IGE :: Volume #7

#622: Luo Yi

In ground, beast group of roaring suddenly strange is peaceful, the huge body trembles, in the eye reveals the thick frightened color. 地面上,咆哮的兽群突然诡异的安静下来,庞大的身躯瑟瑟发抖,眼中露出浓浓的恐惧之色。 Next split second, the beast group is sobbing, the wail, like has been coming across any extremely fearful matter, is the ominous flame disappears, the appearance of being terrified, all turns the head to run away, in an instant several thousand ominous beasts all entered in the snow gleams white fearful wooded mountain, vanishes does not see. 一瞬间,兽群呜咽着,哀鸣着,像是遇到了什么极为可怕的事情一样,一个个都是凶焰顿消,惊恐万状的样子,全部转头逃窜,转眼之间数千的凶兽全部都进了白雪皑皑的可怕山林之中,消失不见。 Ran .... “跑了....” These wild animals ran unexpectedly .... “这些野兽竟然跑了....” „Did sorcerer manifest a spirit?” “巫神显灵了吗?” Is the sorcerer, certainly was sorcerer manifests a spirit!” “是巫神,一定是巫神显灵了!” The people of unexpectedly finding a way out look that the beast group runs away, long time responded. 绝处逢生的人们怔怔的看着兽群逃走,良久才反应过来。 That is saved from death by the young woman who the wild animal falls down, she acts stiffly crawls from the ground, serious kneeling on the ground, looks up to the sky, on the face is hanging the clear tears, in the eye is having pleasantly surprised and meaning of respect. 那个被野兽扑倒的年轻女子死里逃生,她动作僵硬的从地上爬起来,郑重的跪在地上,仰望着天空,脸上挂着晶莹的泪水,眼中带着惊喜和崇敬之意。 Thank the sorcerer to bless.” The females shivered saying that worshipped on bended knees toward the distant place. “感谢巫神保佑。”女子颤抖着说完,向着远方跪拜。 The villagers abandon the weapon in hand, reverent worshipping on bended knees, thanked that illusory sorcerer to make them turn bad luck into good. 村民们纷纷扔下手中的武器,虔诚的跪拜,感谢那虚无缥缈的巫神让他们逢凶化吉。 In upper air. 高空中。 Ye Qingyu sighed gently, has not stayed, stimulates to movement the Bright God palace to fly to the distant place. 叶青羽轻轻地叹息,没有停留,催动光明神殿向远方飞行。 After a double-hour, the Bright God palace has flown sky over a wooden towering white snow virgin forest. 一个时辰后,光明神殿飞到了一片古木参天的白雪原始森林上空。 In the silent forest suddenly resounds a whooshing sound of wild animal. 寂静的森林中突然响起一阵野兽的嘶吼声。 Huge roaring sound reverberates in the world of ice and snow, for a very long time is not loose. 巨大的咆哮声在冰天雪地之中回响,久久不散。 Actually is more than ten Barbarian Race guys the giant snow bear that besieges growing up. 却是十多个蛮族大汉正在围攻一只成年的巨型雪熊。 The build of these Barbarian Race guys tall and strong, robust, on the face the thick beard, the body is binding the heavy fur-lined coat that the animal skin is making steadily. 那些蛮族大汉的体型魁梧,虎背熊腰,脸上长着浓密的胡须,身上裹着兽皮制成的厚重皮袄。 In their hands takes the lance and sword that the animal bones are making, slaughters to go toward the present great heavy snow bear. 他们手中拿着兽骨做的长矛、刀剑,朝着眼前的巨大雪熊厮杀而去。 This snow Xiong Zu has 56 meters high, the huge body just likes a hill. 这只雪熊足有56米高,庞大的身躯犹如一座小山。 The leg of snow bear has been wounded, dripping with blood, in snowy area disorderly bright red. 雪熊的一条腿已经负伤,鲜血淋漓,雪地上一片凌乱的鲜红。 Injured snow bear cannot withstand hot tempered, under ten people will besiege cannot unexpectedly to the uniform. 受伤的雪熊暴躁不堪,十多人围攻之下竟然也不能将至制服。 Snow bear crazy is brandishing sharp claws, a Barbarian Race guy avoids, was almost torn two halves, the body by snow bear throwing maliciously to the distant place, is at the point of death. 雪熊疯狂的挥舞着利爪,一名蛮族大汉躲避不及,几乎被撕扯成两半,身体被雪熊狠狠的抛向远处,气息奄奄。 Other barbarian guys saw that to put together the life to continue to besiege. 其余的蛮子大汉见状拼了性命继续围攻。 One of them used a lance to pierce the snow bear continuously eye, actually took an own arm to achieve as the sacrifice. 其中一人用一根长矛刺穿了雪熊一直眼睛,却是以自己的一条胳膊为牺牲才做到的。 Kills the Barbarian Race guys who got angry to take advantage of this opportunity, the lance and sword and spear in simultaneously hand thorn to the snow bear. 杀红了眼的蛮族大汉们趁此机会,手中的长矛和刀枪齐齐的刺向雪熊。 Finally, strong snow bear because finally the injury overweight and weak, falls to the ground loudly. 终于,强壮的雪熊终于因为伤势过重而体力不支,轰然倒地。 Cannot attend to giving the snow bear to strike fatally, the guys rush to side the companion who the distant place is at the point of death, actually discovered that the companion had already swallowed the final one breath. 顾不上去给与雪熊致命一击,大汉们奔向远处气息奄奄的同伴身边,却发现同伴早已咽下了最后一口气。 Some person of silence, some people of sorrow, some people pierced the heart of snow bear with long spear angrily...... 有人沉默,有人悲痛,有人愤怒的用长枪刺穿了雪熊的心脏...... Long time. 良久。 The people dress the wound mutually, is bringing the corpse of companion, dragging their spoils of war snow bear to leave the silent forest, was stepping the serious step, a small village toward distant place walked...... 众人互相包扎完伤口,带着同伴的尸首,拖着他们的战利品雪熊离开了无声的森林,迈着沉重的步伐,朝着远方的一个小村落走去...... Ye Qingyu looks at this, sighed in a soft voice. 叶青羽看完这一幕,又是轻声地叹息。 He has not stayed , to continue to stimulate to movement the Bright God palace, goes on patrol above the Heaven Wasteland Domain earth, went to many him never to go to the place, the bird's eye view boundless land, saw the lives of life in different environment, in struggled to ask to save desperately, saw strange meandering in that grand area, even felt this piece of Heaven and Earth willpower indistinctly, was boundlessly solemn and stirring and distant. 他没有停留,继续催动着光明神殿,巡游在天荒界的大地之上,去到了许多他从未去过的地方,俯瞰苍茫大地,看到了生活在不同环境之中的生灵,在苦苦挣扎求存,看到了那壮阔疆域之中的奇异迤逦,甚至隐约感受到了这片天地意志,苍茫悲壮而又悠远。 Read long of Heaven and Earth, alone sad, but under tears. 天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。 This is an unprecedented angle, making Ye Qingyu understand Heaven Wasteland Domain clearly. 这是一种前所未有的角度,让叶青羽更加清晰地了解了天荒界 Ye Qingyu as if not know is wearily same, is stimulating to movement the Bright God palace, goes forward incessantly in endless boundless Between Heaven and Earth...... 叶青羽仿佛是不知道疲倦一样,催动着光明神殿,在无尽无垠的天地之间不断地前进前进…… The front road, forever not will as if stop is completely same. 前方的路,仿佛是永无止尽一样。 ...... …… Approximately after the half day. 大约半日之后。 Ye Qingyu controls the Bright God palace to return to Bright City. 叶青羽操控着光明神殿回到光明城中。 The Bright God palace reappears in Bright City, naturally has created a shock and stir, this that in the Bright God palace vanishes in nearly day of time, in Snow Capital has the qualifications and status understood the person and influence that this phenomenon, are in a strange condition, at this time saw that the Bright God palace comes back, all parties discussed vary. 光明神殿重新出现在光明城中,自然又是引起了一番震惊和震动,在光明神殿消失的这将近一天时间里,雪京之中有资格和地位了解到这一现象的人和势力,都处于一种奇异的状态之中,此时见到光明神殿重新回来,各方议论不一。 Naturally, these are not the contents that Ye Qingyu cares about. 当然,这些都不是叶青羽所关心的内容。 The prestige of Bright God palace can recovery, go on patrol in the future as before four wildly, likely is today such phenomenon, definitely will frequently appear, becomes a habit, soon time, is not only in Snow Capital, only feared that the entire Snow Country people, and will disappear regarding the appearance of Bright God palace will become accustomed. 光明神殿的威能恢复,日后依旧巡游四野,像是今天这样的现象,肯定会经常出现,成为一种常态,用不了多久的时间,不仅仅是雪京之中,只怕整个雪国的人们,对于光明神殿的出现和消失都将习以为常。 Ye Qingyu truly cared that is his today's controlling palace inspection time, all that sees. 叶青羽真正关心的,是他今日驭殿巡视时候,看到的一切。 He returns to the main hall, sits cross-legged to sit, was recalling today in all that in several big Alien race sees, silent long time. 他回到大殿中中,盘膝而坐,回想着今日在几大异族境内看到的一切,沉默良久。 In following more than double-hour time, Ye Qingyu static sitting cross-legged sits above the stone bed, the facial color is tranquil, in the eye is having the meaning of light grief. 接下来的一个多时辰时间里,叶青羽静静的盘膝坐在石床之上,面色平静,眼中却带着淡淡的悲悯之意。 Sky over about several meters stone table, the universe chart is gloomy and vanishes gradually in void. 几米开外的石桌上空,乾坤图逐渐暗淡、消失在虚空中。 Ye Qingyu closed both eyes slowly, in heart considered myriad. 叶青羽缓缓闭上了双眼,心中思虑万千。 Long time, has thought of anything likely, he has put out jade scroll that obtains from Immortal God Emperor Sect, read one by one. 良久,像是想到了什么,他拿出了从不死神皇宗得到的玉简,逐一阅读。 In these jade scroll is containing in the majority of information about present this infinite universe, for example the domain alliance, for example the distributions and strengths of other major domain, for example these stand truly in infinite universe martial arts peak top layer strength and existence, as before now in this world, major domain and race survival game rule. 这些玉简之中蕴含着关于如今这个大千世界之中的大部分信息,比如界域联盟,比如其他各大界域的分布和力量,比如那些真正站立在大千世界武道巅峰顶层的实力和存在,依旧如今这个世界之中,各大界域和种族的生存游戏规则。 The appearance of central domain stone gate, means that no matter the lives in Heaven Wasteland Domain do want, soon, Heaven Wasteland Domain must integrate in the entire infinite universe finally, at that time, perhaps is arrival of storm, learning from another's mistakes of Clear Ginger Domain at present, Immortal God Emperor Sect past strength, may are more tyrannical than Snow Country, finally to guard domain will be independent, was not the loss is serious, has ended up to turn out the fate of retiring. 中央界域石门的出现,意味着不管天荒界中的生灵们愿不愿意,用不了多久,天荒界最终还是得融入到整个大千世界之中去,到那个时候,或许就会是一场风暴的降临,清姜界的前车之鉴就在眼前,不死神皇宗当年的实力,可比雪国要强横许多,最终为了捍卫界域独立,还不是损失惨重,落得了退隐的下场。 Ye Qingyu has to ponder these issues now. 叶青羽如今不得不思考这些问题。 Looks, while ponders. 一边看,一边思考。 For ten days, he closes up in the stone palace. 一连十天,他都在石殿内闭关。 Ten days of time, quick on past. 十天时间,很快就过去。 But in these ten days, Ye Qingyu looked at all jade scroll, regarding other domain and domain of alliance infinite universe, as well as all influence in domain alliance, some detailed understanding, there is a clearer localization and a concept. 而在这十天里,叶青羽看完了所有的玉简,对于大千世界的其他界域界域联盟、以及界域联盟里的各方势力,都有了详细的了解,也有了更加清晰的定位和概念。 In his heart also gradually sprouted some ideas, immediately during was lost in thought. 他的心中也渐渐的萌生了一些想法,随即又陷入了沉思之中。 ...... …… After ten day early morning. 十日后的清晨。 Roof louvre window of a wisp of sunlight top by Bright God palace illuminated Stone Diannei. 一缕阳光透过光明神殿顶部的天窗照进了石殿内。 Light golden halo pasts in the silver-white stone palace, brings the different kind fresh aura. 淡淡的金色光晕在银白色的石殿内流转,带来别样的清新气息。 Sunlight gentle is shining, in such as sits in contemplation sits cross-legged Ye Qingyu generally on stone bed. 阳光轻柔的照耀着在如老僧入定一般盘坐在石床上的叶青羽 His face appears under golden sunlight delicate and pretty incomparable. 他的面庞在金色的阳光下更显得俊美无比。 That closed both eyes opening slowly gently, reveals brightly like the planetesimal eye. He catches the eye gently, looks at that wisp of sunlight, the interlabial is outlining to wipe the light happy expression. 那轻轻的闭合的双眼缓缓的睁开,露出明亮如星子般的眼睛。他轻轻抬眼,望着那一缕阳光,唇间勾勒出一抹淡淡的笑意。 Time nearly , is time and Xing'er and Right Minister they discussed well.” He has stood slowly. “时候差不多了,是时候和杏儿右相他们好好地谈一谈了。”他缓缓地站了起来。 Next split second, his form disappeared in the stone palace, only the remaining light sunlight flow on the stone bed. 一瞬间,他的身影已经消失在石殿内,只剩下淡淡的阳光在石床上流淌。 ...... ...... Snow Capital. 雪京 A palace space of Jinding red ocher wall calmly is situated east of the snow emperor imperial palace about five li (0.5km) a place. 一座金顶红墙的宫宇静静地坐落在雪帝皇宫以东大约五里的地方。 The pavilions that can see in palace space from the tall wall standing tall and erect complements the fresh splendor in the green forest, the golden tile is sending out the dazzling ray under the illumination of sunlight. The position of tall wall internal dead center, a broad main hall stands rock-firm, the front door peak of paranitroaniline red red lacquer is hanging a side gold-rimmed black bottom signboard, writes Yun Canggong three strength to pass the large character of paper back. 从高墙外可以看到宫宇内一座座高耸的亭台楼阁在苍翠的林木中掩映生辉,金色瓦片在阳光的照射下散发着耀眼的光芒。高墙内部正中心的位置,一座恢弘大殿巍然屹立,正红朱漆的大门顶端悬挂着一方金边黑底的牌匾,书写着“云苍宫”三个力透纸背的大字。 Administrative palace of this palace crown prince Yu Xiao Xing in palace wall. 这座宫殿正是太子鱼小杏在皇城内的行政宫殿。 The temporary palace surrounding is a about hundred meters high vermilion city wall. 行宫外围是一道近百米高的朱红色城墙。 Above the city wall is tightly guarded, a five post, a ten sentry post. 城墙之上戒备森严,五步一岗,十步一哨。 Teams of imperial guards surround city wall to go on patrol, cannot fly including a bird the palace in tall wall. 一队队禁军环绕着城墙巡逻,连一只鸟都飞不进高墙之内的宫殿。 In the city wall is more than a 20 meters wide tunnel, again toward entering is a about hundred meters high city wall. 城墙之内是一条20多米宽的巷道,再往进又是一道近百米高的城墙。 After the second tall wall, is one area near kilometer, with giant open square that the marble spreads, center the square the position is a grand palace. 第二道高墙之后,是一个面积近千米,用大理石铺成的巨大空阔的广场,广场正中位置是一座雄伟的殿宇。 Ten meters wide Great Dao from temporary palace entrance across two city walls, straight across the entire square, white jade stair docking before with palace. 一条十米宽的大道从行宫大门口穿过两道城墙,直直的穿过整个广场,与殿宇前的白玉台阶相接。 The palace is situated above big five meters ground mass, the parapet that white jade writes in an ornate style surrounds the entire palace. 殿宇坐落在一座高大五米的石基之上,白玉雕砌的栏杆将整个殿宇环绕。 In the ridge that the palace stands tall and erect several lifelike god beast statues are bathing early morning sunlight, appears under roof the complementing of golden tile bright eye-catching. On the upturned eave that the sandalwood carving becomes has the fine relief and all colors magnificent drawing of skilled craftsman. 殿宇高耸的屋脊上几只活灵活现的神兽雕像沐浴着清晨的阳光,在屋顶的金色瓦片的映衬下更显得熠熠夺目。紫檀木雕刻而成的飞檐上有能工巧匠的精美浮雕和五彩瑰丽的绘画。 Under the eaves, the outer wall of palace was painted the red. 屋檐下,殿宇的外墙被漆成正红色。 20 huge red stone collars even around all around of palace, is supporting the weight of palace. 20根巨大的红色石柱环均匀的绕着殿宇的四周,支撑着殿宇的重量。 A tall wall after across main hall, is a surrounding area kilometer botanical garden, in the garden shadowy, the small bridge over the flowing stream, the hundred flowers compete to be in full bloom, a school of springtime. Several exquisite pavilions are distributed in the garden, in the magnificent scene with the garden enhances one another's beauty, the scenery is pleasant. 穿过正殿之后的一道高墙,是一座方圆千米的园林,园中绿树成荫,小桥流水,百花竞相盛开,一派春意融融。几座精巧的亭台楼阁分布在园中,与园中盛景交相辉映,风景宜人。 This botanical garden is crown prince the place of daily life. 这片园林乃是太子的起居之地。 The breeze has blown, blew the flower fragrance in garden to the entrance of crown prince temporary palace. 微风吹过,将园中的花香吹向了太子行宫的正门口。 Outside standing tall and erect good wall, one team of body more than 20 people of imperial guard bodyguards before the main hall straight Great Dao walks toward the main hall direction. 高耸的行宫墙外,一队身20多人的禁军侍卫正沿着正殿前笔直的大道向正殿方向走去。 The sergeants are hundred fight Elite, the personal appearance strong, puts on the profound black service pattern armor, light dark golden trace under sunlight flood dim light. The armor left chest, the design of scarlet red flame profile, that symbolizes the symbol of Snow Country imperial family imperial guard Elite raging fire camp. 军士们都是百战精锐,身形健硕,穿着玄黑色的制式铠甲,淡淡的暗金色纹路在阳光下泛着幽光。铠甲左胸部,有一枚赤红色火焰形状的图案,那是象征雪国皇家禁军精锐烈火营的徽记。 The head of imperial guard squad, is one 20 -year-old over young people. 禁军小队之首,是一个只有20岁出头的年轻人。 The body quantity of this young people are tall and straight, the skin appears somewhat swarthy, the forehead is full, the wide eyebrow extravagant item, tall Ting the bridge of the nose edges and corners are distinct, lip sip gets up slightly, simple and honest is passing an astuteness. On his armor seal has carved more dark golden traces, the quality also art of material, only then the exactly the same of that flame symbols and other people of chest. 这个年轻人的身量挺拔,皮肤显得有些黝黑,天庭饱满,宽眉阔目,高挺的鼻梁棱角分明,嘴唇微微抿起,憨厚中透着一丝精明。他的铠甲上印刻了更多的暗金色纹路,材料的品质也更加的讲究,只有胸口的那一枚火焰徽记与其余众人的一模一样。 At this moment, in this young imperial guard team leader heart has one to be anxious and excited. 此时此刻,这个年轻的禁军队长心中带着一丝紧张和兴奋。 Today is he becomes this 20 people of imperial guard squad teams leader the first day, the following orders value defends the main hall in crown prince temporary palace, for him this is an unsurpassed honor, in the heart is anxious, is excited. 今天是他成为这个20人禁军小队队长的第一天,奉命值守太子行宫的正殿,对他来说这是一种无上的光荣,心中又是紧张,又是兴奋。 The name of this young platoon leader is called Luo Yi. 这个年轻小队长的名字叫做罗毅。 --------- --------- First 第一更 By the way, the knife and book demon territory of net dragon cooperation, starts to renew today, has vertically and horizontally been sending the book, everybody is interested to take a look 顺便说一下,刀子和网龙合作的书魔域,今儿开始更新了,在纵横发书,大家有兴趣可以去瞅瞅
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