IGE :: Volume #7

#621: Four of empire wild

This treads the army who the wave leads the way in Ocean hurricane wave, they are patting extremely unusual marching formation, goes through in Ocean, seems the gods who controls the tide is the same, everywhere one visit, in the midair the great wolf of originally tuck dive as if by an invisible great net fishing, blends in Ocean. 这一支在汪洋飓浪之中踏浪前行的大军,他们拍着一种极为奇特的行军阵法,在汪洋之中穿行,仿佛是操控浪潮的神明一样,所到之处,半空之中原本翻腾的巨狼仿佛被一只无形的巨网给捕捞回来,重新融汇到大海之中。 Seabed under several thousand meters. 海底数万米之下。 A piece is glittering in seven color quartz rays palaces. 一片闪烁着七彩水晶光芒的殿宇之中。 Aquatic Race monster Wang Qishi is dignified, is light Jinhua from the whole body sparkle. 水族妖王气势威严,淡淡得金华自周身闪耀而出。 Under the throne the Aquatic Race monster feudal officials of dozens different types were discussing new round seabed hurricane inspiring the counter measures of sea adverse current. 王座之下数十名不同种类的水族妖臣正在商议新一轮海底飓风引动的海洋逆流的应对措施。 The Ocean adverse current that is caused by the seabed hurricane, is giant natural disaster that Aquatic Race can face every year, from the royal family under to ordinary Aquatic Race, hears the color deterioration, every year entire hurricane wave Aquatic Race must spend the massive energy to deal with the Ocean deep sea adverse current, moreover does not know that what's the matter, for the past dozen years, the eruption frequency of this deep sea Ocean adverse current is getting higher and higher, the hurricane wave Demon Court Aquatic Race living environment is worrying. 由海底飓风引起的汪洋逆流,是水族每年都会面临的巨大自然灾难,上至王族下至普通的水族,都闻之变色,每年整个飓浪水族都要花费大量的精力去应付汪洋深海逆流,而且也不知道是怎么回事,近几十年以来,这种深海汪洋逆流的爆发频率越来越高,飓浪妖庭水族的生存环境堪忧。 At the same time. 同一时间。 In upper air. 高空中。 Ye Qingyu light reclamation line of sight. 叶青羽淡淡的收回视线。 Is feeling the strength of Bright God palace, in his heart even more pleasantly surprised. 感受着光明神殿的力量,他心中越发的惊喜了起来。 This may really be unexpected pleasantly surprised, had such recovery some prestige to be able Bright God palace in hand, matter that then he wanted to handle, but was smoother. 这可真的是意料之外的惊喜啊,有这样恢复了部分威能的光明神殿在手,那接下来他想要做的事情,可就更加顺利了许多。 Then, tries again...... Goes to other places to have a look.” “接下来,再试一试……去其他地方看看。” The Ye Qingyu intention moves, in the universe chart the Coordinate of desert Barbarian Race royal court shines. 叶青羽心念一动,乾坤图上大漠蛮族王庭的坐标亮起。 Silver flash sparkles in void. 一阵银色闪光在虚空中闪耀。 After a Bright God palace slight tremor, vanishes in void. 光明神殿一阵轻微的颤动之后,消失在虚空中。 Next split second. 一瞬间 In place of northwest uncultivated land upper air. 西北蛮荒之地的高空中。 The air such as the wave ripples generally invisible ripples, actually in a flash belongs to tranquilly. 空气如水波一般荡漾出一圈无形的涟漪,却又在转瞬间归于平静。 The Ye Qingyu intention is the result, the Bright God palace under his stimulation of movement, arrived at the desert Barbarian Race royal court sky, goes into hiding in the upper air. 叶青羽心念所致,光明神殿在他的催动下,来到了大漠蛮族王庭的上空,隐匿在高空之中。 Here was the desert Barbarian Race area.” “这里就是大漠蛮族的疆域了么。” The temple entrance, Ye Qingyu overlooks under lightly. 神殿门口,叶青羽淡淡地俯视下方。 In ten thousand li (0.5km) clear sky round scorching sun. 万里晴空之中一轮骄阳似火。 In be continuous surely in boundless desert, heat wave rolling just like tide. 绵延千万里的苍茫大漠上,热浪滚滚宛如潮汐。 Looks, ten thousand li (0.5km) did not have the sky and limitless golden yellow desert that the cloud deep blue such as washed in the horizon dock, have formed the intense visual impact, the continuous sand dune scored the impressive line in the desert of length and breadth, that was one type grand that was having the boundless aura, the field of vision end, the piece by the remnants of destroyed buildings that the yellow sand covered, vaguely before can look, was cities. 一眼望去,万里无云碧蓝如洗的天空和无边无际的金黄色沙漠在地平线上相接,形成了强烈的视觉冲击,连绵的沙丘在广袤的大漠上刻划出令人惊叹的线条,那是一种带着苍茫气息的壮阔,视野的尽头,有一片被黄沙覆盖的残垣断壁,依稀能看出来以前是一个城镇。 Wild animal skeleton that in the yellow sand of ruins ajar some made decent. 废墟的黄沙中半掩着一些已经风化的野兽骸骨。 Distant place several cinereous vultures circle in the low altitude. 远方几只秃鹫在低空中盘旋。 In the ground, a corpse of Barbarian Race humanity insolation the firebrand to be common by the hot sun. 地面上,一具蛮族人类的尸体已经被烈日暴晒成干柴一般。 The cinereous vulture is circling, fierce swoops to go to , the calligraphy stroke is eating that firebrand common corpse. 秃鹫盘旋着,猛的向下方飞扑而去,啄食着那具干柴一般的尸体。 Ye Qingyu turns away, looks to the West. 叶青羽移开视线,向更西方望去。 In boundless desert, a small oasis embellishment in ten thousand li (0.5km) yellow sand. 无边的沙漠中,一片小小的绿洲点缀在万里黄沙中。 That is one by the marsh land of sand dune encirclement, flake taking the form of crescent moon surrounding vegetation of small lake is lush, the white floret of twinkle star spreads near the lake water. 那是一处被沙丘环绕的洼地,一小片形似月牙的小湖泊的周围草木丰茂,星星点点的白色小花散布在湖水边。 Suddenly. 突然。 On the sand dune of lake West presented the forms of several Barbarian Race men. 湖泊西方的沙丘上出现了十几个蛮族男子的身影。 They are in rags, is only covering up the secret spot with some tattered rags, the exposed skin is swarthy, under the insolation of hot sun flood not normal black red color. 他们衣不蔽体,只用一些破烂的碎布遮掩着隐秘部位,裸露的皮肤黝黑,在烈日的暴晒下泛着不正常的黑红之色。 After the crowd, with seven and eight more than two meters high, has 56 meters fully, resembles the cow to resemble Monster of tiger. 人群之后,跟着七、八只两米多高,足有56米长,似牛又似虎的异兽 These Monster abdomens seem like the orange generally not normal dessication that seasons, looks like the skin and bones. The four limbs of Monster have the adult to hug fully that thickly, the sole broadly is four grinding pans is likely common, steps on steadily on the sand, walk time is quite steady. 这些异兽的腹部看起来像是晒干的橘子一般不正常的干瘪,看起来瘦骨嶙峋。异兽的四肢足有成年人一抱那么粗,脚掌宽阔像是四个磨盘一般,稳稳地踩在沙地上,行走的时候极为平稳。 That is the sand beast that in the desert is in sole possession, within the body has a giant water pocket, can in the body internal storage massive fresh water. But their sturdy four limbs and broad soles can make their easy carries a heavy load to walk in the desert. Because of these two characteristics, Barbarian Race of this sand beast by desert was tamed, becomes the huge motion water sources. 那是大漠中独有的沙兽,体内有一个巨大的水囊,能够在身体内存储大量的淡水。而他们粗壮的四肢和宽阔的脚掌能够让它们轻而易举的在沙漠中负重行走。因为这两个特性,这种沙兽被大漠上的蛮族驯养,成为一个个巨大的移动水源。 Present these 78 sand beast withered abdomens indicate that their within the body storing the fresh water has consumed completely. 眼前的这78只沙兽干瘪的腹部预示着它们体内贮存的淡水已经消耗殆尽。 The crowd was seeing that worshipped on bended knees by sand dune encirclement the flash of oasis in the place, excited is shouting the Alien race language. 人群在看到被沙丘环绕的绿洲的一霎那跪拜在地,激动的呼喊着异族的语言。 Ye Qingyu the strength of Divine Soul is formidable, does not need to speak the Alien race language, then can understand that from their spiritual fluctuations they were saying anything. 叶青羽神魂之力何等强大,不需要通晓异族语言,便能够从他们的精神波动中了解到他们在说什么。 Spiritual God blesses! We finally found the water source!” “神灵保佑!我们终于找到水源了!” Good, had finally found!” “太好了,终于找到了!” Could be saved, the tribe could be saved!” “有救了,部落有救了!” On these capable men faces moistened completely the sand dust, because of thirsty, but the lip crack open, in both eyes was full of the excited tears. 这些精壮的汉子们脸上沾满了沙尘,因为干渴而嘴唇焦裂,双目中都饱含着激动的热泪。 They rush to the lake under sand dune, crawls directly in the ground, drinking to heart's content lake water like animal. 他们奔向沙丘下的湖泊,直接匍匐在地面上,像动物一样痛饮湖水。 Long time, gaining ground that the people are reluctant to part, is looks likely the incomparably precious treasure is ordinary, looks at this flake lake water, sits the on the spot rest. 良久,人们才依依不舍的抬起头,像是看着无比珍贵的宝贝一般,看着这一小片湖水,坐在原地休息。 Was the build tall and strong middle-aged guy of head wipes dust on a face saying: Under everybody well rest, here is safe temporarily.” 为首的一个体型魁梧的中年汉子抹了一把脸上的灰尘道:“大家都好好休息下吧,这里暂时是安全的。” Then, he arrived at the bund that several Sand Shouqian. 说完,他将那几只沙兽牵到了湖边。 Sand Shou cheerful will grip in the lake water, hears gurgle gurgle the potable water sound. 沙兽欢快的将头扎进了湖水中,传来咕嘟咕嘟的饮水声。 However the moment, Sand Shou the abdomen the circle leave gradually, the personal appearance also looks like unwieldy. 不过片刻,沙兽的腹部逐渐圆滚起来,身形也看起来笨重许多。 After a while, in the distant place deep blue sky, suddenly also had the change, in the midair has curled up the light sand dust, from the sky covers up light pale golden fine gauze to be generally dim likely. 过了一会,远方碧蓝的天空中,突然又有了变化,半空里卷起了淡淡的沙尘,像是在空中遮掩起一层薄薄的淡金色轻纱一般朦胧。 Was the middle-aged man of head has stood, watched the weather, the facial color has changed immediately, the brow micro wrinkle said: Walks, has gotten windy, here quick will be submerged by the sand dust.” 为首的中年男子站了起来,看了看天色,面色顿时大变,眉头微皱道:“走吧,已经起风了,这里很快就会被沙尘淹没了。” Other person hear that, set out in abundance, the leather water pocket and in the jar along have fulled floaded operation the water. 其余的人闻言,纷纷起身,将随身的皮革水囊和罐子中灌满了水。 They looked at a that crescent moon lake longingly, finally drives away Sand Shou to leave bit by bit. 他们依依不舍的看了一眼那月牙般的湖泊,最终还是驱赶着着沙兽离开。 The form of group in the desert of length and breadth increasingly estranged. 一行人的身影在广袤的沙漠中渐行渐远。 Until the sun western frontier, they arrived at a desolated ruined small village finally. 直至日头西垂,他们终于来到了一个荒芜破败的小村落。 Several ruined stone building disorderly distributions in the village, everywhere are all kinds of vessel insolations under the hot sun, seemed waiting for the day falls the manna. 十几个破败的石屋凌乱的分布在村子里,到处都是各式各样的容器暴晒在烈日之下,似乎在等待着天降甘露。 The west of village, is an exposed river, on the river bed does not have a water drop, only remaining bleak desert. 村落的西面,是一片裸露的河川,河床上没有一滴水,只剩下一片荒凉的戈壁。 Came back! Patriarch they came back!” “回来了!族长他们回来了!” Patriarch brings the water to come back! We had the water!” 族长带着水回来啦!我们有水了!” Water... Finally had the water!” “水...终于有水了!” Drives away Sand Shou the crowd to step into split second of village, in the silent village has resounded the cheers. 驱赶着沙兽的人群踏进村落的一瞬间,寂静的村落中响起了欢呼声。 More than ten stone building broken wooden doors opening, wild with joy Barbarian Race held the rough lithical vessel to walk wear a look. 十多个石屋残破的木门吱吱呀呀的打开,一个个面带狂喜的蛮族捧着粗糙的石质容器走了出来。 Comes out Barbarian Race from the stone building mostly is the elderly and infirm, because water scarcity, looks like cannot withstand weakly. 从石屋中出来蛮族大都是老弱妇孺,因为缺水,看起来虚弱不堪。 Their is holding the stone bowl of face shape size, in the item is bringing to the hope of water. 他们的捧着脸盘大小的石碗,目中带着对水的渴望。 Several young men who just returned to the village, arrived at the village center Sand Shouqian. 刚刚回到村落的十几个青壮男子,将沙兽牵到村落中央。 They received Stone Wan, cautiously squeezes out the most bowl water from the abdomen of sand beast, hands over to give back again keeps the elderly and infirm in village. 他们接过一个个石碗,小心翼翼的从沙兽的腹部挤出大半碗水,再递还给留在村落里的老弱妇孺。 Looks at the water in bowl, people red eye socket, does not have drop of tears. 看着碗里的水,人们红了眼眶,却没有一滴泪。 A 5 or 6-year-old young boy has licked the split lip, the eye color of hope is even more rich. 一个五六岁的小男孩舔了舔干裂的嘴唇,眼中的渴望之色愈加浓郁。 The boys extend the dirty index finger, has dipped in the bowl, delivers to arrive in port the finger again. 男孩伸出脏兮兮的食指,在碗里蘸了一下,再将手指送到口中。 In feeling tip of tongue that wipes feeling of Qing Run split second, on the face of boy emerges the full happy color. 在感觉到舌尖的那一抹清润之感的一瞬间,男孩的脸上涌现出满满的幸福之色。 Nobody's drinking water in gulps, they are holding Stone Wan, most people bit by bit go with the tip of tongue. Licks to lick. The water in bowl. 没有一个人大口大口的喝水,他们捧着石碗,大部分人都是用舌尖一点一点去。舔舐.着碗里的水。 Crossed was very long, the water level in bowl has not seen the visible drop, they actually likely were drink full generally, satisfaction was licking the lip. 过了很久,碗里的水位也没有看到明显的下降,他们却像是喝饱了一般,满意的舔着嘴唇。 Everybody goes back, three days later fetches water again.” In head sound/noise of middle-aged man shows exhausted. “大家都回去吧,三天以后再来取水。”为首的中年男子的声音里透出一丝疲惫。 The people are treasuring the stone bowl in hand, this most bowl water, will be they future three days of complete potable water! 人们珍视着手中的石碗,这大半碗水,是他们未来三天全部的饮水! Holds Stone Wan the people to diverge gradually, bleak village recovery was once more silent. 捧着石碗的人们逐渐散去,荒凉的村落再次恢复了寂静。 The night falls, Ye Qingyu silent reclamation line of sight, after silent for a long time, he goes to the universe chart the vision once more. 夜幕降临的时候,叶青羽默然的收回视线,沉默许久之后,他再次将目光投向乾坤图。 This is the desert...... Changes a place, goes to other places to look.” “这就是大漠吗……换个地方吧,去其他地方看一看。” Ye Qingyu thought aloud that the look is a little dignified. 叶青羽自言自语,神色有点儿凝重。 Then, another silver luminous spot sparkles in the universe chart. 然后,又一个银色的光点在乾坤图上闪耀。 Next split second, the Bright God palace appeared in the sky of Snow Country northeast snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race territory. 一瞬间,光明神殿已经出现在雪国东北的白山黑水蛮族领地的上空。 Different from bleak of northwest desert, here is a piece of be continuous primitive mountain range, grand mountain range fluctuating is unceasing. 不同于西北大漠的荒凉,这边是一片绵延的原始山脉,雄伟的山峦起伏不断。 The silver sharp sword of snowy peak of reaching to the sky just like one inverting in ground, Sword Edge points to above nine days. The heavy fog lingers in the halfway up the mountainside, the hurricane that in the upper air above cloud layer whooshes is mixing with the ice crystal and snowflake wreaks havoc in the ravine, the terrifying woods cold aura made one be afraid. 高耸入云的雪峰宛如一把把倒插在地面上的银色利剑,剑锋直指九天之上。厚重的云雾萦绕在半山腰,云层之上的高空中嘶吼的飓风夹杂着冰晶和雪花在山间肆虐,恐怖森寒的气息令人不寒而栗。 Giant mountain range that in the curtain of night, winds to fluctuate, is similar to the ancient times ominous beast that waits for an opportunity to hunt for is ordinary, reveals the sharp fang, opens the large-mouthed vessel huge mouth, is lending the terror dangerous aura, the mountain range deep place, the whooshing sound of not well-known beast of prey continuously, the entire ear wants the deaf howl to resound through the clouds. 夜幕中,蜿蜒起伏的巨大山脉,如同一只正在伺机捕猎的远古凶兽一般,露出锋利的獠牙,张开血盆巨口,散发着恐怖的危险气息,山脉的深处,不知名的猛兽的嘶吼声此起彼伏,整耳欲聋的啸声响彻云端。 The limitless forest was covered by the snow, everywhere is white one piece. 无边无际的森林被积雪覆盖,到处都是白茫茫一片。 Small Stream that in the mountain valley the melted snow melting gathering becomes gathers spray torrential huge River along the mountain range trend, goes to distant place galloping along the valley of mountain range, seems fierce flood dragons is the same, making one look that thought the heart and gall lives Cold Qi. 山谷中雪水融化汇聚而成的小溪流沿着山脉的走向汇聚成一条浪花滔滔的巨大江河,沿着山脉的谷底向远方奔腾而去,仿佛是一条条狰狞的蛟龙一样,令人看着都觉得心胆生寒气 Here natural environment, was really bad to the extreme. 这里的自然环境,实在是恶劣到了极点。 Extremely severely cold, keeping many lives from surviving in such environment. 极度的严寒,让许多生灵都无法在这样的环境之中存活。 The operation of Ye Qingyu the Bright God palace is leading the way in the dim light of night, probably after one stick of incense time, was whooshed by the distant place noisy wild animal with the pitiful yell sound attraction of Human Race. 叶青羽的操纵着光明神殿在夜色中前行,大概一炷香时间之后,被远方嘈杂的野兽嘶吼和人族的惨叫声吸引。 That is a piece of gentle mountain valley. 那是一片平缓的山谷。 In the mountain valley has a scale not big village. 山谷中有一个规模并不大的村落。 This village is in the extreme danger now, several thousand soon hungry insane the ominous cruel and fierce beast, the tide of black death seemed to be same, brandishes the sharp lackey to compel to dozens Barbarian Race humanity in village. 这个村落现在正处于极度危险之中,数千只快要被饿疯了的凶猛暴兽,仿佛黑色死亡之潮一样,挥舞着锋利的爪牙逼向村落中的几十个蛮族人类。 Fears the people in intent wear a look, does not have the slight preparation, in a frightened squeal, in flurried is taking the weapon resistance beast of prey. 面带惧意的人们,没有丝毫的准备,一片恐惧的尖叫声之中,在慌乱的拿着武器抵御猛兽。 However in the front of this flock of wild animals, these Barbarian Race humanity is how tiny frailly. 然而在这群野兽的面前,这些蛮族人类何其渺小脆弱。 „...... Mom, Mom, saves mother......” a little girl to weep and wail rendingly, in her side, her mother instantaneously was fallen down by a wild animal, presses on the ground, wants to be swallowed by the wild animal shortly. “啊……妈妈,妈妈,救救妈妈……”一个小女孩撕心裂肺地哭喊着,就在她的身边,她的妈妈瞬间被一只野兽扑倒,压在地上,眼看着就要要被野兽吞食。 In upper air. 高空中。 Ye Qingyu brow micro wrinkle. 叶青羽眉头微皱。 His intention moves, internal combustion engine split second has locked below beast group, a light pressure compels like the mountain to the beast group. 他心念一动,气机一瞬间锁定了下方的兽群,一股淡淡的威压如山岳般逼向兽群。 ----------- ----------- Second. 第二更。 Thanks brothers' support. 谢谢兄弟们的支持。
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