IGE :: Volume #7

#631: The happiness comes is too sudden

For this reason, after he arrives at Snow Capital, the Cultivation progress progresses by leaps and bounds, the time of more than half a year, promoted 40 Spirit Spring from ten Spirit Spring. Especially after being promoted to the imperial guard team leader, with storage ring the support of Origin crystal, in his recent several days Cultivation felt faintly and has the omen of promotion! 正因如此,他来到雪京之后,修炼的进度一路突飞猛进,不过大半年的时间,就从十眼灵泉提升到了40眼灵泉。尤其是升任禁军队长之后,在储物戒指中的源晶的支持下,他最近几日的修炼中已经隐隐感觉到又有提升的预兆! The rapid promotion of Cultivation Base makes him to the present life very satisfied. 修为的飞速提升令他对现在的生活十分满意。 Even if the daily work guards in the main hall entrance of crown prince temporary palace, even if this work is actually very arid and monotonous, he has not had one to idle and be bored. Let alone, his work is also disciplines the mental one method, is another Cultivation way? 哪怕每天的工作就只是戍守在太子行宫的正殿门口,哪怕这工作其实是十分的枯燥和单调,他都不曾有一丝懈怠和腻烦。何况,他的工作也不失为磨练自己心智的一种方法,何尝不是另一种修炼的途径呢? Like this is thinking, on Luo Yi's face faint reappears the light happy expression. 这样想着,罗毅的脸上隐隐的浮现出淡淡的笑意。 He observes this strictly around the main hall sound, a face is earnest. 他严密的观察这着正殿四周的动静,一脸认真。 At this moment 就在这时 Before the palace, square end. 殿前广场的尽头。 Wears the form of black armor to appear in Luo Yi's line of sight together. 一道身穿黑色铠甲的身影出现在罗毅的视线中。 That person puts on with the armor of roaring flame Chief Battalion Jinjun he regulates similarly, about 30 -year-old over appearances, personal appearance tall and strong, the facial features are quiet, the frontal eminence has together the inch allow Chang superficial scar, on the chin the short beard, is looking like the heroic spirit thrives steadily, the military might is uncommon. 那人穿着与他同样规制的烈焰营禁军队长的铠甲,大约30岁出头的样子,身形魁梧,面容沉静,额角却有着一道寸许长的浅淡疤痕,下巴上长着短短的胡须,看起来英气勃发,威武不凡。 Um? Isn't this team leader Li Rui of raging fire camp fifth squad? Today should be he rotates days off is right, how to come suddenly?” Luo Yi eyes have recognized that person's shadow. “嗯?这不是烈火营第五小队的队长李锐吗?今天应该是他轮休才对,怎么突然来了?”罗毅一眼就认出了那个人影。 In his heart, mentioned immediately vigilantly some. 他的心中,顿时提起了一些警惕。 Properly speaking, Li Rui at this time, should not appear here. 按理来说,李锐这个时候,不应该出现在这里。 Although is the person on one's own side, but also has to guard. 虽然是自己人,但也不得不防。 Among several rests, Li Rui then arrived in front of Luo Yi. 几息之间,李锐便已经来到了罗毅面前。 Li elder brother, you are not rotate days off today, how this little while temporary palace?” Luo Yi is maintaining vigilant, looks that Li Rui stands firm in front of oneself, doubts to ask. “李哥,你今天不是轮休么,怎么这会儿来行宫?”罗毅保持着警惕,看着李锐在自己面前站定,疑问道。 Li Rui smiled, sound track: Brother Luo, relax, I am follow orders to change shifts with you, suddenly Shinu commands the Sir to have the important matter to illuminate you, passes on you to go to the armed self-defense palace.” Saying, he pulls out a command symbol of roaring flame camp from the bosom, has given Luo Yi dao: This is the changing shifts makes the symbol.” 李锐笑了笑,正声道:“罗老弟,放心,我是奉命来与你换班的,暴石怒统领大人有要事照你,传你去武卫殿。”说着,他从怀中掏出一枚烈焰营的令符,递给了罗毅道:“这是换班令符。” Luo Yi has a head wet from the fog received that command symbol, examines carefully, confirmed after being unmistakable , the military order symbol hands over to give back to Li Rui, said: Um, that was laborious Li elder brother, I commanded Sir there first, the main hall gave Li the elder brother.” 罗毅满头雾水的接过那一枚令符,仔细查看一番,确认无误后将令符递还给李锐,说道:“嗯,那就辛苦李哥了,我先去统领大人那里,正殿就交给李哥了。” Ha Ha, goes quickly, here has my you to feel relieved.” Li Rui frank said with a smile. “哈哈,快去吧,这里有我你就放心吧。”李锐爽朗的笑着说道。 Luo Yi dai the question, was rushing to northwest corner the armed self-defense palace situated in crown prince temporary palace. 罗毅带着疑问,赶往了位于太子行宫西北角的武卫殿。 The armed self-defense palace is the roaring flame camp commands the routine office the place. 武卫殿是烈焰营统领日常办公的场所。 Early half a month ago, His Highness Crown Prince personally ordered, was transferred to suddenly Shinu to the crown prince temporary palace, held the post of the imperial guard of roaring flame camp to command, is responsible for the security work of entire crown prince temporary palace, turned into own immediate superior from the past body technique teacher. 早在半个月前,太子殿下亲自下令,将暴石怒调任到太子行宫之中,担任烈焰营的禁军统领,负责整个太子行宫的安防工作,从昔日的体术教官变成了自己的顶头上司。 Also does not know why suddenly Shinu will summon him today suddenly, originally he wants to ask Chief Li, but in the roaring flame camp the military order is strict, does not allow in private to inquire order that the senior official issues, therefore he can only live in the heart according to the question, has not asked that let alone, Chief Li not necessarily knows. 也不知道暴石怒今日为什么会突然召见他,原本他是想问问李队长的,但是烈焰营中军令严明,不允许互相之间私下打听长官下达的命令的,所以他只能按奈住心头的疑问,没有发问,更何况,李队长也不一定就会知道。 On the road, Luo Yi's gaining ground slightly, looked at the clouds of horizon, is bringing the light pink clouds, is really attractive. 路上,罗毅微微的抬起头,看了看天边的云朵,带着淡淡的彩霞,煞是好看。 It seems like today's weather is good.” He is looking pensive typical. “看来今天的天气不错啊。”他若有所思地道。 Is having the question, he enters in the armed self-defense palace. 带着疑问,他走进武卫殿之中。 In the main hall slightly is spacious. 大殿中略显空旷。 A giant stone table places in the main hall, on the table is piling up one on top of another small hill common document. 一张巨大的石桌摆放在大殿中,桌上堆叠着小山丘一般的文件。 Behind the stone table by the wall position is setting up a row of big bookshelf, has crowded various types of books and reels carelessly, seems somewhat disorderly. 石桌背后靠墙的位置立着一排高大的书架,胡乱的塞满了各种书籍和卷轴,看上去有些凌乱。 Behind document that piles up one on top of another, personal appearance tall and strong violent Stone Nuzheng on the table, takes a pen to write anything in a document earnestly, but how he sees with the posture of pen how irritably, writes the almost entire arm to sway, sighing that not only that he writes at the same time also, as if makes him write is a very difficult matter. 堆叠的文件背后,身形魁梧的暴石怒正埋头在桌子上,拿着一只笔在一份文件上写着什么,不过他拿笔的姿势怎么看怎么别扭,写个字几乎整个手臂都在摇晃着,不仅如此,他一边写字还在不住的叹气,仿佛让他写字是件十分困难的事情。 Luo Yi looks the appearance that this commands Sir heaving a sigh, thinks immediately somewhat awkwardly. 罗毅看着这位统领大人一副唉声叹气的样子,顿时觉得有些尴尬。 He coughs lightly, good military salute, said seriously: Report commands, the roaring flame camp seventh squad team leader Luo Yi reported!” 他轻咳一声,行了个军礼,严肃道:“报告统领,烈焰营第七小队队长罗毅报道!” suddenly Stone got angry um one, has not gained ground, not anxiously not Xu's postil document. 暴石怒嗯了一声,没有抬头,不急不徐的批注文件。 Came, first came to sit.” His light saying. “来了啊,先过来坐吧。”他淡淡的说道。 Luo Yi look one austere, said accordingly: Yes!” 罗毅神色一肃,应声道:“是!” Then on the chair before his agile arriving writing desk sits respectfully, calmly waits. 接着他利落的走到书案前的椅子上正襟危坐,静静地等候。 After a little while. 少顷。 The violent stone is in full bloom to start the pen, gathers the document on case, places near above right hand that pack of documents. 暴石怒放下了手中的笔,将案上的文件合起,放在右手边的那一叠文件之上。 He has moved wrist gently, then has lifted the head, smiling takes a look at Luo Yi, in the look is having inexplicable meaning. 他轻轻活动了一下手腕,而后抬起了头,笑眯眯的打量着罗毅,眼神中带着一种莫名的意味。 Luo Yi somewhat cannot feel the brains, whole body is not comfortable, this commanded the expression of Sir is really too strange. 罗毅有些摸不着头脑,浑身的不自在,这位统领大人的表情实在是太奇怪了。 suddenly Shinu looks at puzzled Luo Yi, a chuckle sound track: „Did Little Luo, in the roaring flame camp, feel recently how is it?” 暴石怒看着一脸疑惑的罗毅,轻笑一声道:“小罗啊,最近在烈焰营,感觉怎么样啊?” Luo Yi stares. 罗毅一愣。 In this ordinary day to commanding Sir of everyone not false speech and countenance, how so to be strange today, unexpectedly smiles asked that own feeling is what kind , is chatting the daily family activity to be ordinary with oneself likely, was really too unusual. 这位平日里对谁都不假辞色的统领大人,今日怎么这么奇怪,竟然笑眯眯的问自己的感觉怎么样,像是在和自己聊家常一般,实在是太反常了。 Under he represses the question in heart, sound track: Report commands the Sir, subordinate all are good!” 他按捺下心中的疑问,正声道:“报告统领大人,属下一切都好!” Good was good, do not do these many curved to circle, hearing me to have a headache, such genteel, has looked like I am training your time to be the same, your boy...... Gives me to speak well.” suddenly Shinu listened to Luo Yi one one to command the Sir, the brain kernel hurts. “行了行了,别搞这么多弯弯绕绕的,听得我头疼,被这么文绉绉的了,就像是我在训练你时候一样,你小子啊……给我好好说话。”暴石怒听着罗毅一口一个统领大人,脑仁都疼了。 On Luo Yi's face flashes through an awkwardness, some not comfortable should say: Yes.” 罗毅的脸上闪过一丝尴尬,有些不自在的应道:“是。” suddenly Shinu smiled, resolute the writing desk piles up one on top of another such as the small hill common document to shove open to the two sides on, keeps together one foot wide slit. Then a hand feels the chin to size up Luo Yi moment, in the eye wipes the strange color circulation. 暴石怒笑了笑,大刀阔斧的将书案上堆叠如小山丘一般的文件向两边推开,留出一道一尺宽的缝隙。而后一只手摸着下巴打量罗毅片刻,眼中一抹奇异的色彩流转。 Little Luo, are you interested in changing a post? Adjusts other place assignments, can you accept?” suddenly Stone gets angry saying with a laugh. “小罗啊,你有没有兴趣换个岗位啊?调去其他的地方任职,你能接受么?”暴石怒笑呵呵的说道。 In the Romanian resolution is startled. 罗毅心中一惊。 Transfers? 调离? Why? 为什么? He is promoted to the imperial guard team leader a few days after time, where hasn't paid attention to have the mistake? 他才升任禁军队长没几天时间,难道是什么地方没注意出了差错? But should not, the daily work complete according to the stipulation, will not have the mistake place to be right. 可是不应该啊,自己每天的工作都是按照规定完成的,不会有出错的地方才对。 Thinks of here, he somewhat is also apprehensive restlessly. 想到这里,他又有些惶惑不安。 If own work had problems, was pursued by the roaring flame camp to other places, what to do also this can? 万一真的是自己的工作上出了问题,被烈焰营驱逐到其他的地方去,又该要怎么办? He does not dare to imagine itself to lose the present duty and status, because that means one will lose the massive Cultivation resources, but his family is also the family of riches and honor, is by the financial resource of present family, is incapable the magnanimous resources that radically will undertake him Cultivation to need in the future, only if there is a big chance, otherwise he will walk with difficulty on the martial arts Cultivation Base road. 他不敢想象自己失去现在的职务和地位,因为那将意味着自己会失去大量的修炼资源,而他的家族虽然也算是富贵之家,可是以现在家族的财力,根本无力承担他日后修炼所需的海量资源,除非有大机缘,否则他在武道修为的路上将会步履维艰。 Let alone, the duty that once lose the imperial guard team leader, will have very bad influence regarding their entire family, their family can base in Snow Capital, all depending on the status of this roaring flame Chief Battalion Jinjun. 更何况,一旦自己失去禁军队长的职务,对于他们整个家族都会造成很糟糕的影响,他们家族能够在雪京中立足,全凭这个烈焰营禁军队长的地位。 In Luo Yi's heart surged the intermittent restlessness, the look on face is clear to cloudy, the look somewhat is also flurried. 罗毅的心中涌起了阵阵的不安,脸上的神色也是晴转多云,神色有些慌乱。 He hurries has stood from the chair, said anxiously: Commands the Sir, was what the subordinate to make the mistake, making His Highness Crown Prince unsatisfied? Subordinates ......... 他慌忙的从椅子上站了起来,焦急道:“统领大人,是不是属下做错了什么,让太子殿下不满意了吗?属下.........” suddenly Shinu laughs. 暴石怒哈哈大笑。 He looks at Luo Yi's look change in the eye, naturally can also guess correctly his thoughts. 他将罗毅的神色变化看在眼中,自然也能猜到他的心思。 Did not wait for Luo Yi saying that he then beckoned with the hand, has interrupted Luo Yi's words, laughed saying: Your boy, do not blindly guess that is not such that you think, but today the huge good deeds fall above you, you do not know you luckily!” 不等罗毅说完,他便摆了摆手,打断了罗毅的话,哈哈大笑道:“你小子啊,别瞎猜了,不是你想的那样,今天可是有一件天大的好事落在你头上,你都不知道你有多幸运啊!” On Luo Yi hear that face stunned, looks at suddenly Shinu dull, the doubts of heart were actually. 罗毅闻言脸上一阵错愕,呆呆的看着暴石怒,心头的疑惑却是更甚了。 Good deed? 好事? What good deed? 什么好事? Looked that suddenly Shinu is sideways, looks for a square shape from the right hand document the black official seal. 就看暴石怒侧身,从右手边的文件下找出来一枚方形的黑色印信。 He looked at that black official seal, chuckle, then separated throws spatially to Luo Yi. 他看了看那一枚黑色的印信,轻笑一声,而后隔空抛向了罗毅。 Black official seal steady falling in Luo Yi's palm. 黑色的印信稳稳的落在罗毅的掌心。 The Luo Yi's first response is the component of this official seal is actually heavy. 罗毅的第一反应是这枚印信的分量倒是不轻。 Four directions four all over the body swarthy, does not know that with what material quality carving, its sense of reality touches probably is the stone, but compares the component of ordinary stone to be heavier, on the palm of the hand big official seal does not have any inscription and sign, cannot see is any background. 四方四正的通体黝黑,不知道是用何种材质雕刻而成,它的质感摸起来好像是石头,但是又比普通的石头的分量要重许多,巴掌大的印信上没有任何的字样和标志,看不出是什么来头。 Does not wait for him to think that suddenly Shinu visits him to say with a smile: Will go to the Bright City report, in particular, you had a look at that official seal to know.” 不等他多想,暴石怒含笑看着他说道:“等会就去光明城报道吧,具体的嘛,你自己看看那枚印信就知道了。” Bright City? 光明城 In Romanian resolution surprised uncertain. 罗毅心中惊疑不定。 In the hand the slightly serious black official seal as if becomes the burning hot gets up. 手中略显沉重的黑色印信似乎变得炙热起来。 He hurriedly to making the symbol poured into intent yuan qi, the black made the symbol send out the light silver halo suddenly, making information also split second in symbol appear in his mind. 他急忙向令符中注入了意一丝元气,黑色令符骤然间散发出淡淡的银色光晕,令符中的信息也一瞬间出现在他的脑海之中。 Surprised color on Luo Yi face shortly wild with joy will be replaced. 罗毅脸上的惊疑之色顷刻间被狂喜代替。 He is grasping the right hand of official seal, shivering that slightly even cannot stop. 他握着印信的右手,甚至止不住的微微颤抖。 Because in the official seal said that Bright God palace Palace Master Ye Qingyu settled on his intelligence, therefore personally ordered, was transferred to Bright City him, moreover as the attendant, must follow in the Hall Master Ye side, wants Luo Yi directly to go to the Bright City report today! 因为印信中说光明神殿殿主叶青羽看中了他的资质,所以亲自下令,将他调任到光明城,而且是作为亲随,要跟随在叶殿主的身边,要罗毅今日就直接去光明城报道! Looks sketchily that in Luo Yixin is hard to take excitedly. 粗略地看完,罗毅心中激动难耐。 But he bears excitedly, carefully looked continuously several, dares to confirm content that one see. 但他忍住激动,连续仔细看了好几遍,才敢确认自己看到的内容。 Can believe. 才敢相信。 The day, that is Palace Master of Bright God palace! 天,那可是光明神殿的殿主啊! In that legend by a person of strength resistance foreign land Devil race talent, for the Heaven Wasteland Domain safety, does not hesitate to inspire to surmount Heaven and Earth Power of Laws to suffer the Divine Punishment hero. The idol that in Heaven Wasteland Domain everybody worships, should sit above the shrine high accepts the person who ten thousand audiences prostrate oneself, issues the transfer order unexpectedly personally, lets from be his attendant, this is the matter that this whole life wants unable to think! 那个传说中以一人之力对抗异域魔族的天才,为了天荒界的安危,不惜引动超越天地法则之力遭受神罚的英雄。天荒界中人人崇拜的偶像,本该高坐于神坛之上接受万众膜拜的人,竟然亲自下达调令,让自去做他的亲随,这是他这辈子想都不敢去想的事情! He is only a small imperial guard team leader, with Hall Master Ye the casual acquaintance in crown prince temporary palace, later then again does not have any occurring together, how ordering for no reason will dispatch in the Bright God palace, is as the attendant? 他自己只是一个小小的禁军队长,与叶殿主不过在太子行宫中的一面之缘,之后便再无任何交集,怎么会平白无故的下令将自己调遣到光明神殿中,还是作为亲随? This may be the space falls the meat pie. 这可真的是天上掉馅饼了。 ------- ------- Everybody supports. 大家多支持一下啊。
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