IGE :: Volume #7

#623: The great people came

Luo Yi came from an emperor ** the person aristocratic family, his father originally guards a side military officer in recruit, because one year ago has made the great merit in the battlefield, therefore is actually wounded, the merit body declines, is unable again in the side, therefore has to retire from the armed services, but the military headquarters to comfort Luo father, special favor, has arranged one at the Snow Capital idle duty, therefore their family arrives at Snow Capital. 罗毅出身于一个帝**人世家,他的父亲原本是镇守在西北边境上的一方将领,因为一年前在战场上立下了大功,却也因此负伤,功体衰退,无法再驻边,于是不得不退伍,而军部为了安抚罗父,特殊优待,安排了一个在雪京的闲职,于是他们全家都来到雪京 Although Luo once they also had certain status in the border, but after Snow Capital, discovered that the full avenue was all parties is high-ranking, the small position that his father's military exploit traded, was nothing radically. 虽然罗家曾经在边境上他们也算是有一定的地位,可是到了雪京之后才发现,满大街都是各方显贵,他父亲的军功换来的小小职位,根本算不了什么。 In the family declines day after day, the sudden news, passed to Luo Yi's ear - 就在家族日渐衰落之际,突然一个消息,传到了罗毅的耳中- His Highness Crown Prince own Wei Battalion Raging fire camp, Is selecting a number of imperial guards. 太子殿下的亲卫营【烈火营】,正在选拔一批禁军。 Young Luo Yi intelligence is good, there is a certain martial arts background, in the contemporaries was a young master, therefore he was holding the manner of trying, participated selection. 年轻的罗毅资质不错,也有一定的武道底子,在同龄人之中算是一个小高手了,于是他抱着试一试的态度,去参与了选拔。 What is pleasantly surprised, he not only successfully adopted the selection, but also obtained very good result, received recognition that the raging fire camp imperial guard commands. 惊喜的是,他不仅顺利地通过了选拔,还获得了非常好的成绩,受到了烈火营禁军统领的赏识。 Then experienced three-month training, Luo Yi breaks through layer on layer selects surfaces finally, became a raging fire camp imperial guard , was promoted into the team leader of imperial guard squad couple days ago. 然后又经历了为期三个月的训练,罗毅突破重重选拔最终脱颖而出,成为了一名烈火营禁军,又在前几天被提拔成为禁军小队的队长。 This news made Luo Yi and his family is excited. 这个消息令罗毅和他的家族兴奋不已。 The raging fire camp is Elite in all imperial imperial guards, the status is unusual, what is more important, it is His Highness Crown Prince own Wei Battalion, crown prince trusted friend in the absolute significance, is well-known now, the contemporary snow emperor dozens years paid no attention to the government affairs, particularly after the beforehand Bright God palace fights, His Highness Crown Prince ascends the throne is the successful matter, probably in 1-2 years within. 烈火营乃是所有皇家禁军之中的精锐,地位非同一般,更为重要的是,它是太子殿下的亲卫营,绝对意义上的太子心腹,如今众所周知,当代雪帝已经数十年不理政务,尤其是之前光明神殿一战之后,太子殿下登基已经是水到渠成的事情,大概就在一两年时间之内。 Once His Highness Crown Prince ascends the throne for the emperor, the status of that roaring flame camp has a meteoric rise absolutely instantaneously. 一旦太子殿下登基为帝,那烈焰营的地位绝对是瞬间平步青云。 The young military officers in roaring flame camp, so long as displays slightly well, in the future also surely can become the emperor ** the important personage of department. 烈焰营的年轻军官们,只要稍微表现好一点,日后也必定可以成为帝**部的重要人物。 Therefore can become the imperial guard team leader in raging fire camp, made the Luo Yi incomparable pride. 所以能够成为烈火营的一名禁军队长,令罗毅无比的自豪。 But the Luo Yi entire family, the status in imperial capital, obtained the enormous promotion. 而罗毅整个家族,在帝都之中的地位,都得到了极大的提升。 Today, after Luo Yi becomes a platoon leader, first day the value defends the crown prince temporary palace main hall. 今日,正是罗毅成为小队长之后,第一天值守太子行宫正殿。 Has twisted the control sweat gently, a little anxious Luo Yi, leads under his more than 20 famous artisans, passed through the square before main hall, has reached the white jade stair before palace. 轻轻地捻了捻手心的汗水,有点儿紧张的罗毅,率领他的20多名手下,穿越了正殿前的广场,登上了殿前的白玉台阶。 The main hall entrance, another team of imperial guards are tightly guarded. 正殿门口,另一队禁军戒备森严。 After exchanging made the symbol, before Luo Yi's imperial guard squad has replaced the main hall , the original that team of imperial guards, guard before the main hall. 交换了令符之后,罗毅的禁军小队替换了正殿前原来的那一队禁军,戍守在正殿前。 Sun of initial rise throws down one light golden glories. 初升的太阳投下一片淡淡的金色光辉。 Luo Yi's left hand builds to be hanging in the waist flood the dim light long blade, the right hand is grasping the fist to hang slightly in the body side, this is the most standard posture that guards. 罗毅的左手搭在悬挂在腰间泛着幽光的长刀,右手微微握成拳垂在身侧,这是戍守的最标准姿势。 His armor under sunlight splendid, has covered golden color likely. 他的铠甲在阳光下熠熠生辉,像是镀上了一层金色。 On Luo Yi's face is having the incomparable earnest look, standing of standing one's ground steadfastly in the main hall entrance. 罗毅的脸上带着无比的认真神色,岿然不动的站在正殿门口。 In an instant, a double-hour passes by. 转眼之间,一个时辰过去。 The excitement in Romanian resolution, has not returned to normal. 罗毅心中的激动,还没有平复。 In the past double-hour, he saw the senior officials in many empires, came and went out, pays a visit His Highness Crown Prince, reported the government order, the great people who these past kept aloof, occasionally saw Luo Yi and the others time, nods politely, even was the smile. 过去的一个时辰里,他看到许多帝国的高层官员,出出入入,拜见太子殿下,汇报政令,这些昔日高高在上的大人物们,偶尔看到罗毅等人的时候,也会客气地点点头,甚至是微笑。 Sunlight a little burning hot. 阳光有点儿炙热。 Luo Yi turns head to look in the outer wall main entrance direction that then he saw, two forms walk from afar from the main entrance direction of temporary palace. 罗毅无意间扭头朝着外墙正门的方向看去,然后他就看到,两个身影远远地从行宫的正门方向走来。 And a middle-aged man personal appearance tall and strong is ordinary just like the violent ape, wears the emperor ** the high grade military officer service pattern profound black armor of department, walks the black armor under the illumination of sunlight to dodge the dense dim light. His appearance is resolute, the thick eyebrows like black ink, in both eyes disclosed vigorous calm and meaning of vicissitudes. 其中一个中年男子身形魁梧宛如暴猿一般,身穿帝**部的高级军官制式的玄黑色铠甲,行走间黑色的铠甲在阳光的照射下闪着森森的幽光。他的面目刚毅,浓眉如墨,双眼中透露出浑厚沉稳和沧桑的意味。 Luo Yi eyes recognize, this middle-aged man is he when the emperor ** in the department building trains body technique teacher suddenly Shinu. 罗毅一眼就认出来,这个中年男子正是他在帝**部大厦中训练时的体术教官暴石怒。 The past military headquarters teacher, now is the His Highness Crown Prince trusted friend, is the commander-in-chief in crown prince own health/guard camp roaring flame camp. 昔日的军部教官,如今已经是太子殿下的心腹,是太子亲卫营烈焰营的最高指挥官。 Also is Luo Yi's immediate superior. 也是罗毅的顶头上司。 Therefore saw suddenly Shinu split second, Luo Yi instinct has straightened up the body. 所以看到暴石怒的一瞬间,罗毅本能地挺直了身躯。 Remembered at that time Luo Yi also when the military headquarters underwent the training, this teacher suddenly Stone to everyone not false speech and countenance got angry, quite recognized him. 记得当时罗毅还在军部接受训练的时候,这位对谁都不假辞色的教官暴石怒,对他还颇为赏识。 But follows side the violent stone anger, is another looks like the under 20-year-old young people, Bai Yi (white-clothed) is floating, the personal appearance is slender, and black hair bunch of waist after the brain, dances in the air along with early morning breeze, his appearance is delicate and pretty, the graceful bearing is remarkable, walks clothes sleeve to be floating, makings that if suddenly the immortal, a Luo Yi is unable to describe with the language. 而跟在暴石怒身边的,是另外一位看起来不到20岁的年轻人,一袭白衣飘飘,身形修长,及腰的黑发束在脑后,随着清晨的微风飞舞,他的面貌俊美,风姿卓越,行走间衣袂飘飘,恍然若仙,有一种罗毅无法用语言形容的气质。 Can make violent Sir Stone Nu be invited along, is it possible that is the Royal Family imperial prince? 能够让暴石怒大人作陪,莫非是皇室的皇子? Moreover the makings imposing manner of this young people, the average person indeed is unable to imitate. 而且这年轻人的气质气势,一般人也的确无法模仿。 Moreover Luo Yi had also discovered at this time made he more surprised phenomenon 而且罗毅这时还发现了一个令他更加惊讶的现象 The young people seem like walk with suddenly Shinu shoulder to shoulder in the same place, but in fact, suddenly Shinu is actually slightly, fell behind about half step a to distance, although this distance is not very obvious, but the person with high aspirations can look. 那年轻人看似是与暴石怒并肩走在一起,但是实际上,暴石怒却是稍稍靠后的,落后了大约半步到一步之间的距离,这个距离虽然不是很明显,但是有心人还是能够看出来。 This discovery, making Luo Yi be startled suddenly. 这个发现,令罗毅更是陡然一惊。 Takes emperor like suddenly Shinu ** in department cauldron cauldron famous character, now is the favorite who side His Highness Crown Prince most trusts, even if these military headquarters big shots, swaggering will not arrive at his front like this, but now looks like, was suddenly Shinu fell behind a body unexpectedly on own initiative, moreover on the face was also having a look of courteous respect...... This is to really make Luo Yi is surprised. 像暴石怒这样作为帝**部中鼎鼎有名的人物,如今又是太子殿下身边最信任的红人,即便是那些军部大佬们,也不会这样大摇大摆地走到他的前面,但现在看起来,竟是暴石怒自己主动落后了一个身位,而且脸上还带着一种谦恭尊敬的神色……这一幕实在是令罗毅感到惊讶。 Who are this young people? 这个年轻人是谁? Luo Yi stayed for more than one year in Snow Capital , has seen in Snow Capital every large or small character, has not actually heard in Snow Capital this kind of young people. 罗毅已经在雪京呆了一年多时间,也算是见过了雪京中大大小小的人物,却是从来没听说过雪京中这样一个年轻人。 Luo Yi calmly looks that suddenly Shinu accompanies the young people to move toward Yun Canggong Main hall. 罗毅静静地看着暴石怒陪同年轻人走向云苍宫大殿。 After the sentry post, that young people, turned the head slightly looked at his one eyes lightly. 在经过哨岗的时候,那个年轻人,微微侧首淡淡的看了他一眼。 That look made Luo Yi heart shake, under that person of one, was completely understood probably instantaneously completely generally, has hit to startle at heart immediately. That person of limpid double pupil such as the planetesimal is sparkling generally the light luminous spot, such as the spring Qing sparkling stone is translucent, has to imitate, if deeply does not see the bottom Gutan, unpredictable depth. 那眼神令罗毅心头一震,在那人的一眼之下,好像自己瞬间被完全看透了一般,心里顿时打了个激灵。那人清澈的双眸如星子一般闪耀着淡淡的光点,如清泉般清莹透亮,有仿若深不见底的古潭,难测深浅。 However transfers among the rests, that person has taken back the look, walks toward the main hall. 不过转息之间,那人就已经收回了眼神,向正殿中走去。 suddenly Stone got angry slightly slow half step, nodded toward Luo Yi. 暴石怒稍缓了半步,朝着罗毅点了点头。 When Luo Yi is shocked, salutes to express best wishes to the violent stone anger in a hurry. 罗毅震惊之余,匆忙间向暴石怒行礼致意。 suddenly Shinu has not stayed, speeds up the footsteps to follow the step of young people, entered in the main hall together. 暴石怒没有停留,加快了脚步跟上了年轻人的步伐,一同进入了正殿之中。 That split second that the red lacquer front door of main hall closes, Luo Yi slow the god has then come, heart the doubts of were actually deeper. 正殿的朱漆大门关上的那一瞬间,罗毅这才缓过神来,心头的却疑惑更深了。 Sun raised gradually. 太阳渐渐的升起了。 Time of tea passed by. 一盏茶的时间过去了。 In the main hall does not have any sound. 大殿之中没有任何的动静。 A double-hour passed by. 一个时辰过去了。 In the main hall does not have the sound for a long time. 大殿中已久没有动静。 After two double-hour, that young people have not come out. 两个时辰之后,那个年轻人还是没有出来。 Luo Yi had a little has doubts. 罗毅有有点儿疑惑了。 He also once listened to other companions saying that His Highness Crown Prince is young, makes a decision resolute, the administration is vigorous and resolute, few so long-term interview guest and official in temporary palace, even if occasionally some urgent big matter discussions, time of most also tea, but this young people have gone were so long, has not come out unexpectedly, is really strange. 他也曾听其他的同伴说过,太子殿下年少英武,决断果决,行政雷厉风行,鲜少在行宫中如此长时间的接见宾客和臣子,即便是偶尔有紧急的大事情商议,最多也不过一盏茶的时间而已,可是这个年轻人已经进去那么久了,竟然还没出来,实在是奇怪。 Will this young people bring what big news to be inadequate? 难道这年轻人会带来什么大消息不成? When he lets one's thoughts wander curiously 就在他好奇乱想的时候 ! 吱呀! The front door of main hall opened suddenly. 正殿的大门突然开了。 The familiar form walked after the gate together. 一道熟悉的身影从门后走了出来。 That was a young transmitting orders officer in crown prince temporary palace, wore the silver armor, two have lifted up high the top of the head, was holding together the command symbol of crown prince. 那是太子行宫中的一个年轻传令官,身穿银色的铠甲,两手高举过头顶,捧着一道太子的令符。 Made in the symbol print a bright red Spanish red mark. 令符上印着一枚鲜红的朱砂印记。 That is the crown prince personally below urgent imperial decree! 那是太子亲自下的加急手谕! Unexpectedly is the urgent imperial decree? 竟然是加急手谕? Had what important matter to occur? 难道有什么重要的事情发生了吗? In the Romanian resolution was guessing. 罗毅心中猜测着。 ! 咻! That young transmitting orders officer just left main hall then personal appearance Flashed, changes to silver Flowing Light to vanish in the horizon together. 那个年轻的传令官刚刚出了大殿便身形一闪,化作一道银色的流光消失在天际。 In the Romanian resolution understands clearly, in crown prince temporary palace forbids anybody to fly, the only exception has the urgent official seal of crown prince, the transmitting orders officer to act in own discretion, was allowed to fly. 罗毅心中了然,太子行宫之中禁止任何人飞行,唯一的例外就是持有太子的加急印信,传令官为了便宜行事,被允许可以飞行。 Just is thinking, the front door of main hall opens once again. 正想着,正殿的大门再度开启。 The transmitting orders officer hands of more than ten wear silver armor came out from the main hall one after another, and everyone grasped the urgent official seal! 陆续有十多个穿着银色铠甲的传令官手从大殿之中出来,并且每个人都手持加急印信! Before these several transmitting orders officers one such as the first transmitting orders officer was really common, just left the main hall entrance, changed to silver Flowing Light, in the different directions toward Snow Capital flew away. 这十几个传令官果然一如之前的第一个传令官一般,刚刚出了大殿门口,就化作银色的流光,朝着雪京中的不同方向飞走了。 Luo Yi sees here, in the heart is more shocking. 罗毅看到这里,心中更加震惊。 Exactly what happened, the His Highness Crown Prince one breath, has sent out these many transmitting orders officers unexpectedly, moreover is the urgent official seal in the body, was square Alien race must raise the offensive? 到底发生了什么事情,太子殿下竟然一口气,派出了这么多的传令官,而且都是加急印信在身,难道是四方的异族又要掀起攻势了吗? Time one minute one second passes slowly. 时间一分一秒缓慢地流逝。 Probably the time of half tea, two forms had appeared before the palace another end of square. 大约了过了半盏茶的时间,两道身影出现在殿前广场的另一端。 Luo Yi fixes the eyes on to look, immediately is startled. 罗毅定睛望去,顿时一惊。 Thin form that then walks toward the main hall direction half step, unexpectedly is Right Minister Lin Zheng of empire position high weight! 那朝着正殿方向快步走来的清癯身影,竟然是帝国位高权重的右相蔺争 This Mount Tai will rush at present not the thin old person of winking a twinkling, calmly will always practice moderation, no person has seen him because of any matter, but hastiness, but today unexpectedly step in a hurry will catch up with the crown prince temporary palace, even/including Gen almost ran to follow his step in his behind transmitting orders officer. 这位泰山奔于眼前都不会眨一眨眼的清癯老人,向来冷静自持,从来没有人见过他因为什么事情而有一丝的仓促,但是今日竟然步履匆匆的赶来太子行宫,连跟在他身后的传令官都几乎是一路小跑着才跟上他的步伐。 Visual Right Minister is entering the main hall, when Luo Yi is astonished, suddenly has realized anything. 目视着右相进入大殿,罗毅讶异之余,突然意识到了什么。 Today Sir Right Minister response, was before enters certainly that young people in palace to be related. 今日右相大人的反应,一定是之前走进殿中的那个年轻人有关。 Therefore, his status to young people, had doubts and curious. 于是,他对年轻人的身份,更加地疑惑和好奇了。 But this curious not how long, bigger substitutes surprisedly. 但这份好奇没有过多久,就被更大的惊讶所取代。 Before quick Luo Yi's line of sight by palace form attraction that square another end comes in a hurry. 因为很快罗毅的视线又被殿前广场另一端匆匆而来的身影吸引。 A personal appearance tall and strong, the appearance handsome middle-aged man, wears a magnificent and expensive Purple gold soft armor half step to walk toward the main hall. 一个身形魁梧,面貌英俊的中年男子,身穿一袭华贵的紫金软甲快步朝着正殿走来。 In the Romanian resolution is startled. 罗毅心中一惊。 Also is an absolute great person. 又是一位绝对大人物。 This middle-aged man is not others, is Snow Country only Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan! 这个中年男子不是别人,正是雪国唯一的金顶亲王鱼非言 He also without enough time pondered that saw Left Minister Qu Hanshan and grand marshal Li Guangbi they also successively in a hurry to catch up. 他还来不及细想,紧接着就又看见了左相曲寒山、大元帅李光弼两人也先后匆匆赶来。 Moreover this has not calculated that finished. 而且这还不算是结束。 Passed less than the time of half tea, one after another and caught up with the high-ranking court officials in dozens North Korea , China. 过了不到半盏茶的时间,陆陆续续的又赶来了数十位朝中的重臣。 ---------- ---------- Second. 第二更。 For these days renewed is a little slow, was mainly the plot is at an extremely important stage, therefore does not dare to be careless, needs to portray some people well, this after past, the plot will enter a blowout condition, therefore does not dare to be too quick. 这几天更新有点慢,主要是剧情处于一个极为重要的阶段,所以不敢马虎,需要好好刻画一些人,这段过去之后,剧情就会进入一个井喷状态,所以不敢太快。 To ** time, will erupt. 到了**的时候,还是会爆发的。 The new book demon territory of I and net dragon cooperation, online has put on able to move unhindered Chinese, first day exploded ten chapters, had the brothers to look, said that a little likely was the flavor of sword god emperor, everybody can have a look, same warm-blooded splendid. 我和网龙合作的新书魔域,已经在纵横中文网上穿了,第一天爆更了十章,有兄弟看了,说有点儿像是刀剑神皇的味道,大家可以去看看,同样的热血精彩。
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