IGE :: Volume #7

#624: Which Ye Dianzhu?

Today was? 今天是怎么了? In these ordinary days steady, if the great person in Mount Tai, how today likely is the extremely urgent matter common appearance? 这些平日里稳若泰山的大人物,怎么今日像是火烧眉毛一般的样子? Moreover, that young people really still in the main hall, in other words, he have the qualifications to treat as an equal with these great people together, at least also has the qualifications to audit this significant event decision-making. 而且,那个年轻人竟然还在正殿之中,也就是说,他有资格与这些大人物们一起平起平坐,至少也是有资格旁听这一次重大事项决策的。 Moreover in Luo Yixin has one premonition faintly, these strange matters that today has, is certainly related with that graceful bearing outstanding young people. 而且罗毅心中隐隐有一种预感,今日发生的这些古怪事情,一定与那个风姿出众的年轻人有关。 In his heart, likely is the claw of cat in flexure flexure, is very curious, but thinks it over, thinks that not the clear that young people are any status. 他的心中,像是小猫的爪子在挠啊挠,无比好奇,但想来想去,就是想不清楚那年轻人到底是什么身份。 The time has been similar quick, he has been paying attention to the sound in main hall, actually has achieved nothing. 时间仿佛过的很快,他一直注意着大殿之内的动静,却是一无所获。 In the main hall in crown prince temporary palace arrange numerous Formation have gathered formation, outside inside the main hall cannot hear any sound and sound. 太子行宫的正殿之中布下了重重的结界阵法,大殿之外是听不到里边的任何声响和动静的。 Luo Yi must depress the doubts of heart, looks that Sun in sky is getting higher and higher. 罗毅只得压下心头的疑惑,看着天空中的太阳越来越高。 In the ground, his shadow is getting more and more long. 地面上,他的影子越来越长。 Also did not know the long time. 也不知道过去了多长的时间。 When he recovers, discovered already to afternoon. 等他回过神来,才发现都已经到了午后时分。 At this moment 就在这时 ! 吱呀! The red lacquer front door of main hall suddenly opens. 正殿的朱漆大门突然打开。 The person of opening the door is suddenly Shinu. 开门的人是暴石怒。 After suddenly Shinu opens the front door, is only the respectful period of five days in the one side. 暴石怒打开大门之后,只是恭敬的候在一旁。 The natural body welcomed to start the western frontier sunlight to walk after the gate together. 一道潇洒的身子迎着开始西垂的阳光从门后走了出来。 Light golden sunshine has sprinkled that person of whole body, is sacred just like a god. 淡淡的金色阳光洒满了那人的全身,宛如一尊神祗般神圣。 The somewhat dim meaning of delicate and pretty appearance under the sunlight, and in the black hair of waist as if also has the pale golden silk thread sparkle. 俊美的容颜在阳光下有些朦胧的意味,及腰的黑发中仿佛也有着淡金色的丝缕闪耀。 Is that young people! 是那个年轻人! Luo Yi sees this, in heart shakes. 罗毅看到这一幕,心中一震。 suddenly Shinu the manner, looks in Luo Yi's eyes, has not been considered as that any was surprised, his vision, fell on the body of that young people, looked that the opposite party has walked out of the door of main hall gently, the step was gentle, the facial color was tranquil, walks clothes sleeve to be floating, the makings were unusual. 暴石怒的态度,看在罗毅的眼中,已经不算是什么惊奇了,他的目光,落在了那年轻人的身上,就看对方轻轻的跨出了正殿的门槛,步履平缓,面色平静,行走间衣袂飘飘,气质超凡。 Two people walk in Luo Yi's direction. 两个人朝着罗毅的方向走来。 Thinks of before this look of young people, Luo Yi lowering the head slightly. 想到此前年轻人的眼神,罗毅不禁微微的低头。 However who knows, in that young people pass through his sentry post, that person of footsteps actually slow. 但是谁知道,就在那年轻人经过他的哨岗之时,那人的脚步却缓了下来。 Intelligence is good.” “资质不错。” Clear and bright sound/noise hears, Luo Yi meng gaining ground. 清朗的声音入耳,罗毅猛的抬头。 Actually sees on the face of that young people to have the light smiling face, is falling the line of sight on own body. 却见那年轻人的脸上带着淡淡的笑容,正将视线落在自己的身上。 Suddenly, he somewhat is in a daze. 一时间,他有些发愣。 The young people spoke these words, resembling is looking pensive, was smiling to Luo Yi, then nods, does not abhor Xu walks toward the temporary palace, the gait is calm, each movement as if unusual conditions, are having light distant meaning. 年轻人说完这句话,似是若有所思,对着罗毅笑了笑,然后点点头,不疾不徐的向行宫外走去,步态从容,每一个动作都仿佛浑然天成,带着一股淡淡的悠远意味。 However several rest time, his form disappeared before the palace above the square. 不过几息时间,他的身影就已经消失在殿前广场之上。 suddenly Stone gets angry closely follows in the young people, delivered him to leave the crown prince temporary palace personally. 暴石怒紧紧地跟随在年轻人的身后,亲自送他离开了太子行宫。 After the moment, before suddenly Shinu is returning to the main hall. 片刻后,暴石怒着才返回正殿前。 When seeing suddenly Stone got angry this past coach, Luo Yi's curiosity could not repress finally. 在看到暴石怒这个昔日的教练之时,罗毅的好奇心终于按捺不住。 He has the courage, thinks after suddenly Stone got angry good a ritual, inquired respectfully: Sir...... I......” 他鼓起勇气,想暴石怒行了一礼后恭敬地询问到:“大人……我……” suddenly Shinu the vision falls on Luo Yi's body, looks at this expression, cannot help but smiled, this young platoon leader he has certainly the impression, was he recruited into the roaring flame camp at that time personally . Moreover the intelligence was quite good, quite received his regarding as important, can therefore in such short time, promote for the platoon leader. 暴石怒的目光落在罗毅的身上,看着他这幅表情,不由得笑了笑,这个年轻的小队长他当然有印象,是他当时亲自招进烈焰营的,而且资质极为不俗,颇受他的看重,所以才能这么短的时间里,提升为小队长。 Looks at Luo Yi expression cautiously, suddenly Shinu smiled, said: You want to ask me, who were just that young people?” 看着罗毅小心翼翼的表情,暴石怒笑了笑,道:“你是不是想要问我,刚刚那个年轻人是谁啊?” Luo Yi jian had been completely understood thoughts by the boss, hastily nod. 罗毅见被上司看透了心思,连忙点头。 suddenly Shinu laughs, looks at Luo Yi, in the eye flashes through inexplicable meaning, said with a smile: You had not said that most worships the Radiant Palace Hall principal part Sir who Battle Strength of Bright City pulls the raging tide? He He, what's wrong, didn't the idol to, you truly face to face know really Buddha?” 暴石怒哈哈大笑,看着罗毅,眼中闪过一丝莫名的意味,笑着说道:“你不是曾经说过,最为崇拜光明城战力挽狂澜的光明殿主叶大人吗?呵呵,怎么,偶像到了跟前,你确实当面不识真佛?” Luo Yi is startled first slightly, then the whole person dumbfounded. 罗毅先是微微一怔,然后整个人都呆住了。 Sir, you...... Said...... That young people are...... Hall Master Ye?” sound/noise that Luo Yi spoke, started becomes has stuttered. “大人,你……是说……那个年轻人是……叶殿主?”罗毅说话的声音,都开始变得结巴了起来。 Happy expression on suddenly Shinu the face was more abundant, nods, is looking pensive typical: Your boy luck is good, catches up is on duty today, that Sir usually in little comes to here, was given to catch up by you...... Including Hall Master Ye said that your intelligence is good, obtains this kind of appraisal, you smile, from now on well diligently.” 暴石怒脸上的笑意更盛了,点点头,若有所思地道:“你小子运气不错,偏偏赶上今日值班,那位大人平日里很少来这里的,被你给赶上了……连叶殿主都说你的资质不错,得到这样一句评价,你就偷着乐吧,今后好好努力吧。” In Romanian resolution one cold, salutes with deep veneration. 罗毅心中一凛,肃然行礼。 suddenly Shinu has sized up Luo Yi moment, thinks that Ye Qingyu to the young imperial guard platoon leader appraisal, on the face is revealing wipes the smile of not easy detection, because he knows that Ye Qingyu will not be aimless to praise a person with no reason at all, only feared that then also had the matter to occur, this young Luo Yi, hit really has transported greatly. 暴石怒打量了罗毅片刻,想到叶青羽对着年轻的禁军小队长的评价,脸上露出一抹不易察觉的微笑,因为他知道叶青羽不会无缘无故无的放矢夸赞一个人,只怕接下来又有事情要发生了,这个小罗毅啊,真的是撞了大运。 He has patted Luo Yi's shoulder, turned around the stride to enter in the main hall. 他拍了拍罗毅的肩膀,转身又大步走进了大殿中。 Luo Yi shakes on the spot. 罗毅震在原地 Past in the training battalion, got angry to all body technique coach suddenly Stone of student not false speech and countenance smiles to oneself unexpectedly? 昔日在训练营中,对所有学员都不假辞色的体术教练暴石怒竟然对自己微笑? Also kindly has patted own shoulder? 还亲切的拍了拍自己的肩膀? Places, that is the matter that he wants unable to think. 放在过去,那是他想都不敢去想的事情。 Today was? 今日是怎么了? He said that young people are Hall Master Ye. 他说那个年轻人是叶殿主 Hall Master Ye? 叶殿主 He arrived at Snow Capital entire one year, has only heard Hall Master Ye. 他来到雪京整整一年了,只听说过一个叶殿主 That is Palace Master of Bright God palace, war-god Ye Qingyu. 那就是光明神殿的殿主,战神叶青羽 The are young people who today sees Palace Master Ye Qingyu of Bright God palace? 难道今日所见的这个年轻人就是光明神殿的殿主叶青羽 The recollection all sorts of hearsay about this mysterious Hall Master Ye, in Luo Yixin the courage vigor ebullition, is choked up with emotions in this year. 回想这一年来关于这个神秘的叶殿主的种种传闻,罗毅心中不禁血气沸腾,心潮澎湃。 About the war-god Ye Qingyu fact, Luo Yi almost can recite. 关于战神叶青羽的事迹,罗毅几乎都能背诵下来。 This reputation illustrious Hall Master Ye, hearsay originally came from one of the one north border region to be called the small place of Luming town, because the parents the war leave the world, the family background is extremely poor, afterward did obeisance into White Deer Academy, shows his superior Cultivation talent, has performed the merit, therefore is labeled as the white horse sword causes, went to Youyan Pass. Afterward repeatedly contributed to distinguished merit in Youyan Pass, in the Sect congress suppressed the Three Sects Three Schools rampant arrogance maliciously. Afterward was labeled as the Third Grade armed forces period of five days, arrived at Snow Capital, then went to the military headquarters building secret training, His Highness Crown Prince bestowed war-god the code number, finally became Palace Master of Bright God palace! 这个声名赫赫的叶殿主,传闻原本只是来自一个北方边陲的一个叫做鹿鸣镇的小地方,父母因为战争离世,出身可谓是极为贫寒,后来拜入白鹿学院,展现出他超常的修炼天赋,立下过功劳,也因此被封为白马剑使,去了幽燕关。后来又在幽燕关屡立奇功,宗门大会之中狠狠的打压了三宗三派的嚣张气焰。再后来被封为三品军候,来到了雪京,接着又去了军部大厦秘密集训,太子殿下亲赐“战神”的代号,最后又成为了光明神殿的殿主 One year ago after he succeeds the Bright God palace, because of Bright City fights, but reputation big chirp, actually after the war since then goes into hiding. 一年前他继任光明神殿之后,因光明城一战而名声大噪,却在战后从此销声匿迹。 Since one year, in entire Snow Capital has been spreading the glory fact about his war foreign land Devil race, all people were guessing that his whereabouts, do not have any news. Some rumors said that his injury is too serious is closing up heals from a wound, some people said that he already not in Heaven Wasteland Domain, the hearsay said that he is Divine Dragon is reincarnated, changed to Divine Dragon to vanish without the trace ..... 一年以来,整个雪京中都流传着关于他大战异域魔族的光辉事迹,所有人都在猜测他的去向,却没有任何的消息。有传言说他伤势太重在闭关养伤,也有人说他早已不在天荒界,还有传闻说他是神龙转世,已经化作神龙消失无踪..... No one can think that one year later today, he suddenly appears in the crown prince temporary palace! 谁也想不到,一年之后的今天,他却突然出现在太子行宫! Luo Yi once had also looked at the portrait of this war-god, but why does not know, today after seeing Spiritual Master, thought that portrait cannot express the war-god Spiritual Master elegant demeanor simply surely 1, therefore does not have mental association for a while, has not recognized this young people unexpectedly is own idol. 罗毅也曾看过这位战神的画像,但是不知道为什么,今天看到真人之后,觉得那画像简直不能表达战神真人风采的千万1,所以一时没有联想起来,没有认出来这年轻人竟然就是自己的偶像。 Thinks that war-god Ye Qingyu said own intelligence was good, Luo Yi's heart, simply excited soon jumped from the chest cavity. 一想到战神叶青羽都开口说自己资质不错,罗毅的心,简直激动的快要从胸腔里跳出来。 He wanted to boast with the colleagues impatiently. 他已经迫不及待地想要回去和同僚们吹嘘一下了。 Today's story, enough he boasted absolutely for a lifetime. 今日的见闻,绝对足够他吹嘘一辈子了。 In such excitement, Luo Yi thought including the breath comfortable. 就在这样激动的心情之中,罗毅觉得连呼吸都舒坦了起来。 Crossed for a long time, he gradually horizontal calmed down, in mind, has thought of other matters. 过了许久,他才渐渐地平静了下来,脑海之中,又想到了另外一些事情。 Came to the His Highness Crown Prince temporary palace including war-god Ye Qingyu, that did Snow Country have the important matter to occur? 连战神叶青羽都现身到了太子殿下的行宫,那难道雪国又有大事要发生? Thinks of here, in Luo Yi's heart somewhat is excited, the right palm cannot bear closely gripped the fist. 想到这里,罗毅的心中不禁有些激动,右掌忍不住的紧紧攥成了拳头。 The time such as the running water winds through generally slowly. 时间如流水一般缓缓流过。 Sun sets in the west gradually, in an instant already nearly to sun set. 太阳渐渐西斜,转眼间已近到了日暮时分。 When the last wisp of setting sun of setting sun dissipates, the front door of main hall opens finally once again. 当落日的最后一缕斜晖消散之时,正殿的大门终于再度开启。 That empire politician in main hall, Right Minister Lin Zheng and Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan and Left Minister Qu Hanshan and other grand marshal Li Guangbi and empire important personages trod the dim light of night to leave the crown prince temporary palace. 正殿中的那帝国政要,右相蔺争、金顶亲王鱼非言左相曲寒山和大元帅李光弼和其他的帝国重要人物才踏着夜色离开了太子行宫。 The value defended Luo Yi before main hall also finally rotated days off, leading his subordinate to arrange one team to leave. 值守在正殿前的罗毅也终于轮休了,带着他的部下排列成一队离开。 Night of breeze. 一夜微风。 In crown prince temporary palace shatter everywhere. 太子行宫中落花满地。 Luo Yi has not seen, the crown prince Yu Xiao Xing study room, the dim candlelight has burnt one throughout entire evening. 罗毅并没有看到,太子鱼小杏的书房,朦胧的烛火燃烧了一整个晚上。 ...... …… Next day. 第二天。 Bai Yi (white-clothed) Ye Qingyu arrived at outside the highly skilled doctor Ouyang uneven medicine hut. 一袭白衣叶青羽来到了神医欧阳不平的药庐外。 Here is empire highly skilled doctors dives the institute of cultivation, is quite lonesome and quiet, appears very ordinary, has behind a person of high low wall, is distributing several scattered and organized thatched houses. All around of thatched house by the emerald green bamboo grove encirclement, in the faintly visible bamboo grove wound around by the fine gauze general white mist, light bamboo fragrant ease scattering in all directions with the wind. 这里是帝国神医潜修之所,极为幽静,也显得很普通,只有一人高的矮墙背后,分布着几间错落有致的草庐。草庐的四周被翠绿的竹林环绕,依稀可见竹林中被轻纱一般白色雾气缭绕,淡淡的竹香悠然的随风四散。 The wooden door of medicine hut is covers lightly. 药庐的木门是轻掩的。 Sincere! 笃笃! Ye Qingyu has knocked the shutter gently. 叶青羽轻轻地叩响了门板。 Roughly passed two rests time, the wooden door opened. 约莫过了两息的时间,木门打开了。 A young boy of spirit demon has found out the head. 一个古灵精怪的小男孩探出了脑袋。 The young boy only then the 7 or 8-year-old appearance, the body wears the blue pigment robe, the pitch-black glossy hair pulls the chignon in the top of the head. 小男孩只有七八岁的样子,身上穿着青色素袍,乌黑油亮的头发在头顶挽成发髻。 On fair fresh-faced moon-face, most obvious is two dimple. 白皙粉嫩的圆脸上,最明显的就是两个浅浅的酒窝。 The boys are opening a sparkling big eye curious looks at Ye Qingyu. 男孩睁着一双乌溜溜的大眼睛好奇的看着门外的叶青羽 Pretty brother, who are you?” “漂亮的大哥哥,你是谁呀?” Immature sound/noise transmits from the mouth of boy, his corners of the mouth wipe the bright smiling face, two dimples deeply go in hollowly. 稚嫩的声音从男孩的口中传来,他的嘴角咧出一抹灿烂的笑容,两个酒窝深深地凹陷进去。 Pretty brother? 漂亮的大哥哥? Hears the boy regarding own appraisal, Ye Qingyu smiles. 听到男孩对于自己的这个评价,叶青羽不禁莞尔。 I am Ye Qingyu, looks Doctor Ouyang to talk about old days.” The Ye Qingyu corners of the mouth were shouting smiling, said in a soft voice. “我是叶青羽,来找欧阳神医叙叙旧。”叶青羽嘴角喊着笑,轻声说道。 The boys winked the big eye, was pondering who likely Ye Qingyu is, the excellent eyebrow wrinkles slightly. 男孩眨了眨大眼睛,像是在思考叶青羽是谁,秀挺的眉毛微微皱起。 Ye Qingyu?” Boy low nan, where as if has heard this name, doubts some flexure scratching the head. 叶青羽?”男孩低喃,似乎是在哪里听到过这个名字,有些疑惑的挠了挠头。 After the moment, in the both eyes of boy erupts the excited appearance suddenly, resembled has thought of anything, the eye stared in a big way, on the face has written all over the incredible expression. 片刻后,男孩的双眼中突然爆发出激动的神采,似是想到了什么,眼睛瞪得大大的,脸上写满了不可置信的表情。 Ye Qingyu light smiling, asked: „Can I go in?” 叶青羽淡淡的笑着,问道:“我可以进去了吗?” Boy dull nod of, turns around suddenly speedily goes to the medicine hut medium-distance running. 男孩呆呆的点了点头,突然转身一溜烟的向药庐中跑去。 Ye Qingyu looks the form that boy runs gradually far, somewhat helpless shaking the head, shoves open the leaf gently, walks toward the medicine hut. 叶青羽看着男孩的身影逐渐跑远,有些无奈的摇了摇头,轻轻推开门扉,向药庐中走去。 Little brother! Your this busy man, gave up here finally, only feared that was the safe does not come!” Highly skilled doctor Ouyang non- plane belt pleasantly surprised color, hurriedly catches up from the thatched house, before arriving at the Ye Qingyu body, quickly. “小老弟!你这个大忙人,终于舍得来我这里了,只怕也是无事不来吧!”神医欧阳不平面带惊喜之色,急匆匆的从草庐中赶出来,快步走到叶青羽身前。 ------------ ------------ Today first. 今天第一更。 The new book demon territory able to move unhindered was renewing, everybody asked the step to look in the past that helped to collect. 新书魔域已经在纵横更新了,大家请移步过去一看,帮忙收藏一下。 Naturally, bill anything, must to Heavenly Reign, Heavenly Reign will also write for 56 months, everybody could rest assured that will not terminate absolutely. 当然,票票什么的,还是要给御天的呀,御天还会写56个月,大家放心,绝对不会完结的。
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