IGE :: Volume #7

#633: Palace Military leader refines personally

Because under Luo Yi looks, knows that Ye Qingyu bestows his sword Secret Art, the swordsmanship is exquisite, world-wide Unparalleled, surpasses he from the beginning most optimistic imagination. 因为罗毅一看之下,就已经知道,叶青羽赐给他的这部剑诀,剑法精妙无匹,举世无双,远超他一开始最乐观的想象。 Moreover what is more important is in sword Secret Art, the implication said that what pursue is nearly Yu [say / way] ideal condition, regarding sword mental state one Cultivation, has the sword not to have the sword, the sword in the heart, builds up the heart by the soldier! 而且更为重要的是剑诀中,蕴含道,追求的是一种近乎于道的意境,是对于剑者心境的一种修炼,有剑也无剑,剑在心中,以兵炼心! Is practices Martial Artist of sword, Luo Yi understands that Cultivation of this ideal condition is mysterious, is not can realize from experience from morning until evening, if Cultivation arrives at the acme, the might almost can Immortal Rank Boundary expert in legend compare favorably! 身为练剑的武者,罗毅明白,这种意境的修炼玄奥无比,不是朝夕之间就能体悟的,若是修炼到极致,威力几乎可以传说中的仙阶境强者相媲美! Although a moment ago sketchily looked, but he is one with the expert of sword, many years are the sword have to do, looked that this limitless Swordsmanship had how fearfully, although the writing Jane, the implication was quite abstruse, only feared that probably be abstruser than the martial arts ancient books of these legend total myth levels, the might must be huger. 刚才虽然只是粗略地看了一遍,但是他自己身为一个用剑的行家,多少年来都是和剑打交道,一眼就看出来这部无极剑道有多么的可怕,文字虽简,意蕴却极为深奥,只怕要比那些传说总的神话级的武道典籍要更加深奥,威力也要更加巨大。 The brilliance on green jade scroll is slowly dim. 青色玉简上的光华缓缓黯淡。 Luo Yi restrains his mind forcefully, takes to his shock from the limitless Swordsmanship sober. 罗毅强行收敛自己的心神,从无极剑道带给他的震撼中清醒。 He is holding not jade scroll of many components, shivering that the palm cannot stop. 他托着并没有多少分量的玉简,手掌止不住的颤抖。 Many thanks palace Military leader, Sir the appreciation for being recognized , the subordinate not thinks the report, from now on will be to let the subordinate risks one's life for you, the subordinate will not refuse under any circumstances!” Luo Yi's sound/noise somewhat shivers, his ordinary kneels down, is having also the meaning of incomparable resolution. “多谢殿主大人,大人的知遇之恩,属下无以为报,今后就算是让属下为您出生入死,属下也在所不辞!”罗毅的声音有些颤抖,他普通一声跪下,却又带着无比的坚定之意。 Ye Qingyu hear that laughs, puts out a hand to lift slightly, an irresistible invisible strength, lifts Luo Yi, then said: Ha Ha, I adjust Bright City you, does not want you dead for me, but must make you be Bright City and will strive for the empire in the future, regardless of being where, your responsibility gives priority to Snow Country, but is not Palace Master of my this Bright God palace...... the graciousness, your Cultivation, does not need any burden well. After seven day, I must leave Capital inspection, when the time comes you go along with me together. Several years give you a late leave the time, late a point you go back to say goodbye with the family member, early tomorrow morning comes back Bright City Cultivation.” 叶青羽闻言哈哈大笑,伸手微微一抬,一股不可抗拒的无形之力,将罗毅抬起来,然后说道:“哈哈,我将你调来光明城,可不是要你替我去死的,而是要让你将来为光明城、为帝国出力,无论身在何处,你的职责都是以雪国为重,而不是我这个光明神殿的殿主……恩,你好好修炼吧,不必有任何负担。七日之后,我要出京巡视,到时候你随我一同去吧。几年给你一晚休假的时间,晚一点你回去和家人道别,明天一早回来光明城修炼。” Yes.” “是。” Luo Yi is complying loudly. 罗毅大声地答应着。 He by the full excited impact, some whole person corona, was responded is half beat behind, he who always extremely pays great attention to the courtesy, had forgotten unexpectedly adds on the polite name. 他被满腔的兴奋冲击,整个人都有些晕乎乎的,反应都慢了半拍,向来极为注重礼节的他,竟然都忘记了加上尊称。 Ye Qingyu looks to respond that some delay Luo Yi, smiles. 叶青羽看着反应有些呆滞的罗毅,不禁莞尔。 This Luo Yi talent is good, disposition mellow just like newborn baby, it seems like oneself have not elected the wrong person. 这个罗毅天赋不错,又心性醇厚宛如赤子,看来自己没有选错人。 Then, Ye Qingyu hands down the order, summons in Gao Han the palace, told that Gao Han leads Luo Yi to receive the Cultivation commodity, goes to the familiar Bright City environment again. 接着,叶青羽传下命令,将高寒召进殿内,吩咐高寒带着罗毅去领取修炼物资,再去熟悉一下光明城的环境。 Gao Han receives an order, is bringing as before some corona Luo Yi left the main hall. 高寒领命,带着依旧有些晕乎乎的罗毅离开了大殿。 ...... …… Outside main hall. 大殿外。 Float in the place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng shining white stone steps, two forms walk toward the stair slowly. 悬浮在地火幽泉剑坑之上的莹白石阶上,两道身影缓缓地向台阶下走去。 Gao Han of clothes is with smile on the face to take the lead, Luo Yi follows close on his. 一袭青衫的高寒面带微笑走在前面,罗毅紧跟在他的身后。 Gao Han walks, while said with a smile: Just came time, you should look at the Bright City layout approximately, later I will lead you to have a look again, you introduced that knew to everybody, other matters, appoint in the official seal some confession, you can be slowly familiar, does not need to be worried place that has anything to omit, if there is a place that anything cannot have doubts, momentarily can ask me.” 高寒一边走,一边笑着说道:“刚刚来的时候,你应该已经大致看过光明城的布局了,稍后我会带着你再去看看,将你介绍给大家认识,其他一些事情,任命印信之中都有交代,你可以慢慢熟悉,不用担心有什么遗漏的地方,如果有什么疑惑不懂的地方,随时可以问我。” He said is very patient. 他说的很耐心。 Although does not know why Hall Master Ye must adjust this young roaring flame camp military officer, but Gao Han understood extremely own boss, will never be aimless, thus it can be seen, certainly is on Luo Yi, there is any special characteristics or is the place, moved Ye Qingyu, the meeting can so favor. 虽然不知道,为什么叶殿主要将这个年轻的烈焰营军官调过来,但是高寒极为了解自己的这位上司,从来不会无的放矢,由此可见,一定是罗毅身上,有什么特质或者是地方,打动了叶青羽,才会得以如此厚待。 Therefore new Ding of Gao Han to this Bright City, is extremely polite. 所以高寒对这个光明城的新丁,也是极为客气。 But this time Luo Yi, did not have 而此时的罗毅,还没 ( This chapter has not ended, please turn page) (本章未完,请翻页) Has completely in the pleasant surprise that brings from the limitless Swordsmanship sober. 有完全从无极剑道带来的惊喜中清醒。 Hears the Gao Han words, his some corona nod, thinks suddenly one follow in Gao Han behind, the opposite party cannot see one nod, this hurriedly replied: Many thanks the big person looks.” 听到高寒的话,他有些晕乎乎的点了点头,突然想到自己跟在高寒身后,对方是看不到自己点头的,这才急忙回答道:“多谢高大人照顾。” Gao Han shows a faint smile saying: Does not need to be polite.” 高寒微微一笑道:“不必客气。” Afterward, he led Luo Yi to pass through the hot woods from the place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng surrounding, transferred in the Bright City core region, in this period also reported palace Divine General Gao Diping, Yang Henshui, Bai Yuanxing, Jin Ling'er, Li Ying and the others to Luo Yi. 随后,他带着罗毅从地火幽泉剑坑外围一路穿过了火树林,又在光明城的核心区域转了一圈,期间又向罗毅介绍了宫神将高地平杨恨水白远行金灵儿李英等人。 When Luo Yi is wild with joy, well-mannered gave regards to the people, graceful of performance, did not lose the demeanor, could not bear including Gao Han in the heart acclaims secretly, this young people entered into the spirit to be quick. 罗毅狂喜之余,彬彬有礼的向众人问好,表现的落落大方,不失风度,连高寒都忍不住在心中暗暗赞叹,这个年轻人进入角色很快。 Gao Han is also leading Luo Yi, in entire Bright City, walked. 高寒又带着罗毅,在整个光明城之中,走了一圈。 His detailed reported to Luo Yi item that the function and significance of Bright City each region, as well as need to pay attention. Place that any Luo Yi has the question, so long as does not involve the prohibition rule and secret temporarily not the matter in Luo Yi scope of authority, he was the knowledge word expresses oneself fully all, makes initially to enter Bright City Luo Yi to be steadfast many, had the approximate understanding to Bright City. 他详细的向罗毅介绍了光明城每个区域的作用和意义,以及需要注意的事项。凡是罗毅有疑问的地方,只要不涉及禁令和机密等暂时不在罗毅权限范围之内的事情,他都是知无不言言无不尽,令初入光明城的罗毅心里踏实了不少,对光明城也有了大致的了解。 Finally, before Gao Han brought to lead west side a Bright God palace core region big palace, Luo Yi. 最后,高寒带着将罗毅带到了光明神殿核心区域西边的一座高大的殿宇前。 The palace that they come to see mostly continually becomes a row, but this palace is actually independent one, calmly stands erect above the spacious square. 他们一路过来见到的殿宇大多是连成一排的,而这座殿宇却是单独的一栋,静静地矗立在空旷的广场之上。 Some of Luo Yi doubts, in the heart were guessing where this is. 罗毅不禁有些疑惑,心中猜测着这是什么地方。 Luo Yi who Gao Han looks at some doubts, explained with a smile: Here was the core arsenal, after Bright City reconstruction, the valuable cargo here saved.” 高寒看着有些疑惑的罗毅,笑着解释道:“这里就是核心武库了,光明城重建之后,重要物资都在这里存储。” Luo Yi suddenly, is sizing up the core arsenal carefully. 罗毅恍然,细细打量着核心武库。 This arsenal has three, seems unadorned, compared with the ordinary garret, has possibly been short of some magnificent decorations and windows. Arsenal is two leaves of tattered wooden shutters is covering directly lightly, the middle is hanging a rusty stain stained copper lock. 这座武库有三层,看上去朴实无华,与普通的阁楼相比,可能就只是少了一些华丽的装饰和窗户。武库的正面是两扇破烂木质的门板轻掩着,中间挂着一把锈迹斑斑的铜锁。 Gao Han led Luo Yi to pass through the square before arsenal, stopped in the arsenal entrance. 高寒带着罗毅穿过了武库前的广场,在武库的门口停了下来。 While Luo Yi thinks in the gate this to the rusty stain stained copper lock with what key opens, Gao Han is actually gently toward the front door pushes. 正当罗毅想着门上这把锈迹斑斑的铜锁要用什么样的钥匙打开的时候,高寒却是轻轻朝着大门一推。 ! 吱呀! The wooden door opened. 木门开了。 Actually does not open from two leaves of wooden doors, Gao Han has not used the key. 却不是从两扇木门中间打开,高寒根本都没有用钥匙。 Or root originally does not need the key. 或者说,根本就不需要钥匙。 Because under the Gao Han jogging, the shutter of entire front door opens toward the one side of front door. 因为高寒轻推之下,整个大门的门板都朝着大门的一侧打开。 Luo Yi stares, asking: This...... Big person, this front door, therefore does the cloth deceptive battle array, suppose specially?” 罗毅一愣,怔怔的问道:“这......高大人,这大门难道是为了故布疑阵,特意设下的?” Gao Han has remembered anything likely, on the face reappears the inexplicable happy expression, sighed a sound track lightly: This had been collided and damaged by Palace Master battle companion Little Nine, restored several times to be destroyed, afterward simply sewed a leaf the folding doors board, again has not caged.” 高寒像是想起了什么,脸上浮现出莫名的笑意,轻叹一声道:“这门是被殿主战宠小九撞坏了,修缮了几次又被撞烂了,后来干脆就将两扇门板钉成了一扇,也就没有再上锁。” On Luo Yi's face stunned, lip tremor slightly, actually does not know that should meet any words, finally awkward smiling. 罗毅的脸上一阵错愕,嘴唇微微的颤动,却不知道该接什么话,最后尴尬的笑了笑。 Gao Han was unalarmed by strange sights actually, making Luo Yi enter in the arsenal. 高寒倒是见怪不怪,引着罗毅进入了武库之内。 Although does not have the window, but in main hall actually very bright. 虽然没有窗户,但是大殿内却是十分的明亮。 In arsenal main hall neat places more than ten rows of big racks, on the rack is placing the box case that the size is varying. 武库的大殿内整齐的摆放着十多排高大的架子,架子上置放着大小不一的匣子。 Gao Han from a rack has taken down the box case of palm size, brings to Luo Yi in front. 高寒从其中一个架子上取下了手掌大小的匣子,带到罗毅面前。 He opens the box case gently, a light silver halo sends out from the box case. 他轻轻打开匣子,一阵淡淡的银色光晕从匣子中散发出来。 Silver wrister static lying down in the box case, protects on the bowl 一个银色护腕静静的躺在匣子中,护碗上 ( This chapter has not ended, please turn page) (本章未完,请翻页) Is carving the brief trace and mark, seems simple natural, does not have many gaudy decorations. 雕刻着简约的纹路和印记,看上去朴实大方,没有过多花哨的装饰。 Gao Han said with a smile: The service pattern Chu Wu wrister that in this Bright City provides, inside has a spirit weapon class service pattern armor, is the end products of palace Military leader personally refinement, in the outside market condition could not see, even if in the imperial guard does not have, can display the effect in the fight, will have you to try, occasionally will attend some official situations also to use, but will usually wear your casual cloth then. Other is some Cultivation resources, except for God level Origin crystal, other resources can receive one every month, you can have a look carefully.” 高寒笑着说道:“这光明城中配备的制式储物护腕,里边有一副灵器级别的制式铠甲,都是殿主大人亲自炼制的成品,外面市面上根本见不到,就算是禁军中也没有,在战斗中可以发挥奇效,会有你可以自己去试试,还有就是偶尔出席一些正式场合也会用到,不过平日里穿你自己的常服即可。其他的就是一些修炼的资源,除了神级源晶,其他的资源每个月都可以领取一份,你可以仔细看看。” As soon as Luo Yi listens, was shocked once again. 罗毅一听,再度被震撼了。 spirit weapon class armor and God level Origin crystal? 灵器级别的铠甲和神级源晶 He suspected that he misunderstood, but looked that the Gao Han facial expression does not have meaning of joke. 他怀疑自己是不是听错了,可是看高寒的神情却没有一丝玩笑的意味。 Gao Han delivers slightly to Luo Yi's front the box case, nodded, hints him to take the wrister. 高寒将匣子微微向罗毅的面前送过来,点了点头,示意他把护腕取出来。 He stares slightly, slow putting out a hand took out the silver wrister from the box case, somewhat anxiously wraps in the wrist department, then pours into yuan qi to the wrister. 他微微一愣,动作缓慢的伸手从匣子中取出了银色的护腕,有些紧张地套在腕部,接着向护腕内注入一丝元气 The next quarter, he was shocked again. 下一刻,他再一次惊呆了。 In the wrister really really has together glittering and translucent carving God level Origin crystal, has a twofold! 护腕中竟然真的有一块晶莹剔透的神级源晶,足足有一两重! In the past his Cultivation used was ordinary Origin crystal, after entered the roaring flame camp, can receive certain amount of best quality goods Origin crystal monthly, God level Origin crystal he has always heard, saw continually has not seen. 以往他修炼所用的都是普通的源晶,直至后进入烈焰营,才能按月领取一定数量的极品源晶,神级源晶他从来都只是听说过而已,连见都没见过。 Can say without the slightest exaggeration, the energy in one or two God level Origin crystal containing endures ratio hundred jin (0.5 kg) best quality goods Origin crystal, moreover is purer, was absorbed refining easily, therefore is always the treasure of valuable non- city, but oneself just entered the Bright God palace, can enjoy one or two God level Origin crystal treatment unexpectedly, simply is inconceivable! 可以毫不夸张地说,一两神级源晶中蕴含的能量堪比百斤极品源晶,而且更为纯净,更加容易被吸收炼化,所以向来是有价无市的宝物,而自己刚刚进入光明神殿,竟然就能享受到一两神级源晶的待遇,简直是不可思议! Besides God level Origin crystal, a work exquisite silver armor. 除了神级源晶,还有一副做工精巧的银色铠甲。 The style of armor is partial to Yu Qingjia, with one type the material that is similar to the metal makes, is actually very dexterous, does not have a serious feeling, the shining white sparkle, is carving the fine pattern in the joint spot all over the body, seems very magnificent. 铠甲的风格偏向于轻甲,用一种类似于金属的材料制成,却是十分轻巧,没有一丝沉重之感,通体莹白闪耀,在关节部位雕刻着精美的花纹,看上去十分的华丽。 Luo Yi carefully observes, discovers this armor, although dexterous magnificent, is containing some formation secretly, a yuan qi fluctuation of not easy detection sends out, just like Gao Han said that was spirit weapon class is unmistakable. 罗毅仔细观察,发现这副铠甲虽然轻巧华丽,却暗暗的蕴含着某种阵法,一丝不易察觉的元气波动从中散发出来,正如高寒所言,是灵器级别无误。 What is rarer, these are Hall Master Ye refine personally, does not have the city absolutely valuably, only feared that also only for a Bright City people to use, incomparable treasure rarely. 更为难得的是,这些乃是叶殿主亲自炼制,绝对是有价无市,只怕也是只供光明城中人使用,无比珍罕。 Besides God level Origin crystal and armor, in the wrister also has 500 jin (0.5 kg) superior Origin crystal and various effects Medicinal Pill wait / etc.. 除了神级源晶和铠甲之外,护腕中还有500斤上等源晶和各种功效的丹药等等。 Examines carefully, making Luo Yi suck tongue. 细看下来,令罗毅咂舌不已。 He cannot think that the Cultivation resources of Bright God palace unexpectedly compared with roaring flame camp luxurious these many, no wonder in Bright City casually find a person, Cultivation Base must surpass the average man not to have the several fold, the monstruous talent degree is one by one high, the back had so abundant resource support! 他根本想不到,光明神殿的修炼资源竟然要比烈焰营奢侈这么多,怪不得光明城中随便找出来一个人,修为都要超出常人无数倍,妖孽程度一个比一个高,背后原来有如此雄厚的资源支持! Long time, Luo Yi the deep sigh one breath, recovery was calm, somewhat embarrassed saying: Subordinate first time sees God level Origin crystal, was somewhat rude, making the big person be laughed.” 良久,罗毅才长叹一口气,恢复了镇定,有些不好意思的说道:“属下第一次见到神级源晶,有些失态,让高大人见笑了。” Gao Han said with a smile: Might as well, these things now were your, you accepted, so long as you tried hard Cultivation, these resources will not lack.” 高寒微笑道:“无妨,这些东西现在都是你的了,你收下吧,只要你努力修炼,这些资源是不会缺的。” Then, he gathered the box case, turned around to return the original rack the box case. 说完,他合起了匣子,转身将匣子放回了原来的架子。 Walks, I deliver you to exit. Today arrived here, you go home first, early tomorrow morning comes again.” Gao Han walks toward the entrance, while said. “走吧,我送你出去。今天就到这里,你先回家,明天一早再来。”高寒一边朝着门口走,一边说道。 Yes, the subordinate is compliant.” “是,属下遵命。” Some of Luo Yi corona, followed in Gao Han behind, to leave the arsenal as before together. 罗毅依旧有些晕乎乎的,跟在高寒身后,一同离开了武库。 ------------- ------------- Today also has one 今天还有一更 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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