tablet after palace lantern, on the inscribed horizontal tablet has written Luo Residence two vigorous powerful large characters. 宅院的大门口悬挂着两盏宫灯,蒙蒙的灯光照亮了宫灯后的匾额,匾额上书写着“罗府”两个刚劲有力的大字。 Quickly to family, hey, wait a minute, the father and mother hear this good news, will not know happily.” “快到家了,嘿嘿,等一会儿,父亲和母亲听到这个好消息,不知道会有多开心。” Luo Yi looks to be hanging in that two lanterns of entrance, in the heart is more excited, in those days thought that somewhat dim lantern, today wants likely brightly. 罗毅看着悬挂在大门口的那两盏灯笼,心中更加兴奋,往日觉得有些昏暗的灯笼,今日像是要明亮了许多。 He walks toward the main house gate quickly. 他快步朝着家门走去。 Separates by far, he sees together the old form suddenly, somewhat anxious pacing back and forth outside the front door, is looking around once for a while, was likely ordinary in and the others. 隔得远远地,他突然看见一道苍老的身影,在大门外有些焦急的来回踱步,时不时地四下张望着,像是在等人一般。 That person carries the light, some personal appearance rickets, ash-gray homespun cloth clothes, the grayish white hair is reflecting the faint trace silver light continuously under the light, the face in shadow is somewhat old, among the volumes is carving several gully wrinkles, the eye socket deeply hollow, in the somewhat opacitas eye brings to be anxious and deeply worried. 那人背着光,身形有些佝偻,一身灰色的粗布衣服,灰白的头发在灯光下反射着丝丝缕缕的银光,阴影中的面孔有些苍老,额间刻着几道沟壑般的皱纹,眼窝深深地凹陷,有些浑浊的眼中带着急切和焦灼。 Luo Yi eyes have then recognized, that form is the old steward of their family 罗毅一眼便认出了,那道身影正是他们家的老管家 Forber. 福伯。 Em? Is Forber? How he in entrance anxious running around in circles, in difficult Taoism what happened?” Luo Yi sees this, in heart fiercely one tight. “恩?是福伯?他怎么在门口急的团团转,难道家里发生什么事情了?”罗毅看到这一幕,心中猛地一紧。 He sped up the footsteps, shouts in Forber's direction lightly: Forber!” 他加快了脚步,朝着福伯的方向轻喊道:“福伯!” Forber hear sound, fierce went to Luo Yi's direction the line of sight, sees is Luo Yi, immediately one happy, before rushing to Luo Yi body hurriedly, then draws Luo Yi's arm to walk toward Luo Residence rashly. 福伯闻声,猛的将视线投向了罗毅的方向,看到是罗毅,顿时一喜,急急忙忙赶到罗毅身前,不由分说便拉着罗毅的手臂往罗府走。 On his old face has written all over anxiously, walks while said: Young master, you may calculate, in the family the important matter, went back along with me in a big hurry.” 他那苍老的脸上写满了焦急,边走边说道:“少爷啊,你可算回来了,家里出大事了,快快随我回去。” In Romanian resolution one startled, asked hurriedly: Forber, what's the matter? In the family had an accident?” 罗毅心中一惊,急忙问道:“福伯,怎么回事?家里出什么事了?” Forber sighed: Yeah, before a double-hour, Sir Gu is leading Madame Gu and Gu Jia Xiu, coming in our palace to break an engagement! Came nearly a double-hour, master madames were flustered, now is still waiting for the young master you!” 福伯叹息道:“哎,一个时辰之前啊,谷大人带着谷夫人和谷家秀,来咱们府里退婚啦!来了快一个时辰了,老爷夫人都急坏了,现在还在等着少爷您呐!” Luo Yi's fine-looking eyebrow wrinkles slightly, is somewhat bewildered. 罗毅英挺的眉毛微微皱起,有些莫名其妙。 Breaks an engagement? 退婚? Why can break an engagement? 为什么要退婚? Which is Gu person this is making? 谷家人这是在闹哪一出? At once, half a month ago scene, in his mind reappeared. 一时之间,半个月前的情景,在他的脑海中一幕幕浮现出来。 That time Luo Yi, just received the appointment of promotion roaring flame camp seventh squad team leader, has not gone on duty officially. 那时的罗毅,刚刚接到晋升烈焰营第七小队队长的任命,还没有正式上岗。 In the powerful official eye of in the capital, this imperial guard team leader seems like the authority is not big, but is actually directly has jurisdiction by the crown prince , compared to call the His Highness Crown Prince direct line army. Moreover everyone knows that snow emperor did not ask the government affairs many years, abdicate to near, once His Highness Crown Prince ascends the throne, the status of that this roaring flame camp may not only be the imperial guard so is simple. Luo Yi can obtain the recognition of His Highness Crown Prince young, the itself talent is also very good, if given time, the future is simply limitless. 在京中的权贵眼中,这个禁军队长看似职权并不大,但却是由太子直接管辖的,勘称太子殿下的直系部队。而且谁都知道,雪帝不问政务多年,退位在即,一旦太子殿下登基,那这烈焰营的地位可就不仅仅是禁军这么简单了。罗毅年纪轻轻就能得到太子殿下的赏识,本身天赋也很好,假以时日,前途简直不可限量。 Therefore at once, and alone a future piece of bright Luo Yi, has become the sweetie pie in in the capital powerful official eyes, coming to Luo Residence to discuss marriage the person who to be continuous, almost steps on rottenly the threshold. 于是在一时之间,单身且前途一片光明的罗毅,就成了京中一众权贵眼中的香饽饽,来罗府提亲的人络绎不绝,几乎把门槛踩烂。 In the person heart that Luo Yi's father Luo Zheng facing comes to discuss marriage numerously was happy and worried that what is happy is the son promotes, they were from the bottom of the heart happy for the son \; What worries is these many people discusses marriage suddenly, in a short time they do not know how must let the choice, after is Luo Yi's important matter lifelong, wants him agree to be good. 罗毅的父亲罗峥面对众多前来提亲的人心中又喜又愁,喜的是儿子晋升,他们是打心底里替儿子高兴\;愁的是突然之间这么多人来提亲,短时间内他们也不知要如何让选择,毕竟是罗毅的终身大事,还是要他自己同意同意才行。 Therefore from the beginning, Luo father must be busy when Luo Yigang just promoted the official business, plans to reconsider own reason to send after a period of time the people of numerous discussing marriage. 于是一开始,罗父只得以罗毅刚刚晋升期间公务繁忙,打算过段时间再议亲的理由将众多提亲的人打发走。 What no one has thought that is the valley of empire public security department vice-minister raises saying that the Luo Yi father's immediate superior, actually personally led the daughter to come to Luo Residence to discuss marriage, brought the massive expensive gifts, and manner also very earnest, under the great kindness, in addition was own immediate superior, Luo Tie Zheng one worries, finally has to give Luo Yi the decision-making power. 谁也没想到的是,身为帝国治安部副部长的谷养道罗毅父亲的顶头上司,竟然亲自带着女儿来罗府提亲,带了大量的贵重的礼物,并且态度也是十分的热切,盛情之下,加之又是自己的顶头上司,罗铁铮一阵犯难,最后只好将决定权交给了罗毅。 But then Luo Yi also listened to the companion in roaring flame camp to mention this Gu Xiu. 而当时的罗毅也曾经听烈焰营中的同伴提起过这位谷秀。 Hearsay Gu Xiu is very outstanding, in Snow Capital is the talent and beauty that became famous, the countless youth the guest wealthy family juniors desire something greatly. Moreover, her martial arts Cultivation Base also very much has the talent, has 20 Spirit Spring Cultivation Base, differs with Luo Yi are not many. 传闻谷秀十分优秀,在雪京中是出了名的才貌双全,无数青年才客富家子弟都心向往之。不仅如此,她的武道修为也是很有天赋,有着20眼灵泉修为,与罗毅相差并不多。 On the same day sees, this Gu Xiu's appearance truly makes Luo Yi at present one bright, but he also not, therefore falls in love to Gu Xiu, but does not dislike her, has a favorable impression. 当日一见,这位谷秀的样貌确实令罗毅眼前一亮,但他也并没有因此对谷秀一见钟情,不过也不讨厌她,有着一丝好感。 He thinks that the family arrives at Snow Capital is about one year, was unable to stand firm, but Gu has certain status in Snow Capital, with the words that it is related through marriage, the family in Snow Capital can better foothold, if have stroked the face of this empire security department vice-minister, to the father, to the family is very disadvantageous. 他想到家族来到雪京不过一年时间,还没能站稳脚跟,而谷家在雪京中有着一定的地位,与之结亲的话,家族在雪京中就能更好的立足,若是自己拂了这位帝国安防部副部长的面子,对父亲,对家族都是非常不利的。 After considering, Luo Yi then complied with this wedding. 考虑一番之后,罗毅便答应了这门婚事。 Two afterward officially became engaged, news also travelled. 两家后来正式订婚,消息也传开了。 Who knows that this just set engagement half a month, how can Gu break an engagement? 谁知道,这才刚定下婚约不过半月,怎么谷家就要退婚? The question of Luo Yi full belly. 罗毅满肚子的疑问。 In the heart is considering, Luo Yi by Forber, had actually been passed through the corridor that the yard and reception room and wound windingly, before long arrived at outside the hall. 心中思量着,罗毅却已经被福伯拉着,穿过了大院、花厅和曲折蜿蜒的长廊,不一会就已经到了大厅之外。 Stands in the hall entrance, Luo Yi has not passed through the gate, by far hears together incisive woman sound/noise, passed from the hall 站在大厅门口,罗毅两人还未进门,就远远地听到一道尖锐的女人声音,从大厅里面传了出来 „It is not good, must break an engagement! Romanian Tie Zheng you said that anything is useless, our family is really really impossible to marry Luo Yi, originally thinks that he was selected the roaring flame camp also to be the imperial guard team leader, in the future can have an achievement to be willing her to betroth to your son, now he has been removed by the His Highness Crown Prince roaring flame camp, this whole life was hopeless, your Luo do not have the daydream. This wedding is relinquishing early, do not delay my family lifelong, today we personally breaks an engagement, also gives fully your Luo faces, be not depending again, we two or merry gathering and happy parting.” “不行,必须退婚!罗铁铮你说什么都没用,我们家真真是不可能嫁给罗毅的,原本以为他被选拔进烈焰营还当了禁军队长,将来能有一番作为才肯将她许配给你儿子,现在他都已经被太子殿下的烈焰营中除名,这辈子都没指望了,你们罗家就别做白日梦了。这门婚事还是早早的作罢,别耽误了我家真真的终身,今日我们亲自来退婚,也是给足了你们罗家面子,你们也别再赖着,咱们两家还是好聚好散。” This sound/noise was incisive, fills was swift and fierce and contemptuous. 声音尖锐刺耳,充满了凌厉和轻蔑。 Luo Yi stares, footsteps slow. 罗毅一愣,脚步缓了下来。 Was removed by the roaring flame camp? 被烈焰营除名? When was I removed by the roaring flame camp? 我什么时候被烈焰营除名了? Is...... 难道是…… Luo Yi understood anything suddenly. 罗毅突然明白了什么。 One these time go to Bright City to report, the person who knows are not many, some people see one left the roaring flame camp, therefore thinks were one removed? Then this news, but also passed to the ear of Gu? 自己这一次去光明城报道,知道的人并不多,有些人只是看到自己离开了烈焰营,所以就以为自己被除名了?然后这个消息,还传到了谷家的耳中? Quite is really quick. 真是好快。 Luo Yi understands. 罗毅明白过来。 Originally is because this breaks an engagement, is really laughable. 原来是因为这个来退婚,真是可笑。 His brow micro wrinkle, cold snort|hum. 他的眉头微皱,冷哼一声。 That female voice is caustic and mean, the expression is aggressive, actually said father's given name, spoke with such expression and father? 那女声尖酸刻薄,语气咄咄逼人,竟然直呼父亲的名讳,用这样的语气和父亲说话? Luo Yi clenches teeth, entered in the hall gently. 罗毅咬咬牙,轻轻地走进了大厅之中。 At this time, in the hall the atmosphere stagnated, inside several people or sat or vertical was silent, suddenly also nobody noted Luo Yi to come. 这个时候,大厅中气氛凝滞,里边的几个人或坐或立的沉默着,一时间也没人注意到罗毅进来。 On the seat of honor, wears the purple boa robe, sitting that about over 40 years old, the personal appearance tall and strong middle-aged man unemotionally. 主座上,一个身穿紫色蟒袍,大约40多岁,身形魁梧的中年男子面无表情的坐着。 This person of eyebrow opens an item of extravagance, in the look passes one to live the superior the arrogant color and ice-cold, seems to be aloof regarding peripheral all, the line of sight stays one string of red sandalwood rosaries of fragrant beads on his hands, the longan big rosary of fragrant beads is full, is sending out the quiet distant light fragrance. 这人眉开目阔,眼神中透着一丝长居上位的倨傲之色和冰冷,对于周边的一切似乎无动于衷,视线停留在他的手中的一串紫檀香珠上,龙眼大的香珠饱满圆润,散发着沉静悠远的淡淡香味。 This middle-aged man Luo Yi knew that is vice-minister Gu Yangdao of empire public security department. 这个中年男子罗毅认识,正是帝国治安部的副部长谷养道。 In the valley raises by, sits one woman of high station who puts on Snow Capital the most popular Ling Yun mark to embroider the brocade this year, her skin is fair, the five senses are beautiful, maintain in the right way, Liu Yeban beautiful curved eyebrows tall Tiao, in a pair of Danfeng eye brings to reveal bad meaning, two pieces of dark red thin lips cast aside slightly. 而在谷养道旁边,坐着一位穿着今年雪京中最流行的凌云纹绣锦缎的贵妇人,她皮肤白皙光滑,五官姣好,保养有方,柳叶般的弯眉高挑,一双丹凤眼中带着流露出不善的意味,两片殷红的薄唇微微撇起。 This woman of high station he also knew that is Gu Yangdao the wife, on the same day when is engaged, but also once the benign countenance, kind the extremely appearance, praised Luo Yi to be young. 这位贵妇人他也认识,正是谷养道的夫人,当日定亲之时,还曾慈眉善目,极为和蔼的样子,一个劲的夸赞罗毅年少有为。 In addition, a subdebutante of being sixteen years old, static hanging origin station in Madame Gu body side. 此外,一个年方二八的妙龄少女,静静的垂首站在谷夫人身侧。 A young girl goose yellow court lady style of dress gauze skirt, the body quantity is slender, the flesh wins the snow, the pitch-black hair pulls along with Yun Ji, fine sapphire blue selects Cui bead ornamental hairpin to insert in sending, a wisp sends to hang broken in the ear bank, the eyebrow, if Shan Handai, the item of autumn waters transversal wave, looks about to excite the emotions, red lips and white teeth, air/Qi, if the Youlan of spatial valley. 少女一袭鹅黄色宫装纱裙,身量纤纤,肌肤胜雪,乌黑的头发挽成随云髻,一枚精致的宝蓝点翠珠钗插在发间,一缕碎发垂在耳畔,眉若远山含黛,目似秋水横波,顾盼生情,朱唇皓齿,气若空谷之幽兰。 She is graceful and vertical, solemn does not malfunction, the looks are simple and beautiful, but the facial color is light, as if person and matter have nothing to do with oneself general. 她娉婷而立,端庄不失灵动,容色清丽非凡,但却面色平淡,仿佛身边的人和事都与自己无关一般。 This young girl then establishes the engagement before the half a month the valley really real. 这少女便是在半月前立下婚约的谷真真。 Luo Yi's father Luo Tie Zheng relaxing the hands stands in the valley raises the body side. 罗毅的父亲罗铁铮垂手站在谷养道身侧。 Romanian Tie Zheng is risen from the ranks, although is over 40-year-old, personal appearance actually still tall and strong, because experiences for a long time the border pass sandstorm, above allows the senile to peep, among the volumes had wrinkle in broken bits, the Sword Edge thick eyebrows wrinkle slightly. 罗铁铮行伍出身,虽然年逾四十,身形却依然魁梧,只是因为久经边关风沙,上面容老态初现,额间已经有了细碎的皱纹,剑锋般的浓眉微微皱起。 Luo father in the eye is having the colors of some unobservable being inwardly angry at this time, is actually suppressing, bends at the waist slightly, stands raises a side to compensate to smile in the valley reluctantly. 罗父此时眼中带着些许难以察觉的愠怒之色,却是强忍着,微微弓着腰,站在谷养道身旁勉强赔笑。 Luo Yi's mother alone sits on the hall chair. 罗毅的母亲独自坐在大厅一侧的椅子上。 Her dark blue pigment figure embroiders the element skirt, sends the hairpin a white jade ornamental hairpin, the body quantity is thin and small, the facial features are genial, on the face does not use powder, the solid colored faces upwards, the makings are solemn, when the foreheads vaguely can see is young the elegant demeanor, in the double pupil of hanging down is bringing the colors and several wisps of compromising for the general interest the helplessness of thick worry, the eye socket somewhat blushes, in the eye is dense the light mist. 她一身深蓝色纹绣素裙,发间簪着一只白玉钗,身量纤瘦,面容和善,脸上不施一丝脂粉,素面朝天,气质端庄典雅,眉宇间依稀能看出年轻时的风采,低垂的双眸中带着浓浓的担忧之色和几缕委曲求全的无奈,眼眶有些发红,眼中氤氲着淡淡的雾气。 Listened to that Madame Gu to say causticically and meanly once again, said: Madame Luo, you loves dearly Luo Yi, we also love dearly my treasure daughter, I may such a treasure unmarried girl, including fear to melt in the mouth, held fears to fall in the hand, was counting on Luo Yi will make a rapid career advance to take care of her in the future well, who knows that he then promoted the imperial guard team leader to be expelled by others a few days, our family really really with the auspicious day that which he also came.” 就听那谷夫人尖酸刻薄地再度说了起来,道:“罗夫人,你心疼罗毅,我们也心疼我的宝贝女儿,我可就这么一个宝贝闺女,含在嘴里怕化了,捧在手里怕摔了,本来指望着罗毅将来飞黄腾达能好好照顾她,谁知道他这才晋升禁军队长没几天就被人家赶走了,我们家真真跟着他还哪来的好日子过。” Said this saying time, Madame Gu is casting a sidelong glance slantingly Luo Yi's mother, each character that the bright red thin lips put out such as a sharp knife blade straight thrust enters Madame Luo's heart 说这话的时候,谷夫人斜睨着罗毅的母亲,艳红的薄唇吐出的每一个字都如一把利刃直刺入罗夫人的心头 Third, some late, everybody has excused me 第三更,更的有些晚了,大家见谅
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