IGE :: Volume #7

#628: Again to Two River Group

If such as Yu Jun Han said that he is really his son, then in other words, oneself are that unparalleled form son...... But why can he get rid of itself and wife leaves Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland)? 若是如鱼君寒所说,自己真的是他的儿子的话,那么也就是说,自己就是那位盖世身影的儿子……可是他为什么要抛弃自己和妻子离开天荒呢? In this, Ye Qingyu has not thought through throughout, during is faint, does not dare going into seriously many, guesses absurdly, lest misses. 在这一步上,叶青羽始终没有想通,隐隐之中,也不敢多过深究,妄自揣测,唯恐错过。 Even if now muddled, felt better to think mistakenly anything, initiated the misunderstanding...... 哪怕现在糊涂,也好过想错了什么,引发误会…… That, the parents in my childhood memory, what's the matter......” Ye Qingyu recalled in the past Deer City Ye Mansion, once devotedly taught itself, loved own parents. “那么,我童年记忆之中的父母,到底是怎么回事……”叶青羽又回忆起了昔日鹿鸣郡城叶府之中,曾经悉心教导自己,疼爱自己的父母。 His corners of the mouth raise one slightly , if there is happy expression that resembles not to have. 他的嘴角微微扬起一丝若有似无的笑意。 As if has remembered that several years of warm and peaceful years, mother genial breeze common smiling face. 仿佛想起了那几年温暖又安宁的岁月,还有母亲和煦微风一般的笑脸。 The recollection arrived at the parents to be the victim suddenly, when the aura was weak. 回忆突然到了父母遭人暗算,气息微弱之际。 The father when the final one breath, was having army medal by oneself, seeks the answer to the Royal Family's Ancestral Land priest temple, but these pictures, had not actually revealed all riddles. 父亲在最后一口气的时候,让自己带着军功章,到皇室祖地的祭司神殿里来找答案,但这些画面,却并没有揭开所有的谜团。 Ye Qingyu also gently sighed. 叶青羽又轻轻叹了口气。 All pictures that formerly saw, not only has not solved own life experience riddle, instead were many several heavy dense fog, making own train of thought more chaotic. 先前所见的一切画面,不仅没有解开自己的身世谜团,反而多了几重迷雾,让自己思绪更加混乱了。 He deeply has breathed several rests same place, attempts the revolution Nameless Mantra peaceful mind, combs the mentality, but these complex clues look like the mess intertwine in his mind, no matter how what he ponders diligently, does not have the clue as before. 他原地深深呼吸了几息,试图运转无名心法安宁心神,梳理思路,但这些复杂的线索就像是乱麻纠结在他的脑海里,任他如何冥思苦想,依旧是毫无头绪。 Before father just before the end, clearly said that here has the truth. 父亲临终前,分明说,这里有真相。 But now...... 可是现在…… In temple, other clue?” In Ye Qingyu strong center of pressure is tired of intent, sizes up the entire temple once more carefully. “难道神殿之中,还有别的线索?”叶青羽强压心中的一丝烦意,再次仔细打量起整个神殿。 In empty thalamium, only then ice-cold jet black stone wall, in addition, does not have other again. 空荡荡的内室之中,只有冰冷漆黑的石壁,除此之外,再无其他。 After inspect one by one, he does not have what harvest as before. 一圈圈逐一检视之后,他依旧没有什么收获。 one hour in the past. 半个时辰过去。 It seems like...... Here already not any answer and clue......” Ye Qingyu lost unavoidably. “看来……这里已经没有任何答案和线索了……”叶青羽不免一阵失落。 His wrist shakes, formerly dropped on that drop of blood to stone table immediately from the stone table vividly, flew back to his palm. 手腕一抖,先前滴落到石桌上的那一滴鲜血立即从石桌上跃然而起,飞回到了他的掌心之中。 Bang! 轰! Ye Qingyu front stone table becomes tattered, the ground is scattering one pile of green stones, when all become and come exactly the same. 叶青羽面前的石桌重新变得破破烂烂,地上散落着一堆青色的石头,一切变得和来时一模一样。 army medal floated his top of the head leisurely, brilliance has restrained, only then the weak orange yellow halo sent out several to be light the light mark. 军功章悠悠漂浮到了他的头顶,光华收敛,只有微弱的橙黄色光晕发出几圈淡淡得光纹。 Ye Qingyu turned around to leave the priest temple. 叶青羽转身离开了祭司神殿。 ...... …… In Bright City. 光明城中。 The weather is gradually late, today's red cloud sunset glow is together the marvelous sight. 天色渐晚,今日的红云晚霞似是一道奇景。 50% sky as before sunny clear, deep blue like water, but the other half cloud layer, was actually splashed by the blood just like a cotton, incarnadine half sky. 一半的天空依旧晴朗清晰,湛蓝如水,而另一半云层,却宛如朵朵棉花被鲜血泼洒,染红了半片天空。 Ye Qingyu has fed some immortal dew fresh fruits to the Manchurian crane, Manchurian crane was feels him at this time the complex train of thought that head rest in his ear side, with him affectionate some little time. 叶青羽给仙鹤喂了些仙露鲜果,仙鹤似是感受到了他此时复杂的思绪,将头枕在他耳侧,与他亲昵了好一会儿。 Horizon last removes luminously, when the dark blue dim light of night smears the sky gradually, he gives the soldier in bright armed soldier camp to take away the rest the Manchurian crane, immediately he alone turns around, changes to together silver Flowing Light, returned to the Bright God palace. 天边最后一丝光亮褪去,深蓝的夜色渐渐抹上天空时,他才将仙鹤交给光明甲士营的士兵带去休息,随即他独自转身,化作一道银色流光,回到了光明神殿之中。 That night, extraordinary peace. 这一夜,出奇的安静。 In Bright City only then the hot leaf was swayed by wind, the nocturne that rustle makes noise plays gently, anybody has not disturbed the person in Bright God palace. 光明城之中只有火树叶被风吹拂,簌簌作响的夜曲轻轻奏响,没有任何人来打扰光明神殿中的人。 In Bright God palace. 光明神殿中。 Ye Qingyu sits cross-legged to sit well on the jade nature stone bed. 叶青羽盘膝端坐在玉质石床上。 In the stone bed an intermittent mild halo, has wrapped his whole person slowly gradually gently. 石床之中一阵阵温润的光晕徐徐而出,逐渐将他整个人轻柔包裹了起来。 His both eyes shut, all clues and trains of thought just like the vine that multiplies the spread crazily, cannot suppress to emerge in Ye Qingyu mind Divine Sense, his Not slow, Not fast expiration and inspiration, holds the Yuan to defend one gently, combs these trains of thought one by one, after Nameless Mantra revolves dozens, the mind has stabilized gradually. 他双眼微闭,所有的线索和思绪宛如疯狂滋生蔓延的藤蔓,不可遏止得涌入叶青羽脑海神识之中,他不徐不疾轻轻吐纳,抱元守一,将这些思绪逐一梳理,无名心法运转数十遍之后,心神逐渐安定了下来。 ...... …… Next afternoon. 次日下午。 Has closed up one day later fully, Ye Qingyu slowly has opened both eyes. 整整闭关了一天之后,叶青羽才缓缓睁开了双眼。 His standing body, stretches four limbs slowly, took a walk slightly several steps, arrived by the stone table. 他缓缓站直身子,舒展四肢,略微走动了几步,来到了石桌旁。 Then......” Ye Qingyu swept universe chart on a stone table, the line of sight fell not well-known alley end a small hall in Snow Capital, the eye pupil moves slightly. “接下来……”叶青羽扫了一眼石桌上的乾坤图,视线落在雪京之中的一条不知名的小巷尽头的小馆,眼眸微微一动。 He walked several steps toward the temple entrance, suddenly during is void resembles wave trace gently together, in an instant his personal appearance vanished in same place. 他朝着神殿门口走了几步,突然虚空之中一道似水波般的纹路轻轻一荡,转眼间他的身形已经消失在了原地。 The temple above a stream of light stroke empties, subsequently vanished in the cloud layer gaps. 神殿上空一道流光划空而过,继而消失在了云层间隙之间。 Alley end. 小巷尽头。 In tea shed. 茶舍之中。 A sinuousness, bamboo grove tea Yuenli of lofty unique as if Tiancheng, the bamboo green jade of sight of green abundancy folded in the screen-like mountain peak, white green two form were embellished two celestial or angelic appearance Li shades in this bamboo grove. 一座曲径通幽,高雅别致宛然天成的竹林茶苑里,绿意盎然的竹翠叠嶂之中,一白一绿两个身影似是被点缀在这片竹林之中的两道仙姿丽影。 Young Master, please.” A boiling tea young girl of emerald green short Chinese-style jacket skirt, skin, if Bai Ru, feature fine like picture, in both eyes mild such as two peerless Mingzhu brilliance past, the physique is graceful, graces, extremely graceful indifferent. 少主,请。”一身翠绿襦裙的煮茶少女,肤若白乳,眉目精致如画,双眼之中温润如两颗绝世明珠光华流转,身姿娉婷,举手投足之间,极为优雅淡然。 This lightly attractive Li's form, is Two River Group President Lang Zhong younger sister, Lang Yong. 这个翩然倩丽的身影,正是两江会会长郎忠的妹妹,郎勇。 But nearby both hands received white jade tea, looks calm, is having a faint trace affable happy expression, in form that drinks tea carefully, formerly did not vanish Ye Qingyu in temple. 而一旁双手接过白玉茶盏,神情自若,带着一丝丝舒缓笑意,正在细细品茗的身影,不就是先前消失在神殿之中的叶青羽 Tea fragrant chilly pleasant, initially Pin Weitian, tastes also the flavor to be mellow, good that really you recommend.” Ye Qingyu puts down tea gently, was feeling rushes the four limbs to return to the heart from the tip of the nose and tip of tongue again carefree, on the face has also shown a relaxed happy expression. “茶香清冽怡人,初品微甜,回味却又韵味醇厚,你推荐的果然不错。”叶青羽轻轻放下茶盏,感受着从鼻端和舌尖涌向四肢再回归心田的畅快,脸上也露出了一丝轻松怡然的笑意。 The knees kneel to sit on the rush cushion of red mark cane system, is acting the court attendant brave look of adept pouring out water Run tea to be serious, seems handling an extremely rigorous matter attentively. 双膝跪坐在红纹藤制的蒲团上,正在动作娴熟的斟水润茶的郎勇神色严肃,仿佛正在全神贯注地做一件极为严谨的事情。 But the hand has among the gutters, the graceful nimble and resourceful tone as if looks like an only visible butterfly, dances in the air the winding in her whole body. 但手起水落之间,优雅灵动的气韵仿佛像一只只有形的蝴蝶,在她的周身飞舞缠绕。 This nearly one year passes, Lang Yong Cultivation Base also arrived at six ten Spirit Spring. 这近一年的时间过去,郎勇的修为也已经到了六十灵泉 Ye Qingyu slight bow. 叶青羽微微点了点头。 It seems like since Ye Qingyu leaves, court attendant handles the Two River Group big or medium business bravely at the same time at the same time, but also gives her in full power assiduous Cultivation Secret Arts. 看来自从叶青羽离开之后,郎勇一边打理两江会大小事务的同时,还在全力刻苦修炼自己交给她秘典 Can on Cultivation to present Realm, think in less than one year also has spent a painstaking care. 能在不到一年的时间里就修炼到现在的境界,想必也是费了一番心血了。 Thinks of here, Ye Qingyu looked up one young girl who concentrated on to pour tea, sighed slightly. 想到这里,叶青羽又抬头看了一眼正在专注斟茶的少女,微微叹了口气。 He took up formerly the court attendant bravely to place jade jue on table conveniently, the fingertip wipes gently, on jade jue the light cyan halo proliferation, above the halo was projecting together densely and numerously in record about this year. 他随手拿起先前郎勇放在桌上的一块玉玦,指尖轻轻一抹,玉玦上一道淡青色的光晕扩散,光晕之上投影着密密麻麻的关于这一年中的记录。 Before set up the unescapable net in Snow Country Royal Family and palace thumb the general situation, must mistrust each other entire Snow Country design, when welled up darkly unceasingly, as branch of Two River Group in imperial capital, Lang Yong and her more than 100 people under walked with difficulty, a danger, has carelessly, instantly the skeleton slightly not saves. 之前在雪国皇室和宫廷巨擘们设下天罗地网的大局,将整个雪国设计得尔虞我诈,暗涌不断时,作为两江会在帝都之中的分支,郎勇和她手下的100多人可谓是步履维艰,一步一险,稍有不慎,即刻尸骨无存。 But now the situation is enlightened, Snow Country Royal Family occupies in Clear Ginger Domain the true leadership to command the status gradually, but Ye Qingyu also because of the Bright City main status, has very special status in Snow Country. 但如今局势开明,雪国皇室逐步占据清姜界中真正的主导统领地位,而叶青羽也因为光明城主的身份,在雪国之中有十分特殊的地位。 From this, even if Ye Qingyu left Heaven Wasteland Domain some time, Two River Group does not have any influence. 由此之后,哪怕叶青羽离开了天荒界一段时间,两江会也丝毫没有任何影响。 Instead because status of Ye Qingyu in imperial capital, terminal velocity of Two River Group during short a half year expands, compared with the past, the strength stride promotion, initially had a stance of side wing. 反而因为叶青羽在帝都之中的身份地位,两江会在短短半年之中极速扩张,与昔日相比,实力大步提升,已经初有一方羽翼的姿态了。 Now in the imperial capital the Two River Group influence, is not imprisoned, even if left Right Minister knows that has existence of Two River Group, has not gotten rid to stop our gather information big and small channel.” Lang Yong both hands hold the tea, look respect to look extremely to Ye Qingyu. “如今帝都之中两江会的势力,丝毫不受禁锢,即便是左右相知道有两江会的存在,也从来没有出手阻拦过我们收集信息的大小渠道。”郎勇双手捧茶,神色极为尊敬得看向叶青羽 Cannot think short over six months, in the imperial capital Two River Group has developed to more than 300 people......” the Ye Qingyu palm empty has grasped, wind path of tea from void in such as along one, has slipped into his palm steadily. “想不到短短半年多,帝都中两江会已经发展到300多人了……”叶青羽手掌虚握,茶盏自虚空中沿着一道如风轨迹,平稳的滑到了他的掌心之中。 Yes, Young Master.” The court attendant brave officer remaining tea leaves residuals of put in a jadeite small bowl, grinds carefully, „before Two River Group the half year expansion, wanted with ease much, many before did not have the channel of method also slowly to have the symptom of opening.” “是的,少主。”郎勇将剩下的茶叶残渣放到一个翠玉小碗里,细细研磨起来,“两江会这半年多的扩张较之前要轻松了不少,许多之前毫无门路的渠道也慢慢有了打开的苗头。” Um, this was very good.” Ye Qingyu caresses gently touches mild such as tea of fat, feels continuously warm feeling that the fingertip is transmitting, today I come, mainly has a matter to need you to act for me.” “嗯,这样已经很好了。”叶青羽轻柔抚触温润如脂的茶盏,感受着指尖传来的一缕缕暖意,“今日我来,主要是有个事情需要你替我出面。” Young Master please tell.” Lang Yong instantly puts down the bowl and pineapple wooden bat in hand, turns around to look seriously to Ye Qingyu. 少主请吩咐。”郎勇即刻放下手中的茶碗和黄梨木棒,转身严肃地看向叶青羽 You choose 100 in Snow Country below ten years old, perception, martial arts talent and root bone all in first-grade above youth, three months later, delivers to Bright City.” Ye Qingyu returns the tabletop jade jue in hand gently, the rune halo the dissipation does not see immediately. “你在雪国之中挑选100名十岁以下,悟性、武道天赋、根骨皆在一等以上的少年,三个月后,送到光明城中。”叶青羽轻轻将手中的玉玦放回桌面,符文光晕也随即消散不见。 Yes, Young Master.” The court attendants cup one hand in the other across the chest to be ordered bravely. “是,少主。”郎勇拱手受命。 Moreover, I gave your purple light to confuse trace Secret Arts before, your Cultivation how......” Ye Qingyu has shown a faint smile. “另外,我之前交给你的紫霞迷踪秘典,你修炼的怎么样了……”叶青羽微微一笑。 Court attendant brave no talent, although the half year time trains hard day and night, but this month as if had met recently the bottleneck, how regardless of diligently, is unable to obtain the breakthrough......” this time court attendant to resemble bravely but is actually recovery a young girl had the angry appearance that the corners of the mouth cast aside slightly, in eye an unwilling and angry meaning. “郎勇不才,虽然这半年多的时间日夜苦练,但最近这一个月似乎遇到了瓶颈,无论怎么努力,都无法获得突破……”此时的郎勇倒似是恢复了一丝少女才有的恼怒模样,嘴角微微一撇,眼中一阵不甘和气恼之意。 You display style cultivation technique that the present comprehends, I help you have a look.” Ye Qingyu Not slow, Not fast drinks completely the green tea, still smiles. “你把现在领悟到的招式功法都施展一遍,我帮你看看。”叶青羽不徐不疾饮尽清茶,犹自一笑。 In Lang Yongyan flashed through a happy expression, the Young Master implied meaning must direct itself, such opportunity for her, simply was extremely precious. 郎勇眼中闪过一丝喜色,少主言下之意是要指点自己了,这样的机会对她来说,简直是太过珍贵。 She has stood immediately immediately, the personal appearance moves, the light cyan personal appearance changes to together the whereabouts path extremely strange double image together instantaneously, in the bamboo groves just like multi-colored sunlight breeze, puts on Lin Saoye. 她随即立刻站了起来,身形一动,一道淡青色的身形瞬间化作一道行踪轨迹极为诡异的重影,在竹林之间宛如一阵霞光微风,穿林扫叶。 So that's how it is...... However...... Worthily is the high-grade perception, only depends on own comprehension, has about touched this cultivation technique essence.” Ye Qingyu calmly looks form that in the bamboo groves shuttles back and forth, slight bow. “原来如此……不过……不愧是超等悟性,仅凭自己的领悟,就已经大致触摸到这部功法的精髓了。”叶青羽静静地看着竹林之间穿梭的身影,微微点了点头。 In following time, whenever Lang Yong the style appears fills, Ye Qingyu at the right moment proposes 0.1, a character word, is this cultivation technique most deep meaning and profound essence. 接下来的时间里,每当郎勇的招式出现顿塞,叶青羽就适时提0.1句,一字一言,皆是这部功法最为奥义和高深的精髓。 But the court attendant with the superelevation perception, achieves mastery through a comprehensive study bravely immediately, displays, the personal appearance between bamboo groves is getting quicker and quicker, accomplishes a task with ease more and more. 而郎勇凭着超高悟性,立即融会贯通,加以施展,竹林之间的身形越来越快,越来越游刃有余。 After half stick of incense. 炷香之后。 Court attendant brave personal appearance Flashed, as if blue gauze of a wisp of winding on bamboo, finally pulled out in the bamboo groves. 郎勇身形一闪,仿佛一缕缠绕在竹子上的青纱,终于被抽离竹林之间。 Thanks Young Master!” She falls by the root carving handicraft tea sea of millennium old tree steadily, looks the color of great happiness, holds the fist in the other hand to kneel. “谢谢少主!”她稳稳落在千年古树的根雕茶海旁,面露大喜之色,抱拳跪地。 After the direction of Young Master, this time court attendant bravely just likes universality of contradictions, all obscure places obtain the sudden enlightenment, and comprehension of these half Incense time, already exceeded her alone to ponder over Cultivation that over six months harvest. 经过少主的指点,此时的郎勇犹如茅塞顿开,所有的晦涩之处都获得顿悟,且这半柱香时间的领悟,早已胜过了她独自琢磨修炼那半年多的收获。 The Ye Qingyu personal appearance falls at her front stone table slowly, the corners of the mouth raise, Bai Yi (white-clothed) floating, the black hair flutters, just like exiling immortal. 叶青羽身形缓缓落在她面前的石桌旁,嘴角微扬,白衣飘然,黑发轻扬,宛如谪仙。 „A matter needs you to manage, you subpoenaed to Lang Zhong, after ten day, I must return to Deer City.” Ye Qingyu holds void gently, Lang Yong had been towed by an invisible strength. “还有一件事需要你去办,你传讯给郎忠,十日后我要返回鹿鸣郡城一趟。”叶青羽虚空轻轻一扶,郎勇已经被一股无形的力量牵引了起来。 Yes, Young Master, I later give the elder brother on the pass on message.” Court attendant brave slight bow. “是,少主,我稍后就传讯给哥哥。”郎勇微微点头。 Was right, you also tidy up, goes back with me together, was so long, should see your elder brother.” Ye Qingyu said these words time, turned around to walk toward the tea shed out. “对了,你也收拾收拾,跟我一起回去吧,这么久了,也该见见你哥哥了。”叶青羽说这句话的时候,已经转身朝着茶舍门外走去。 Spotless Bai Yi (white-clothed) swings along with the breeze gently, the increasingly estranged back is similar to by cool breeze is blown off, after several, vanished in front of tea shed. 一尘不染的白衣随着微风轻轻摆动,渐行渐远的背影如同被一阵清风吹散,几步之后,已经消失在了茶舍门前。 But the court attendant in bamboo grove shows a gratified happy expression bravely, in the eye somewhat is slightly moist, thanks Young Master......” 而竹林之中的郎勇露出一丝欣慰的笑意,眼中微微有些湿润,“谢谢少主……” -------- -------- First. 第一更。
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