IGE :: Volume #7

#629: Xin Mi who one person knows

At dusk. 傍晚时分。 The sky of ten thousand li (0.5km) non- cloud looks like Wang Chengche clean lake water as before, is light the white fog smoke from kitchen chimneys that in the blushing at dusk and Snow Capital raises slowly to blend in the same place, has formed the unique smoke and fire aura. 万里无云的天空依旧像一汪澄澈干净的湖水,淡淡得红晕薄暮与雪京之中冉冉升起的白雾炊烟交融在一起,形成了别具特色的烟火气息。 Snow Capital street. 雪京街道。 Abandons after the Two River Group tea, Ye Qingyu has not worried to return to Bright City actually. 两江会茶舍出来之后,叶青羽倒是没有着急回到光明城 He paces to go through beginning in the decorated lantern on the main street and small alley, seems does not have the goal like one, wealthy family young master who strolls in all directions. 他踱步穿行在华灯初上的大街小巷之中,看上去就像一个毫无目的,四处闲逛的富家公子。 After ten day, leaves the imperial capital, during was the day before closes up the decision that Ye Qingyu already completed. 十日之后离开帝都,是前一日闭关之中叶青羽早已做好的决定。 But before departure, I must see a person......” Ye Qingyu to decide, is flooding the intercourse pedestrian in one, the commerce the lively alley end that goes all out to call, suddenly was similar to mist vanished generally the form. “但在离开之前,我还得去见一个人……”叶青羽似是打定了主意,在一条充斥着往来行人,商贩正在卖力吆喝的热闹小巷尽头,突然如同一阵水雾一般消失了身影。 Royal Family palace west side beyond ten li (0.5km). 皇室宫殿西侧十里之外。 Compares the demeanor of rural fair is lively in the city, this place has the clearly opposite peace and solemnly silent. 相较于城中集市的声色繁华,这个地方却有着截然相反的安宁和肃静。 From street main road branch, but the blue flagstone alley winding twists and turns, after the alley steps onto several hundred meters forward, a temporary palace just like the joy after sorrow generally appears in the end of flagstone alley. 一条从街道大路上分支而出的青石板小路蜿蜒曲折,沿着小路向前走上数百米之后,一座行宫宛如柳暗花明一般出现在了石板小路的尽头。 This palace occupies a land area of about hundred mu, said is the palace, but is more like a courtyard of writer elegant gentleman. 这座宫殿占地约百亩左右,说是宫殿,但更像是一处文人雅士的院落。 Temporary palace most outer layer was covered by pale golden rune formation gently, Sea of Bitterness Stage following Martial Artist is unable to see this concealment in the county fair end palace. 行宫最外层被一层淡金色的符文阵法轻柔笼罩,苦海境以下的武者根本无法看到这座隐匿在市集尽头的宫殿。 Ye Qingyu stands on the last flagstone of blue stone winding path, looks that at present profound pale golden rune looks like fine gauze to past slowly, shows a faint smile, greatly faintly Yu Shi...... Sister of the emperor's mental state, pours really makes one admire.” 叶青羽站在青石曲径的最后一块石板上,看着眼前高深的淡金色符文像一层轻纱正在徐徐流转,不禁微微一笑,“大隐隐于市……长公主的心境,倒真是令人敬佩。” But he at present this palace, is sister of the emperor's temporary palace Quiet Hainan palace 而他眼前这座宫殿,正是长公主的行宫【幽琼宫】 Since came, how not to have come in......” clear gentle sound/noise to accompany the quiet and beautiful flower fragrance zephyr just like one wisp, transmits from the palace deep place without consulting anybody. “既然来了,怎么还迟迟不进来……”清亮温婉的声音宛如一缕伴着清幽花香的徐风,自宫殿深处径自传来。 Meanwhile 与此同时 Sparkling stone light numerous rune formation rippled suddenly gently. 莹光鳞鳞的符文阵法突然轻轻荡漾了起来。 Ye Qingyu front rune fine gauze looks like the banana plant banana leaf that two vertical hang upside down, suddenly lifts toward the two sides upwardly, reveals to carve being in full bloom the log color of rare flower pattern double to open the front door, has channels with one width one meter. 叶青羽面前的符文轻纱像两叶垂直倒挂的芭蕉叶,突然朝着两边向上掀开,露出雕刻着盛开的琼花花纹的原木色双开大门,和一道宽一米有余的通道。 Pouring is really different......” “倒真是别有洞天……” Ye Qingyu looks uniquely this Front door, Cannot help but the heart lives to acclaim. 叶青羽看着这别致的【大门】,不由得心生赞叹。 He along the blue stone alley, Not slow, Not fast walks toward the palace, is sizing up in all directions. 他沿着青石小路,不徐不疾朝着宫殿之中走去,四处打量着。 At present sees, but actually in the past Royal Family palace like that was not resplendent in gold and jade green, the imposing manner was dignified. 眼前所见,倒不似往常的皇室宫殿那般金碧辉煌,气势威严。 The entire palace was revolved by simple red brick [gold/metal], on the red ocher wall wound to climb up the countless deep green vine, served as contrast red green, pours appears these is with the wind light the dance the leaf green jade ** drop. 整个宫殿只是被简单的红砖金瓦围绕起来,红墙上蜿蜒攀爬了不计其数的碧绿藤蔓,红绿相映,倒显得那些随风轻舞的叶子更为翠**滴。 The corner of courtyard, in a half arc fishpond of ten meters square, several red snappers are fishtailing leisurely and carefree, once for a while leaps the water surface, hits a somersault, splashes water splash. 院落的一角,一处十米见方的半弧形鱼池之中,几尾红鱼正在悠闲摆尾,时不时跃出水面,打个跟头,溅起一阵水花。 Walks, only then exactly the same blue flagstone alley of outside with wall, the both sides of road planted completely the rare flower of various color and variety. 一路走来,只有一条与墙外一模一样的青石板小路,路的两旁栽满了各种颜色和品种的琼花。 All rare flowers looked like fine palace lanterns at this time, the calyx have opened slightly the small mouth state-of-art, if had the delicate fragrance that resembled not to linger in the entire courtyard quietly. 所有的琼花此时都像一盏盏精致的宫灯,花苞尖端张开了微微小口,一阵若有似无的幽香悄然萦绕在整个院落之中。 Above palace. 宫殿之上。 A crescent moon of round curved hook does not know when has hung in the vault of heaven. 一轮弯钩似的月牙不知何时已经挂在了天穹之中。 The chilly moonlight is reflecting in the courtyard slightly the rune lantern of illumination, these vine windings, must just like Hanii who just like a piece of dwarf-tree jungle common rare flower complementing charming did not speak. 清冽的月光映着院子里微微发光的符文灯笼,将那些藤蔓缠绕,宛如一片矮树丛林一般的琼花映衬得犹如一个个娇羞不语的月下美人。 Cannot think, in Snow Capital also had such view......” Ye Qingyu to slow down the footsteps, immersed in this noble and pure simple and elegant atmosphere. “想不到,雪京之中还有如此景致……”叶青羽放慢了脚步,沉浸在这高洁清雅的氛围之中。 Did not officially inform one to come ahead of time, hears my tonight's rare flower present auspicious day?” Slowly Master fish Monarch who in a palace end only side hall, an attractive Li's form, comes to person this temporary palace invited. “不提前知会一声就来了,难道是听说我这儿今晚正是琼花一现的好日子?”宫殿尽头唯一的一处偏殿里,一个倩丽的身影徐徐而出,来人正是这行宫的主人鱼君请。 In sister of the emperor palace, links a sergeant to guard unexpectedly does not have......” Ye Qingyu no longer to linger, under the form toward moonlight walked. “长公主这宫殿里,竟然连一个军士守卫都没有……”叶青羽不再流连,朝着月色下的身影走了过去。 I am happy.” The sister of the emperor smiles, on a lavender brocade long skirt, the rare flower competitions of several silver wire descriptions open, lifelike. “我喜静。”长公主莞尔一笑,一袭淡紫色锦缎长裙上,几朵银线描绘的琼花竞相开放,栩栩如生。 ...... …… In side hall. 偏殿之中。 In the square main hall, is quite spacious, the extremely simple layout and arrangement, pour are more like a residence of writer at ease. 四四方方的大殿里,极为空旷,极为简朴的布局和陈设,倒更像是一个闲散文人的居所。 Only then on the southwest two walls is hanging several rare flower picture scrolls are lifelike, are sending out a faint trace full of vitality. 只有西南两面墙上挂着的十几幅琼花画卷惟妙惟肖,散发着一丝丝勃勃生机。 Behind the palace east golden bead curtain, a Dark-red guqin dead silence, seemed waiting for that a Bole intimate friend plays its aspiration. 宫殿东面金色的珠帘后面,一尊暗红色的古琴静默无声,仿佛正在等待一位伯乐知音将它的心声奏响。 A root carving handicraft tea table end of three meters square places the main hall midpoint, several dissimilar in shape and form, like the stump common low log regarding around the tea table, in colored glaze tea on case stage the wisp of light tea rhyme slowly are also fluttering. 一座三米见方的根雕茶几端放在大殿正中央,几个形态各异,像树桩一般的低矮木块围绕在茶几四周,案台上的琉璃茶盏中还有一缕淡淡的茶韵在徐徐飘出。 Sits.” Fish Monarch asked the shallot in long flowing silk inner sleeves long to refer to raises slightly, directional together shape unusual log. “坐吧。”鱼君请水袖之中的青葱长指微微一扬,指向一块形状奇特的木块。 Ye Qingyu looks at the wooden stake of undistinguished appearance, raises a happy expression, resembling has been used to this Princess Snow Country unusual style. 叶青羽看着其貌不扬的木桩,扬起一丝笑意,似是已经习惯了这个雪国公主的奇特风格。 Really......” “果然……” He takes a seat instantaneous felt the mystery of wooden stake, has verified the guess of innermost feelings. 他落座的瞬间感受到了木桩的奥妙,也印证了内心的猜测。 Under the body seems like unadorned, is more like wooden stake that in woods picks everywhere, when approaches Ye Qingyu, transmits the light mild meaning continuously. 身下看似朴实无华,更像是树林中随处捡来的木桩,在靠近叶青羽的时候,源源不绝地传递出淡淡的温润之意。 These strange wooden stakes, favor Martial Artist Cultivation extremely, its mild air/Qi, resembling is one deep murmur the spring, own under enters the four limbs heart, is washing the impurities in hundred human bone meridians. 这几块奇异的木桩,极为利于武者修炼,它那温润之气,似是一泓潺潺清泉,自身下进入四肢心田,洗涤着百骸经络之中的杂质。 It seems like, all exhibitions in this main hall, with the Bright God palace, highly regarded......” Ye Qingyu to receive tea that fish Monarch please hand over, is feeling the cup wall toward warming up of fingertip transmission, the instantaneous heart has slid a filament for the happy feeling. “看来,这大殿之中的一切陈列,都与光明神殿中的一样,不可小觑啊……”叶青羽接过鱼君请递来的茶盏,感受着杯壁朝着指尖传递的温热,瞬间心头滑过一丝极为舒畅的感觉。 After several exchanged greetings. 几句寒暄之后。 Then, how do you plan?” Sister of the emperor wrist turns, azure faints Flashed, two sapphire small cups of palm of the hand sizes appear in her hands. “接下来,你是怎么打算的?”长公主手腕一翻,青晕一闪,两个巴掌大小的青玉小盅出现在她的手中。 I prepare ten days later leaves Snow Capital.” Ye Qingyu received a winecup, pours out one glass of liquor without consulting anybody. “我准备十天之后离开雪京。”叶青羽接过其中一个酒盅,径自斟上一杯酒。 The wine shortly the store front will come, the air/Qi of this elegantly simple flower fragrance, in the rare flower fragrance with courtyard was formerly exactly the same. 酒香顷刻铺面而来,这淡雅的花香之气,与先前院落之中的琼花香气一模一样。 Moreover, this is scattering in the clear wine of rich wine, is actually containing pure incomparable spirit energy. 不仅如此,这飘散着浓郁酒香的清酒之中,竟然蕴含着精纯无比的灵气 The wine entrance, instantly changes to a continuously energy to converge in all the limbs and bones. 酒浆入口,即刻化作一缕缕能量汇入四肢百骸之中。 Sees with own eyes a wisp of pleasantly surprised color in Ye Qingyu facial features, fish Monarch please show several points of self-satisfied happy expression, „...... This Qiong Yuxian ferments But the Snow Country rare valuable thing, is from the rare flower that in my institute is in sole possession, glycol honey thick liquid modulation in stamen and pistil when putting, during one year also only then less than ten bottles, today, is cheap your boy.” 眼见叶青羽眉眼之中的一缕惊喜之色,鱼君请露出几分得意的笑意,“哈哈……这【琼玉仙酿】可是雪国的稀世珍品,取自我院中独有的琼花,在盛放时花蕊之中的甘醇蜜浆调制,一年之中也不过只有不足十瓶,今天,便宜你小子了。” After saying, she stretches out water onion long to refer to has stroked the bottle mouth gently, brown boasting Feng Zhi instantly melts, the wine flutters immediately completely the entire side hall. 说完之后,她伸出水葱长指轻轻拂过瓶口,褐色的牛皮封纸即刻化开,酒香立即飘满整个偏殿。 Fish Monarch please empty grasp the winecup, raises head drinks, the stance is quite natural elegantly. 鱼君请虚握酒盅,仰头一饮,姿态极为潇洒飘逸。 This appearance, this manner, actually with that day bamboo grove in the peerless appearance that to one's heart's content drinks to heart's content somewhat is quite similar...... 这模样,这神态,倒是与那日竹林之中的纵情畅饮的绝世容颜颇有几分相似…… Ye Qingyu is startled slightly, immediately shook the head gently, smiles helplessly, „after I leave Snow Capital, first goes to Deer City to have a look at White Deer Academy and recent situation of Ye Mansion people, afterward transfers to Youyan Pass again, meets the military compound old friend.” 叶青羽微微一怔,随即轻轻摇了摇头,无奈一笑,“我离开雪京之后,先去鹿鸣郡城看看白鹿学院叶府众人的近况,随后再转至幽燕关,会一会军营故人。” Then......” fish Monarch please gently be rocking the sapphire winecup, resembling is interested in his following traveling schedule. “然后呢……”鱼君请轻轻晃动着青玉酒盅,似是对他接下来的行程更感兴趣。 Then goes south from Youyan Pass, in visiting area south of Yellow River Three Sects Three Schools, hidden world Sect in some Snow Country.” Ye Qingyu looks in front liquor slightly flood the silver star light wine, looking pensive. “接下来从幽燕关一路南下,拜访中原境内的三宗三派,还有一些雪国之中的隐世宗门。”叶青羽看着面前酒盏之中微微泛着银色星光的酒浆,若有所思。 Tianlong must reveal the fang...... fish Monarch please with a smile to nod finally, opens mouth attracts, a wisp of immortal ferments such as the transparent spirit snake to emerge in her mouth. “天龙终于要露出獠牙了……”鱼君请含笑点头,张嘴一吸,一缕仙酿如透明的灵蛇涌入她的嘴中。 Now Snow Country general situation, although is steady, but the Jiang Hu situation undercurrent surges as before, my these time visited the past, naturally must clean up these astatic influences well, here integrated under these Sect strength the Snow Country dominant domain all.” In the Ye Qingyu eye the star light twinkle, after has solved the Jiang Hu situation, I also planned that four territory Demon Court have a look.” “现在雪国大局虽稳,但江湖局势依旧暗潮涌动,我这一次一路拜访过去,自然是要将那些不安定的势力好好清理一遍,借此机会将这些宗门实力尽数纳入雪国的统治版图之下。”叶青羽眼中星芒闪烁,“解决了江湖局势之后,我还打算去四域妖庭看看。” After the one breath following all itineraries will say, Ye Qingyu also puts down liquor, gasping attracts, on the tea table wisp of fine wine in winecup then resembles by the strange strength hauling, slides into his mouth vividly. 一口气将接下来的所有行程安排都说出来之后,叶青羽也放下酒盏,张口一吸,茶几上酒盅里的一缕琼浆便似是被奇异的力量牵引,跃然而出,滑入他的口中。 Fish Monarch of tea table opposite eye pupil circulation please put down the Qingyu winecup in hand slightly, has stood up without consulting anybody the body, walked toward the main hall entrance that the moonlight falls in torrents, „was this you days in the result that crown prince temporary palace discussed?” 茶几对面眼眸微微流转的鱼君请放下手里的青羽酒盅,径自站起了身子,朝着月色倾泻的大殿门口走了过去,“这就是你们前几日在太子行宫里商讨的结果?” Ye Qingyu sits well on the wooden stake as before, back to that moonlight under dust refined celestial or angelic appearance back, slight bow. 叶青羽依旧端坐在木桩上,背对着那个月色下出尘脱俗的仙姿背影,微微点了点头。 After several rests are silent. 几息沉默之后。 By your strength , was really capable of such doing these matters, but, must be careful some......” the beautiful back under moonlight to open the mouth slowly, the spoken language was light, even did not have obvious tonality fluctuating, you also were really likely that person...... In the past he went to sweep these rebellion influences one by one time, I so am big like present Xing'er......” “以你的实力,也确实有这样的能力去做这些事了,只不过,一定要小心谨慎些……”月色下的秀丽背影徐徐开口,言语平淡,甚至没有明显的音调起伏,“你还真是像那个人……当年他去逐一扫荡那些叛乱势力的时候,我就像现在的杏儿这么大……” A filament has slid the Ye Qingyu heart for the complex mood. 一丝极为复杂的情绪滑过叶青羽的心头。 He naturally knows, in sister of the emperor mouth That person Is, as if his effect on the entire Snow Country life, ingrained to each heart of hearts of high-level thumb, became one type nearly existence in belief. 他自然知道,长公主口中的【那个人】是谁,仿佛他对整个雪国命脉的影响,已经根深蒂固到每一个高层巨擘的内心深处,成为一种近乎于信仰的存在。 On the same day you have said that after I enter the priest temple once again, the matters must say to me that what matter is?” The Ye Qingyu vision falls on the rune candlestick on tea table. “当日你说过,等我再度进入祭司神殿之后,有一件事情要对我说,到底是什么事情?”叶青羽眼光落在茶几上的符文烛台上。 In jet black Hualien candlestick, only then a wick glitters the flame that slightly is moving full. 漆黑的花莲烛台之中,只有一线灯芯微微闪烁着盈动的火光。 You are in the temple, what there is to harvest?” The sister of the emperor has not turned head, as if as in looking up to dim moonlight above clouds. “你在神殿之中,有什么收获吗?”长公主并未回头,似乎依旧在仰望着云霄之上的朦胧月色。 Ye Qingyu nodded gently, immediately actually shakes the head, some, but...... As before not too bright......” 叶青羽轻轻点了点头,随即却又摇摇头,“有一些,但……依旧不太明朗……” Fish Monarch please slowly nod, finally has transferred the body, as if by the Qing indifferent pupil of moonlight invasion, was looked is tall and straight to the physique at present, the black hair such as the back of waterfall, has an important matter, in entire Heaven Wasteland Domain, temporarily also only then I know...... domain stone gate after you walk, restarted crosses......” 鱼君请缓缓点了点头,终于转过身子,仿佛被月光侵染的清冷眼眸,看向眼前身姿挺拔,黑发如瀑的背影,“有件重要的事情,整个天荒界中,暂时还只有我一个人知道……界域石门在你们走之后,曾经重新启动过……” What?!” The Ye Qingyu facial color is startled. “什么?!”叶青羽面色一惊。 Fish Monarch please turns back by the tea table, while said the process of matter at a moderate pace. 鱼君请一边走回茶几旁,一边不紧不慢地说出事情的经过。 Originally in Ye Qingyu and Yu Xiao Xing leave one month after Heaven Wasteland Domain, in stone gate once was known as that is young expert of domain alliance special envoy, without alarming anybody, enters to Heaven Wasteland Domain. 原来在叶青羽鱼小杏离开天荒界之后的一个月,石门之中曾有一个号称是界域联盟特使的年轻强者,在没有惊动任何人的情况下,进入到天荒界中。 That said that is the domain alliance Day patrolling special envoy The young people, broke through Formation of my this courtyard very much easily, I do not have responded with enough time that the person stood before me...... His strength,......” fish Monarch above me asked one in eye pupil dignified to reappear gradually, this person, although was young, but the manner was extremely ruthless arrogant, seems insufferably arrogant to all at present, keeps aloof. He looks for me, because I am at present in Heaven Wasteland Domain domain the strength highest person, therefore he comes directly the transmission of order of domain alliance to me.” “那个自称是界域联盟【天巡特使】的年轻人,很轻易就突破了我这院子的结界,我没来得及反应,人就站在我面前了……他的实力,远在我之上……”鱼君请眼眸之中的一丝凝重逐渐浮现出来,“这个人虽然年纪轻轻,但态度极其蛮狠傲慢,仿佛对眼前所有一切都不可一世,高高在上。他来找我,因为我是目前天荒界界域实力最高的人,所以他过来直接将界域联盟的命令传达给我。” ----------- ----------- On Saturday the date renewal was late , because accompanied the wife to window-shop...... 520 had not indicated that therefore the fate is very miserable, after brothers, has married, must pay attention 周六日更新晚了点,是因为陪媳妇逛街去了……520没有表示,所以下场很惨,兄弟们以后结婚了,一定要注意啊
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