IGE :: Volume #7

#627: Is ...

very strong!” Ye Qingyu looks at the present picture, facial color is quite astonished. 好强!”叶青羽看着眼前的景象,面色极为惊异。 In the picture the form of unceasing showdown lets his first time feel the strength that true peak expert sends out, in his heart surges unceasingly tuck dive war intent, the whole body is sending out a silver halo of Bo Rusha account faintly. 画面之中不断对决的身影让他第一次感受到真正的巅峰强者所散发的力量,他心中不断涌动着翻腾的战意,周身隐隐发出一层薄如纱帐的银色光晕。 At this moment 就在这时 In the forms of dozens different races has a Human Race form to emerge gradually. 数十个不同种族的身影之中有一个人族身影逐渐脱颖而出。 Is he in the Ye Qingyu eye flashes through surprised. “是他”叶青羽眼中闪过一丝惊讶。 At present that yuan qi rises suddenly just like extinguishing the world Asura's form, that formerly in two pictures presented unparalleled expert that jumps from the stone. 眼前那个元气暴涨宛如灭世修罗的身影,正是先前两次画面之中出现的那位从石头里蹦出来的盖世强者 These fragment general pictures, are one type in his heart are been as before vacant by memory playbacking that rune formation stores up one piece, but seemed in the numerous misgivings moves the thing of 1-star least bit. “难道这些碎片一般的画面,是一种被符文阵法储存起来的记忆回放”他心中依旧茫然一片,但又好似在重重疑云之中触碰到了一星半点的东西。 As in the showdown has expert to drop down unceasingly, formerly dozens units place Alien race expert connected the casualties to fall falls the summit, after final several fragment pictures flashed through, on the summit of Divine Mountain, only then two forms stood erect not but actually. 随着对决之中不断有强者倒下,先前的数十个位异族强者接连伤亡摔落山巅,最终几个片段画面闪过之后,神山之巅上,只有两个身影屹立不倒。 And one, is that Human Race unparalleled expert. 其中一个,便是那位人族的盖世强者 But another, is a personal appearance is huge, the outline seems the Alien race form. 而另一位,则是一个身形庞大,轮廓好似异族的身影。 Although that Alien race distinguishes not Islamic is the appearance, but green yuan qi flame of whole body sending out. 那位异族虽然辨不清真是面貌,但浑身散发的青色元气火焰。 In the green flame Dark-red just like flaminging to build up the electric light that the dance surges like lightning, seems an only sharp talons sawtooth, toward in all directions crazy swallowing worry, imposing manner extremely bone-chilling cold scary. But during his whole body is void, is void by the tyrannical incomparable strength distortion bend, all rays when leaving he one zhang (3.33 m) far distance had washed out the motley fragmentary luminous spot by the invisible strength. 青色的火焰之中暗红色宛如炽炼闪电般狂舞涌动的电光,好似一只只锋利的钩爪锯牙,朝着四面八方疯狂的吞噬撕咬,气势极为凛冽骇人。而他的周身虚空之中,所有的虚空正在被强横无匹的力量扭曲弯折,所有的光线在离他一丈远的距离时已经被无形的力量冲散成斑驳零星光点。 What is more terrorist, the strength of that oppression, penetrates the light screen picture unexpectedly faintly toward the Ye Qingyu suppression. 更为恐怖的是,那股压迫之力,竟然隐隐透过光幕画面朝着叶青羽镇压而来。 Ye Qingyu felt once more watched the first picture time, that suffocating pressure. 叶青羽再次感觉到了观看第一幅画面时候,那种令人窒息的压力。 He has to revolution cultivation technique, resist this pressure once more, can continue downward to look. 他不得不再次运转功法,抵抗这种威压,才能继续往下看去。 This Alien race strength, as if “这个异族实力,似乎更强一些” The constriction that Ye Qingyu is feeling the heart faintly suppress, looks the green brilliance that blade arrogance soars to the heavens, is worried. 叶青羽感受着心头被隐隐镇压的压迫感,看着那一刀气焰冲天的青色光耀,不免担心起来。 But when waits for him to try to see clearly that two forms diligently the concrete appearance, the picture again blurred, all Divine Mountain, the fog as well as these forms again disappeared in the light screen. 可是等他试图努力看清楚那两个身影的具体模样时,画面再一次模糊了起来,所有的神山,云雾以及那些身影都再一次消失在了光幕之中。 Finished? Fourth had also ended, can be one group of dense fog that Alien race form, can actually be who?” Ye Qingyu sighed slightly, perhaps in his heart had the answer that oneself have thought that but how is unable the assured truth. “又结束了?第四幅也结束了,可以就是一团迷雾那异族的身影,究竟会是谁?”叶青羽微微叹息,也许他心中有了自己所想的答案,但又无法笃定真相到底如何。 Such grace and talent, such bearing, who is he? 那样的风华,那样的神姿,他到底是谁? Among the Ye Qingyu absent-minded moments, above the jade nature stone table, in the light screen has glittered suddenly. 叶青羽失神的片刻之间,玉质石桌之上,光幕之中突然又重新闪烁了起来。 The fifth picture appeared. 第五幅画面出现了。 „” He fixes the eyes on to focus attention on immediately, tries to see clearly the result of that peak showdown. “难道”他立刻定睛注目,试图看清楚那一场巅峰对决的结果。 However at present sees actually no longer is the picture of summit of Divine Mountain. 然而眼前所见却已经不再是神山之巅的景象。 The new picture appears suddenly. 新的画面骤然出现。 In this time fragment, as before is an unrivalled tangled warfare, what and was formerly different, this fights that the unparalleled form that jumps from the stone, after suffering besieging of major Alien race, carries the severe wound, the whole body is bathed in blood 这一次的片段之中,依旧是一场旷世混战,但与先前不同的是,这一战中的那位从石头里蹦出来的盖世身影,在遭受各大异族的围攻之后,身负重伤,浑身浴血 „Did he die?” Ye Qingyu heart one tight. “难道他死了?”叶青羽心头一紧。 He identifies carefully is encircled, that form that reaches the converging attack impass. 他仔细辨认着在被团团围住,陷入夹击僵局的那个身影。 Roar! 吼! In the picture spreads Shi Po a startled day suddenly the whooshing sound. 画面之中突然传出一声石破惊天的嘶吼声。 The when solemnness and stirring and sad and shrill of this sound/noise, exceed strength of beforehand these Alien race by destruction. 声音的悲壮和凄厉,更胜过之前那些异族被覆灭时的力量。 Is that unparalleled form sends out! 是那个盖世身影发出的! The Ye Qingyu brow closely wrinkled. 叶青羽眉头紧紧皱了起来。 Suddenly unparalleled form Golden Light in picture rises suddenly, he found a slit in the tangled warfare, jumps to leap, the foot pedal is void, unarmed in toward void has ripped. 突然画面之中的盖世身影金芒暴涨,他在混战之中找到一丝缝隙,纵身一跃,脚踏虚空,徒手朝着虚空之中的一处撕了过去。 Hissing! 嘶! The void in as if together cloth, stiffly was ripped open one to mix with the crack of air/Qi of chaos by the both hands of unparalleled form suddenly. 虚空之中突然仿佛一块布匹,被盖世身影的双手硬生生撕开了一道夹杂着混沌之气的裂缝。 But the unparalleled form by form Flashed of bloody water invasion, vanished in the cracks suddenly slightly. 而盖世身影被血水侵染的身影突然微微一闪,消失在了裂缝之间。 Ran away?” Why does not know, seeing that unparalleled form to vanish in the void crack, Ye Qingyu closely is clutching the heart relaxed unexpectedly. “逃了?”不知道为什么,看见那个盖世身影消失在虚空裂缝中,叶青羽紧紧揪着的心蓦地放松了下来。 Just, can unarmed rip open together the void crack unexpectedly, his strength, actually strong? 只不过,竟然可以徒手撕开一道虚空裂缝,他的实力,究竟有多强? This time he looks at the chaos caused by war picture that gradually vanishes, in the heart is also chaotic, imitated in the benevolence one group of windings by the jute yarn that must be in utter confusion to be wrapped. 此时的他看着逐渐消失的战乱画面,心中也跟着混乱起来,仿佛心上被一团缠绕得凌乱不堪的麻线包裹了起来。 This?” In the Ye Qingyu heart doubts, still makes noise. “这是哪?”叶青羽心中一疑,犹自出声。 The present picture has not vanished thoroughly, but the shape transferred a place, the unparalleled form reappeared in completely strange domain. 眼前的画面并没有彻底消失,只是像转了一个地方,盖世身影重新出现在了一个完全陌生的界域之中。 This piece of domain likely is one without opening up wasteland Desert jungle, seems primitive, desolated, the sandstorm is billowing, everywhere Huang Yun. 这一片界域像是一个未经开垦的荒漠丛林,看上去原始,荒芜,风沙滚滚,漫天黄晕。 This picture, makes Ye Qingyu not extinguish actually somewhat sobs. 这片景象,倒是让叶青羽不灭有些唏嘘。 Strives for hegemony from the world, to entering desolated miserable domain, what this unparalleled form exactly had? 从天下争雄,到进入一个荒芜凄凉的界域,这个盖世身影到底发生了什么? Why will he be besieged by Alien race repeatedly? 为什么他会一再被异族围攻? In light screen. 光幕之中。 The following picture no longer links up, is only some shatter scattered memory sections. 接下来的画面不再连贯,只是一些破碎零散的记忆截点。 First a chart, was the severely wounded weak under unparalleled form has met a Human Race nomadic team in Desert. 首先一幅图,是重伤虚弱之下的盖世身影在荒漠之中遇到了一个人族的游牧队伍。 But the second picture, is the unparalleled form places in the account camp of Human Race move about team, raises glass to speak freely with several Human Race young Martial Artist. 而第二幅画面,则是盖世身影身处人族游牧队伍的帐营之中,与几个人族的年轻武者举杯畅谈。 Evidently, was they have saved him Ye Qingyu looking pensive. “看样子,是他们救了他”叶青羽若有所思。 The next picture appeared, under starry sky dim light of night, in that nomadic team Patriarch daughter, she head rest on the shoulder of matchless hero 紧接着下一幅画面出现了,星空夜色下,那支游牧队伍之中族长的女儿,她将头枕在盖世英雄的肩膀上 In other words, the matchless hero in this domain, has harvested the friendship, has met the love 也就是说,盖世英雄在这个界域里,收获了友谊,也遇到了爱情 Ye Qingyu through the picture of unceasing transformation, guessed all that this unparalleled form experiences. 叶青羽通过不断转变的画面,猜测起这位盖世身影所经历的一切。 The following several pictures flash unusual is quick, some fragments are even written in water. 接下来的几个画面闪动的非常快,有些片段甚至是转瞬即逝。 If not Ye Qingyu holds the breath with rapt attention, concentrates on to integrate Divine Sense, only feared that will miss some information. 若非叶青羽屏息凝神,全神贯注将神识融入其中,只怕会错过一些信息。 In beforehand fragment, unparalleled form injury was serious, loses excessively, in the following several teleportation picture, he in gradual recovery own strength. 之前的片段中,盖世身影已经伤势严重,损耗过度,在接下来几个闪现的画面中,他都在逐渐的恢复自己的实力 However during this long recovery, he gets married to give birth with that Patriarch daughter, and in that originally desolated domain, founds the system that many races have needed, gradually expands a Human Race branch, trains many Human Race masters and expert, by this establishment unsurpassed prestige 不过在这漫长的恢复期间,他与那位族长的女儿成亲生子,并在那个原本荒芜的界域之中,开创了许多种族所需的制度,将一个人族分支逐渐扩大,培养许多人族的高手和强者,以此创立下了无上的威望 The picture stays when even more strong Human Race team and had the domain picture of cities scale suddenly blurred once again. 画面停留在愈加壮大的人族队伍和已经有城镇规模的界域景象时突然再度模糊了起来。 Ye Qingyu stretches out two fingers, has rubbed forehead gently, breathed a sigh of relief slowly. 叶青羽伸出两指,轻轻揉了揉眉心,缓缓舒了口气。 Such long-term Divine Sense high degree of concentration, made him feel a weariness of faint trace unavoidably. 这样长时间的神识高度集中,不免让他感到了一丝丝的疲倦。 After a rest/breath. 一息之后。 In the light screen brilliance flashes suddenly. 光幕之中突然又有一阵光华闪动。 Closes the eyes Ye Qingyu both eyes of rest to open the eyes slightly suddenly greatly, calms down to look carefully toward the light screen. 微微阖眼休息的叶青羽猛然双眼大睁,仔细朝着光幕定神看去。 Bamboo grove a Ye Qingyu facial features wrinkle, resembling is puzzled. “竹林”叶青羽眉眼一皱,似是不解。 At present domain in picture, as if formerly desolated world of that one yellow sands, but becomes the scenery is nimble and resourceful at this time, Between Heaven and Earth seemed infused the brand-new vitality and vigor. 眼前画面之中的界域,似乎还是先前那个一片黄沙的荒芜世界,但此时却变得山水灵动,天地之间仿佛被注入了全新的生机和活力。 Not only there is a fertile farmland jungle, tribe and cities that many Human Race compose. 不但有良田丛林,还有许多人族组成的部落和城镇。 But after picture circulation, gradually stayed in a shade spooky bamboo grove. 而画面流转之后逐渐停留在了一片绿荫幽幽的竹林之中。 Two wear black fine gold [gold/metal] long robe forms entered the line of sight of Ye Qingyu. 两个穿着黑色鎏金长袍的身影进入了叶青羽的视线。 Is unparalleled expert and his wife “是盖世强者和他的妻子” He the unparalleled expert back in picture slightly is at present desolate, is actually passing meaning of the bidding farewell. 他眼前画面中的盖世强者背影略显落寞,却透着一丝诀别之意。 But that is well-dressed, physique is composed, was disclosing faintly the female personal appearance of air/Qi of dignity is sad, in the slurred facial features, can see two lines of clear tears unexpectedly clearly, like the pearl of line, has let fall on the front piece and lawn unceasingly. 而那位衣着华丽,身姿婉约灵动,隐隐透露着威严之气的女子却身形悲戚,模糊不清的面容上,竟然可以清晰地看见两行清泪,像断了线的珍珠,不断垂落到衣襟和草地上。 That baby?” Ye Qingyu doubts. “那个婴儿呢?”叶青羽疑惑不已。 He remembers in a fragment picture that formerly flashed through, after is this unparalleled expert and wife of Human Race tribe gets married, their bosoms are hugging a swaddling clothes baby. 他记得先前闪过的一个片段画面里,是这位盖世强者人族部落的妻子成婚之后,他们的怀里抱着一个襁褓婴儿。 This, very obviously is the picture that leaves, the unparalleled expert form catches up suddenly, a jump is spatial, stands the back in void, desolate, does not abandon, are more, is the silent firmness. 这一幕,很显然是离别的画面,盖世强者的身影骤然发力,一跃升空,站在虚空之中的背影,有一丝落寞,一丝不舍,更多的,是无声的坚决。 Hissing! 嘶! The void end in picture, a space and time crack was ripped open by unparalleled expert forcefully, he has not turned head, not hesitant, personal appearance Flashed, vanished in the crack chaos 画面中的虚空一端,一处时空裂缝被盖世强者强行撕开,他没有回头,没有犹豫,身形一闪,消失在了裂缝混沌之间 The picture on light screen also along with it dim 光幕上的画面也随之黯淡了下来 Later Ye Qingyu waited for several rests/breaths, the light screen that but only remaining Xu Bowei swing, did not have any picture to appear again 之后叶青羽又等了几息,可是只剩下徐波微荡的光幕,再也没有任何画面出现了 Why that unparalleled can expert leave? 那位盖世强者为什么要离开? Why doesn't his wife accompany him to walk together? 他的妻子为什么不陪同他一起走? Is the baby of their arms their children? 他们怀里的婴儿是他们的孩子吗? Where did the child go to? 孩子又去了哪里? Too many suspicion packing in the Ye Qingyu mind, this time his as if in Water Pond that falls into the algae to grow thickly, had been fettered completely. 太多的疑团填充在叶青羽的脑海之中,此时的他仿佛一个跌进水藻丛生的水潭之中,被完全束缚了起来。 Were all these, what telling me? 这一切,到底在告诉我什么? Ye Qingyu looks at the halo that several army medal have mapped, but it as if fell into the strange dreariness, does not have the tiny bit fluctuation to appear again. 叶青羽又看了几眼军功章所映射的光晕,但它似乎陷入了古怪的沉寂之中,再也没有一丝一毫的波动出现。 Peaceful. 安静。 Long-term peace. 长时间的安静。 Ye Qingyu is so tall and straight on the physique, is motionless stands on the spot, as if becomes including the breath quietly inaudible. 叶青羽就那么身姿挺拔,一动不动得站在原地,似乎连呼吸都变得悄不可闻。 A double-hour passed by. 一个时辰过去了。 He recalls all has been presenting the picture in Divine Sense as before unceasingly. 他依旧在神识之中不断地回忆着所有出现过的画面。 In the mind is similar the running lantern, repeatedly, is playbacking these fragments repeatedly. 脑海之中仿佛有一座跑马灯,一遍一遍,反反复复地回放着那些片段。 A Ye Qingyu as if non- swim like a fish person, suddenly has fallen into piece of Ocean. 叶青羽仿佛一个不识水性的人,突然掉进了一片汪洋之中。 Probably can hold anything, anything has not held. 好像能抓住点什么,却又什么都没抓住。 Also after half stick of incense. 又过了半炷香之后。 Before he starts to recall, were struck by lightning by day, during severely wounded stupor, Yu Jun Han had spoken some words. 他开始回忆之前自己被天雷劈中,重伤昏迷期间,鱼君寒曾经说过的一些话。 If she said real, then Yu Jun Han should be in that Human Race tribe the Patriarch daughter, was afterward the Human Race princess “如果她说的都是真的,那么鱼君寒应该就是那位人族部落中族长的女儿,也就是后来人族的公主” Complicated, Ye Qingyu held clues probably finally. 千头万绪之中,叶青羽好像终于抓住了一点蛛丝马迹。 That is very likely, that Human Race tribe, was once the most primitive fish clan tribe, but fish clan with the help of that unparalleled form, rises in domain that they are at that is, today's Heaven Wasteland Domain “那极有可能,那支人族部落,就是曾经最原始的鱼族部落而鱼族在那位盖世身影的帮助下,才崛起于他们所在的界域之中也就是,今天的天荒界 Resembling is in the numerous dense fog, presented a narrow flagstone track gradually, the partly visible road ahead, a Ye Qingyu half step half step discrete and careful in advance makes great strides forward, lest misses anything, or lost the true direction. 似是重重迷雾之中,渐渐出现了一条狭窄的石板小道,若隐若现的前路,叶青羽正一小步一小步谨慎而仔细得超前迈进,唯恐错过什么,或是迷失了真正的方向。 ------------ ------------ Second. 第二更。 Oh, by you were said all day public micro-signal dirt dirty, the assistant younger sister paper that finally said is embarrassed, what to do can leave job? 唉,被你们整天说公众微信号污污污,结果说的助理妹纸不好意思,要离职了怎么办?
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