IGE :: Volume #7

#626: The fourth picture

In the sky, a layer upon layer strong scarlet red cloud overspread entire sky over, during the blood cloud is densely covered, inspires the ear sends deaf bang thunderously, just like the innumerable only ominous beasts with one voice whooshes howls. Purple and golden lightning cloud penetrations, chop toward the earth and mountain foot, such as shocking shells throw down baseless, the giant stone explodes flies, the earth chaps. 天空之中,一层层浓重的血色红云铺满了整个上空,血云密布之中,振耳发聩的轰隆雷鸣,宛如无数只凶兽齐声嘶吼呼啸。一道道紫色和金色的闪电穿云而出,朝着大地和山麓直直劈下,如一颗颗惊世炮弹凭空投下,巨石炸飞,大地皲裂。 In the air the thick cloud is densely covered, Dark-red and black chaos mist interweave the entanglement, subsequently the mutual interference, exudes the sad and shrill strange fricative. 空气之中浓云密布,暗红色与黑色的混沌雾气交织纠缠,继而相互抵触,发出凄厉怪异的摩擦声。 This?” “这是哪儿?” Ye Qingyu looks at this just like the hell battlefield general strange killing territory world, during the shock reveals doubts at present. 叶青羽看着眼前这个宛如地狱战场一般陌生的杀域世界,震惊之中露出一丝疑惑。 Kills!” “杀啊!” Suffers to death!” “受死吧!” In the light screen sky, hears the continuous roaring roaring sound. 光幕天空之中,传来接连不断的怒吼咆哮声。 Innumerable unparalleled expert slaughter in void. 无数的盖世强者在虚空之中厮杀。 Their martial arts Cultivation Base had already gone beyond the limit of Heaven and Earth principle, the thunder and lightning of strength of inspiring innumerable Heaven and Earth chops around them. 他们的武道修为早已超越了天地法则的局限,无数天地之力引动的雷电在他们四周劈下。 Present picture, just like foreign land world the war of Fiendgod. 眼前的景象,宛如一场异域世界的神魔之战。 Slaughters, bloody, frigid...... 杀戮、血腥、惨烈…… These pictures, making the Ye Qingyu throat feel uncomfortable, as if in that moment, places in that Asura purgatory, is looking helplessly these is imminent just like the end, makes the war that Heaven and Earth changes color, within the body aura like was even inspired, gallops raises intermittent dreadful rough sea waves in Dantian World the strength of yuan qi, just like beast of prey Wandering Dragon, leaps up to walk randomly toward his all the limbs and bones, Battle Strength of infinite eruption will be shortly tyrannical. 这些画面,让叶青羽喉头发紧,仿佛自己在那一刻,也身处在那修罗炼狱之中,正眼睁睁看着这一场宛如末日临头,令天地变色的大战,体内气息甚至像是被引动了一样,奔腾在丹田世界之中掀起一阵阵滔天巨浪的元气之力,正如一道道猛兽游龙,朝着他的四肢百骸蹿动游走,一股无限爆发的战力顷刻之间暴虐而起。 But war intent and Power of Laws that in that picture transmits actually resemble are an invisible light mark, blends the absorption from both eyes of Ye Qingyu, in the Divine Sense mind, a strange sublimation is rising suddenly rapidly. 而那画面之中传递的战意和法则之力却似是一道无形的光纹,自叶青羽的双眼之中融汇吸收,神识脑海之中,一种奇异的升华正在迅速暴涨。 Ye Qingyu looks at steadily to observe several hundred forms that above the blood cloud the tangled warfare is slaughtering, including several forms to be most striking. 叶青羽目不转睛观察着血云之上混战厮杀的数百道身影,其中有十几道身影最为醒目。 Human Race, Demon Race and Devil race...... 人族妖族魔族…… Although these several forms locate respectively Alien race, but the whole body surges is being quite profound, strength principle that and even this battlefield Heaven and Earth does not permit. 这十几个身影虽然各处异族,但浑身都涌动着极为高深,乃至这战场天地所不允许的力量法则。 They look like each Alien race god Demon King, grasps the light shining in all directions, mysterious rune blends the god soldier long sword and tomahawk war halberd and other types of weapons sharp knife blade. 他们就像是各个异族的神魔王者,手持光芒四射,奥妙符文融汇其中的神兵长剑、战斧战戟等各种兵戈利刃。 On the armor of each form the different halo luster rune mark is quite profound obscurely, at all likely is not the Ye Qingyu time can have rune formation that. 每个身影的铠甲上不同光晕色泽的符文印记极为高深晦涩,根本不像是叶青羽所处的时代会有的符文阵法 The different rays are similar to gigantic photosphere in their whole bodies, is not only the attack, is the defense, in that split second, they are erupting oneself most perfect Cultivation Base and strength. 不同的光芒在他们的周身如同一个硕大的光球,既是攻击,也是防御,在那一瞬间,他们都爆发着自身最为极致的修为和力量。 Ye Qingyu heart one tight, felt that became including the breath heavy difficult. 叶青羽心头一紧,感觉连呼吸都变得沉重困难了起来。 Even if these pictures are split second teleportation, but he felt just like experiencing personally as before the general oppression and frigidity. 即便这些画面都是一瞬间闪现,但他依旧感觉到了宛如身临其境一般的压迫和惨烈。 Human Race, will never lower the head!” 人族,永不低头!” Trembles the Heaven and Earth roaring sound to spread from the picture sufficiently suddenly. 一个足以震颤天地的怒吼声从画面中骤然传出。 Ye Qingyu opens both eyes, looked toward the picture that roaring to transmit rapidly. 叶青羽睁大双眼,急速朝着怒吼传来的画面看了过去。 In light screen. 光幕之中。 In blood Yun Heiqi, eight glories presently, most striking Human Race form yuan qi rises suddenly for the first time suddenly, erupts to make the acme fine glow that one is unable to watch intently. 血云黑气中,八道光辉乍现,最为醒目的人族身影骤然元气暴涨,爆发出令人无法逼视的极致精芒。 Shortly. 顷刻之间。 In the sky innumerable Alien race exude the sad and shrill deeply grieved roaring sound, the Between Heaven and Earth scarlet red cloud is broken bloody air/Qi to be continuously dizzy in that moment, the sky just like giant rags, the innumerable cracks and cracks was declaring the heroics and pitifulness of war of this end. 天空中无数的异族发出凄厉惨痛的怒吼声,天地之间的血色红云在那一刻被震碎成一缕缕血腥气晕,天空宛如一块巨大的破布,无数裂缝和破洞正在宣示着这一末日之战的壮烈和悲惨。 In whinning and squeal that in innumerable Alien race send out, the orange light screen picture blurred finally...... 在无数异族所发出的哀嚎和尖叫声中,橘黄色的光幕画面终于模糊了下来…… The throat that Ye Qingyu formerly as if tight blocked also suddenly obtained relaxation. 叶青羽先前仿佛被紧紧扼住的喉咙也突然得到了放松。 He gasps for breath in gulps, strength of war intent and yuan qi that tries returning to normal whole body to rise suddenly. 他大口大口喘着气,试图平复浑身暴涨的战意和元气之力。 Although is the illusions, is the drawings, but was really too lifelike, the strength of that Fiendgod battle, as if really penetrated to be the same through the tabletop, the bonus is Ye Qingyu present Cultivation Base, felt palpitation that one has been hard to contain intermittently, if were trades to make other strength to be slightly low a point the person, only feared that was hard to withstand this strength, under Sea of Bitterness Stage, 虽然都是幻象,都是图画,但实在是太逼真了,那种神魔交战的力量,仿佛是真的通过桌面穿透出来一样,饶是叶青羽如今的修为,也感觉到了一阵阵难以遏制的心悸,如果是换做其他实力稍低一点的人,只怕是难以承受这种力量,苦海境之下, Among respites, there is a change to appear. 喘息之间,又有变化出现。 The light screen on jade nature stone table one clears away intermittently, there is a new picture to give birth. 玉质石桌上的光幕一阵阵涤荡,又有新的画面从中生出。 Ye Qingyu facial color one startled, does not dare to neglect, immediately the look is serious, stares at the picture that in the light screen is transmitting carefully. 叶青羽面色一惊,不敢怠慢,立即神色郑重,仔细盯着光幕之中传递出来的景象。 Place that this picture goes, is a dense chaos world. 这一次画面来到的地方,是一片氤氲混沌世界。 The picture as if slaughters Asura battlefield not anything to relate before that type, this is a brand-new world, the entire world seemed covered to wrap by the thick dense air/Qi, even if concentrates on, the congealing rest regards, cannot penetrate the air/Qi of that chaos to see through that world completely the concrete appearance. 画面似乎是与之前那种杀戮修罗战场并无什么关系,这是一个全新的世界,整个世界仿佛被浓厚的氤氲之气笼罩包裹了起来,即便是全神贯注,凝息而视,也不能完全透过那一层混沌之气看穿那个世界的具体模样。 Where is this? Is the ancient times world of when the world first took shape?” “这是哪里?难道是混沌初开的上古世界?” In the Ye Qingyu heart the misgivings raise. 叶青羽心中疑云升起。 At present this similarly strange foreign land world makes Ye Qingyu puzzle completely, 眼前这个同样陌生的异域世界让叶青羽完全迷惑不解起来, Well? That is...... Is what?” “咦?那是……是什么?” Ye Qingyu saw suddenly, in the picture greatly is sending out an intermittent pale golden gloss black stone, in chaos gas spray partly visible. 叶青羽突然看到,画面中一块巨大的散发着一阵阵淡金色光泽的黑色石头,在混沌气雾之中若隐若现。 Stone several thousand meters high, on have the strange mark to wind, seems the blood vessel of life is the same, is shivering slightly, has the strange energy, in these marks wind keep surging, making all marks wind to flicker, looks like strange incomparable. 石头足足有数万米高,上有奇异的纹络,仿佛是生灵的血管一样,在微微地颤动着,有奇异的能量,在这些纹络之间不停地涌动,让所有的纹络忽明忽暗,看起来诡异无比。 Is away from the picture, Ye Qingyu can feel that one suffocating strength, pasts in this stone. 隔着画面,叶青羽都能感觉到一种令人窒息的力量,在这石头之中流转。 This strength, did not compare in that picture, these most expert aura weak many. 这种力量,并不比之前那副画面之中,那些最强者的气息弱多少。 At this moment 就在这时 In picture. 画面之中。 Bang! 轰轰隆隆! The fierce explosive sound resounds. 剧烈的爆炸声响起。 Suddenly soars to the heavens the miraculous glow of sharp sword just like the golden color together, bursts out from the black stone in suddenly, shoots up to the sky. 突然一道宛如金色冲天利剑的灵光,自黑色石头中猛然迸发,冲天而起。 Well?” “咦?” That miraculous glow just likes at present, Ye Qingyu both eyes sudden stabbing pain. 那道灵光犹如就在眼前,叶青羽双目突然一阵刺痛。 This is any strength......” “这到底是什么力量……” Ye Qingyu is startled and doubts. 叶青羽又惊又疑。 By his current Cultivation Base, is unable to look straight ahead that [say / way] strange ray unexpectedly. 以他自己目前的修为,竟然无法直视那道诡异的光线。 Bang! 嘭! The bang resounds from the light screen. 巨响自光幕之中紧接响起。 originally cracks just like Fang seal the heavy stone squarely together suddenly, the crushed stone scatters. 原本四四方方宛如一块方印的厚重石头突然崩裂,碎石四溅。 ! 咻! Among crushed stones, a form just like a lasing of shell of rapid fire in toward sky. 碎石之间,一个身影宛如一颗飞速射击的炮弹朝着天空之中激射而出。 The Ye Qingyu personal appearance shakes. 叶青羽身形一震。 The form of what appearance that completely has not even seen clearly is, jumped unexpectedly from the stone? 那个甚至还没有完全看清楚是什么模样的身影,竟然从石头里蹦出来了? He also wants to see clearly anything again, but the picture blurred. 他还想再看清楚些什么,但画面已经重新模糊了下来。 The second picture scroll finished in light of this. 第二幅画卷就此结束了。 The ripples light screen on jade nature stone table started dimly. 玉质石桌上的涟漪光幕开始黯淡了下来。 „Are these pictures, what meaning?” “这些画面,到底是什么意思?” At once, Ye Qingyu has as if fallen into a dense fog jungle, a black water dye vat, cannot feel the direction completely, could not find any clue. 一时之间,叶青羽似乎掉进了一个迷雾丛林,一个黑水染缸,完全摸不着方向,找不到任何线索。 Between do the first pictures and second pictures, what relations have? 第一个画面和第二个画面之间,到底又有什么样的关系呢? Or are they uninterested? 或者说,它们并无关系? But does not allow him to think, in the light screen suddenly also had the picture to reappear. 但不容他多想,光幕之中突然又有画面浮现了出来。 Ye Qingyu immediately eye pupil Flashed, fixes the eyes on to stare. 叶青羽立刻眼眸一闪,又定睛凝视起来。 Well? This...... Also is the battlefield?” “咦?这……又是战场?” In his heart is startled suddenly. 他心中陡然一惊。 In the third picture, demonstration as before is a battlefield. 第三幅画面上,显示的依旧是一副战场。 Battlefield that but in this picture sees, but actually not formerly Fiendgod tangled warfare. 但这幅画面上所见的战场,倒不似先前的神魔混战。 During sees is only void the innumerably separated broken crack and chaos gas spray appears solemn and stirring and bleak, in the innumerable forms, the yuan qi fluctuation shakes of homochromy departments in the entire space, are not a very fearful chaotic war. 只见虚空之中无数被割裂的残破裂缝和混沌气雾显得悲壮而萧条,无数身影之中,一道道不同色系的元气波动震荡在整个空间之中,是一个很可怕的乱战。 In the battlefield, by the Human Race forms of various airtight Alien race surrounding by an enemy ten thousand, was grasped the long sword, the war kills nine days ten places. 战场之中,一个被密不透风的各种异族包围的人族身影以一敌万,手持长剑,战杀九天十地。 This unparalleled form facing ten places is without turning a hair nine days that he spheres all round, just like extinguishing world Divine King powerful suppression, will be innumerable the matches who surges one after another to cut to decide. 这个盖世身影面对团团将他围住的九天十地面不改色,宛如灭世神王般强势镇压,将无数接连涌起的对手都悉数斩决。 Skeleton to become Hai, unparalleled form foot pedal is void, is near above Yu Shihai, seems the Between Heaven and Earth only invincible unsurpassed King. 尸骸成海,盖世身影脚踏虚空,临于尸海之上,好似天地之间唯一一尊无敌的无上王者。 This unparalleled form, the elegant demeanor is outstanding, peerless Unparalleled. 这个盖世身影,风采卓绝,绝世无双 Although distinguishes is unclear his real personal appearance and appearance, but his tone and spirit, as well as the tyrannical incomparable fight scene, sufficiently feels the imposing manner that his strength of destroying the hardest defenses and conquers the whole world. 虽然辨不清他真实身形和容貌,但他的气韵和气概,以及强横无匹的战斗场面,都足以感受到他的无坚不摧的实力和席卷天下的气势。 His strength, far is higher than too......” “他的实力,远比自己高出太多……” When does not leave are many, Ye Qingyu from the hand of that unparalleled form the sword fell has about found out his Cultivation Base, although is unable to completely understand his concrete strength, but the strength of mortal body or the yuan qi, is much higher than several hundred times. 不出多时,叶青羽已经从那个盖世身影的手起剑落之间大致摸清了他的修为,虽然无法看透他具体的实力,但无论是肉身还是元气之力,都远远高出自己数百倍。 This is he cannot spend the side and imagination martial arts Realm now. 这是他现在所不能度侧和想象的武道境界 This form...... Somewhat to be how similar to the form that in that stone breeds......” “这个身影……怎么会跟那个石头中孕育出来的身影有些相似……” Ye Qingyu suddenly had discovered. 叶青羽突然有所发现。 That form hesitates hesitant in the watertight Alien race influence of encirclement, no longer launches the attack the gap, pours into all strengths to break the chaos gas spray, reluctantly sees clearly a faint trace that unparalleled form. 那身影在围的水泄不通的异族势力踟蹰犹豫,不再发起攻击的间隙,倾注所有的力量破开混沌气雾,才勉强看清一丝丝那个盖世身影。 When he mentioned full power, wants to proceed to go out of a time toward the truth again, the picture stopped suddenly, above the light screen recovery a piece of light wave rippled. 待他提及全力,想朝着真相再往前走出一步的时候,画面戛然而止,光幕之上又恢复了一片光波荡漾。 The third picture ended. 第三幅画面结束了。 Ye Qingyu deeply shouted the tone, surging the strength of yuan qi returned to normal to be peaceful in the breath. 叶青羽深深呼了口气,涌动的元气之力在呼吸之间平复安宁下来。 Do these fights, are actually, where occur? 这些战斗,究竟是什么时候,在哪里发生的? Is that person stays behind? 难道是那个人留下的? Is the form that then in that stone jumps who? 那么那个石头里蹦出来的身影又是谁? Twines complicated in his mind, he could not bear shake the head gently, strongly the attention looks at the light screen again, anticipated that in the light screen can also present some pictures again, gave him some clues. 千头万绪缠绕在他的脑海里,他忍不住轻轻晃了晃头,重新集中注意力看着光幕,期待光幕中还能再出现一些画面,多给他一些线索。 Will have the fourth picture? 会有第四幅画面吗? Ye Qingyu is anticipating. 叶青羽期待着。 Quick, after Xu Boqing swings, in the light screen really also had the new picture to reappear. 很快,一阵徐波轻荡之后,光幕之中果然又有新的画面浮现了出来。 The fourth picture. 第四幅画面。 Is an antique Divine Mountain......” Ye Qingyu is fixing the eyes on the tabletop, looking pensive. “是一座太古神山……”叶青羽紧盯着桌面,若有所思。 In the picture scroll shows, as before has never seen in the chaos foreign land space. 画卷上所示,依旧是一个从未见过的混沌异域空间里。 In the Ye Qingyu line of sight, winds around in overlapping the fog of float, reaches to the sky, huge such as in green robe giant Divine Mountain peak, dozens forms are slaughtering the tangled warfare. 叶青羽视线之中,层层叠叠缭绕漂浮的云雾之中,一座高耸入云,庞然如绿袍巨人般的神山巅峰上,有数十个身影正在厮杀混战。 The showdown in picture and formerly two fights were entirely different. 画面中的对决又与先前的两场战斗截然不同。 This is the war of genuine outstanding heroes striving for hegemony. 这是一场真正的群雄争霸之战。 The complementary waves that among sword light cold shades, yuan qi surges will pull the distortion void, is involving the mountain tremor and fog stirs up the powder. 剑光寒影之间,元气激荡的余波将虚空拉扯扭曲,牵扯着山岳颤动和云雾激散。 ------------ ------------ First, one. 第一更,还有一更。
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