IGE :: Volume #7

#625: Picture scroll

Ye Qingyu smiled: Brother understands me, indeed is something, must look for the brother you.” 叶青羽笑了笑:“老哥哥了解我,的确是有些事情,要找老哥哥你。” Ha Ha, quick, comes to sit, recently had just resulted in some good tea, happen to with your together First Grade.” Ouyang does not put down is greeting warmly. “哈哈,快,进来坐,近日刚刚得了一些好茶,正好与你一同品一品。”欧阳不平热情的招呼着。 The young boy of that spirit demon actually hides in Ouyang uneven at this time, appeared, in the look has is curious is excited. 那个古灵精怪的小男孩此时却躲在欧阳不平的身后,露出头来,眼神中有是好奇又是激动。 Ye Qingyu smiles lightly, did not put down along with Ouyang entered in the thatched house together. 叶青羽淡淡一笑,随着欧阳不平一同进入了草庐中。 After the moment. 片刻后。 The boy corners of the mouth of that spirit demon have the happy expression, in high spirits ran from the thatched house, hand Bank of China light Flashed, a silver-white flying large ship appears at present, this small medicine child lithe jumping onto flying large ship, changes to a stream of light to fly suddenly to the medicine hut, among several rests on disappearing trace. 那个古灵精怪的男孩嘴角含着笑意,兴冲冲的从草庐中跑了出来,手中银光一闪,一条银白色的飞舸就出现在眼前,这个小药童轻盈的跃上飞舸,眨眼间就化作一道流光向药庐外飞去,几息之间就不见了踪影。 Probably passed the time of half tea, the silver flying large ship cuts the horizon like the meteor, went to return, stops outside the medicine hut. 大约过了半盏茶的时间,银色的飞舸如流星般划破天际,去而复返,停在了药庐外。 The young boy jumps down the flying large ship, his, is bringing Snow Country pill god Du Gu Quan and his grandson Dugu De shows and Dugu Tian heart two brothers, as well as pill said that talent Lin Baiyi several people, arrived at the medicine hut. 小男孩跳下飞舸,他的身后,带着雪国丹神独孤全和他的孙子独孤地秀、独孤天心两兄弟,以及丹道天才林白衣几人,来到了药庐。 On the beard and hair white Du Gu Quan face is all having the happy expression, walk as if flying, entered the medicine hut in a hurry. 须发皆白的独孤全脸上带着笑意,健步如飞,匆匆进了药庐。 The Dugu De show, the Dugu Tian heart and Lin Baiyi three people follow in the young boy, walked. 独孤地秀,独孤天心和林白衣三人跟在小男孩的身后,一路走了进去。 Therefore, always in pure medicine hut suddenly becomes somewhat lively. 于是,向来清净的药庐中骤然变得有些热闹。 By the bamboo curtain of thatched house, vaguely sees Ye Qingyu, Ouyang does not put down, the Du Gu Quan three people to sit in a circle before a side wing celtis wooden table, judged tea while is saying anything. 透过草庐的竹帘,依稀看到叶青羽,欧阳不平、独孤全三人围坐在一方檀木桌前,一边品茶一边说着什么。 Their back, the Dugu De show, the Dugu Tian heart and Lin Baiyi three people of proper dangers sit, dedicated listening respectfully. 他们的背后,独孤地秀、独孤天心、林白衣三人正经危坐,专注的聆听。 Only then young boy of that spirit demon is holding the cheek, stares curiously is sizing up Ye Qingyu. 只有那个古灵精怪的小男孩一手托着腮帮子,瞪着眼睛好奇的打量着叶青羽 In the hand of Ye Qingyu a light brilliance sparkles, green jade scroll appears in his hands. 叶青羽的手中一阵淡淡的光华闪耀,一枚青色的玉简出现在他的手中。 In jade scroll is he acquired says and medical skill ancient book in Clear Ginger Domain about pill, since as well as tople days, he to Yu Dan some comprehensions and understanding of dao, medical ethics, in perceiving through meditation of that 108 Ancient symbol regarding Cloud top cauldron, has engraved the implication particularly in this green jade scroll, he grants Ouyang not to put down jade scroll with the junctions of Du Gu fist two forgetting years. 玉简中是他在清姜界中收集到的关于丹道和医术典籍,以及这些日子以来,他对于丹道、医道的一些领悟和理解,尤其是对于云顶铜炉之中那108个古字的参悟,都镌刻蕴含在了这青色玉简之中,他将玉简赠与欧阳不平和独孤拳两位忘年之交。 They examine the ancient book in jade scroll, once for a while excited dancing with joy, like is a child, acclaimed outside the person some people of one should always strive for better. 两人查看玉简中的典籍,时不时兴奋的手舞足蹈,像是小孩子一样,赞叹人外有人天外有天。 Ye Qingyu leaves the Heaven Wasteland Domain this year time, in 108 Ancient symbol implication sensibility of regarding Yun Dingtong furnace was more profound. 叶青羽离开天荒界的这一年时间,对于云鼎铜炉中的108个古字的意蕴感悟的更加深刻了。 Today he arrives at the goal of medicine hut, for does not put down them to narrate own sensibility to Du Gu Quan and Ouyang. Gives everything one has to give to the understanding that the medical ethics and pill said him, was hopes that they can be Heaven Wasteland Domain create some talented people, after all following a long time, Ye Qingyu will have no time Clone, must handle some important matter, did not have such opportunity again. 今日他来到药庐的目的,就是为了向独孤全欧阳不平两人讲述自己的感悟。将他对医道和丹道的理解倾囊相授,也是希望他们能够为天荒界多培养一些人才,毕竟接下来很长一段时间,叶青羽都会无暇分身,要去做一些很重要的事情,再也没有这样的机会了。 The time passes like the running water slowly. 时间如流水般缓缓流逝。 In the pure medicine hut is always quiet from time to time, from time to time hears several people of frank laughter, the long tea fragrance fills the air in the thatched house. 向来清净的药庐中时而沉静,时而传来几人的爽朗的笑声,悠悠的茶香在草庐中弥漫。 ...... …… Third day. 第三天。 Ye Qingyu enters the palace once again, sees right in front of one snow emperor. 叶青羽再度入宫,面见雪帝。 He to the snow emperor spoke frankly one want to enter the Royal Family sacrifice to offer sacrifices to ancestors once more. 他向雪帝直言自己想要再次进入皇室祭祀祖地。 After the snow emperor consents. 雪帝应允后。 Ye Qingyu has attained that golden dragon squamose imperial seal once more. 叶青羽再次拿到了那一枚金色龙鳞状印玺。 Summoned previous time to offer sacrifices to ancestors that white crane that in the place brought from the Royal Family sacrifice, Ye Qingyu passed through the palace wall and smoke and fire prosperous Royal Family ancestral hall, finally arrived at true Royal Family's Ancestral Land. 召唤出上一次从皇室祭祀祖地中带出去的那只白鹤,叶青羽一路穿越了皇城和烟火鼎盛的皇室宗祠,最终来到了真正的皇室祖地 The Royal Family's Ancestral Land core region one such as in the past mountain clear Shui Xiu, spirit energy was abundant, was ordinary just like the paradise. 皇室祖地的核心区域一如往昔的山清水秀,灵气充裕,宛如世外桃源一般。 Ye Qingyu cannot give a thought to the appreciation beautiful scene, is harnessing the Manchurian crane, straight has flown nine green big dragon common mountain ranges, flies toward the sacrificial offering temple of summit of prominent peak. 叶青羽顾不上去欣赏美景,驾着仙鹤,直直的飞过九条青色巨龙一般的山脉,朝着主峰之巅的祭祀神殿飞去。 Now his status is not common, Cultivation Base is in Heaven Wasteland Domain is stronger, enters Royal Family's Ancestral Land, naturally before cannot likely be, such must pass through layer upon layer questions, the speed was all the way quick, passed through that surrounding trivial numerous temple temple pavilion, has flown layer upon layer dense burning incense fog, entered the ancestor centrosphere microcosm region. 如今他的身份地位不一般,修为更是天荒界中最强,进入皇室祖地,自然不会像是之前那样要经过层层盘查,一路上速度很快,经过了那外围区区的重重庙宇神殿楼阁,飞过一层层氤氲焚香云雾,进入了祖地核心小世界区域。 Manchurian crane Changming. 仙鹤长鸣。 Distant place ancestor mountain peak is in sight. 远处祖地山峰在望。 The dark colored grand temple is getting more and more clear in his line of sight, brass medal faint moving restlessly in his hand somewhat. 暗黑色的宏伟神殿在他的视线中越来越清晰,他手中的黄铜勋章隐隐的有些躁动。 Finally arrived, can this time, solve the truth?” “终于到了,这一次,能不能解开谜底呢?” The Manchurian crane falls. 仙鹤落下。 Ye Qingyu jumps to profound black ground. 叶青羽跳到玄黑色的地面上。 He smiles is tracing the Manchurian crane slender nape of the neck, takes several spirit fruits to feed from the Chu space to the Manchurian crane. 他微笑着摸了摸仙鹤修长的脖颈,又从储物空间里取出来几枚灵果喂给仙鹤。 Oneself play.” Ye Qingyu said with a smile lightly. “自己去玩吧。”叶青羽轻笑道。 The Manchurian crane can understand likely general, has rubbed the arm of Ye Qingyu affectionate, held the spirit fruit to fly away. 仙鹤像是能听懂一般,亲昵的蹭了蹭叶青羽的手臂,衔着灵果飞走了。 The Ye Qingyu vision went to the dark colored sacrificial offering temple. 叶青羽的目光投向了暗黑色的祭祀神殿。 The four directions four black temples stand erect loftily, one such as in the past quietness and solemn and respectful, under shining of sunlight, appeared dignified. 四方四正的黑色神殿巍巍屹立,一如往昔的沉静、肃穆,在阳光的照耀下,更显得庄严。 To the horse-riding in temple by, the black warrior statue of military might is standing erect as before steadily, casts the vivid shadow in the ground. 通往神殿的跑马道两侧,威武的黑色武士雕像依旧稳稳地屹立着,在地面上投下生动的阴影。 Ye Qingyu sigh gently: Should go.” 叶青羽轻轻的叹息道:“该进去了。” In his hand, brass medal temperature even more burning hot. 他的手中,黄铜勋章的温度越发炙热。 He makes a fist slightly, is feeling the temperature of the brass medal transmitting, treads gradually. 他微微握拳,感受着从黄铜勋章上传来的温度,一步一步踏出。 The speed is not fast. 速度并不快。 Brought an excitement, Ye Qingyu to pass through the square before temple, entered to the sacrificial offering temple. 带着一丝激动,叶青羽穿过了神殿前的广场,进入到祭祀神殿之中。 In dim long corridor. 昏暗漫长的甬道中。 Ye Qingyu palm the temperature of brass medal is blazing like the rock magma, the light brass color glory sends out from the brass medal, the halo such as the ripples are common, apertures layer by layer fluctuate slightly, the outward diffusion goes. 叶青羽掌心的黄铜勋章的温度如岩浆般炽热,淡淡的黄铜色光辉从黄铜勋章上散发出来,光晕如涟漪一般,一层一层的光圈微微浮动,向外扩散而去。 He spreads out the palm, the yellow color medal floats automatically. 他摊开手掌,黄色勋章自动漂浮起来。 The small medal, just like one round is sending out small Sun of pale golden halo, long flies toward the temple deep place. 小小的勋章,宛如一轮散发着淡金色光晕的小太阳,悠悠的朝着神殿深处飞去。 Ye Qingyu follows after the brass medal, looks that by long corridor that the brass medal light halo illuminates, is still spacious and mysterious. 叶青羽跟随在黄铜勋章之后,看着被黄铜勋章淡淡的光晕照亮的漫长甬道,依然空旷而又神秘。 When the light yellow color halo has swept stone wall in corridor, some light dark golden traces are partly visible, carefully looks that actually resembles anything to change does not have. 淡淡的黄色光晕扫过甬道中的石壁时,一些淡淡的暗金色纹路若隐若现,仔细看去,却好像什么变化都没有。 Previous time he arrives at sacrificial offering temple time, Divine Soul by seal in Cloud top cauldron, only then Spirit Spring stage Cultivation Base, even if enters the temple, does not have any discovery. 上一次他来到祭祀神殿的时候,神魂被封印在云顶铜炉之中,只有灵泉境修为,即便进入神殿,也没有任何的发现。 Now, his strength today we are no longer as we have been, has been far in excess of Sea of Bitterness Stage. 现在,他的实力已经今非昔比,远远超越了苦海境 What is most important, he had opened this priest temple true secret the key. 最重要的是,他有了打开这座祭司神殿真正秘密的钥匙。 The so-called key, is Stone Hou gives his drop of strange essence and blood actually, contained the frightening strength, thinks that Stone Hou told him to open the method of sacrificial offering temple, Ye Qingyu was somewhat nervous. 所谓的钥匙,其实是石猴给他的那一滴奇异的精血,蕴含了令人心惊的力量,想到石猴告诉他打开祭祀神殿的方法,叶青羽的心情有些紧张起来。 His life experience is strange, has too many riddles to exist, today can open covers that matter fine gauze in riddle? 他的身世离奇,有着太多的谜团存在,今日是否能够揭开笼罩在谜团上的那层轻纱呢? Like this is thinking, Ye Qingyu looks at steady flying in the front brass medal, in the heart lake swings light ripples. 这样想着,叶青羽看着稳稳的飞在前方的黄铜勋章,心湖中荡起了一圈淡淡的涟漪。 From Ye Qingyu enters in the priest temple, the army medal automatic float in his top of the head, the orange halo slightly is then illuminating the spacious dim main hall. 叶青羽进入祭司神殿之中,军功章便自动漂浮在他的头顶,橘黄色的光晕微微照亮着空旷昏暗的大殿。 Compares the first time step to be slow, is bringing a faint trace timid intent, these time enters Ye Qingyu of priest temple once again appears extremely calm calm. 相比第一次的步履缓慢,带着一丝丝怯意而言,这一次再度进入祭司神殿的叶青羽就显得极为从容镇定。 Really is this...... This army medal, opens temple another space Key.” “果然是这样……这枚军功章,才是开启神殿另一个空间的【钥匙】。” Ye Qingyu follows in leisure float army medal forward, enters the stone palace thalamium following corridor, at present on luster ancient simple stone wall the strange light mark is written in water. 叶青羽跟在慢悠悠漂浮向前的军功章,顺着甬道进入石殿内室,眼前色泽古老朴素的石壁上奇异的光纹转瞬即逝。 After less than half stick of incense. 小半炷香之后。 The crude empty thalamium, the thick dust heads on...... 简陋空荡的内室,厚厚的灰尘扑面而来…… Exactly the same when this all pictures, follows see first. 这所有的景象,都跟第一次自己走进来时所见到的一模一样。 The army medal glory circulation, the light wave ripples one layer upon layer dyes the proliferation toward all around corona, decides the float as in that pile of green stones. 军功章光辉流转,光波涟漪一层层朝着四周晕染扩散,依旧定定得漂浮在那堆青色的石头上。 Must say that in the temple changes only, is that ancient incomplete light cyan stone table, from previous Ye Qingyu since later, turned into one pile of crushed stones. 要说起来,神殿之中唯一变化的,就是那张古老残缺的淡青色石桌,自上一次叶青羽进入之后,就变成了一堆碎石。 Sees light wave the crushed stone under that group of fissure full Bu, some Ye Qingyu actually blushing with shame. 看到光波之下的那一堆裂痕满布的碎石,叶青羽倒是有一些汗颜。 If makes in the sword pit that only Stone Hou know one in only table sacrificial offering temple spoiling, does not know to be breathless, is in a rage to jump out a sword pit club to wield toward oneself. 要是让剑坑里那只石猴知道自己把祭祀神殿里唯一的桌子给弄坏了,不知道会不会气急败坏,一怒之下跳出剑坑一棒子朝着自己挥过来。 Thinks the appearance that Stone Hou touches own ears and cheeks, Ye Qingyu has revealed one , if there is happy expression that resembles not to have. 想到石猴抓耳挠腮的模样,叶青羽露出了一丝若有似无的笑意。 He turns the palm to be upward, in hand red halo frequent flash, afterward a blood drop float of drop of Dark-red in his hands. 他翻掌向上,手中红色的光晕频闪,随后一滴暗红色的血滴漂浮在他手掌之中。 Cannot suppress the innermost feelings an excitement, his chest starts to fluctuate obviously. 抑制不住内心的一丝激动,他的胸膛开始明显起伏。 Does this time, need to see the truth? 这一次,就要看到真相了吗? He deeply has breathed several times, pushes the palm to stretch out in the halo direction. 他深深呼吸了几次,推掌朝着光晕方向伸出。 At this time, the blood drop above palm spread a wisp of strange consciousness to fluctuate, resembles has an urgency, from his hand, fell into that pile of green crushed stones vividly. 就在这个时候,掌心之上的血滴传出一缕奇异的意识波动,似是有一丝急切,自他手中跃然而起,落入了那堆青色碎石之中。 The strange change lives suddenly 奇异的变化陡然而生 As if the time recalls instantaneously. 仿佛时光瞬间回溯。 Also as if that blood turned on the Space-Time tunnel in stone palace. 又似乎那一滴血液开启了石殿之中的时空隧道。 Scatters scattered in that pile of blue stones of ground, in a twinkling as if lived. 零零散散散落在地上的那一堆青石,霎时间仿佛活了过来。 When they path and order according to shatter, shortly again recovery combination. 它们按照破碎时的轨迹和顺序,在顷刻之间重新恢复组合。 Moreover, formerly the corner/horn of flaw also became complete, the entire green stone table was brand-new, is sending out Yu Run's brilliance. 不仅如此,先前缺失的一角也变得完整了,整个青色石桌崭新透亮,散发着玉润的光华。 Ye Qingyu shows the extremely strange look. 叶青羽露出极为古怪的神色。 Came. 来了。 Did the thing that one anticipate, come finally? 自己所期待的东西,终于来了吗? Stone Hou gives his drop of blood to have anything to affect, he before has thought many possibilities, therefore at present this change, is not the complete surprise. 石猴交给他的这滴血到底有什么作用,他在来之前已经想过许多种可能,所以眼前这一变化,也算不上完全出乎意料。 But he cannot escape instinct the feeling of shock as before. 但他依旧逃不脱本能的震惊之感。 Thinks an own drop of blood the stone table breaking, has not actually thought, now this drop of blood stone table recovering. 原先以为自己的一滴血把石桌给震碎了,却未曾想到,现在这一滴血又把石桌给复原了。 That drop of blood, sometimes ability of light recollection? 难道那滴血,有时光回溯的能力? Suddenly, Ye Qingyu also somewhat ascertained airtight. 一时间,叶青羽也有些捉摸不透了。 However next second 然而下一秒 „Is this?!” “这是?!” He calls out in alarm suddenly makes noise. 他突然惊呼出声。 Above stone table. 石桌上方。 Halo of army medal sending out, sprinkled unceasingly ripples, has formed Zeng Baoru fine gauze, just like water curtain common ripples light screen. 军功章散发的光晕,不断洒落荡漾,形成了一曾薄如轻纱,宛如水幕一般的涟漪光幕。 In the light screen, rune empty shades reappeared gradually. 光幕之中,一幅幅符文虚影逐渐浮现了出来。 Was this truth? 这就是真相了吗? What can be? 会是什么? Ye Qingyu stares at the picture that in the light screen is presenting stubbornly, the double fist has closely gripped, never has the excited and intense feeling spreads in his heart four limbs. 叶青羽死死盯着光幕中出现的画面,双拳紧紧攥了起来,从未有过的激动和紧张感在他的心田四肢蔓延。 Picture that at present sees, is a Dark-red flaminging flame Asura battlefield. 眼前所见的画面,是一个暗红色的炽焰修罗战场。
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