IGE :: Volume #7

#620: Supervisory world

Meanwhile 与此同时 In Bright God palace. 光明神殿之中。 In Flowing Light dazzling stone palace strange ancient times God and Devil era rune formation repeatedly teleportation, finally erupts holy silver light, proliferates the entire Stone Dian endophragm thoroughly, but these time had the difference with the former rune mark greatly. 流光耀眼的石殿内奇异的上古神魔时代符文阵法频频闪现,最终爆发一阵圣洁的银光,彻底遍布整个石殿内壁,但这一次与之前的符文印记大有不同。 The rune mark that these time erupts as if ground gushes out from the deep layer of stone wall and, in split second, the four walls in entire stone palace seems the dry earth suddenly chaps general, the path of winding as if opens the openings of skin. 这一次爆发的符文印记仿佛是自石壁和地面的深层之中涌出,在一瞬间,整个石殿之中的四壁仿佛是干涸的大地骤然皲裂一般,蜿蜒的轨迹仿佛是撑开皮肤的一道道裂口。 But in the stone palace the strange strength as if sol shape congeals in void, entire fills the air to cover the stone palace instantaneously. 而石殿之中奇异的力量仿佛胶质状凝结在虚空之中,瞬间将石殿整个弥漫覆盖。 Ye Qingyu Divine Sense moves, astonished. 叶青羽神识一动,大为惊异。 This time rune formation grew unexpectedly from the stone palace in......” “这次的符文阵法竟然自石殿中生长出来了……” He observes the mutation in temple, while continues double to grasp the stone seat arm rest, emerges the strength of pure yuan qi toward the stone chair continuously. 他一边观察神殿的异变,一边继续双掌握住石椅扶手,源源不绝朝着石椅涌入纯净的元气之力。 Next split second, suddenly the mutation appears. 一瞬间,突然异变出现。 In front of him on giant that jade nature stone table, there is a strange brilliance to glitter, at once this brilliance, changes to a projection of grid shape to launch slowly, light empty shade little congealment, little proliferation. 他面前巨大的那张玉质石桌上,有奇异的光华闪烁,旋即这光华,化作了一幅网格状的投影徐徐展开,淡淡的虚影一点点凝结,一点点扩散。 Ye Qingyu facial color great happiness. 叶青羽面色大喜。 Universe chart!” “乾坤图!” He calls out in alarm makes noise. 他惊呼出声。 One year ago Ye Qingyu bumps into has opened a universe chart the time, Stone Hou once had said that when this universe chart is the most precious object, the stimulation of movement, all sceneries, buildings and life even including Heaven and Earth Sun, Moon and Stars, can be included, fully actually, but universe Wan Jie, can actually be entered the mind by control one eyes however. 一年之前叶青羽误打误撞开启过一次乾坤图的时候,石猴曾说过,这乾坤图是一件至宝,催动之时,一切景物、建筑与生灵甚至连天地日月星辰,都可以纳入其中,足不出却,但乾坤万界,却能被操控者一眼入胸怀然。 Because one year ago Ye Qingyu Cultivation Base limits, that time universe chart can only map the landform and human form of Snow Capital imperial capital, moreover some rune formation quite profound places or shadows. 只是因为一年前叶青羽修为所限,那个时候的乾坤图只能映射出雪京帝都的地貌和人形,而且一些符文阵法较为高深的地方还是暗影。 But these time sees the universe chart on the jade nature stone table once more, clear obvious were too more than previous time. 但这一次再次在玉质石桌上见到乾坤图,却比上一次清晰明显了太多。 On the tabletop of jade nature stone table, that light wave grid mark winds the map that forms, the terrain be continuous proliferation, has surmounted unexpectedly the Snow Capital position instantaneously, at not a slow speed, extends to go toward all around extremely quickly wireless. 玉质石桌的桌面上,那光波网格纹络形成的地图,地形绵延扩散,竟然瞬间就超越了雪京的方位,以一种并不缓慢的速度,极快地朝着四周无线延伸而去。 Along with passing of time, the projection of grid shape changes to the essence gradually. 随着时间的流逝,网格状的投影逐步化作实质。 After counting breaths. 数息之后。 The originally mild smooth stone table is similar to by the innumerable burins simultaneously is carved gradually presents the image that fluctuated high generally. 原本温润光滑的石桌渐渐如同被无数刻刀同时雕刻一般出现了一层高地起伏的影像。 Hot woods...... 火树林…… Bright City...... 光明城…… Royal Family's Ancestral Land...... 皇室祖地…… Armed soldier camp...... 甲士营…… Snow Capital...... 雪京…… Ye Qingyu Divine Sense closely stares is proliferating the map of length and breadth more and more, suddenly in the eye flashes through the look that is pleasantly surprised. 叶青羽神识紧紧盯着扩散得越来越广袤的地图,突然眼中闪过又惊又喜的神色。 Also moment. 又过片刻。 Weicheng...... 渭城…… Qincheng...... 秦城…… Hoeyang-gun city...... 淮阳郡城…… The cities landform in more and more Snow Country rule region reappeared above the projection...... 越来越多的雪国统治区域之内的城镇地貌浮现在了投影之上…… Lucheng called the county!” “鹿城鸣郡!” Sees here, Ye Qingyu heart great happiness. 看到这里,叶青羽心头大喜。 He stares on the map that to defer to the city-state and building terrain that the enormous proportion reduces, finally the vision fell in a Deer City mansion, first has recognized, was that not just past Ye Mansion?! 他凝视地图上那按照极大比例缩小的城邦和建筑地形,最终目光落在了鹿鸣郡城其中的一座府邸上,第一时间就认了出来,那不正是昔日的叶府吗?! Also incessantly so. 还不止如此。 After counting breaths. 数息之后。 The sand table projection toward four directional divergences, has grown the entire Heaven Wasteland Domain terrain and landform unceasingly unceasingly. 沙盘投影一直不断朝着四个方向扩散,不断衍生出整个天荒界地形和地貌。 Desert...... 沙漠…… Sea area...... 海域…… Primitive jungle jungle...... 原始丛林丛林…… Is the border!” The Ye Qingyu shock, he looks that still in the border style that on the sand table map of terminal velocity proliferation spread appeared, in the heart flashed through a wild with joy color, this universe chart unceasingly was still expanding spreads unceasingly, is it possible that...... It must unexpectedly the entire Heaven Wasteland Domain domain, the info clerk to inadequate?” “是边境!”叶青羽震惊不已,他看着仍旧在极速扩散蔓延的沙盘地图上显现出来的边境风貌,心中闪过一丝狂喜之色,“这乾坤图还在不断地扩大不断地蔓延,莫非……它竟然要将整个天荒界的版图,都收纳到其中不成?” After does not leave several rests. 不出几息之后。 Hurricane wave Demon Court!” Ye Qingyu calls out in alarm once more makes noise. “飓浪妖庭!”叶青羽再次惊呼出声。 Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) southernmost hurricane wave Demon Court and endless South China Sea present in his at present. 天荒最南端的飓浪妖庭和无尽南海呈现在他的眼前。 Also continues. 还不止。 Northwest desert Barbarian Race royal court...... 西北大漠蛮族王庭…… Clear water Montenegro Barbarian Race royal court...... 白水黑山蛮族王庭…… Snow Ground Demon Court...... 雪地妖庭…… In the entire Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) boundary territory all terrain topography, all appeared above the stone table, and rock woods or river palace, even was the person's shadow that the building and street in each region and even walked, completely lifelike, just like reappearing. 整个天荒境域之中所有的地形地势,全部都出现在了石桌之上,且无论是山石树林还是河川宫殿,甚至是各个地域之中的建筑、街道乃至行走的人影,全部都栩栩如生,宛如再现。 The universe chart true deep meaning in this moment, making the Ye Qingyu mind feel the enormous shock. 乾坤图真正的奥义在这一刻,令叶青羽的心神感到极大的震惊。 At this time he looks that entire Heaven Wasteland Domain seemed reduced sand table projections after several thousand times, starts to estimate that command Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) innumerable masters for the peerless war-god of it discoloration, by his Cultivation Base, the universe chart in the words of hand, see the length and breadth compared at present, and even universe void and other domain, can take in everything at a glance...... 此时他看着整个天荒界仿佛被缩小数万倍之后的沙盘投影,不禁开始揣度起那位令天荒无数高手为之色变的绝世战神,以他的修为,乾坤图在手的话,是不是比眼前自己所见更为广袤,乃至宇宙虚空和其他界域,也可以一览无余…… Also after is less than half stick of incense. 又是小半炷香之后。 Pours into along with continuing of strength of yuan qi, Ye Qingyu also felt a tired meaning finally. 随着元气之力的持续注入,叶青羽终于也感到了一丝倦怠之意。 But stone table the proliferation on sand table also gradually stagnated. 而石桌上的沙盘的扩散也逐渐停滞了下来。 At this time, Ye Qingyu slightly breathed a sigh of relief. 这时候,叶青羽才微微舒了口气。 He set out slowly, arrived in front of the jade nature stone table, under repressed in the heart excited, started carefully to observe the sand table of entire Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) region. 他缓缓地起身,来到了玉质石桌面前,按捺下心中激动,开始仔细观察起整个天荒地域的沙盘。 The present empty shade sand table overspread the entire stone table, the dense and numerous mountains and rivers topography and cities styles spread all over, but gigantic grand Snow Capital city on sand table just like a grain of sesame seed size. So completely clearly Heaven Wasteland Domain territory terrains and all cities constructions all present in his at present, this picture made Ye Qingyu feel mind entirely Zhen again. 眼前的虚影沙盘铺满了整个石桌,密密麻麻的山川地势和城镇风貌星罗棋布,而硕大宏伟的雪京城在沙盘上宛如一粒芝麻大小。如此完整清晰地天荒界域地形和所有的城镇建筑悉数呈现在他的眼前,这景象再一次令叶青羽感到心神俱震。 Has not thought that Heaven Wasteland Domain as extremely young domain, really has such complex pattern and topography shape......” “没想到,天荒界作为一个极其年轻的界域,竟然有这么复杂的格局和地势形态……” Ye Qingyu carefully examines some quite important mansion palace, he remembers for one year ago on Snow Capital sand table, several by the place that layer on layer rune formation protects, is only a piece by piece shadow. 叶青羽又仔细查看起一些较为重要的府邸宫殿,他记得一年前雪京沙盘上,还有好几处被重重符文阵法防护起来的地方,只是一片片暗影。 I remember that Stone Hou has said that this universe chart projects according to the ability of control, ability Cultivation Base is higher, the topography landform is more careful clearly......” “我记得石猴说过,这乾坤图是根据操控者的能力来投影,能力修为越高,地势地貌越细致清晰……” His vision walks randomly rapidly, inspects the entire universe chart. 他目光急速游走,检视整个乾坤图。 Snow Country palace...... 雪国宫殿…… Pass Lord residence...... 关主府…… Clear water Montenegro Barbarian Race shrine...... 白水黑山蛮族神坛…… Ye Qingyu shows the look that is delighted beyond measure gradually. 叶青羽逐渐露出喜不自胜的神色。 More and more imperial palace restricted areas, sit a place with the master, clearly appeared on the sand table. Several places, such as four big Alien race Demon Court, some remote mountain Oi-gawa deep places, resemble have any mysterious place, the present universe chart is unable to see clearly thoroughly, these place are by the shadow that ancient times rune formation covers, resembling is a black gauze account, covered in the zone. 越来越多的禁宫禁地,和高手坐阵的地方,都清晰地出现在了沙盘上。只有几处地方,如四大异族妖庭,还有一些深山大川深处,似是有什么神秘地方,如今的乾坤图无法彻底洞察,这些地方似是都被上古符文阵法所笼罩的暗影,似是一层黑色的纱帐,覆盖在了区域上空。 Well?” “咦?” Among line of sight circulations. 视线流转之间。 The Ye Qingyu vision falls on the Deer City region suddenly. 叶青羽的目光突然落在鹿鸣郡城区域。 Sends to the efflorescence, over the face red light old man pant to run toward a slightly messy and dirty alley. 一个发须霜白,满面红光的老者正气喘吁吁朝着一条略显脏乱的小巷跑去。 Grandfather, you slowly.” The old men behind a juicy delicate young girl hold medicine kit to follow. “爷爷,你慢一点。”老者身后一个水灵秀气的少女抱着一个药箱子紧随其后。 Qingqing, you a bit faster, Liu Aunt and other half of the day......” old man have wiped perspiration, gasps for breath while is shouting toward behind young female. 青青,你快点,柳大娘等半天了……”老者抹了一把汗,一边喘气一边朝着身后的妙龄女子喊着。 Street end. 街道尽头。 A wear ash-gray homespun cloth long skirt, binds the middle-aged woman of green kerchief to be anxious in all directions is looking around. 一个穿着灰色粗布长裙,裹着青色头巾的中年妇女正焦急得四处张望着。 Suddenly she at present one bright, look is suddenly excited, Doctor Li, you come to see Qu Er quickly!” 突然她眼前一亮,神色顿然激动起来,“李大夫,你快来看看曲儿!” Clone that among the intentions, Ye Qingyu wisp of Divine Sense changes to stands on corridor of alley. 心念之间,叶青羽的一缕神识化作的分身站在小巷的甬道上。 He looks that toward two person's shadows that the street end goes far away gradually, the corners of the mouth raise a happy expression slightly. 他看着朝街道尽头渐渐远去的两个人影,嘴角微微扬起一丝笑意。 Immediately Ye Qingyu starts to observe in all directions. 随即叶青羽开始四处观察。 He discovered astonishedly, at this time at present on all buildings, streets and even street the boof of all speaking voice, sound of footsteps and distant place communication pedestrian...... All sound/noise and pictures all present in his true body mind. 他惊异地发现,此时眼前所有的建筑、街道乃至街道上来往行人的所有说话声、脚步声和远处的狗吠声……所有的声音和画面都悉数呈现在他真身的脑海之中。 Moreover, his Clone empty shade stands on the street at this time, looks the picture that at present all has, as if really stands on the street in Deer City, experiences personally general. 不仅如此,此时他的分身虚影站在街道上,看着眼前所有真实存在的画面,仿佛真的就站在鹿鸣郡城之中的街道上,身临其境一般。 „Is this then the true might of universe chart Stone Hou said? Can swallow the volume world, even if broad, can all the true meaning of info clerk?” Ye Qingyu acclaimed, at once he has realized anything suddenly, the pupil shrank suddenly: Also in this split second, the universe chart unexpectedly can monitor the world......” “这便是石猴所说的乾坤图的真正威力吗?可以吞卷天下,即便是一界之宽阔,也能悉数收纳的真正意思?”叶青羽不禁赞叹,旋即他突然意识到了什么,瞳孔骤缩:“也就是在这一瞬间,乾坤图竟然可以监视天下……” This function, is really...... Too fearful. 这个功能,实在是……太可怕了。 The strategic significance of universe chart, simply is unthinkable. 乾坤图的战略意义,简直就是匪夷所思。 In this flash, Ye Qingyu as if suddenly understood, why that war-god can create that many great achievements in the past, even sweeps entire Heaven Wasteland Domain, is built on domain the emperor status in millennium perfection Human Race at one fell swoop \; Why is also can many years suppress the major Alien race influences steadily, lets all or the hidden place and even is other domain masters is extremely panic at the news in public...... 就在这一霎那,叶青羽仿佛突然明白了,为什么当年那位战神可以创造那么多丰功伟绩,甚至扫荡整个天荒界,一举将人族立于界域之中的千年不败的皇者地位\;又是为什么可以多少年来一直稳稳镇压各大异族势力,让所有明处或暗处乃至是其他界域的绝顶高手都闻风丧胆…… Peerless expert of martial arts world, solely depends upon Battle Strength indeed to suppress countless people, but wants to command domain, making all Alien race submit, again world-wide Unparalleled Cultivation Base, Battle Strength and strategy are also insufficient. 一个武道世界的绝世强者,仅仅依靠战力的确可以镇压无数人,但想要统领一个界域,让所有的异族臣服,再举世无双修为战力和谋略也还是不够的。 However obviously that peerless war-god, simultaneously had this difference in years past. 然而显然昔年那位绝世战神,同时都拥有这两样。 This can see clearly the world all things at any time the universe chart, in addition in this temple the might may shake the Sun and Moon Bright God sword, this means that in the past that peerless bone-chilling cold peak war-god, in the hand was grasping this in society sharpest long sword and firmest shield. 这幅可以随时洞察天下万事万物的乾坤图,加上这神殿之中威力可撼日月光明神剑,这意味着当年那个绝世凛冽的巅峰战神,手中握着这世间最为锋利的长剑与最为坚固的盾牌。 Do the Heaven and Earth myriad things, how dare refuse to accept? 天地万物,怎敢不服? The terror function of this universe chart keeps Ye Qingyu for a very long time from extricating oneself. 这乾坤图的恐怖作用让叶青羽久久无法自拔。 In this sudden enlightenment a deeper deep meaning is multiplying in his mind quietly, reaches in his cardiopulmonary dantian as well as all the limbs and bones just like the tentacle generally. 这番顿悟之中更深的奥义正在他的脑海之中悄然滋生,宛如触手一般伸向他心肺丹田以及四肢百骸之中。 At this moment 就在这时 A strange fluctuation transmits from the sand table southernmost waters direction. 一阵奇异的波动自沙盘最南端的水域方向传来。 This fluctuation makes being lost in thought Ye Qingyu awaken suddenly, he instantly branches out wisp of Divine Sense to pour into hurricane wave Demon Court of shore of South China Sea. 这股波动让陷入沉思的叶青羽陡然惊醒,他即刻分出一缕神识注入到了南海之滨的飓浪妖庭中。 ...... …… Sky over hurricane wave Demon Court sea area. 飓浪妖庭海域上空。 In the sky of overcast sky, several electric lights rush among the heavy clouds, vertical chops in the entering the sea truth kilometer. 阴云密布的天空之中,几道电光自厚重的云间一路奔下,垂直劈入海底数千米之中。 Bang bang bang! 嘭嘭嘭! The water surface exudes the explosive sound one after another, was divided in Ocean to look like by electric light suddenly is invested a giant sea mine, suddenly the mist transpiration, the sea water is similar to is boiled to leap the billowing heat wave and water vapor instantaneously generally. 水面接连发出爆炸声,被电光劈中的汪洋之中突然像被投入了一颗巨型水雷,一时间水雾蒸腾,海水如同被瞬间煮沸一般腾起滚滚热浪和水汽。 The thunderclap that bang makes noise seems the innumerable iron balls back and forth rolls on the sheet iron. 轰隆作响的雷声仿佛是无数个铁球在铁板上来回滚动。 But in the seabed innumerable Aquatic Creatures are tumbling in the difficult situation, the great wolves of shooting up to the sky pat maliciously, various schools of fish and benthos were patted by the tide gush out the water surface, shortly will change to the powder. 而海底之中无数的水族生灵正在惊涛骇浪之中翻滚,一道道冲天而起的巨狼狠狠拍下,各种鱼群和海底生物都被浪潮拍得涌出水面,顷刻之间化作粉末。 Seabed deep place. 海底深处。 The Aquatic Race army who water Demon Race of several thousand varying degrees disassimilations composes is going on patrol in Ocean. 一只数万只不同程度异化的水妖族组成的水族大军正在汪洋之中巡逻。 Most water monster living thing in army had the preliminary human form appearance, but the characteristics of some water monster living thing have not removed as before completely. 大军之中的多数水妖生物都已经有初步的人形面貌,只是依旧还有一些水妖生物的特征尚未完全褪去。 Some carry on the back also has hardly such as punctures the fish fin, some whole body are covering a likely armor common scale, nearby some both feets also several true body tentacles, but also in some top of the heads is staring at one smoothly like is the hat fish shell...... 有的背上还有坚硬如刺得鱼鳍,有的全身上下都覆盖着一层像铠甲一般的鳞片,有的双足附近还有几只真身触手,还有的头顶上盯着一层光滑的像是帽子一样的鱼壳…… ----------- ----------- Today first. 今天第一更。 Ha Ha, I can guarantee, these days public micro letter content, absolutely not dirty...... Should be this. 哈哈,我敢保证,这几天的公众微信内容,绝对不污了……应该是这样吧。 Later the daily renewal showed that will send in the public micro letter, everybody poked there to know every day the refresh time section. 以后每天的更新说明,都会在公众微信上发出来,大家戳那里就可以知道每日更新时间段了。
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