IGE :: Volume #7

#635: I agree to renounce the engagement

Luo Yi's mother hears this saying, the thin and weak body shivers slightly, is suppressing not saying a word, the mist in eye was actually thicker. 罗毅的母亲听到这话,瘦弱的身躯微微颤抖,强忍着一言不发,眼中的雾气却是更浓了。 But Gu Yang said the facial features to be solemn, a few words did not say, but was holding appreciatively the red sandalwood bead string in hand wholeheartedly, probably anything has not heard general. 而谷养道面容冷峻,一句话也不说,只是一心把玩着手中的紫檀珠串,好像什么都没有听到一般。 Luo father sighed one lightly, in the eye the color of bearing patiently. 罗父轻叹一声,眼中隐忍之色更甚。 He suppresses the spunk in heart, cautiously compensates to say with a smile: Sir Gu and Madame Gu, Yi by the matter of roaring flame camp removal also indefinite is really false, perhaps is only the rumor is uncertain, might as well and other Yi come back us again ..... 他压制住心中的怒意,小心翼翼的赔笑道:“谷大人、谷夫人,毅儿被烈焰营除名之事还不确定是真是假,或许只是流言也不一定,不妨等毅儿回来我们再.....” Luo Yi looks the appearance that the old parents compromise for the general interest, felt sad, has coughed, walked in big strides, immediately has brought in the vision of people. 罗毅看着年事已高的父母委曲求全的样子,一阵心酸,咳嗽了一声,大踏步地走过来,顿时引来了众人的目光。 At this time, the people discovered that originally this person came back. 这个时候,众人才发现,原来这个正主儿回来了。 Luo Yi facial color is calm, salutes, with sound track: Father and mother, I came back.” Saying, he does not compel indifferently, light raises and the others to hold the fist in the other hand to salute to the valley saying: Sir Gu and Madame Gu and Miss Gu, Luo Yi was courteous.” 罗毅面色从容,行礼,和声道:“父亲、母亲,我回来了。”说着,他淡然不迫,淡淡的向谷养道等人抱拳行礼道:“谷大人、谷夫人、谷小姐,罗毅有礼了。” In hall five people of lines of sight, instantaneous as centralized as Luo Yi's body. 大厅中五人的视线,瞬间集中到罗毅的身上。 Luo Mu after is woman Daoist, is relatively weaker, is concerned looks that Luo Yi lip is wriggling, did not speak, in the eye the dense mist changed to the tears, dyed wet the corner of the eye, she twisted silk to clean hurriedly gently, revealed toward Luo Yi wipes the reluctant happy expression. 罗母毕竟是妇道人家,相对软弱一些,关切的看着罗毅嘴唇蠕动着,却不说话,眼中氤氲的雾气化作泪水,染湿了眼角,她急忙捻着绢帕轻轻擦拭,朝着罗毅露出一抹勉强的笑意。 Gu Yang said that after catching the eye slightly looked at Luo Yi one eyes , the dangling view, a few words had not said that had not seen likely Luo Yi this person was ordinary, continued to rotate the red sandalwood rosary of fragrant beads in hand. 谷养道微微抬眼看了罗毅一眼后又垂下眼帘,一句话都没有说,像是没看到罗毅这个人一般,继续转动着手中的紫檀香珠。 Elegant Madame Gu selects eyebrow Coldly looks at Luo Yi, light snort|hum, no longer said a word. 雍容华贵的谷夫人挑眉冷冷的看着罗毅,轻哼了一声,不再言语。 But is in the valley really real, intelligent both eyes of fiancee does not have any mood, like has not heard Luo Yi to speak, has neglected Luo Yi's existence completely. 而身为未婚妻的谷真真,秀慧的双眼中不带任何情绪,像是没听到罗毅讲话一样,也是完全忽视了罗毅的存在。 Yi, are you all right?” Romanian Tie Zheng probes is asking in a soft voice, he wanted to ask immediately the roaring flame camp removes what's the matter, but has words on the tip of the tongue, swallowed back, for fear that spoke incorrectly any words to stimulate the son, looks that in Luo Yi's eyes filled worried. “毅儿,你没事?”罗铁铮试探着轻声问道,他本来想要立刻就问烈焰营除名到底是怎么回事,但话到嘴边,又咽了回去,生怕自己说错了什么话刺激到儿子,看着罗毅的眼中充满了担忧。 Compares Gu to break an engagement, what he cares is Luo Yi is removed by the roaring flame camp accidentally, he worried that Luo Yi cannot bear this attack, only then he knows, for Luo Yi displays in the roaring flame camp well, daily Cultivation was assiduous, has paid how much sweat. 相比谷家退婚,他更加在意的是万一罗毅真的被烈焰营除名,他担心罗毅承受不了这个打击,只有他知道,罗毅为了在烈焰营中好好表现,每天的修炼有多么刻苦,付出了多少汗水。 Luo Yi hears father's sound/noise, shows a faint smile, nodded to say toward the father: Father, I am all right, you felt relieved.” 罗毅听到父亲的声音,微微一笑,朝着父亲点了点头道:“父亲,我没事,你放心。” Luo father noticed that Luo Yi the facial color is tranquil at this time, does not have what mood to fluctuate, then inquiry cautiously: Yi, did you leave the roaring flame camp really?” 罗父看到罗毅此时面色平静,并没有什么情绪波动,接着小心翼翼的询问道:“毅儿,你真的离开烈焰营了吗?” The voice falls to the ground, the atmosphere in hall immediately some coagulations. 话音落地,大厅中的气氛顿时有些凝固。 Luo Yi observes the situation one, the nod said: Yes, transfer order that this morning just received......” 罗毅环视一眼,点头道:“是,今天上午刚接到的调令……” Gu Yangdao and Gu Zhenzhen hear this saying not response, Madame Gu a face assured look, is casting a sidelong glance slantingly Luo Yi, the smiling face on the face revealing the ridicule. 谷养道和谷真真听到这话没有一点反应,谷夫人一脸笃定的神色,斜睨着罗毅,脸上露出讥讽的笑容。 Luo Yi's mother hear that eye socket was also red. 罗毅的母亲闻言眼眶又红了。 She looks that in son's both eyes loves dearly completely, as if there is grievance of not being able to say. 她看着儿子的双眼中满是心疼,似乎有着说不出的委屈。 Romanian Tie Zheng heard son's words, the body shivers slightly, the facial color turned white suddenly, the brow closely wrinkled. 罗铁铮听到儿子的话,身体微微的颤抖了一下,面色骤然发白,眉头紧紧地皱起。 Although already had the preparation, but when he confirmed from Luo Yi kou this news, in the heart somewhat is hard to accept. 虽然早已有了心理准备,可当他从罗毅口中确认了这个消息,心中还是有些难以接受。 Since he recalls Snow Capital, Luo then sought the survival in the crevice, his government position grade said that was high, said was low, perhaps placed the county city of border also to have certain deterrent force, was in this high-ranking Snow Capital everywhere, was almost nothing to speak , the region of Luo was very awful, but improved this condition turning point, was Luo Yi. 自从他调回雪京,罗家便是在夹缝中求生存,他的官职品级说高不高,说低不低,放在边境的郡城或许还有一定的威慑力,可是在这显贵遍地的雪京中,几乎不值一提,罗家的境地十分糟糕,而改善了这一状况的契机,就是罗毅。 Luo Yi since was selected into the roaring flame camp, became His Highness Crown Prince direct descendant, although the grade is not high, but the potential is actually very big, numerous influences in Snow Capital openly or covertly throws the olive branch to Luo, Roche Family also finally gradually takes root in Snow Capital. 罗毅自从被选入烈焰营,成为了太子殿下的嫡系,虽说品级不高,可是潜力却是非常大的,雪京中的众多势力或明或暗的向罗家抛来橄榄枝,罗氏家族也终于在雪京中逐渐扎根。 The news that half a month ago Luo Yi promoted came, some influences that once in secret waited and saw could not repress finally, have persisted in the haughty manner, showed good will to Roche Family through various methods, suddenly, Luo's status rapid rise in Snow Capital, making Luo high and low excited. 半个月前罗毅晋升的消息传来,曾经暗中观望的一些势力终于按捺不住,放下了架子,通过各种手段向罗氏家族示好,一时间,罗家在雪京中的地位飞速的上升,令罗家上下都兴奋不已。 But, Luo Yi has been removed by the roaring flame camp now, these olive branches only feared that will turn curses, Luo in Snow Capital only feared that will be hard to start. 可是,现在罗毅已经被烈焰营除名,那些橄榄枝只怕会变成一个个催命符,罗家在雪京中只怕会举步维艰。 Romanian Tie Zheng hesitates long time, took a deep breath, has then arrived at side Luo Yi, patted son's shoulder gently, comforting said: All right, all right, you are young ..... 罗铁铮沉吟良久,深吸了一口气,而后走到了罗毅身边,轻轻拍了拍儿子的肩膀,安抚道:“没事,没事,你还年轻.....” All right?” Caustic and mean sound/noise resounds once again. “没事?”尖酸刻薄的声音再度响起。 Luo father has not said that side Madame Gu actually sneers. 罗父还没说完,那边谷夫人却冷笑起来。 In her beautiful facial features shows the caustic and mean facial expression, the squint looks that Luo Tiezheng taunted: Snort, at this time added is all right, Sir Luo, your heart may be really big, Luo Yi was removed by the roaring flame camp, where the roaring flame camp is, that is the His Highness Crown Prince personally jurisdiction imperial guard, any matter is a His Highness Crown Prince person decides, he was removed that by the roaring flame camp is the order of His Highness Crown Prince, this whole life was ends. Young? Young is useful, His Highness Crown Prince a few words, this whole life could not stand up from failure!” 她姣好的面容上露出尖酸刻薄的神情,斜眼看着罗铁铮嘲讽道:“哼,都这个时候了还说没事,罗大人,你的心可真大呀,罗毅是被烈焰营除名,烈焰营是什么地方,那是太子殿下亲自管辖的禁军,什么事都是太子殿下一个人说了算,他被烈焰营除名那就是太子殿下的命令,他这辈子算是完了。年轻?年轻有什么用,太子殿下一句话,他这辈子都翻不了身了!” Luo Yi complexion sinks, gasping just wants to say anything, was actually broken by the father. 罗毅脸色一沉,张口刚想说些什么,却被父亲打断。 Romanian Tie Zheng has patted son's shoulder, reluctant smiled toward Luo Yi, then has turned around to say in the Gu three directions: Sir Gu, Yi he is young, in the future also some hopes of promotion, even if in the roaring flame camp, he cannot move to take other place assignments, now said that he does not have the hope to be also too early saying that moreover the marital important matter, how can settle decides, said that relieves relieves, such optional relieving engagement, is not good to the really real reputation, Sir Gu, you looked that this matter we can also discuss again?” 罗铁铮拍了拍儿子的肩膀,勉强的朝着罗毅笑了笑,接着转过身朝着谷家三口的方向说道:“谷大人,毅儿他还年轻,将来还有晋升的希望,即便不在烈焰营,他也还可以调取其他的地方任职,现在说他没希望还言之过早,况且婚姻大事,怎么能说定就定,说解除就解除呢,这样随意的解除婚约,对真真的名声也不好啊,谷大人,您看这事我们还能不能再商量商量?” He cannot see clearly Gu this to climb up to step on the low face, but the only son was just removed by the roaring flame camp, he does not think that the son suffers the attack that breaks an engagement again. 他不是看不清谷家这登高踩低的面孔,可是自己唯一的儿子刚刚被烈焰营除名,他不想儿子再遭受退婚的打击。 If there is an opportunity to recall, he will certainly perform full power, after all the valley really really truly is very outstanding, initially became engaged time, the son is also very satisfied to her. 如果有机会可以挽回,他一定会尽全力,毕竟谷真真确实是很优秀,当初订婚的时候,儿子对她也很满意。 Words that a utility point comes to see, Gu Yangdao is the empire security department vice-minister, perhaps if with it marriage, can lending a hand son, so long as can help the son, even if ready for any sacrifice this not to want shamelessly, is nothing. Luo Yi is young and impetuous, if suffers this shame of breaking an engagement today again, henceforth is unable to recover, this whole life really must destroy. 功利一点来看的话,谷养道是帝国安防部副部长,若是与之结亲,说不定也能帮衬儿子一把,只要能帮到儿子,哪怕豁出去这张老脸不要,也算不了什么。罗毅年轻气盛,若今日再遭受这退婚之耻,从此一蹶不振,这辈子才是真的要毁了。 Pitiful world parents heart. 可怜天下父母心。 Opposite. 对面。 The valley that had not spoken raised [say / way] to receive the red sandalwood bead string in hand, stood up slowly, he unemotionally looked at Luo Yi one eyes, then turned Luo Tie Zheng the focus. 一直没有说话的谷养道收起了手中的紫檀珠串,缓缓站起身来,他面无表情的看了罗毅一眼,接着又将视线转向了罗铁铮。 The atmosphere in hall suddenly becomes tight, Luo Tiezheng uneasy looks at own immediate superior, in the eye is having meaning of the light hope. 大厅中的气氛突然变得紧张起来,罗铁铮忐忑不安的看着自己的顶头上司,眼中带着一丝淡淡的祈求之意。 The purple boa robe lining the personal appearance tall and strong valley raises an impressive and dignified manner to be solemn, the candlelight in hall seemed moved by the wind, somewhat flashes on and off erratically. 紫色蟒袍衬得身形魁梧的谷养道威仪堂堂,大厅中的烛火似乎被风吹动,有些明灭不定。 His light start to talk, ice-cold acoustic ray does not have a sentiment: Sir Luo, the words cannot say, even if before you, is the military officer, on these matters to government, you also this at heart understands, if you hold are installing clearly silly, I have to say honestly. Just like my wife said that Luo Yi was removed by the roaring flame camp, was removed by His Highness Crown Prince, you think that left the roaring flame camp to be so simple? His Highness Crown Prince that is the person who the future must ascend the throne inherits the imperial throne, by the person of His Highness Crown Prince pursuit, you are thought where in the empire also has dares to admit him? Although I appreciate Luo Yi's talent very much, sympathizes with his bitter experience, but I cannot for a lifetime comfort his chip with my daughter happy achievement. Even if breaks an engagement today, will have some negative impacts to the really real prestige, but these temporary, after all really outstanding is publicity, so long as this disturbance in the past, I naturally will seek for her with the fine son-in-law who she is a match. But Luo Yi, I spoke frankly that he has destroyed now, with disabled person not different, cannot be joined to my daughter. I am also a father, can forgive your pains, but I cannot, because the sympathy makes contact with daughter's happiness for a lifetime.” 他淡淡的开口,冰冷声线不带一丝感情:“罗大人,话不能这么说,即便你以前是武官,对官场上的这些事情,你也该心里明白,你要是揣着明白装糊涂,那我也只好坦白说了。正如内子所言,罗毅是被烈焰营除名,是被太子殿下除名,你以为,就只是离开烈焰营这么简单?太子殿下那是将来要登基继承帝位的人,被太子殿下驱逐的人,你以为帝国中还有什么地方敢接纳他?虽说我很欣赏罗毅的天赋,也非常同情他的遭遇,但是我不能拿我女儿一辈子的幸福作为安抚他的筹码。即便今日退婚,会对真真的声誉造成一些负面影响,但那些都是暂时的,毕竟真真的优秀是人尽皆知的,只要这场风波过去,我自然会替她寻得与她般配的佳婿。而罗毅,恕我直言,他现在已经毁了,与废人无异,根本配不上我的女儿。我也是一个父亲,能够体谅你一片苦心,可是我不能因为同情搭上女儿的一辈子的幸福。” Listens to Gu Yangdao the words, Luo Tiezheng is silent, is hanging down the head, likely in split second old ten years old. 听完谷养道的话,罗铁铮默然,低垂着头颅,像是在一瞬间苍老了十岁。 His body is shivering slightly, gripped tightens the double fist, on the hand back the blue vein has revealed completely. His complexion changed changed, had the spunk, had the unwillingness, was helpless, had the humiliation...... 他的身躯微微颤抖着,攥紧了双拳,手背上青筋毕露。他的脸色变了又变,有怒意,有不甘,又无奈,有屈辱…… But are more, is loving dearly to son. 但更多的,还是对儿子的心疼。 Madame Luo the complexion is pallid, seems cannot withstand thinly and pale, in eye is bringing the humiliation tears, shivering that the thin and weak body cannot stop, worries looks at Luo Yi, for fear that the son was attacked. 罗夫人脸色煞白,看上去憔悴不堪,眼中的带着屈辱的泪水,瘦弱的身躯止不住的颤抖,担忧的看着罗毅,生怕儿子受到打击。 Luo Yi Coldly looks at Gu Yangdao, on the face reappears the spunk. 罗毅冷冷的看着谷养道,脸上浮现出怒意。 The father goes on an expedition battleground half a lifetime, unyielding, because never anything lowers the head to the person, today to recall own wedding becomes so submissive, by the valley is also raised the [say / way] to step on including the dignity of only saving in the under foot, how he can not get angry! 父亲征战沙场半生,铁骨铮铮,从来不曾因为任何事情向人低头,今日为了挽回自己的婚事而变得如此低声下气,连仅存的尊严也被谷养道踩在脚下,他怎能不怒! The mother is always weak, the father also in every possible way takes care to mother, does not give up her by air/Qi, falls drop of tears. But today, Gu Yang said that the whole family expression is unkind, is so aggressive, makes mother sad humiliation hence, as the son, how can see mother for oneself helplessly by such humiliation? 母亲向来体弱多病,父亲对母亲也是百般照顾,舍不得她受一点气,落一滴泪。可今日,谷养道一家人言词刻薄,如此咄咄逼人,令母亲伤心屈辱至此,作为儿子,怎能眼睁睁的看着母亲为自己受这样的屈辱? But creates all these reasons is is only removed such rumor by the roaring flame camp unexpectedly...... 而造成这一切的原因竟是只是自己被烈焰营除名这样的谣言…… This split second, Luo Yi gets angry instead smiles extremely, moves the lip, prepares to say the truth. 一瞬间,罗毅怒极反笑,动了动嘴唇,准备说出真相。 But he has not opened the mouth, not far away Madame Luo hurries stands from the chair, the thin and weak body of creakying arrives at side Luo Yi hurriedly, held Luo Yi's arm, is having the pale face of clear tears slightly supine, shakes the head toward Luo Yi. 但他还没开口,不远处的罗夫人慌忙的从椅子上站起来,摇摇欲坠的瘦弱身躯匆忙的走到罗毅身边,一把抓住了罗毅的手臂,带着清泪的苍白面孔微微仰起,朝着罗毅摇头。 Yi.” Madame Luo has called one gently, shook the head once more: Do not impulse, listens to your father, no matter what happened, has mother, first do not speak.” “毅儿。”罗夫人轻轻唤了一声,再次摇了摇头:“不要冲动,听你爹的,不管发生什么事情,有娘在呢,你先不要说话。” Under mother's the look of worry, Luo Yi starts to speak but hesitates. 在母亲的担忧的眼神下,罗毅欲言又止。 He sees the weak mother, loves dearly, the backhand is supporting by the arm mother's arm, quite lets some of her few fee strengths. 他看着虚弱的母亲,心疼不已,反手搀扶着母亲的手臂,好让她少费些力气。 Madame Luo wipes the tears of clean corner of the eye, turns the valley that the focus had not spoken really real. 罗夫人擦干净眼角的泪水,将视线转向了一直没有说话的谷真真。 Valley really really since passed through the gate on a few words has not said that continuously silent standing side Madame Gu, perhaps isn't she willing to renounce the engagement? 谷真真自打进了门就一句话都没说过,一直沉默的站在谷夫人身边,或许她不愿意解除婚约呢? In the Rove person heart is saving the last luck. 罗夫人心中存着最后一丝侥幸。 She thinks, since Luo Yi and Gu Zhenzhen sets the engagement, the valley almost will be bringing the gift and tonic really really every day comes to see itself, even made soup personally to oneself builds up one's health, to oneself in every possible way filial, to this future daughter-in-law she will be liking from the bottom of the heart. Moreover, she to Luo Yi is also very kind, absolutely does not have the wealthy family young lady and martial arts expert rack. Since Mr. and Mrs. Gu Yangdao loves dearly daughter, if Gu Zhenzhen is also willing to maintain the engagement, perhaps the matter also has the favorable turn. 她想起来,自从罗毅和谷真真定下婚约之后,谷真真几乎每天都会带着礼物和补品来看望自己,甚至亲手煲了汤给自己补身体,对自己百般孝顺,对这个未来的儿媳妇她是打心底里的喜欢。不仅如此,她对罗毅也是十分关切,完全没有富家小姐和武道强者的架子。既然谷养道夫妇心疼女儿,若是谷真真还愿意维持婚约,说不定事情就还有转机。 Madame Luo is thinking like this, in the eye ignited a hope, on the cheeks the corona dyed the light scarlet. 罗夫人心里这样想着,眼中又燃起了一丝希望,脸颊上晕染起淡淡的血色。 She looks at valley really really supple sound track: Really real, you are willing with Yi in the same place, you and Yi also to be the sentiment throw intent after all ..... 她看着谷真真柔声道:“真真,你还是愿意和毅儿在一起的,毕竟你和毅儿也算是情投意.....” Madame Luo, again the wishful thinking.” “罗夫人,您就不要再痴心妄想了。” Indifferent sound/noise broke Madame Luo to speak 50% words. 冷漠的声音打断了罗夫人说了一半的话。 Valley that the person of speech, has kept silent really real. 说话的人,正是一直默不作声的谷真真。 The valley is really really quiet just like the fairy maiden facial features, in the double pupil has the light taunt to mean that the red lips open lightly: I do not make noise am because I thought that does not have this necessity, I and Luo Yi's engagement must relieve today, do not presumptuously think.” 谷真真宛若仙子般的面容平静无波,双眸中带着淡淡的嘲讽意味,朱唇轻启:“我不出声是因为我觉得没有这个必要,我和罗毅的婚约今日必须解除,您就不要妄想了。” On the Rove face just appeared that wipes the scarlet instant retrogression. 罗夫人脸上刚刚出现的那一抹血色霎那间消退。 Looks at that indifferent face, what in front of Madame Luo the few Nuzhen is Gu Zhenzhen? 看着那张冷漠的脸,罗夫人面前的这个少女真的是谷真真吗? That reaches the principle in the knowledge book that in front of her displays, temperate supple graceful valley really real, how to say such words? 那个在她面前表现的知书达理,温和柔婉的谷真真,怎么会说出这样的话来? Madame Luo somewhat absent-minded looks at valley really real, in the mouth muttered: Really real, you how......” 罗夫人有些失神的看着谷真真,口中喃喃道:“真真,你怎么......” Some valley really really detesting saw Madame Luo, cold sound track: Madame Luo, you called my Miss Gu, after all our two family members will not have anything any to relate, you called me like this, will create the unnecessary trouble.” 谷真真有些嫌恶的看了罗夫人一眼,冷声道:“罗夫人,您还是叫我谷小姐,毕竟我们两家人不会有什么任何关系了,您这样称呼我,会造成很多不必要的麻烦。” Sufficed!” Luo Yi sinking sound shouted to clear the way. “够了!”罗毅沉声喝道。 His face darken, has been in the eruption the edge, is unable to endure patiently own mother to be ridiculed to taunt again, in both eyes anger flaming., He then said: You think me......” 他的脸色阴沉,已经处于爆发的边缘,无法再忍耐自己的母亲被人奚落嘲讽,双目中怒火熊熊。,他接着说道:“你们以为我......” Shut up!” Luo Tie Zheng of look black scolded in a low voice, has interrupted Luo Yi's words. “住口!”面色阴沉的罗铁铮低声呵斥,打断了罗毅的话。 Father, you listened to me saying that ....... Luo Yi tried to communicate with the father. “父亲,您听我说.......”罗毅试图和父亲沟通。 You stop talking, if you also recognize my this father!” Romanian Tie Zheng sees his son, said decidedly. “你住口,如果你还认我这个父亲的话!”罗铁铮看着自己的儿子,决然道。 Luo Yi bursting out laughing, sees father. 罗毅哑然,怔怔的看着父亲。 His lip joining together slightly, the truth in his mouth, has not said that the father moved the real anger, he cannot disobey father's meaning at this time again. 他的嘴唇微微的翕合,真相就在他的嘴边,却还是没有说出来,父亲已经动了真怒,他不能在这个时候再违逆父亲的意思。 He sighed, no longer said a word. 他叹了口气,不再言语。 Romanian Tie Zheng sees the stubborn son, in the heart does not endure, Luo Yi is young and impetuous, today his future is destroyed for no reason, but must suffer the shame of breaking an engagement, is burning with anger surely, he was very since childhood filial, how can look helplessly one and wife were ridiculed to insult. He had been removed by the roaring flame camp, the road ahead is gloomy, if he impulsed the words that spoke to dash Gu Yangdao for a while, regardless of engagement whether relieved, had one misfortune after another to his circumstances, therefore he has to prevent Luo Yi. 罗铁铮看着倔强的儿子,心中不忍,罗毅年轻气盛,今日他的前途无端被毁,还要遭受退婚之耻,必定是怒火中烧,他自幼就十分孝顺,怎能眼睁睁看着自己和夫人被人奚落侮辱。他已经被烈焰营除名,前路暗淡,万一他一时冲动说的话冲撞了谷养道,无论婚约是否解除,对他的境遇来说都是雪上加霜,所以他不得不阻止罗毅。 Thinks of here, Luo Tiezheng clenched teeth, raises deeply to bow to the valley, builds a smiling face reluctantly: Sir Gu, so long as does not break an engagement, even if the subordinate goes through fire or water for you do not refuse under any circumstances, although our Luo is not the powerful family, but also some inside story, so long as you look on, the subordinate wants both hands to offer.” 想到这里,罗铁铮咬了咬牙,向谷养道深深地鞠了一躬,勉强堆砌出一丝笑容道:“谷大人,只要不退婚,属下哪怕为您赴汤蹈火也在所不辞,我们罗家虽然不是什么世家大族,但也还有些底蕴,只要您看的上,属下愿意双手奉上。” He spoke, even has not relaxed, was maintaining the posture of bowing, the tall and strong body was shivering, belongs to the last dignity of serviceman shortly the avalanche to dissipate. 他说话的时候,甚至都不曾直起腰,一直保持着鞠躬的姿势,魁梧健硕的身躯颤抖着,属于军人的最后一丝尊严顷刻间崩塌消散。 In Rove person heart big quake. 罗夫人心中大震。 This has accompanied the more than 20 years of blood and iron men, even if the blade hangs on the neck has not lowered the head, today, for their sons, the last dignity also will give unexpectedly up. 这个陪伴了自己20多年的铁血汉子,即便是刀悬在脖子上也不曾低头,今日,为了他们的儿子,竟然将最后一丝尊严也放弃了。 Her fragile body no longer shivers, the tears in eye are dry, on the pale face shows the light happy expression. 她瘦弱的身体不再颤抖,眼中的泪水干涸,苍白的脸上露出淡淡的笑意。 Yes, for the son, what gives up the dignity is? 是啊,为了儿子,放弃尊严又算什么呢? Gu Yangdao disdain looks at the Luo family of three, has flung the sleeve, cold sound track: Was needless to say again, today this engagement must relieve. Tomorrow I will dispatch the person to your some belongings, using temporarily as is the compensation, in the future I do not want to hear any baseless rumor about engagement again.” 谷养道不屑地看着罗家一家三口,甩了甩袖子,冷声道:“不用再说了,今日这婚约必须解除。明日我会遣人给你们一些财物,权当是补偿,日后我不想再听到关于婚约的任何风言风语。” He He, good, I agree to renounce the engagement.” Luo Yi sneers, tranquil saying. “呵呵,好,我同意解除婚约。”罗毅冷笑一声,平静的说道。 Yi!” “毅儿!” Yi ....... “毅儿.......” Luo Yi's parents look at Luo Yi, startled and anxious. 罗毅的父母怔怔的看着罗毅,又惊又急。 „Do this words take seriously?” Gu Yangdao selects the eyebrow to ask. “此话当真?”谷养道挑眉问道。 The father who Luo Yi layer on layer helped up to bow mother who salutes and bends at the waist, nodded toward them with a smile. 罗毅重重地扶起了屈膝行礼的母亲和弓着腰的父亲,朝着他们两人笑着点了点头。 Yes, I agree to break an engagement, without any condition.” “是,我同意退婚,没有任何条件。” In Romanian resolution a Pure Brightness. 罗毅心中一片清明。 originally he wants to speak the truth saying that but saw that the parents were humiliated repeatedly, give up the dignity wanting to recall their engagement, he then feels like a knife twisting in the heart. Now, he has not wanted to say again, even if because said does not have any significance. 原本他是想讲真相说出来,可是眼看着父母一再被折辱,放弃尊严想要挽回自己的婚约,他便心如刀绞。现在,他已经不想再多说了,因为即使说出来也没有任何意义。 Moreover what is more important, he has not wanted to recall this any nonsense marriage again. 而且更重要的是,他已经不想再挽回这个什么狗屁婚姻。 Madame Luo the brow is slightly pressed, in the vision is having the color of inquiry: Yi, did you decide really?” 罗夫人眉头微微蹙起,目光中带着询问之色道:“毅儿,你真的决定了?” Luo Yi sees his parents, firm nod said: Father and mother, you could rest assured that I very clear are making anything, is not swayed by personal feelings.” 罗毅看着自己的双亲,坚定的点点头道:“父亲、母亲,你们放心,我很清楚自己在做什么,并不是意气用事。” Then, his line of sight changed Gu Yangdao, the look becomes sharp, Coldly said: You did not think that our generation roaring flame camp removes, will henceforth become a waste, could not be joined to your daughter. Since I am capable of obtaining the recognition of His Highness Crown Prince to enter the roaring flame camp, how even if were removed, my ability will therefore not be weakened, my talent will therefore not dissipate, why you can conclude that my Luo Yi won't have the again recognized opportunity? My Luo Yi does not need recalls a wedding by parents' hope and self-respect!” 接着,他的视线转向了谷养道,眼神变得锐利起来,冷冷道:“你不就是觉得我辈烈焰营除名,从此就会成为一个废物,配不上你的女儿么。我既然有能力得到太子殿下的赏识进入烈焰营,即便被除名又如何,我的能力不会因此被削弱,我的天赋也不会因此消散,你们凭什么就敢断定我罗毅不会有再一次得到赏识的机会?我罗毅不需要靠父母的祈求和自尊来挽回一桩婚事!” Romanian Tie Zheng and Madame Luo listen to son's categorical words, worry in heart to reduce slightly, because Luo Yi's this time condition they have not imagined decadent, violent anger and impulsive, instead is very calm, during the words does not have any extreme language. Meanwhile, they somewhat are also gratified, first time thought that Luo Yi grew up. 罗铁铮和罗夫人听着儿子斩钉截铁的话语,心中的担忧稍减,因为罗毅此时的状态并没有他们想象中的颓败、暴怒和冲动,反而十分冷静,言辞之间也没有任何过激之语。同时,他们也有些欣慰,第一次觉得罗毅是真的长大了。 Worthily is my Luo Tie Zheng's son!” Romanian Tie Zheng has patted Luo Yi's shoulder, gratified saying. “不愧是我罗铁铮的儿子!”罗铁铮拍了拍罗毅的肩膀,欣慰的说道。 Sir Gu, wants to come you to prepare the breaking an engagement copy clerk, with.” Luo Yi facial color tranquil saying. “谷大人,想来你已经准备好退婚文书了,拿出来。”罗毅面色平静的说道。 Gu Yangdao listens to Luo Yi's words, in the heart to shake slightly. 谷养道听完罗毅的话,心中微微一震。 He has not thought obviously this young people will really have such breadth of spirit and determination, this tenacious will is really inspires people. Perhaps, in the future he can stage a comeback by his ability is really uncertain. 他显然是没想到这个年轻人竟然会有如此气魄和决心,他这份坚韧的心志实在是令人为之赞叹。或许,将来他真的能够凭借自己的能力东山再起也不一定。 In Gu Yangdao the heart flashes through one to regret, but also merely is a faint trace. 谷养道的心中闪过一丝遗憾,但也仅仅是一丝丝而已。 He shook the head, puts aside that regret in heart, then palm brilliance Flashed, two frivolous such as the snow white silk paper of cicada wing appears in his hands. 他摇了摇头,将自己心中的那一丝遗憾撇开,接着掌心光华一闪,两张轻薄的如蝉翼的雪白绢纸出现在他的手中。 You truly is a talented person, but was a pity. Who made you offend His Highness Crown Prince, from now on this Snow Country, will not have one person to dare to use you again. You the signature on these two copy clerks sign, from now, you and my daughter do not have the least bit relations again.” Gu Yangdao was saying, has put on the silk paper in hand the table. “你确实是个人才,不过可惜了。谁让你得罪了太子殿下,今后这雪国之中,再无一人敢用你。你在这两份文书上签字画押,从此以后,你和我女儿再无半点关系。”谷养道说着,将手中的绢纸放到了桌上。 Before Luo Yi arrives at the table, looks that on table on two exactly the same silk papers has written all over the neat handwriting, content nothing else but Luo Yi and valley really real both sides voluntarily renounces the engagement, both sides later again do not have the connection and so on. 罗毅走到桌前,看着桌上两张一模一样的绢纸上写满了整齐的字迹,内容不外乎罗毅与谷真真双方都是自愿解除婚约,双方以后再无瓜葛云云。 His chuckle, took pen in hand in the copy clerk finally has signed own name, then gently has delimited on the thumb with the index finger, a drop of clear blood bead seeped the skin surface, did not have the slight hesitation, he has pressed the thumb, left behind a bright red fingerprint on the snow white silk paper. 他轻笑一声,提起笔在文书的最后签上了自己的名字,而后用食指在大拇指上轻轻划过,一滴晶莹的血珠沁出了皮肤表面,没有丝毫的犹豫,他将拇指按了下去,在雪白的绢纸上留下一个鲜红的指印。 Madame Gu light snort|hum, puts out a hand to take up a silk paper from the table, has inspected one carefully satisfied nod, on the bright red thin lips brings back wipes the happy expression, her gaining ground slightly, under the collar reveals section of slender fair nape of the neck, the Coldly [say / way]: Luo Yi, this copy clerk duplicate, another, you are receiving.” 谷夫人轻哼一声,伸出手从桌上拿起一张绢纸,仔细检查了一番才满意的点了点头,嫣红的薄唇上勾起一抹笑意,她微微的抬起头,衣领下露出一截修长白皙的脖颈,冷冷道道:“罗毅,这文书一式两份,另外一份,你们自己收着。” In Luo Yi yan flashes through inexplicable meaning, received another breaking an engagement copy clerk on table. 罗毅眼中闪过一丝莫名的意味,将桌上的另一份退婚文书收了起来。 Is the concern fell to the ground likely finally, Gu Zhenzhen sighed. 像是心事终于落了地,谷真真叹了口气。 This young girl walked gracefully, in the eye is having the sympathy of keeping aloof and pities to look at Luo Yi dao: Actually I very much appreciate your, the talent or the disposition, were only a pity...... You accept fate, our two lives are different, I must hover the phoenix above nine days, perhaps once you also had the opportunity to reach the similar altitude with me, was only a pity that present you have become the wild duck of crash mire, forever did not have the opportunity to fly. Luo Yi, you did not have the opportunity to stage a comeback, might as well give up, well is an average person, perhaps later will have one to like you with your properly matched ordinary miss, when the time comes, you will certainly think that your today's decision is correct, looks for one to have the miss of similar condition with you well for a lifetime.” 这个少女袅袅婷婷的走了过来,眼中带着高高在上的同情和怜悯看着罗毅道:“其实我还是很欣赏你的,不论是天赋还是性格,只可惜......你还是认命,我们两个命不同,我是要翱翔九天之上的凤凰,曾经的你或许还有机会与我达到同样的高度,只可惜,现在的你已经成了坠落泥潭的野鸭子,永远也没有机会飞起来了。罗毅,你已经没有机会东山再起了,不如放弃,好好的做一个普通人,也许以后会有一个与你门当户对的普通姑娘喜欢你,到时候,你一定会觉得你今日的决定是正确的,找一个与你有着同样条件的姑娘好好地过一辈子。” Luo Yi smiled, light looks at this once fiancee, has not said a word. 罗毅笑了笑,淡淡的看着这位曾经的未婚妻,没有言语。 Romanian Tie Zheng listens to the valley really real words, in the heart not to endure, for fear that the son again was stimulated, saying of Coldly: Miss Yi matter Lao Gu did not worry about. Sir Gu, my humble home is vulgar, did not entertain three, but also please as one likes.” 罗铁铮听着谷真真的话,心中不忍,生怕儿子再受刺激,冷冷的说道:“毅儿的事就不劳谷小姐挂心了。谷大人,寒舍粗鄙,就不招待三位了,还请自便。” Since Luo Yi had the resolution, this is the father does not need to act servilely again, compromises for the general interest , to continue to look at their this hypocritical faces with it, might as well points to the door in light of this. 既然罗毅已经有了决断,他这个做父亲的也没必要再卑躬屈膝,委曲求全,与其继续看着他们这幅伪善的面孔,还不如就此下逐客令。 Gu Yang said that family of three hear that, on the face somewhat could not hang immediately. 谷养道一家三口闻言,脸上顿时有些挂不住了。 Gu Yang said cold snort|hum a sound track: Said goodbye!” 谷养道冷哼一声道:“告辞!” Then he then lifts the foot to walk toward hall, Madame Gu and daughter also started to walk the step. 接着他便抬脚向大厅外走去,谷夫人和女儿也迈开了步子。 In this time. 就在此时。 Old steward Forber ran hurriedly, the look is startled, pants saying: Master, Master, the steward interview of palace!” 老管家福伯匆匆忙忙的跑了进来,神色惊慌,气喘吁吁道:“老爷,老爷,相府的管家求见!” Romanian Tie Zheng hear that stares, inquired: Palace? Which palace?” 罗铁铮闻言一愣,询问道:“相府?哪个相府?” Gasping for breath of Forber big mouth replied: Master, is Right Minister palace Zheng Guanjia!” 福伯大口的喘着气回答道:“老爷,是右相府的郑管家!” The words have not said that sees one height about seven feet, wore the middle-aged scholar of green cotton garment to step into the hall. 话还没说完,就见一个身高近七尺,身穿青色布衣的中年文士踏进了大厅之中。 ----------------- ----------------- Two-in-one 6000 character chapters, will have the renewal today, under everybody generous support 二合一6000字章节,今天还会有更新,大家多多支持下哈
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