IGE :: Volume #7

#630: Therapy thank-you gift

Order?” Ye Qingyu was at heart more astonished. “命令?”叶青羽心里更为惊异了。 Will the domain alliance have the Heaven Wasteland Domain domain Coordinate? 界域联盟怎么会有天荒界界域坐标? Why are they such will quickly arrange the special envoy to enter Heaven Wasteland Domain? 他们又是为什么会这么快安排特使进入天荒界 At once, many guesses emerge in his mind. 一时之间,诸多猜测涌入他的脑海之中。 That person said that one year later, the domain alliance formally will start to evaluate the grades and salary rank of Heaven Wasteland Domain, decided that the ownership of Heaven Wasteland Domain......” fish Monarch asked in the facial features to reveal doubts. “那人说,一年之后,界域联盟将会正式开始评定天荒界的品秩等级,决定天荒界的归属……”鱼君请眉眼之中露出一丝疑惑。 In Ye Qingyu heart surprised. 叶青羽心中的惊讶更甚。 In his mind, reappears the relevant information that sees from Immortal God Emperor Sect jade scroll. 他的脑海之中,浮现出一些从不死神皇宗玉简中看到的相关信息。 The sister of the emperor sees Ye Qingyu to be silent, but another appearance of thinking, has to continue, that Day patrolling special envoy The manner is extremely overbearing overbearingly, I want to closely examine several, he is also an extremely impatient contemptuous stance, is not willing to explain...... Right, you had gone to Clear Ginger Domain that mature domain before, you know how the domain rating is a matter?” 长公主见叶青羽沉默不语,可又一幅心有所想的样子,只好继续说下去,“那个【天巡特使】态度极其骄横霸道,我想多追问几句,他也是一幅极不耐烦的轻蔑姿态,不愿意多作解释……对了,你之前去过清姜界那种成熟界域,那你是不是知道界域评级是怎么一回事?” Ye Qingyu nodded, micro sighed inaudible. 叶青羽点了点头,微不可闻叹了口气。 „The so-called domain rating, is the domain alliance multiplies through the existing civilization and race, as well as commands ownership and other aspects to evaluate to inspect newborn domain whether has domain own autonomous managed capacity, observes this newborn domain will affect the dark demon influence of entire domain alliance...... If meets standard that they establish, that this newborn domain can manage all development and things in domain voluntarily......” “所谓的界域评级,是界域联盟通过现有文明、种族繁衍、以及统领归属等方面来评定考核一个新生界域是否有界域自身的自治管理能力,还有观察这个新生界域的是不是会影响到整个界域联盟的黑暗邪魔势力……若是达到他们所设定的标准,那这个新生界域才可以自行管理界域内的一切发展和事物……” If doesn't have?” Fish Monarch please rapidly comprehend the meaning of Ye Qingyu explanation, immediately eye pupil Flashed. “若是没有呢?”鱼君请迅速领悟到了叶青羽解释的含义,随即眼眸一闪 „If no, will be forced some attached Yu mature domain.” In the Ye Qingyu eye pupil flashes through a dignity, with chill in the air that cannot be restrained, said of pleasant to hear, to protect us, but in fact, he he, this is more like a relatively speaking not barbaric invasion. Once because rating failure, this newborn domain will degenerate into some mature domain expansion influence without a doubt, the exploitation enslaves with the excellent place of commodity.” “若是没有,将会被强制附属于某一个成熟界域。”叶青羽眼眸之中闪过一丝凝重,和一丝不可抑止的寒意,“说起来好听,是为了保护我们,但实际上呢,呵呵,这更像是一种相对而言不怎么野蛮的入侵行为。因为一旦评级失败,这个新生界域毫无疑问就会沦为某一个成熟界域扩张势力,剥削奴役和物资的绝佳之地。” You thought...... Can Heaven Wasteland Domain the rating be successful?” Fish Monarch have please pinched the sapphire winecup in knob, has actually put. “那你觉得……天荒界能评级成功吗?”鱼君请捏了捏手里的青玉酒盅,却又放了下来。 Was very difficult saying that this rating, did not say like the surface was so simple.” Ye Qingyu recalled in jade scroll alliance carefully about the rating and information of domain, sorted some important key points to tell the fish Monarch to invite. “很难说,这评级,并不像表面上说的这么简单。”叶青羽仔细回忆了玉简中关于评级和界域联盟的信息,拣了一些重要的关键点告诉鱼君请。 I understand that your meaning, in my opinion, can actually domain the rating be successful, possibly is not true basis its degree of development......” fish Monarch asks the space between eyebrows to wrinkle slightly, has the experience to the Ye Qingyu words greatly. “我明白你的意思了,依我看,一个界域究竟能不能评级成功,可能并不是真正的依据它的发展程度……”鱼君请眉间微微皱起,对叶青羽的话大有体会。 Um, according to me the news that Clear Ginger Domain knows, the present domain alliance had the person control of ambition and political skill by some extremely, if in them some people attempt to occupy the Heaven Wasteland Domain resources and influence, all...... It was difficult to say......” Ye Qingyu sighed meaningfully. “嗯,据我在清姜界所知的消息来看,如今的界域联盟被一些极有野心和权术的人控制,若是他们之中有人企图占据天荒界的资源和势力,一切……就很难说了……”叶青羽意味深长地叹了口气。 But we have the time, not?” Fish Monarch please slightly raise the corners of the mouth, has carried front tea. “但我们还有时间,不是吗?”鱼君请微微扬起嘴角,重新端起了面前的茶盏。 One year, for them, completely has not hope that not? 一年的时间,对他们来说,也不是全然没有希望,不是吗? By opposite tea table Ye Qingyu nodded, but as before an appearance looking pensive. 对面茶几旁的叶青羽点了点头,但依旧一幅若有所思的模样。 To pursue the foreign enemy, must pledge allegiance to the major influence unification in Heaven Wasteland Domain in the rule of Snow Country Royal Family first, only then a domain series, may building up entire Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) strength, resists foreign enemy. 想要驱逐外敌,必须先将天荒界内的各大势力统一归顺于雪国皇室的统治,只有界域一统,才有可能集结整个天荒实力,去对抗外敌。 In his heart, to inspecting Heaven Wasteland Domain, sweeps clean all astatic influences the ideas, was firmer. 他心中,对巡视天荒界,扫清一切不安定势力的想法,更加坚定了。 After counting breaths. 数息之后。 When the rare flower fragrance that in the air, dark fragrant moves full , compared to Ye Qingyu to come actually must seep is fragrant strongly fragrant. 空气之中,暗香盈动的琼花香气,倒是比起叶青羽来时要更为沁香馥郁了。 I want to ask one, before the cold elder sister made Lin Zheng give your jade jue, looked?” When does not know, fish Monarch please have arrived at the wall, the vision stays in the scroll of rare flower outline, in several ink outlined. “我还是想要问一句,之前寒姐姐让蔺争交给你的玉玦,看了吗?”不知何时,鱼君请已经走到了墙边,眼光停留在一幅几笔水墨勾勒的琼花轮廓的长卷上。 Did not have...... After going back,...... Looks again.” Ye Qingyu also changes to the vision that picture scroll, as if in that split second, in the rare flower that in the picture scroll puts flutters a delicate fragrance, passed to his cardiopulmonary dantian. “还没有……回去之后……再看吧。”叶青羽也将目光转到那副画卷上,仿佛在那一瞬间,画卷上盛放的琼花中飘出一股幽香,传到了他的心肺丹田之中。 Fish Monarch please understand anything. 鱼君请明白了什么。 She also no longer asked. 她也不再问。 The smart people, do the intelligent matter. 聪明人,做聪明事。 After a while. 过了一会儿。 Time early, I did not deliver you to go out.” Fish Monarch please suddenly turn around to look at Ye Qingyu, smiles lightly. “时候不早了,我送你出门吧。”鱼君请突然转身看着叶青羽,淡淡一笑。 Ye Qingyu nods, immediately sets out, walks toward the main hall entrance. 叶青羽点点头,随即起身,朝着大殿门口走去。 They walked several steps. 两人走了几步。 To the entrance, in the Ye Qingyu heart thought a little embarrassed, the matter about jade piece, own procedure, obviously is a little tenacious, he thinks that turned around to say anything, at this time, his facial color, suddenly changed. 到了门口,叶青羽心中觉得有点儿不好意思,关于玉诀的事情,自己的做法,显然是有点儿固执,他想了想,转身想要说什么,就在这个时候,他的面色,突然之间变了变。 Because Ye Qingyu realizes suddenly that in fragrant delicate fragrance floating, suddenly wisp , if there is towering treacherous aura that resembles not to have. 因为叶青羽猛然察觉到,芬芳飘然的幽香之中,突然有一缕若有似无的突兀诡谲气息。 That is a aura of wounded. 那是一种伤者的气息。 „Were you injured?!” Ye Qingyu stops the footsteps suddenly, turns around fiercely, looks that fish Monarch invited, was astonished however makes noise. “你受伤了?!”叶青羽骤然停下脚步,猛地转身,看着鱼君请,讶然出声。 „...... Has installed for quite a while, before you walk is given to perceive by you.” Fish Monarch please resemble has no intention to smile gently, but conceals under vigorously, a strange paleness reappeared on the face. “呵……装了大半天,还是在你走之前被你给觉察出来了。”鱼君请似是无意般轻轻笑了笑,只是极力掩饰之下,一丝怪异的苍白浮现在了脸上。 Injured?” Ye Qingyu is very shocking. “怎么受伤的?”叶青羽很是震惊。 In this side Heaven and Earth, should nobody be able to injure fish Monarch please is right. 这方天地之中,应该没有人能够伤的了鱼君请才对啊。 Fish Monarch please smile, says primary taste. 鱼君请笑了笑,说出原味。 Originally because on that day that arrogant Day patrolling special envoy Several times made impertinent remarks, the manner was quite arrogant rampantly, during the spoken languages to Heaven Wasteland Domain and Snow Country had to despise and meaning of insult. Fish Monarch asked the manner to be gentle, to treat courteously it, changed him repeatedly to speak to sexually harass unexpectedly, even attempted to get rid to encroach upon her, after she several times endured patiently, was forced once had fought with him. 原来那一日因为那个盛气凌人的【天巡特使】数次出言不逊,态度极为傲慢嚣张,言语之间对天荒界雪国多有蔑视和侮辱之意。鱼君请态度平和,以礼待之,竟然换来他屡次出言调戏,甚至企图出手侵犯她,她几次忍耐之后,被逼无奈曾与他交过手。 They project on the summit of highest heaven from the Zhongyi Road of palace, finally fish Monarch please carry the severe wound to decline. 两人从宫殿之中一路打到九霄之巅,最后鱼君请身负重伤败落。 But Day patrolling special envoy Also is the injury is heavy, some dreaded to her slightly that immediately turns around to leap forward in domain stone gate, left Heaven Wasteland Domain. 而【天巡特使】也是伤势不轻,对她稍有忌惮,随即转身跃入界域石门之中,离开了天荒界 Ye Qingyu hear, a brow slightly wrinkle. 叶青羽听完,眉头微微一皱。 The special envoy of this domain alliance, is really damn. 这个界域联盟的特使,真是该死。 However, looks at the fish Monarch please pale facial color, a restless premonition floats the heart. 不过,看着鱼君请苍白的面色,一丝不安的预感浮上心头。 According to strength that catching fish by attracting them with a light Monarch invited, even if has been injured, was impossible to pass through six months not to have recovery, what reason was? 依照鱼君请的实力,即便是受伤了,也不可能经过了半年时间还迟迟没有恢复,到底是什么原因? I helped you have a look at......” Ye Qingyu to turn around by the form toward picture scroll to walk. “我帮你看看……”叶青羽转身朝着画卷旁的身影走了过去。 Fish Monarch please think, has not rejected, the slight bow, the originally ruddy facial color could not conceal to be exhausted and thin and pale at this time again. 鱼君请想了想,也没有拒绝,微微点头,原本红润的面色此时已经再也掩饰不住疲惫和憔悴。 Shoulder that on Ye Qingyu right palm duplicate fish Monarch invited, wisp of Supreme ice flame poured into her body from the palm immediately. 叶青羽右掌覆上鱼君请的肩头,一缕无上冰炎随即从掌心之中注入她的身体。 Supreme ice flame just like a cold ice spirit fish, the bloodlines of all the limbs and bones and in dantian heart and lungs that in fish Monarch invited the terminal velocity walked randomly, Ye Qingyu Divine Sense felt, in heart in great surprise. 无上冰炎宛如一位寒冰灵鱼,在鱼君请的四肢百骸和丹田心肺的血脉之中极速游走,叶青羽神识所感,心中大惊。 Originally in within the body that fish Monarch invited, was preserving a wisp of extremely sinister and ruthless dark vigor. 原来在鱼君请的体内,留存着一缕极为阴毒的暗劲。 This cut-throat ferocious dark vigor looks like the ovum that releases the toxic gas continuously, within the body that in fish Monarch invited not only hindered injury repair in her heart [lineage/vein], day after day was corroding her yuan qi and Cultivation Base. Even if Ascending Heaven Boundary martial arts expert, does not leave one year or so the time, will be swallowed an average person by this mean strength, if will continuously for a long time hence get down, three years will then have the sorrow of life. 这凶狠狞恶的暗劲像一股源源不断释放毒气的虫卵,在鱼君请的体内不但阻碍她心脉之中的伤势修复,更在日复一日的侵蚀她的元气修为。即便是一个登天境的武道强者,不出一年半载的时间,也会被这阴狠的力量吞噬成一个普通人,若是长此以往下去,不出三年便会有性命之忧。 The Ye Qingyu eye pupil sinks. 叶青羽眼眸一沉。 In eye pupil, two jet black deep pupil light just like cold ice sinking iron. 眼眸之中,两道漆黑深沉的眸光宛如寒冰沉铁。 You already know that special envoy in the sinister and ruthless strength that your within the body left behind.” “你早就知道那个特使在你体内留下的阴毒之力了吧。” Um...... Has tried many means that unexpectedly............ Cannot compel within the body......” fish Monarch to show a helpless happy expression it thoroughly. “嗯……尝试了多种办法,竟然……咳……不能彻底将它逼出体内……”鱼君请露出一丝无奈的笑意。 The intention moves, the palm jogs, Ye Qingyu controlled Supreme ice flame to wrap that wisp of sinister and vicious cut-throat dark strength, then froze a wisp of cold ice icicle instantaneously. 心念一动,掌心轻推,叶青羽操控着无上冰炎将那一缕阴鸷凶狠的暗力包裹了起来,瞬间便冻结成一缕寒冰冰柱。 At this time his heart is surging invisible anger. 此时他心头涌动着一丝无形怒火。 This so-called Day patrols Special envoys, unexpectedly use such vicious style, if will meet a domain alliance people in the future, must meet them actually well. 这个所谓的【天巡】特使,竟然使用这么狠毒的招式,若是日后碰见界域联盟中人,倒是要好好会一会他们。 Was good realizes because of the critical moment, if otherwise the sister of the emperor continued to get down stubbornly, that had the possibility wound and source extremely, has interrupted martial path in light of this. 好在自己关键时刻察觉到了,否则要是长公主继续倔强下去,那极有可能伤及本源,就此中断了武道之路 Why early didn't say from the beginning?” Ye Qingyu a little complaint tone. “为什么一开始不早说?”叶青羽有点儿埋怨的口气。 The sister of the emperor smiled, said: I do not know that you can melt this sinister and ruthless inner yuan.” 长公主笑了笑,道:“我也不知道,你可以化解这种阴毒内元啊。” Ye Qingyu is speechless. 叶青羽无语。 In a minute, Ye Qingyu has taken back the palm. 片刻,叶青羽收回了手掌。 At this time the dark vigor of sister of the emperor within the body was dissipated by Supreme ice flame quietly. 此时长公主体内的暗劲已经被无上冰炎悄然消散。 Her facial color is suddenly relaxed, felt that the heart [lineage/vein] of all the limbs and bones start to operate freely, shouted attracts, became smooth incomparable. 她的面色顿然轻松起来,感觉四肢百骸的心脉开始自如运行,一呼一吸之间,重新变得顺畅无比。 It seems like, cannot show off power.” Fish Monarch please gently be moving four limbs, after the feeling loses the imprisonment, the comfort of injury rapid self-recovery. “看来,还是不能逞强啊。”鱼君请轻轻活动着四肢,感受失去禁锢之后,伤势迅速自愈的舒适。 Ye Qingyu smiles lightly, today this matter, lets him actually regarding the conduct attitude of domain alliance people, had a more direct-viewing understanding and understanding. 叶青羽淡淡一笑,今天这件事,倒是让他对于界域联盟中人的行事作风,有了更为直观的认识和了解。 Fish Monarch please pinch a bigger black porcelain wine pot from the bosom, has thrown toward Ye Qingyu, gives, thank-you gift.” 鱼君请从怀中捏出一个更大的黑瓷酒坛,朝着叶青羽抛了过去,“给,谢礼。” Full jug Qiong Yuxian ferments, This sister of the emperor, but also really gets rid naturally. 满满一坛子【琼玉仙酿】,这长公主,还真是出手大方。 Ye Qingyu smiles helplessly, the expression of gratitude accepts, turns around to walk toward the palace outside. 叶青羽无奈一笑,道谢收下,转身朝着殿外走去。 When full Yuan the rare flower does not know, all bloomed. 满园的琼花不知何时,已经悉数绽放了。 The rare flower one presently, Heaven and Earth changes colors. 琼花一现,天地失色。 In this moment, as if Between Heaven and Earth all fragrant magnificent shades, arrives at the peerless beautiful scene that Ye Qingyu at present ten thousand flowers fire a salvo, with fragrance of drunk will of the people spleen. 就在这一刻,仿佛天地之间的一切芳华丽影,都抵不过叶青羽眼前万花齐放的绝世美景,和醉人心脾的馨香。 ...... …… After three day. 三日后。 Crown prince temporary palace. 太子行宫。 Early morning breeze such as gentle fine gauze blows to come, to have a fragrant aura of morning dew generally. 清晨的微风如温柔的轻纱一般拂面而来,带着一丝朝露的芬芳气息。 Chaoyang of initial rise is sending out light warming up, goes to the earth the golden sunlight. 初升的朝阳散发着淡淡的温热,将金色的阳光投向大地。 The main hall entrance of crown prince temporary palace. 太子行宫的正殿门口。 An imperial guard platoon leader Luo Yi of black armor bathes the sunlight, the dark golden trace on armor is pasting the magnificent brilliance under the sunlight. 一身黑色铠甲的禁军小队长罗毅沐浴着阳光,铠甲上的暗金色纹路在阳光下流转着华丽的光彩。 He on the light face, was having the vigorous vitality that year, in the black pupil a light fine glow twinkle. 他那年轻的脸上,带着蓬勃的朝气,黑色瞳孔中一丝淡淡的精芒闪烁。 Last night his Cultivation one whole evening, not only did not have an exhausted feeling, instead thought to be refreshing, was refreshed. 昨晚他修炼了一整晚,非但没有一丝疲累的感觉,反而觉得神清气爽,精神满满。 Since he became the imperial guard of roaring flame camp, the military headquarters monthly will provide certain amount of Origin crystal to supply oneself Cultivation. Each meal in roaring flame camp also contained highly concentrated yuan qi food, according to the certain proportion has diluted Origin crystal and Demonic beast meat of medicinal herbs cookery, this condition is he and family member wants unable to think in the western border region. 自从他成为了烈焰营的禁军之后,军部就会按月发放一定数量的源晶供自己修炼。烈焰营中的每一餐也都是蕴含了高浓度元气的食物、按照一定比例稀释过的源晶和药草烹制的妖兽肉,这种条件是他和家人在西部边陲想都不敢想的。 He was promoted to the same day of imperial guard team leader, but also received one to be the exclusive commodity of imperial guard team leader specially, besides the service pattern armor, storage ring, in the ring has stored up massive pure Origin crystal, several director Cultivation ancient books. 他升任禁军队长的当天,还领到了一份专属于禁军队长的专属物资,除了制式的铠甲之外,还有一个储物戒指,戒指中储存了大量精纯的源晶,还有几本指导修炼的典籍。 ---------------- ---------------- First 第一更
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